#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright 2018, The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # # Measure application start-up time by launching applications under various combinations. # See --help for more details. # # # Sample usage: # $> ./app_startup_runner.py -p com.google.android.calculator -r warm -r cold -lc 10 -o out.csv # $> ./analyze_metrics.py out.csv # # import argparse import csv import itertools import os import subprocess import sys import tempfile from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generic, Iterable, List, NamedTuple, TextIO, Tuple, TypeVar, Optional, Union # The following command line options participate in the combinatorial generation. # All other arguments have a global effect. _COMBINATORIAL_OPTIONS=['packages', 'readaheads', 'compiler_filters'] _TRACING_READAHEADS=['mlock', 'fadvise'] _FORWARD_OPTIONS={'loop_count': '--count'} _RUN_SCRIPT=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'run_app_with_prefetch') RunCommandArgs = NamedTuple('RunCommandArgs', [('package', str), ('readahead', str), ('compiler_filter', Optional[str])]) CollectorPackageInfo = NamedTuple('CollectorPackageInfo', [('package', str), ('compiler_filter', str)]) _COLLECTOR_SCRIPT=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'collector') _COLLECTOR_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER = 2 # take the regular --timeout and multiply by 2; systrace starts up slowly. _UNLOCK_SCREEN_SCRIPT=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'unlock_screen') # This must be the only mutable global variable. All other global variables are constants to avoid magic literals. _debug = False # See -d/--debug flag. _DEBUG_FORCE = None # Ignore -d/--debug if this is not none. # Type hinting names. T = TypeVar('T') NamedTupleMeta = Callable[..., T] # approximation of a (S : NamedTuple where S() == T) metatype. def parse_options(argv: List[str] = None): """Parse command line arguments and return an argparse Namespace object.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run one or more Android applications under various settings in order to measure startup time.") # argparse considers args starting with - and -- optional in --help, even though required=True. # by using a named argument group --help will clearly say that it's required instead of optional. required_named = parser.add_argument_group('required named arguments') required_named.add_argument('-p', '--package', action='append', dest='packages', help='package of the application', required=True) required_named.add_argument('-r', '--readahead', action='append', dest='readaheads', help='which readahead mode to use', choices=('warm', 'cold', 'mlock', 'fadvise'), required=True) # optional arguments # use a group here to get the required arguments to appear 'above' the optional arguments in help. optional_named = parser.add_argument_group('optional named arguments') optional_named.add_argument('-c', '--compiler-filter', action='append', dest='compiler_filters', help='which compiler filter to use. if omitted it does not enforce the app\'s compiler filter', choices=('speed', 'speed-profile', 'quicken')) optional_named.add_argument('-s', '--simulate', dest='simulate', action='store_true', help='Print which commands will run, but don\'t run the apps') optional_named.add_argument('-d', '--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true', help='Add extra debugging output') optional_named.add_argument('-o', '--output', dest='output', action='store', help='Write CSV output to file.') optional_named.add_argument('-t', '--timeout', dest='timeout', action='store', type=int, help='Timeout after this many seconds when executing a single run.') optional_named.add_argument('-lc', '--loop-count', dest='loop_count', default=1, type=int, action='store', help='How many times to loop a single run.') optional_named.add_argument('-in', '--inodes', dest='inodes', type=str, action='store', help='Path to inodes file (system/extras/pagecache/pagecache.py -d inodes)') return parser.parse_args(argv) # TODO: refactor this with a common library file with analyze_metrics.py def _debug_print(*args, **kwargs): """Print the args to sys.stderr if the --debug/-d flag was passed in.""" if _debug: print(*args, **kwargs, file=sys.stderr) def _expand_gen_repr(args): """Like repr but any generator-like object has its iterator consumed and then called repr on.""" new_args_list = [] for i in args: # detect iterable objects that do not have their own override of __str__ if hasattr(i, '__iter__'): to_str = getattr(i, '__str__') if to_str.__objclass__ == object: # the repr for a generator is just type+address, expand it out instead. new_args_list.append([_expand_gen_repr([j])[0] for j in i]) continue # normal case: uses the built-in to-string new_args_list.append(i) return new_args_list def _debug_print_gen(*args, **kwargs): """Like _debug_print but will turn any iterable args into a list.""" if not _debug: return new_args_list = _expand_gen_repr(args) _debug_print(*new_args_list, **kwargs) def _debug_print_nd(*args, **kwargs): """Like _debug_print but will turn any NamedTuple-type args into a string.""" if not _debug: return new_args_list = [] for i in args: if hasattr(i, '_field_types'): new_args_list.append("%s: %s" %(i.__name__, i._field_types)) else: new_args_list.append(i) _debug_print(*new_args_list, **kwargs) def dict_lookup_any_key(dictionary: dict, *keys: List[Any]): for k in keys: if k in dictionary: return dictionary[k] raise KeyError("None of the keys %s were in the dictionary" %(keys)) def generate_run_combinations(named_tuple: NamedTupleMeta[T], opts_dict: Dict[str, List[Optional[str]]])\ -> Iterable[T]: """ Create all possible combinations given the values in opts_dict[named_tuple._fields]. :type T: type annotation for the named_tuple type. :param named_tuple: named tuple type, whose fields are used to make combinations for :param opts_dict: dictionary of keys to value list. keys correspond to the named_tuple fields. :return: an iterable over named_tuple instances. """ combinations_list = [] for k in named_tuple._fields: # the key can be either singular or plural , e.g. 'package' or 'packages' val = dict_lookup_any_key(opts_dict, k, k + "s") # treat {'x': None} key value pairs as if it was [None] # otherwise itertools.product throws an exception about not being able to iterate None. combinations_list.append(val or [None]) _debug_print("opts_dict: ", opts_dict) _debug_print_nd("named_tuple: ", named_tuple) _debug_print("combinations_list: ", combinations_list) for combo in itertools.product(*combinations_list): yield named_tuple(*combo) def key_to_cmdline_flag(key: str) -> str: """Convert key into a command line flag, e.g. 'foo-bars' -> '--foo-bar' """ if key.endswith("s"): key = key[:-1] return "--" + key.replace("_", "-") def as_run_command(tpl: NamedTuple) -> List[Union[str, Any]]: """ Convert a named tuple into a command-line compatible arguments list. Example: ABC(1, 2, 3) -> ['--a', 1, '--b', 2, '--c', 3] """ args = [] for key, value in tpl._asdict().items(): if value is None: continue args.append(key_to_cmdline_flag(key)) args.append(value) return args def generate_group_run_combinations(run_combinations: Iterable[NamedTuple], dst_nt: NamedTupleMeta[T])\ -> Iterable[Tuple[T, Iterable[NamedTuple]]]: def group_by_keys(src_nt): src_d = src_nt._asdict() # now remove the keys that aren't legal in dst. for illegal_key in set(src_d.keys()) - set(dst_nt._fields): if illegal_key in src_d: del src_d[illegal_key] return dst_nt(**src_d) for args_list_it in itertools.groupby(run_combinations, group_by_keys): (group_key_value, args_it) = args_list_it yield (group_key_value, args_it) def parse_run_script_csv_file(csv_file: TextIO) -> List[int]: """Parse a CSV file full of integers into a flat int list.""" csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file) arr = [] for row in csv_reader: for i in row: if i: arr.append(int(i)) return arr def make_script_command_with_temp_output(script: str, args: List[str], **kwargs)\ -> Tuple[str, TextIO]: """ Create a command to run a script given the args. Appends --count --output . Returns a tuple (cmd, tmp_file) """ tmp_output_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='r') cmd = [script] + args for key, value in kwargs.items(): cmd += ['--%s' %(key), "%s" %(value)] if _debug: cmd += ['--verbose'] cmd = cmd + ["--output", tmp_output_file.name] return cmd, tmp_output_file def execute_arbitrary_command(cmd: List[str], simulate: bool, timeout: int) -> Tuple[bool, str]: if simulate: print(" ".join(cmd)) return (True, "") else: _debug_print("[EXECUTE]", cmd) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) try: script_output = proc.communicate(timeout=timeout)[0] except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: print("[TIMEDOUT]") proc.kill() script_output = proc.communicate()[0] _debug_print("[STDOUT]", script_output) return_code = proc.wait() passed = (return_code == 0) _debug_print("[$?]", return_code) if not passed: print("[FAILED, code:%s]" %(return_code), script_output, file=sys.stderr) return (passed, script_output) def execute_run_combos(grouped_run_combos: Iterable[Tuple[CollectorPackageInfo, Iterable[RunCommandArgs]]], simulate: bool, inodes_path: str, timeout: int, loop_count: int, need_trace: bool): # nothing will work if the screen isn't unlocked first. execute_arbitrary_command([_UNLOCK_SCREEN_SCRIPT], simulate, timeout) for collector_info, run_combos in grouped_run_combos: #collector_args = ["--package", package_name] collector_args = as_run_command(collector_info) # TODO: forward --wait_time for how long systrace runs? # TODO: forward --trace_buffer_size for size of systrace buffer size? collector_cmd, collector_tmp_output_file = make_script_command_with_temp_output(_COLLECTOR_SCRIPT, collector_args, inodes=inodes_path) with collector_tmp_output_file: collector_passed = True if need_trace: collector_timeout = timeout and _COLLECTOR_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER * timeout (collector_passed, collector_script_output) = execute_arbitrary_command(collector_cmd, simulate, collector_timeout) # TODO: consider to print a ; collector wrote file to <...> into the CSV file so we know it was ran. for combos in run_combos: args = as_run_command(combos) cmd, tmp_output_file = make_script_command_with_temp_output(_RUN_SCRIPT, args, count=loop_count, input=collector_tmp_output_file.name) with tmp_output_file: (passed, script_output) = execute_arbitrary_command(cmd, simulate, timeout) parsed_output = simulate and [1,2,3] or parse_run_script_csv_file(tmp_output_file) yield (passed, script_output, parsed_output) def gather_results(commands: Iterable[Tuple[bool, str, List[int]]], key_list: List[str], value_list: List[Tuple[str, ...]]): _debug_print("gather_results: key_list = ", key_list) yield key_list + ["time(ms)"] stringify_none = lambda s: s is None and "" or s for ((passed, script_output, run_result_list), values) in itertools.zip_longest(commands, value_list): if not passed: continue for result in run_result_list: yield [stringify_none(i) for i in values] + [result] yield ["; avg(%s), min(%s), max(%s), count(%s)" %(sum(run_result_list, 0.0) / len(run_result_list), min(run_result_list), max(run_result_list), len(run_result_list)) ] def eval_and_save_to_csv(output, annotated_result_values): csv_writer = csv.writer(output) for row in annotated_result_values: csv_writer.writerow(row) output.flush() # see the output live. def main(): global _debug opts = parse_options() _debug = opts.debug if _DEBUG_FORCE is not None: _debug = _DEBUG_FORCE _debug_print("parsed options: ", opts) need_trace = not not set(opts.readaheads).intersection(set(_TRACING_READAHEADS)) if need_trace and not opts.inodes: print("Error: Missing -in/--inodes, required when using a readahead of %s" %(_TRACING_READAHEADS), file=sys.stderr) return 1 output_file = opts.output and open(opts.output, 'w') or sys.stdout combos = lambda: generate_run_combinations(RunCommandArgs, vars(opts)) _debug_print_gen("run combinations: ", combos()) grouped_combos = lambda: generate_group_run_combinations(combos(), CollectorPackageInfo) _debug_print_gen("grouped run combinations: ", grouped_combos()) exec = execute_run_combos(grouped_combos(), opts.simulate, opts.inodes, opts.timeout, opts.loop_count, need_trace) results = gather_results(exec, _COMBINATORIAL_OPTIONS, combos()) eval_and_save_to_csv(output_file, results) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())