/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "contexthub_hidl_hal_test" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using ::android::hardware::Return; using ::android::hardware::Void; using ::android::hardware::hidl_string; using ::android::hardware::hidl_vec; using ::android::hardware::contexthub::V1_0::AsyncEventType; using ::android::hardware::contexthub::V1_0::ContextHub; using ::android::hardware::contexthub::V1_0::ContextHubMsg; using ::android::hardware::contexthub::V1_0::HubAppInfo; using ::android::hardware::contexthub::V1_0::IContexthub; using ::android::hardware::contexthub::V1_0::IContexthubCallback; using ::android::hardware::contexthub::V1_0::NanoAppBinary; using ::android::hardware::contexthub::V1_0::Result; using ::android::hardware::contexthub::V1_0::TransactionResult; using ::android::sp; #define ASSERT_OK(result) ASSERT_EQ(result, Result::OK) #define EXPECT_OK(result) EXPECT_EQ(result, Result::OK) namespace { // App ID with vendor "GoogT" (Google Testing), app identifier 0x555555. This // app ID is reserved and must never appear in the list of loaded apps. constexpr uint64_t kNonExistentAppId = 0x476f6f6754555555; // Helper that does explicit conversion of an enum class to its underlying/base // type. Useful for stream output of enum values. template constexpr typename std::underlying_type::type asBaseType( EnumType value) { return static_cast::type>(value); } // Synchronously queries IContexthub::getHubs() and returns the result hidl_vec getHubsSync(sp hubApi) { hidl_vec hubList; std::promise barrier; hubApi->getHubs([&hubList, &barrier](const hidl_vec& hubs) { hubList = hubs; barrier.set_value(); }); barrier.get_future().wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); return hubList; } // Gets a list of valid hub IDs in the system std::vector getHubIds(const std::string& service_name) { std::vector hubIds; sp hubApi = IContexthub::getService(service_name); if (hubApi != nullptr) { for (const ContextHub& hub : getHubsSync(hubApi)) { hubIds.push_back(std::to_string(hub.hubId)); } } ALOGD("Running tests against all %zu reported hubs for service %s", hubIds.size(), service_name.c_str()); return hubIds; } // Test fixture parameterized by hub ID, initializes the HAL and makes the context hub API handle // available. class ContexthubHidlTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam> { public: virtual void SetUp() override { hubApi = IContexthub::getService(std::get<0>(GetParam())); ASSERT_NE(hubApi, nullptr); // getHubs() must be called at least once for proper initialization of the // HAL implementation getHubsSync(hubApi); } uint32_t getHubId() { return std::stoi(std::get<1>(GetParam())); } Result registerCallback(sp cb) { Result result = hubApi->registerCallback(getHubId(), cb); ALOGD("Registered callback, result %" PRIu32, result); return result; } sp hubApi; }; // Base callback implementation that just logs all callbacks by default class ContexthubCallbackBase : public IContexthubCallback { public: virtual Return handleClientMsg(const ContextHubMsg& /*msg*/) override { ALOGD("Got client message callback"); return Void(); } virtual Return handleTxnResult( uint32_t txnId, TransactionResult result) override { ALOGD("Got transaction result callback for txnId %" PRIu32 " with result %" PRId32, txnId, result); return Void(); } virtual Return handleHubEvent(AsyncEventType evt) override { ALOGD("Got hub event callback for event type %" PRIu32, evt); return Void(); } virtual Return handleAppAbort(uint64_t appId, uint32_t abortCode) override { ALOGD("Got app abort notification for appId 0x%" PRIx64 " with abort code " "0x%" PRIx32, appId, abortCode); return Void(); } virtual Return handleAppsInfo(const hidl_vec& /*appInfo*/) override { ALOGD("Got app info callback"); return Void(); } }; // Wait for a callback to occur (signaled by the given future) up to the // provided timeout. If the future is invalid or the callback does not come // within the given time, returns false. template bool waitForCallback( std::future future, ReturnType *result, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout = std::chrono::seconds(5)) { auto expiration = std::chrono::system_clock::now() + timeout; EXPECT_NE(result, nullptr); EXPECT_TRUE(future.valid()); if (result != nullptr && future.valid()) { std::future_status status = future.wait_until(expiration); EXPECT_NE(status, std::future_status::timeout) << "Timed out waiting for callback"; if (status == std::future_status::ready) { *result = future.get(); return true; } } return false; } // Ensures that the metadata reported in getHubs() is sane TEST_P(ContexthubHidlTest, TestGetHubs) { hidl_vec hubs = getHubsSync(hubApi); ALOGD("System reports %zu hubs", hubs.size()); for (const ContextHub& hub : hubs) { ALOGD("Checking hub ID %" PRIu32, hub.hubId); EXPECT_FALSE(hub.name.empty()); EXPECT_FALSE(hub.vendor.empty()); EXPECT_FALSE(hub.toolchain.empty()); EXPECT_GT(hub.peakMips, 0); EXPECT_GE(hub.stoppedPowerDrawMw, 0); EXPECT_GE(hub.sleepPowerDrawMw, 0); EXPECT_GT(hub.peakPowerDrawMw, 0); // Minimum 128 byte MTU as required by CHRE API v1.0 EXPECT_GE(hub.maxSupportedMsgLen, UINT32_C(128)); } } TEST_P(ContexthubHidlTest, TestRegisterCallback) { ALOGD("TestRegisterCallback called, hubId %" PRIu32, getHubId()); ASSERT_OK(registerCallback(new ContexthubCallbackBase())); } TEST_P(ContexthubHidlTest, TestRegisterNullCallback) { ALOGD("TestRegisterNullCallback called, hubId %" PRIu32, getHubId()); ASSERT_OK(registerCallback(nullptr)); } // Helper callback that puts the async appInfo callback data into a promise class QueryAppsCallback : public ContexthubCallbackBase { public: virtual Return handleAppsInfo(const hidl_vec& appInfo) override { ALOGD("Got app info callback with %zu apps", appInfo.size()); promise.set_value(appInfo); return Void(); } std::promise> promise; }; // Calls queryApps() and checks the returned metadata TEST_P(ContexthubHidlTest, TestQueryApps) { ALOGD("TestQueryApps called, hubId %u", getHubId()); sp cb = new QueryAppsCallback(); ASSERT_OK(registerCallback(cb)); Result result = hubApi->queryApps(getHubId()); ASSERT_OK(result); ALOGD("Waiting for app info callback"); hidl_vec appList; ASSERT_TRUE(waitForCallback(cb->promise.get_future(), &appList)); for (const HubAppInfo &appInfo : appList) { EXPECT_NE(appInfo.appId, UINT64_C(0)); EXPECT_NE(appInfo.appId, kNonExistentAppId); } } // Helper callback that puts the TransactionResult for the expectedTxnId into a // promise class TxnResultCallback : public ContexthubCallbackBase { public: virtual Return handleTxnResult( uint32_t txnId, TransactionResult result) override { ALOGD("Got transaction result callback for txnId %" PRIu32 " (expecting %" PRIu32 ") with result %" PRId32, txnId, expectedTxnId, result); if (txnId == expectedTxnId) { promise.set_value(result); } return Void(); } uint32_t expectedTxnId = 0; std::promise promise; }; // Parameterized fixture that sets the callback to TxnResultCallback class ContexthubTxnTest : public ContexthubHidlTest { public: virtual void SetUp() override { ContexthubHidlTest::SetUp(); ASSERT_OK(registerCallback(cb)); } sp cb = new TxnResultCallback(); }; // Checks cases where the hub implementation is expected to return an error, but // that error can be returned either synchronously or in the asynchronous // transaction callback. Returns an AssertionResult that can be used in // ASSERT/EXPECT_TRUE. Allows checking the sync result against 1 additional // allowed error code apart from OK and TRANSACTION_FAILED, which are always // allowed. ::testing::AssertionResult checkFailureSyncOrAsync( Result result, Result allowedSyncResult, std::future&& future) { if (result == Result::OK) { // No error reported synchronously - this is OK, but then we should get an // async callback with a failure status TransactionResult asyncResult; if (!waitForCallback(std::forward>(future), &asyncResult)) { return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << "Got successful sync result, then failed to receive async cb"; } else if (asyncResult == TransactionResult::SUCCESS) { return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << "Got successful sync result, then unexpected successful async " "result"; } } else if (result != allowedSyncResult && result != Result::TRANSACTION_FAILED) { return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << "Got sync result " << asBaseType(result) << ", expected TRANSACTION_FAILED or " << asBaseType(allowedSyncResult); } return ::testing::AssertionSuccess(); } TEST_P(ContexthubTxnTest, TestSendMessageToNonExistentNanoApp) { ContextHubMsg msg; msg.appName = kNonExistentAppId; msg.msgType = 1; msg.msg.resize(4); std::fill(msg.msg.begin(), msg.msg.end(), 0); ALOGD("Sending message to non-existent nanoapp"); Result result = hubApi->sendMessageToHub(getHubId(), msg); if (result != Result::OK && result != Result::BAD_PARAMS && result != Result::TRANSACTION_FAILED) { FAIL() << "Got result " << asBaseType(result) << ", expected OK, BAD_PARAMS" << ", or TRANSACTION_FAILED"; } } TEST_P(ContexthubTxnTest, TestLoadEmptyNanoApp) { cb->expectedTxnId = 0123; NanoAppBinary emptyApp; emptyApp.appId = kNonExistentAppId; emptyApp.appVersion = 1; emptyApp.flags = 0; emptyApp.targetChreApiMajorVersion = 1; emptyApp.targetChreApiMinorVersion = 0; ALOGD("Loading empty nanoapp"); Result result = hubApi->loadNanoApp(getHubId(), emptyApp, cb->expectedTxnId); EXPECT_TRUE(checkFailureSyncOrAsync(result, Result::BAD_PARAMS, cb->promise.get_future())); } TEST_P(ContexthubTxnTest, TestUnloadNonexistentNanoApp) { cb->expectedTxnId = 1234; ALOGD("Unloading nonexistent nanoapp"); Result result = hubApi->unloadNanoApp(getHubId(), kNonExistentAppId, cb->expectedTxnId); EXPECT_TRUE(checkFailureSyncOrAsync(result, Result::BAD_PARAMS, cb->promise.get_future())); } TEST_P(ContexthubTxnTest, TestEnableNonexistentNanoApp) { cb->expectedTxnId = 2345; ALOGD("Enabling nonexistent nanoapp"); Result result = hubApi->enableNanoApp(getHubId(), kNonExistentAppId, cb->expectedTxnId); EXPECT_TRUE(checkFailureSyncOrAsync(result, Result::BAD_PARAMS, cb->promise.get_future())); } TEST_P(ContexthubTxnTest, TestDisableNonexistentNanoApp) { cb->expectedTxnId = 3456; ALOGD("Disabling nonexistent nanoapp"); Result result = hubApi->disableNanoApp(getHubId(), kNonExistentAppId, cb->expectedTxnId); EXPECT_TRUE(checkFailureSyncOrAsync(result, Result::BAD_PARAMS, cb->promise.get_future())); } // Return the test parameters of a vecter of tuples for all IContexthub services and each of its hub // id: static std::vector> get_parameters() { std::vector> parameters; std::vector service_names = android::hardware::getAllHalInstanceNames(IContexthub::descriptor); for (const std::string& service_name : service_names) { std::vector ids = getHubIds(service_name); for (const std::string& id : ids) { parameters.push_back(std::make_tuple(service_name, id)); } } return parameters; } static std::vector> kTestParameters = get_parameters(); INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(HubIdSpecificTests, ContexthubHidlTest, testing::ValuesIn(kTestParameters), android::hardware::PrintInstanceTupleNameToString<>); INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(HubIdSpecificTests, ContexthubTxnTest, testing::ValuesIn(kTestParameters), android::hardware::PrintInstanceTupleNameToString<>); } // anonymous namespace