The situations in these tests were discovered by running the mutating dexfuzz on the DEX files of fuzzingly random generated Java test. (A) b/28908555: soft verification failure (on the final field modification) should not hide the hard verification failure (on the type mismatch) to avoid compiler crash later on (B) b/29070461: hard verification failure (not calling super in constructor) should bail immediately and not allow soft verification failures to pile up behind it to avoid fatal message later on (C) b/29068831: access validation on field should occur prior to null reference check (D) b/29126870: soft verification failure (cannot access) should not hide the hard verification failure (non-reference type) to avoid a compiler crash later on (E) b/29068831: access validation on method should occur prior to null reference check (F) b/29758098: new-instance of java.lang.Class should throw an IllegalAccessError to avoid interpreter crash on zero size object later