#!/bin/bash # # Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. if [[ ${#@} != 1 ]] && [[ ${#@} != 2 ]]; then cat < [--use-first-dir] | xargs ... Extracts boot class path locations from and outputs the appropriate --runtime-arg -Xbootclasspath:... --runtime-arg -Xbootclasspath-locations:... arguments for many ART host tools based on the \$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT variable and existing \$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/apex/com.android.art* paths. If --use-first-dir is specified, the script will use the first apex dir instead of resulting in an error. EOF exit 1 fi IMAGE=$1 USE_FIRST_DIR=false if [[ $2 == "--use-first-dir" ]]; then USE_FIRST_DIR=true fi if [[ ! -e ${IMAGE} ]]; then IMAGE=${ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT}/$1 if [[ ! -e ${IMAGE} ]]; then echo "Neither $1 nor ${ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT}/$1 exists." exit 1 fi fi BCPL=`grep -az -A1 -E '^bootclasspath$' ${IMAGE} 2>/dev/null | \ xargs -0 echo | gawk '{print $2}'` if [[ "x${BCPL}" == "x" ]]; then echo "Failed to extract boot class path locations from $1." exit 1 fi MANIFEST=/apex_manifest.pb ART_APEX=/apex/com.android.art ART_APEX_SELECTED= for m in `ls -1 -d ${ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT}{,/system}${ART_APEX}*${MANIFEST} 2>/dev/null`; do d=${m:0:-${#MANIFEST}} if [[ "x${ART_APEX_SELECTED}" != "x" ]]; then if [[ $USE_FIRST_DIR == true ]]; then break fi echo "Multiple ART APEX dirs: ${ART_APEX_SELECTED}, ${d}." exit 1 fi ART_APEX_SELECTED=${d} done if [[ "x${ART_APEX_SELECTED}" == "x" ]]; then echo "No ART APEX dir." exit 1 fi BCP= OLD_IFS=${IFS} IFS=: for COMPONENT in ${BCPL}; do HEAD=${ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT} TAIL=${COMPONENT} if [[ ${COMPONENT:0:${#ART_APEX}} = ${ART_APEX} ]]; then HEAD=${ART_APEX_SELECTED} TAIL=${COMPONENT:${#ART_APEX}} fi if [[ ! -e $HEAD$TAIL ]]; then echo "File does not exist: $HEAD$TAIL" exit 1 fi BCP="${BCP}:${HEAD}${TAIL}" done IFS=${OLD_IFS} BCP=${BCP:1} # Strip leading ':'. echo --runtime-arg -Xbootclasspath:${BCP} \ --runtime-arg -Xbootclasspath-locations:${BCPL}