// Below lists the TEST_MAPPING tests to do TF integration tests to make sure // the expectation of setup with different target_preparers + run are still good. { "presubmit": [ { // Instrumentation Test with Annotation Filter/PushFilePreparer/ // RumCommandTargetPreparer/TestFilePushSetup "name": "HelloWorldTests", "options": [ { "instrumentation-arg": "annotation:=android.support.test.filters.SmallTest" } ] }, { "name": "hello_world_test", "host": true }, { // Instrumentation Test with FilePusher/ApkInstaller/RumCommandTargetPreparer. "name": "CtsApacheHttpLegacy27ApiSignatureTestCases" }, { // Gtest with FilePusher to push the whole testdata(libs/files). "name": "ziparchive-tests" }, { // Instrumentation Test with Class Filter/ApkInstaller. "name": "CtsDpiTestCases", "options": [ { "include-filter": "android.dpi.cts.ConfigurationScreenLayoutTest" } ] }, { // Jar Host with ApkInstaller. "name": "CtsSampleHostTestCases" } ], // TODO(b/144852628): Remove after actual platinum tests are added to TEST_MAPPING files. "staged-platinum-postsubmit": [ { "name": "HelloWorldTests" } ], "platinum-postsubmit": [ { "name": "HelloWorldTests" } ] }