Lines Matching refs:animations
4 …animations for each of its child views. During the initial construction of the animations, the lay…
6 Once the animations are built, the controller can access **PhysicsPropertyAnimator** instances to r…
10 …animations to be chained (for the ‘following’ drag effect), and has methods such as ```moveStack(x…
13 … the layout while constructing the animations, and animation control methods, which are called to …
16 ![Diagram of how animations are configured using the controller's configuration methods.](physics-a…
20 … such as TRANSLATION_X and TRANSLATION_Y, for which the layout should construct physics animations.
23 … of the other animation. Otherwise, return NONE. This is used to chain animations together, so tha…
26 Value to add every time chained animations update the subsequent animation in the chain. For exampl…
29 … use for animations of the given property. This allows the controller to configure stiffness and b…
32 …er’s configuration properties to build the animations, the controller can use them to actually run…
44 …ich starts translationX and translationY animations, and calls the provided callbacks only when bo…
45 …animations are updated to follow the target, similarly to how they might follow a touch event loca…
52 …, with an optional end action to call when the animations for every property (including chained an…
64 This would use the physics animations constructed by the layout to spring the view to *(100, 200)* …
66 …extAnimationInChain``` method set up the first child’s TRANSLATION_X/Y animations to be chained to…
71 - Often, animations will set starting values for properties before the animation begins. Property m…
72 …`, where the endAction is called when both translationX and translationY animations have completed.
73 …animations on multiple child views, starting at the given index. The `ChildAnimationConfigurator` …
76 Spring the stack of bubbles (whose animations are chained) to the bottom of the screen, shrinking t…
104 …rently halfway down the left side of the screen). When the translation animations have finished fo…
120 … reconfigure the physics animations according to the new controller’s configuration methods, and h…
122 …animations. If a different controller is set as the active controller, the previous controller wil…