# ART Testing There are two suites of tests in the Android Runtime (ART): * _ART run-tests_: Tests of the ART runtime using Dex bytecode (mostly written in Java). * _ART gtests_: C++ tests exercising various aspects of ART. ## ART run-tests ART run-tests are tests exercising the runtime using Dex bytecode. They are written in Java and/or [Smali](https://github.com/JesusFreke/smali) (compiled/assembled as Dex bytecode) and sometimes native code (written as C/C++ testing libraries). Some tests also make use of the [Jasmin](http://jasmin.sourceforge.net/) assembler or the [ASM](https://asm.ow2.io/) bytecode manipulation tool. Run-tests are executed on the ART runtime (`dalvikvm`), possibly preceded by a pre-optimization of the Dex code (using `dex2oat`). The run-tests are identified by directories in this `test` directory, named with a numeric prefix and containing an `info.txt` file. For most run tests, the sources are in the `src` subdirectory. Sources found in the `src2` directory are compiled separately but to the same output directory; this can be used to exercise "API mismatch" situations by replacing class files created in the first pass. The `src-ex` directory is built separately, and is intended for exercising class loaders. Resources can be stored in the `res` directory, which is distributed together with the executable files. The run-tests logic lives in the `test/run-test` Bash script. The execution of a run-test has three main parts: building the test, running the test, and checking the test's output. By default, these three steps are implemented by three Bash scripts located in the `test/etc` directory (`default-build`, `default-run`, and `default-check`). These scripts rely on environment variables set by `test/run-test`. The default logic for all of these these steps (build, run, check) is overridden if the test's directory contains a Bash script named after the step (i.e. `build`, `run`, or `check`). Note that the default logic of the "run" step is actually implemented in the "JAR runner" (`test/etc/run-test-jar`), invoked by `test/etc/default-run`. After the execution of a run-test, the check step's default behavior (implemented in `test/etc/default-check`) is to compare its standard output with the contents of the `expected.txt` file contained in the test's directory; any mismatch triggers a test failure. The `test/run-test` script handles the execution of a single run-test in a given configuration. The Python script `test/testrunner/testrunner.py` is a convenient script handling the construction and execution of multiple tests in one configuration or more. To see the invocation options supported by `run-test` and `testrunner.py`, run these commands from the Android source top-level directory: ```sh art/test/run-test --help ``` ```sh art/test/testrunner/testrunner.py --help ``` ## ART gtests ART gtests are written in C++ using the [Google Test](https://github.com/google/googletest) framework. These tests exercise various aspects of the runtime (the logic in `libart`, `libart-compiler`, etc.) and its binaries (`dalvikvm`, `dex2oat`, `oatdump`, etc.). Some of them are used as unit tests to verify a particular construct in ART. These tests may depend on some test Dex files and core images. ART gtests are defined in various directories within the ART project (usually in the same directory as the code they exercise). Their source files usually end with the suffix `_test.cc`. The construction logic of these tests is implemented in ART's build system (`Android.bp` and `Android*.mk` files). On host, these gtests can be run by executing `m test-art-host-gtest`. On device, the recommended approach is to run these tests in a chroot environment (see `README.chroot.md` in this directory). # Test execution All tests in either suite can be run using the `art/test.py` script. Additionally, run-tests can be run individually. All of the tests can be run on the build host, on a USB-attached device, or using the build host "reference implementation". ART also supports running target (device) tests in a chroot environment (see `README.chroot.md` in this directory). This is currently the recommended way to run tests on target (rather than using `art/test.py --target`). To see command flags run: ```sh $ art/test.py -h ``` ## Running all tests on the build host ```sh $ art/test.py --host ``` ## Running all tests on the target device ```sh $ art/test.py --target ``` ## Running all gtests on the build host ```sh $ art/test.py --host -g ``` ## Running all gtests on the target device ```sh $ art/test.py --target -g ``` ## Running all run-tests on the build host ```sh $ art/test.py --host -r ``` ## Running all run-tests on the target device ```sh $ art/test.py --target -r ``` ## Running one run-test on the build host ```sh $ art/test.py --host -r -t 001-HelloWorld ``` ## Running one run-test on the target device ```sh $ art/test.py --target -r -t 001-HelloWorld ``` ## Running one gtest on the build host ```sh $ find out/host/ -type f -name art_runtime_tests # Find the path of the test. $ out/host/linux-x86/nativetest/art_runtime_tests/art_runtime_tests ``` Add "--no_isolate" to run the tests one by one in single process (disable forking). Add "--gtest_filter=..." to select specific sub-test(s) to run. Prefix by "gdb --args " to run the test in gdb. # ART Continuous Integration Both ART run-tests and gtests are run continuously as part of [ART's continuous integration](https://ci.chromium.org/p/art/g/luci/console). In addition, two other test suites are run continuously on this service: Libcore tests and JDWP tests.