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4to configure and run physics-based animations for each of its child views. During the initial cons…
6 …ertyAnimator** instances to run them. The animator behaves similarly to the familiar `ViewProperty…
10to configure the translation animations to be chained (for the ‘following’ drag effect), and has m…
13 …imations, and animation control methods, which are called to initiate animations in response to ev…
23 …urn the index of the other animation. Otherwise, return NONE. This is used to chain animations tog…
26to add every time chained animations update the subsequent animation in the chain. For example, re…
29to use for animations of the given property. This allows the controller to configure stiffness and…
32to build the animations, the controller can use them to actually run animations. This is done for …
34 … can use `super.animationForChild` to retrieve a `PhysicsPropertyAnimator` instance. This object b…
43 well as shortcut methods to reduce the amount of boilerplate code needed for common use cases:
45to follow the target, similarly to how they might follow a touch event location. This results in t…
52 - `start(Runnable)`, to start the animation, with an optional end action to call when the animation…
64 This would use the physics animations constructed by the layout to spring the view to *(100, 200)* …
66 …Chain``` method set up the first child’s TRANSLATION_X/Y animations to be chained to the second ch…
69 The animator has additional functionality to reduce the amount of boilerplate required for typical …
71 …nX(from, to)`. When `start()` is called, the animation will set the view's translationX property t…
72to use different end actions for each property. For example, if we're animating a view to the bott…
73 …or` is called with a `PhysicsPropertyAnimator` for each child, where calls to methods like `transl…
76 … the stack of bubbles (whose animations are chained) to the bottom of the screen, shrinking them t…
86 'Drop in' a child view that was just added to the layout:
90 .scaleX(1.15f /* from */, 1f /* to */)
91 .scaleY(1.15f /* from */, 1f /* to */)
92 .alpha(0f /* from */, 1f /* to */)
97 Move every view except for the first to x = (index - 1) * 50, then remove the first view.
104 Move a view up along the left side of the screen, and then to the top right of the screen (assume a…
120 …oller for the layout. This causes the layout to construct or reconfigure the physics animations ac…
122to start animations. If a different controller is set as the active controller, the previous contr…