/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2018, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted (subject to the limitations in the * disclaimer below) provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * ' * NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED LICENSES TO ANY PARTY'S PATENT RIGHTS ARE * GRANTED BY THIS LICENSE. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE * GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ /* * You probably want to * * ## ##### ##### * # # # # # # * # # # # # # * ###### # # # # * # # # # # # * # # ##### ##### * * * # # #### ##### ###### #### * ## # # # # # # # * # # # # # # # ##### #### * # # # # # # # # # * # ## # # # # # # # * # # #### ##### ###### #### * * * ## ##### * # # # * # # # * ###### # * # # # * # # # * * * ##### # # ###### * # # # # * # ###### ##### * # # # # * # # # # * # # # ###### * * * ###### # # ##### * # ## # # # * ##### # # # # # * # # # # # # * # # ## # # * ###### # # ##### * * otherwise the interface becomes incompatible. */ /** * This file comes from: * https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/hexagon_nn/nnlib/tree/interface/ops.def */ DEF_OP(INPUT) DEF_OP(OUTPUT) DEF_OP(Nop) DEF_OP(Const) DEF_OP(Check) DEF_OP(Close_f) DEF_OP(Close_quint8) DEF_OP(Close_q_quint8) DEF_OP(Close_int32) DEF_OP(Close_qint32) DEF_OP(PPrint_8) DEF_OP(PPrint_32) DEF_OP(PPrint_f) DEF_OP(PreFree) DEF_OP(Flatten) #ifndef DEF_OP_WREF #define DEF_OP_WREF(NAME) DEF_OP(NAME) DEF_OP(NAME##_ref) #define __SELF_DEF_OP_WREF #endif DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedConv2d_8x8to32) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedMatMul_8x8to32) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizeDownAndShrinkRange_32to8) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedRelu_8) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedReluX_8) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedMaxPool_8) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedAvgPool_8) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedL2Pool_8) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedConcat_8) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedBiasAdd_8p8to32) DEF_OP_WREF(Min_f) DEF_OP_WREF(Max_f) DEF_OP_WREF(Quantize) DEF_OP_WREF(Dequantize) DEF_OP_WREF(Supernode_8x8p8to8) DEF_OP(QuantizedFlatten) DEF_OP(Softmax_f) DEF_OP(Conv2d_f) DEF_OP(MatMul_f) DEF_OP(Relu_f) DEF_OP(ReluX_f) DEF_OP(AvgPool_f) DEF_OP(L2Pool_f) DEF_OP(MaxPool_f) DEF_OP(Concat_f) DEF_OP(BiasAdd_f) DEF_OP(LRN_f) DEF_OP(Variable) DEF_OP(Assign) DEF_OP(Reshape) DEF_OP(QuantizedReshape) DEF_OP(Tanh_f) DEF_OP(Sigmoid_f) DEF_OP(Slice_8) DEF_OP(Slice_f) DEF_OP(QuantizedSlice_8) DEF_OP(Add_f) DEF_OP(Mul_f) DEF_OP(Minimum_f) DEF_OP(Maximum_f) DEF_OP_WREF(Requantize_32to8) DEF_OP_WREF(RequantizationRange_32) DEF_OP(Neg_f) DEF_OP(Sub_f) DEF_OP(AddN_f) DEF_OP(Range_int32) DEF_OP(Rank_int32) DEF_OP(Transpose_int32) DEF_OP(Transpose_f) DEF_OP(InstanceNorm_f) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedInstanceNorm_8) DEF_OP(Sub_int32) DEF_OP(Add_int32) DEF_OP(Split_f) DEF_OP(Dequantize_qint32_f) DEF_OP(PRelu_f) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedPRelu_8) DEF_OP(Sum_f) DEF_OP(Prod_f) DEF_OP(Mul_int32) DEF_OP(LogicalAnd_int32) DEF_OP(LogicalOr_int32) DEF_OP(LogicalXor_int32) DEF_OP(Shape_int32) DEF_OP(Pack_int32) DEF_OP(MirrorPad_f) DEF_OP(ResizeNearestNeighbor_f) DEF_OP(StridedSlice_int32) DEF_OP(StridedSlice_f) DEF_OP(ExpandDims_int32) DEF_OP(ExpandDims_f) DEF_OP(LogSoftmax_f) DEF_OP(Split_int32) DEF_OP(QuantizedSplit_8) DEF_OP(Deconv_f) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedDeconv_8x8to32) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedMul_8x8to32) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedAdd_8p8to32) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedSigmoid_8) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedTanh_8) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedSoftmax_8) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedLRN_8) DEF_OP_WREF(Quantizedpad2d_frame_8p) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedSub_8p8to32) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedMaximum_8) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedMinimum_8) DEF_OP(Pad_f) DEF_OP(SpaceToBatchND_f) DEF_OP(BatchToSpaceND_f) DEF_OP(QuantizedPad_8) DEF_OP(ResizeBilinear_f) DEF_OP(ConcatV2_f) DEF_OP(ConcatV2_int32) DEF_OP(Prod_int32) DEF_OP(Slice_int32) DEF_OP(QuantizedAdd_8p8to8) DEF_OP(QuantizedResizeBilinear_8) DEF_OP(Supernode_8x8p8to8_d32) DEF_OP(Convert_to_d32) DEF_OP(Convert_from_d32) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedMaxPool_8_d32) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedConcat_8_d32) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedAvgPool_8_d32) DEF_OP(Sink) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedPRelu_8_d32) DEF_OP_WREF(AutoQuantize) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedDepthwiseConv2d_8x8to32) DEF_OP_WREF(DepthwiseConv2d_f) DEF_OP(DepthwiseSupernode_8x8p8to8) DEF_OP(DepthwiseSupernode_8x8p8to8_d32) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedMul_8x8to8_d32) DEF_OP(FullyConnected_u8) #if 0 DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedFC_8x8p8to8) #endif DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedAdd_8p8to8_d32) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedClamp_8) DEF_OP(Clamp_f) DEF_OP(QuantizeForTest_d32) DEF_OP(Close_d32) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedSub_8p8to8_d32) DEF_OP(InputSupernode_8x8p8to8_outd32) DEF_OP(QuantizedLRN_8_d32) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedBiasAdd_32p32to32) DEF_OP_WREF(Quantize_int32) DEF_OP(Supernode_8x8p32to8) DEF_OP(DepthwiseSupernode_8x8p32to8) DEF_OP(Supernode_8x8p32to8_d32) DEF_OP(DepthwiseSupernode_8x8p32to8_d32) DEF_OP(InputSupernode_8x8p32to8_outd32) DEF_OP(PPrint_8_d32) DEF_OP(PPrintWithPadding_8_d32) DEF_OP_WREF(AutoQuantize_d32) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedTanh_8_d32) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedSigmoid_8_d32) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedSoftmax_8_d32) DEF_OP_WREF(QuantizedL2Pool_8_d32) DEF_OP(Gather_f) DEF_OP(Gather_int32) DEF_OP(Gather_8) DEF_OP(Table_f) DEF_OP(Table_int32) DEF_OP(Table_8) DEF_OP(FillPadding_8_d32) DEF_OP(QuantizedResizeBilinear_8_d32) DEF_OP(QuantizeINPUT_f_to_8) DEF_OP_WREF(DeconvBias_8x8to32) DEF_OP(SpaceToBatchND_8) DEF_OP(BatchToSpaceND_8) DEF_OP(SpaceToDepth_f) DEF_OP(DepthToSpace_f) DEF_OP(SpaceToDepth_8) DEF_OP(DepthToSpace_8) #ifdef __SELF_DEF_OP_WREF #undef __SELF_DEF_OP_WREF #undef DEF_OP_WREF #endif