1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 /**
18  * @addtogroup NdkBinder
19  * @{
20  */
22 /**
23  * @file binder_ibinder.h
24  * @brief Object which can receive transactions and be sent across processes.
25  */
27 #pragma once
29 #include <stdbool.h>
30 #include <stdint.h>
31 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
32 #include <sys/types.h>
34 #include <android/binder_parcel.h>
35 #include <android/binder_status.h>
39 #ifndef __ANDROID_API__
40 #error Android builds must be compiled against a specific API. If this is an \
41  android platform host build, you must use libbinder_ndk_host_user.
42 #endif
44 #if __ANDROID_API__ >= 29
46 // Also see TF_* in kernel's binder.h
47 typedef uint32_t binder_flags_t;
48 enum {
49     /**
50      * The transaction will be dispatched and then returned to the caller. The outgoing process
51      * cannot block a call made by this, and execution of the call will not be waited on. An error
52      * can still be returned if the call is unable to be processed by the binder driver. All oneway
53      * calls are guaranteed to be ordered if they are sent on the same AIBinder object.
54      */
55     FLAG_ONEWAY = 0x01,
56 };
58 // Also see IBinder.h in libbinder
59 typedef uint32_t transaction_code_t;
60 enum {
61     /**
62      * The first transaction code available for user commands (inclusive).
63      */
64     FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION = 0x00000001,
65     /**
66      * The last transaction code available for user commands (inclusive).
67      */
68     LAST_CALL_TRANSACTION = 0x00ffffff,
69 };
71 /**
72  * Represents a type of AIBinder object which can be sent out.
73  */
74 struct AIBinder_Class;
75 typedef struct AIBinder_Class AIBinder_Class;
77 /**
78  * Represents a local or remote object which can be used for IPC or which can itself be sent.
79  *
80  * This object has a refcount associated with it and will be deleted when its refcount reaches zero.
81  * How methods interactive with this refcount is described below. When using this API, it is
82  * intended for a client of a service to hold a strong reference to that service. This also means
83  * that user data typically should hold a strong reference to a local AIBinder object. A remote
84  * AIBinder object automatically holds a strong reference to the AIBinder object in the server's
85  * process. A typically memory layout looks like this:
86  *
87  * Key:
88  *   --->         Ownership/a strong reference
89  *   ...>         A weak reference
90  *
91  *                         (process boundary)
92  *                                 |
93  * MyInterface ---> AIBinder_Weak  |  ProxyForMyInterface
94  *      ^                .         |          |
95  *      |                .         |          |
96  *      |                v         |          v
97  *   UserData  <---   AIBinder   <-|-      AIBinder
98  *                                 |
99  *
100  * In this way, you'll notice that a proxy for the interface holds a strong reference to the
101  * implementation and that in the server process, the AIBinder object which was sent can be resent
102  * so that the same AIBinder object always represents the same object. This allows, for instance, an
103  * implementation (usually a callback) to transfer all ownership to a remote process and
104  * automatically be deleted when the remote process is done with it or dies. Other memory models are
105  * possible, but this is the standard one.
106  *
107  * If the process containing an AIBinder dies, it is possible to be holding a strong reference to
108  * an object which does not exist. In this case, transactions to this binder will return
109  * STATUS_DEAD_OBJECT. See also AIBinder_linkToDeath, AIBinder_unlinkToDeath, and AIBinder_isAlive.
110  *
111  * Once an AIBinder is created, anywhere it is passed (remotely or locally), there is a 1-1
112  * correspondence between the address of an AIBinder and the object it represents. This means that
113  * when two AIBinder pointers point to the same address, they represent the same object (whether
114  * that object is local or remote). This correspondance can be broken accidentally if AIBinder_new
115  * is erronesouly called to create the same object multiple times.
116  */
117 struct AIBinder;
118 typedef struct AIBinder AIBinder;
120 /**
121  * The AIBinder object associated with this can be retrieved if it is still alive so that it can be
122  * re-used. The intention of this is to enable the same AIBinder object to always represent the same
123  * object.
124  */
125 struct AIBinder_Weak;
126 typedef struct AIBinder_Weak AIBinder_Weak;
128 /**
129  * Represents a handle on a death notification. See AIBinder_linkToDeath/AIBinder_unlinkToDeath.
130  */
131 struct AIBinder_DeathRecipient;
132 typedef struct AIBinder_DeathRecipient AIBinder_DeathRecipient;
134 /**
135  * This is called whenever a new AIBinder object is needed of a specific class.
136  *
137  * \param args these can be used to construct a new class. These are passed from AIBinder_new.
138  * \return this is the userdata representing the class. It can be retrieved using
139  * AIBinder_getUserData.
140  */
141 typedef void* (*AIBinder_Class_onCreate)(void* args);
143 /**
144  * This is called whenever an AIBinder object is no longer referenced and needs destroyed.
145  *
146  * Typically, this just deletes whatever the implementation is.
147  *
148  * \param userData this is the same object returned by AIBinder_Class_onCreate
149  */
150 typedef void (*AIBinder_Class_onDestroy)(void* userData);
152 /**
153  * This is called whenever a transaction needs to be processed by a local implementation.
154  *
155  * \param binder the object being transacted on.
156  * \param code implementation-specific code representing which transaction should be taken.
157  * \param in the implementation-specific input data to this transaction.
158  * \param out the implementation-specific output data to this transaction.
159  *
160  * \return the implementation-specific output code. This may be forwarded from another service, the
161  * result of a parcel read or write, or another error as is applicable to the specific
162  * implementation. Usually, implementation-specific error codes are written to the output parcel,
163  * and the transaction code is reserved for kernel errors or error codes that have been repeated
164  * from subsequent transactions.
165  */
166 typedef binder_status_t (*AIBinder_Class_onTransact)(AIBinder* binder, transaction_code_t code,
167                                                      const AParcel* in, AParcel* out);
169 /**
170  * This creates a new instance of a class of binders which can be instantiated. This is called one
171  * time during library initialization and cleaned up when the process exits or execs.
172  *
173  * None of these parameters can be null.
174  *
175  * Available since API level 29.
176  *
177  * \param interfaceDescriptor this is a unique identifier for the class. This is used internally for
178  * sanity checks on transactions.
179  * \param onCreate see AIBinder_Class_onCreate.
180  * \param onDestroy see AIBinder_Class_onDestroy.
181  * \param onTransact see AIBinder_Class_onTransact.
182  *
183  * \return the class object representing these parameters or null on error.
184  */
185 __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) AIBinder_Class* AIBinder_Class_define(
186         const char* interfaceDescriptor, AIBinder_Class_onCreate onCreate,
187         AIBinder_Class_onDestroy onDestroy, AIBinder_Class_onTransact onTransact)
188         __INTRODUCED_IN(29);
190 /**
191  * Dump information about an AIBinder (usually for debugging).
192  *
193  * When no arguments are provided, a brief overview of the interview should be given.
194  *
195  * \param binder interface being dumped
196  * \param fd file descriptor to be dumped to, should be flushed, ownership is not passed.
197  * \param args array of null-terminated strings for dump (may be null if numArgs is 0)
198  * \param numArgs number of args to be sent
199  *
200  * \return binder_status_t result of transaction (if remote, for instance)
201  */
202 typedef binder_status_t (*AIBinder_onDump)(AIBinder* binder, int fd, const char** args,
203                                            uint32_t numArgs);
205 /**
206  * This sets the implementation of the dump method for a class.
207  *
208  * If this isn't set, nothing will be dumped when dump is called (for instance with
209  * android.os.Binder#dump). Must be called before any instance of the class is created.
210  *
211  * Available since API level 29.
212  *
213  * \param dump function to call when an instance of this binder class is being dumped.
214  */
215 void AIBinder_Class_setOnDump(AIBinder_Class* clazz, AIBinder_onDump onDump) __INTRODUCED_IN(29);
217 /**
218  * Creates a new binder object of the appropriate class.
219  *
220  * Ownership of args is passed to this object. The lifecycle is implemented with AIBinder_incStrong
221  * and AIBinder_decStrong. When the reference count reaches zero, onDestroy is called.
222  *
223  * When this is called, the refcount is implicitly 1. So, calling decStrong exactly one time is
224  * required to delete this object.
225  *
226  * Once an AIBinder object is created using this API, re-creating that AIBinder for the same
227  * instance of the same class will break pointer equality for that specific AIBinder object. For
228  * instance, if someone erroneously created two AIBinder instances representing the same callback
229  * object and passed one to a hypothetical addCallback function and then later another one to a
230  * hypothetical removeCallback function, the remote process would have no way to determine that
231  * these two objects are actually equal using the AIBinder pointer alone (which they should be able
232  * to do). Also see the suggested memory ownership model suggested above.
233  *
234  * Available since API level 29.
235  *
236  * \param clazz the type of the object to be created.
237  * \param args the args to pass to AIBinder_onCreate for that class.
238  *
239  * \return a binder object representing the newly instantiated object.
240  */
241 __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) AIBinder* AIBinder_new(const AIBinder_Class* clazz, void* args)
242         __INTRODUCED_IN(29);
244 /**
245  * If this is hosted in a process other than the current one.
246  *
247  * Available since API level 29.
248  *
249  * \param binder the binder being queried.
250  *
251  * \return true if the AIBinder represents an object in another process.
252  */
253 bool AIBinder_isRemote(const AIBinder* binder) __INTRODUCED_IN(29);
255 /**
256  * If this binder is known to be alive. This will not send a transaction to a remote process and
257  * returns a result based on the last known information. That is, whenever a transaction is made,
258  * this is automatically updated to reflect the current alive status of this binder. This will be
259  * updated as the result of a transaction made using AIBinder_transact, but it will also be updated
260  * based on the results of bookkeeping or other transactions made internally.
261  *
262  * Available since API level 29.
263  *
264  * \param binder the binder being queried.
265  *
266  * \return true if the binder is alive.
267  */
268 bool AIBinder_isAlive(const AIBinder* binder) __INTRODUCED_IN(29);
270 /**
271  * Built-in transaction for all binder objects. This sends a transaction that will immediately
272  * return. Usually this is used to make sure that a binder is alive, as a placeholder call, or as a
273  * sanity check.
274  *
275  * Available since API level 29.
276  *
277  * \param binder the binder being queried.
278  *
279  * \return STATUS_OK if the ping succeeds.
280  */
281 binder_status_t AIBinder_ping(AIBinder* binder) __INTRODUCED_IN(29);
283 /**
284  * Built-in transaction for all binder objects. This dumps information about a given binder.
285  *
286  * See also AIBinder_Class_setOnDump, AIBinder_onDump.
287  *
288  * Available since API level 29.
289  *
290  * \param binder the binder to dump information about
291  * \param fd where information should be dumped to
292  * \param args null-terminated arguments to pass (may be null if numArgs is 0)
293  * \param numArgs number of args to send
294  *
295  * \return STATUS_OK if dump succeeds (or if there is nothing to dump)
296  */
297 binder_status_t AIBinder_dump(AIBinder* binder, int fd, const char** args, uint32_t numArgs)
298         __INTRODUCED_IN(29);
300 /**
301  * Registers for notifications that the associated binder is dead. The same death recipient may be
302  * associated with multiple different binders. If the binder is local, then no death recipient will
303  * be given (since if the local process dies, then no recipient will exist to recieve a
304  * transaction). The cookie is passed to recipient in the case that this binder dies and can be
305  * null. The exact cookie must also be used to unlink this transaction (see AIBinder_linkToDeath).
306  * This function may return a binder transaction failure. The cookie can be used both for
307  * identification and holding user data.
308  *
309  * If binder is local, this will return STATUS_INVALID_OPERATION.
310  *
311  * Available since API level 29.
312  *
313  * \param binder the binder object you want to receive death notifications from.
314  * \param recipient the callback that will receive notifications when/if the binder dies.
315  * \param cookie the value that will be passed to the death recipient on death.
316  *
317  * \return STATUS_OK on success.
318  */
319 binder_status_t AIBinder_linkToDeath(AIBinder* binder, AIBinder_DeathRecipient* recipient,
320                                      void* cookie) __INTRODUCED_IN(29);
322 /**
323  * Stops registration for the associated binder dying. Does not delete the recipient. This function
324  * may return a binder transaction failure and in case the death recipient cannot be found, it
325  * returns STATUS_NAME_NOT_FOUND.
326  *
327  * This only ever needs to be called when the AIBinder_DeathRecipient remains for use with other
328  * AIBinder objects. If the death recipient is deleted, all binders will automatically be unlinked.
329  * If the binder dies, it will automatically unlink. If the binder is deleted, it will be
330  * automatically unlinked.
331  *
332  * Available since API level 29.
333  *
334  * \param binder the binder object to remove a previously linked death recipient from.
335  * \param recipient the callback to remove.
336  * \param cookie the cookie used to link to death.
337  *
338  * \return STATUS_OK on success. STATUS_NAME_NOT_FOUND if the binder cannot be found to be unlinked.
339  */
340 binder_status_t AIBinder_unlinkToDeath(AIBinder* binder, AIBinder_DeathRecipient* recipient,
341                                        void* cookie) __INTRODUCED_IN(29);
343 /**
344  * This returns the calling UID assuming that this thread is called from a thread that is processing
345  * a binder transaction (for instance, in the implementation of AIBinder_Class_onTransact).
346  *
347  * This can be used with higher-level system services to determine the caller's identity and check
348  * permissions.
349  *
350  * Available since API level 29.
351  *
352  * \return calling uid or the current process's UID if this thread isn't processing a transaction.
353  */
354 uid_t AIBinder_getCallingUid() __INTRODUCED_IN(29);
356 /**
357  * This returns the calling PID assuming that this thread is called from a thread that is processing
358  * a binder transaction (for instance, in the implementation of AIBinder_Class_onTransact).
359  *
360  * This can be used with higher-level system services to determine the caller's identity and check
361  * permissions. However, when doing this, one should be aware of possible TOCTOU problems when the
362  * calling process dies and is replaced with another process with elevated permissions and the same
363  * PID.
364  *
365  * Available since API level 29.
366  *
367  * \return calling pid or the current process's PID if this thread isn't processing a transaction.
368  * If the transaction being processed is a oneway transaction, then this method will return 0.
369  */
370 pid_t AIBinder_getCallingPid() __INTRODUCED_IN(29);
372 /**
373  * This can only be called if a strong reference to this object already exists in process.
374  *
375  * Available since API level 29.
376  *
377  * \param binder the binder object to add a refcount to.
378  */
379 void AIBinder_incStrong(AIBinder* binder) __INTRODUCED_IN(29);
381 /**
382  * This will delete the object and call onDestroy once the refcount reaches zero.
383  *
384  * Available since API level 29.
385  *
386  * \param binder the binder object to remove a refcount from.
387  */
388 void AIBinder_decStrong(AIBinder* binder) __INTRODUCED_IN(29);
390 /**
391  * For debugging only!
392  *
393  * Available since API level 29.
394  *
395  * \param binder the binder object to retrieve the refcount of.
396  *
397  * \return the number of strong-refs on this binder in this process. If binder is null, this will be
398  * -1.
399  */
400 int32_t AIBinder_debugGetRefCount(AIBinder* binder) __INTRODUCED_IN(29);
402 /**
403  * This sets the class of an AIBinder object. This checks to make sure the remote object is of
404  * the expected class. A class must be set in order to use transactions on an AIBinder object.
405  * However, if an object is just intended to be passed through to another process or used as a
406  * handle this need not be called.
407  *
408  * This returns true if the class association succeeds. If it fails, no change is made to the
409  * binder object.
410  *
411  * Warning: this may fail if the binder is dead.
412  *
413  * Available since API level 29.
414  *
415  * \param binder the object to attach the class to.
416  * \param clazz the clazz to attach to binder.
417  *
418  * \return true if the binder has the class clazz and if the association was successful.
419  */
420 bool AIBinder_associateClass(AIBinder* binder, const AIBinder_Class* clazz) __INTRODUCED_IN(29);
422 /**
423  * Returns the class that this binder was constructed with or associated with.
424  *
425  * Available since API level 29.
426  *
427  * \param binder the object that is being queried.
428  *
429  * \return the class that this binder is associated with. If this binder wasn't created with
430  * AIBinder_new, and AIBinder_associateClass hasn't been called, then this will return null.
431  */
432 const AIBinder_Class* AIBinder_getClass(AIBinder* binder) __INTRODUCED_IN(29);
434 /**
435  * Value returned by onCreate for a local binder. For stateless classes (if onCreate returns
436  * null), this also returns null. For a remote binder, this will always return null.
437  *
438  * Available since API level 29.
439  *
440  * \param binder the object that is being queried.
441  *
442  * \return the userdata returned from AIBinder_onCreate when this object was created. This may be
443  * null for stateless objects. For remote objects, this is always null.
444  */
445 void* AIBinder_getUserData(AIBinder* binder) __INTRODUCED_IN(29);
447 /**
448  * A transaction is a series of calls to these functions which looks this
449  * - call AIBinder_prepareTransaction
450  * - fill out the in parcel with parameters (lifetime of the 'in' variable)
451  * - call AIBinder_transact
452  * - read results from the out parcel (lifetime of the 'out' variable)
453  */
455 /**
456  * Creates a parcel to start filling out for a transaction. This may add data to the parcel for
457  * security, debugging, or other purposes. This parcel is to be sent via AIBinder_transact and it
458  * represents the input data to the transaction. It is recommended to check if the object is local
459  * and call directly into its user data before calling this as the parceling and unparceling cost
460  * can be avoided. This AIBinder must be either built with a class or associated with a class before
461  * using this API.
462  *
463  * This does not affect the ownership of binder. When this function succeeds, the in parcel's
464  * ownership is passed to the caller. At this point, the parcel can be filled out and passed to
465  * AIBinder_transact. Alternatively, if there is an error while filling out the parcel, it can be
466  * deleted with AParcel_delete.
467  *
468  * Available since API level 29.
469  *
470  * \param binder the binder object to start a transaction on.
471  * \param in out parameter for input data to the transaction.
472  *
473  * \return STATUS_OK on success. This will return STATUS_INVALID_OPERATION if the binder has not yet
474  * been associated with a class (see AIBinder_new and AIBinder_associateClass).
475  */
476 binder_status_t AIBinder_prepareTransaction(AIBinder* binder, AParcel** in) __INTRODUCED_IN(29);
478 /**
479  * Transact using a parcel created from AIBinder_prepareTransaction. This actually communicates with
480  * the object representing this binder object. This also passes out a parcel to be used for the
481  * return transaction. This takes ownership of the in parcel and automatically deletes it after it
482  * is sent to the remote process. The output parcel is the result of the transaction. If the
483  * transaction has FLAG_ONEWAY, the out parcel will be empty. Otherwise, this will block until the
484  * remote process has processed the transaction, and the out parcel will contain the output data
485  * from transaction.
486  *
487  * This does not affect the ownership of binder. The out parcel's ownership is passed to the caller
488  * and must be released with AParcel_delete when finished reading.
489  *
490  * Available since API level 29.
491  *
492  * \param binder the binder object to transact on.
493  * \param code the implementation-specific code representing which transaction should be taken.
494  * \param in the implementation-specific input data to this transaction.
495  * \param out the implementation-specific output data to this transaction.
496  * \param flags possible flags to alter the way in which the transaction is conducted or 0.
497  *
498  * \return the result from the kernel or from the remote process. Usually, implementation-specific
499  * error codes are written to the output parcel, and the transaction code is reserved for kernel
500  * errors or error codes that have been repeated from subsequent transactions.
501  */
502 binder_status_t AIBinder_transact(AIBinder* binder, transaction_code_t code, AParcel** in,
503                                   AParcel** out, binder_flags_t flags) __INTRODUCED_IN(29);
505 /**
506  * This does not take any ownership of the input binder, but it can be used to retrieve it if
507  * something else in some process still holds a reference to it.
508  *
509  * Available since API level 29.
510  *
511  * \param binder object to create a weak pointer to.
512  *
513  * \return object representing a weak pointer to binder (or null if binder is null).
514  */
515 __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) AIBinder_Weak* AIBinder_Weak_new(AIBinder* binder)
516         __INTRODUCED_IN(29);
518 /**
519  * Deletes the weak reference. This will have no impact on the lifetime of the binder.
520  *
521  * Available since API level 29.
522  *
523  * \param weakBinder object created with AIBinder_Weak_new.
524  */
525 void AIBinder_Weak_delete(AIBinder_Weak* weakBinder) __INTRODUCED_IN(29);
527 /**
528  * If promotion succeeds, result will have one strong refcount added to it. Otherwise, this returns
529  * null.
530  *
531  * Available since API level 29.
532  *
533  * \param weakBinder weak pointer to attempt retrieving the original object from.
534  *
535  * \return an AIBinder object with one refcount given to the caller or null.
536  */
537 __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) AIBinder* AIBinder_Weak_promote(AIBinder_Weak* weakBinder)
538         __INTRODUCED_IN(29);
540 /**
541  * This function is executed on death receipt. See AIBinder_linkToDeath/AIBinder_unlinkToDeath.
542  *
543  * Available since API level 29.
544  *
545  * \param cookie the cookie passed to AIBinder_linkToDeath.
546  */
547 typedef void (*AIBinder_DeathRecipient_onBinderDied)(void* cookie) __INTRODUCED_IN(29);
549 /**
550  * Creates a new binder death recipient. This can be attached to multiple different binder objects.
551  *
552  * Available since API level 29.
553  *
554  * \param onBinderDied the callback to call when this death recipient is invoked.
555  *
556  * \return the newly constructed object (or null if onBinderDied is null).
557  */
558 __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) AIBinder_DeathRecipient* AIBinder_DeathRecipient_new(
559         AIBinder_DeathRecipient_onBinderDied onBinderDied) __INTRODUCED_IN(29);
561 /**
562  * Deletes a binder death recipient. It is not necessary to call AIBinder_unlinkToDeath before
563  * calling this as these will all be automatically unlinked.
564  *
565  * Available since API level 29.
566  *
567  * \param recipient the binder to delete (previously created with AIBinder_DeathRecipient_new).
568  */
569 void AIBinder_DeathRecipient_delete(AIBinder_DeathRecipient* recipient) __INTRODUCED_IN(29);
571 #endif  //__ANDROID_API__ >= 29
573 #if __ANDROID_API__ >= 30
575 /**
576  * Gets the extension registered with AIBinder_setExtension.
577  *
578  * See AIBinder_setExtension.
579  *
580  * Available since API level 30.
581  *
582  * \param binder the object to get the extension of.
583  * \param outExt the returned extension object. Will be null if there is no extension set or
584  * non-null with one strong ref count.
585  *
586  * \return error of getting the interface (may be a transaction error if this is
587  * remote binder). STATUS_UNEXPECTED_NULL if binder is null.
588  */
589 binder_status_t AIBinder_getExtension(AIBinder* binder, AIBinder** outExt) __INTRODUCED_IN(30);
591 /**
592  * Gets the extension of a binder interface. This allows a downstream developer to add
593  * an extension to an interface without modifying its interface file. This should be
594  * called immediately when the object is created before it is passed to another thread.
595  * No thread safety is required.
596  *
597  * For instance, imagine if we have this interface:
598  *     interface IFoo { void doFoo(); }
599  *
600  * A). Historical option that has proven to be BAD! Only the original
601  *     author of an interface should change an interface. If someone
602  *     downstream wants additional functionality, they should not ever
603  *     change the interface or use this method.
604  *
605  *    BAD TO DO:  interface IFoo {                       BAD TO DO
606  *    BAD TO DO:      void doFoo();                      BAD TO DO
607  *    BAD TO DO: +    void doBar(); // adding a method   BAD TO DO
608  *    BAD TO DO:  }                                      BAD TO DO
609  *
610  * B). Option that this method enables.
611  *     Leave the original interface unchanged (do not change IFoo!).
612  *     Instead, create a new interface in a downstream package:
613  *
614  *         package com.<name>; // new functionality in a new package
615  *         interface IBar { void doBar(); }
616  *
617  *     When registering the interface, add:
618  *         std::shared_ptr<MyFoo> foo = new MyFoo; // class in AOSP codebase
619  *         std::shared_ptr<MyBar> bar = new MyBar; // custom extension class
620  *         ... = AIBinder_setExtension(foo->asBinder().get(), bar->asBinder().get());
621  *         // handle error
622  *
623  *     Then, clients of IFoo can get this extension:
624  *         SpAIBinder binder = ...;
625  *         std::shared_ptr<IFoo> foo = IFoo::fromBinder(binder); // handle if null
626  *         SpAIBinder barBinder;
627  *         ... = AIBinder_getExtension(barBinder.get());
628  *         // handle error
629  *         std::shared_ptr<IBar> bar = IBar::fromBinder(barBinder);
630  *         // type is checked with AIBinder_associateClass
631  *         // if bar is null, then there is no extension or a different
632  *         // type of extension
633  *
634  * Available since API level 30.
635  *
636  * \param binder the object to get the extension on. Must be local.
637  * \param ext the extension to set (binder will hold a strong reference to this)
638  *
639  * \return OK on success, STATUS_INVALID_OPERATION if binder is not local, STATUS_UNEXPECTED_NULL
640  * if either binder is null.
641  */
642 binder_status_t AIBinder_setExtension(AIBinder* binder, AIBinder* ext) __INTRODUCED_IN(30);
644 #endif  //__ANDROID_API__ >= 30
648 /** @} */