1 // Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3 package android.speech.tts;
5 import android.media.AudioFormat;
7 /**
8  * Listener for events relating to the progress of an utterance through
9  * the synthesis queue. Each utterance is associated with a call to
10  * {@link TextToSpeech#speak} or {@link TextToSpeech#synthesizeToFile} with an
11  * associated utterance identifier, as per {@link TextToSpeech.Engine#KEY_PARAM_UTTERANCE_ID}.
12  *
13  * The callbacks specified in this method can be called from multiple threads.
14  */
15 public abstract class UtteranceProgressListener {
16     /**
17      * Called when an utterance "starts" as perceived by the caller. This will
18      * be soon before audio is played back in the case of a {@link TextToSpeech#speak}
19      * or before the first bytes of a file are written to the file system in the case
20      * of {@link TextToSpeech#synthesizeToFile}.
21      *
22      * @param utteranceId The utterance ID of the utterance.
23      */
onStart(String utteranceId)24     public abstract void onStart(String utteranceId);
26     /**
27      * Called when an utterance has successfully completed processing.
28      * All audio will have been played back by this point for audible output, and all
29      * output will have been written to disk for file synthesis requests.
30      *
31      * This request is guaranteed to be called after {@link #onStart(String)}.
32      *
33      * @param utteranceId The utterance ID of the utterance.
34      */
onDone(String utteranceId)35     public abstract void onDone(String utteranceId);
37     /**
38      * Called when an error has occurred during processing. This can be called
39      * at any point in the synthesis process. Note that there might be calls
40      * to {@link #onStart(String)} for specified utteranceId but there will never
41      * be a call to both {@link #onDone(String)} and {@link #onError(String)} for
42      * the same utterance.
43      *
44      * @param utteranceId The utterance ID of the utterance.
45      * @deprecated Use {@link #onError(String,int)} instead
46      */
47     @Deprecated
onError(String utteranceId)48     public abstract void onError(String utteranceId);
50     /**
51      * Called when an error has occurred during processing. This can be called
52      * at any point in the synthesis process. Note that there might be calls
53      * to {@link #onStart(String)} for specified utteranceId but there will never
54      * be a call to both {@link #onDone(String)} and {@link #onError(String,int)} for
55      * the same utterance. The default implementation calls {@link #onError(String)}.
56      *
57      * @param utteranceId The utterance ID of the utterance.
58      * @param errorCode one of the ERROR_* codes from {@link TextToSpeech}
59      */
onError(String utteranceId, int errorCode)60     public void onError(String utteranceId, int errorCode) {
61         onError(utteranceId);
62     }
64     /**
65      * Called when an utterance has been stopped while in progress or flushed from the
66      * synthesis queue. This can happen if a client calls {@link TextToSpeech#stop()}
67      * or uses {@link TextToSpeech#QUEUE_FLUSH} as an argument with the
68      * {@link TextToSpeech#speak} or {@link TextToSpeech#synthesizeToFile} methods.
69      *
70      * @param utteranceId The utterance ID of the utterance.
71      * @param interrupted If true, then the utterance was interrupted while being synthesized
72      *        and its output is incomplete. If false, then the utterance was flushed
73      *        before the synthesis started.
74      */
onStop(String utteranceId, boolean interrupted)75     public void onStop(String utteranceId, boolean interrupted) {
76     }
78     /**
79      * Called when the TTS engine begins to synthesize the audio for a request.
80      *
81      * <p>
82      * It provides information about the format of the byte array for subsequent
83      * {@link #onAudioAvailable} calls.
84      * </p>
85      *
86      * <p>
87      * This is called when the TTS engine starts synthesizing audio for the request. If an
88      * application wishes to know when the audio is about to start playing, {#onStart(String)}
89      * should be used instead.
90      * </p>
91      *
92      * @param utteranceId The utterance ID of the utterance.
93      * @param sampleRateInHz Sample rate in hertz of the generated audio.
94      * @param audioFormat Audio format of the generated audio. Should be one of
95      *        {@link AudioFormat#ENCODING_PCM_8BIT}, {@link AudioFormat#ENCODING_PCM_16BIT} or
96      *        {@link AudioFormat#ENCODING_PCM_FLOAT}.
97      * @param channelCount The number of channels.
98      */
onBeginSynthesis(String utteranceId, int sampleRateInHz, int audioFormat, int channelCount)99     public void onBeginSynthesis(String utteranceId, int sampleRateInHz, int audioFormat, int channelCount) {
100     }
102     /**
103      * This is called when a chunk of audio is ready for consumption.
104      *
105      * <p>
106      * The audio parameter is a copy of what will be synthesized to the speakers (when synthesis was
107      * initiated with a {@link TextToSpeech#speak} call) or written to the file system (for
108      * {@link TextToSpeech#synthesizeToFile}). The audio bytes are delivered in one or more chunks;
109      * if {@link #onDone} or {@link #onError} is called all chunks have been received.
110      * </p>
111      *
112      * <p>
113      * The audio received here may not be played for some time depending on buffer sizes and the
114      * amount of items on the synthesis queue.
115      * </p>
116      *
117      * @param utteranceId The utterance ID of the utterance.
118      * @param audio A chunk of audio; the format can be known by listening to
119      *        {@link #onBeginSynthesis(String, int, int, int)}.
120      */
onAudioAvailable(String utteranceId, byte[] audio)121     public void onAudioAvailable(String utteranceId, byte[] audio) {
122     }
124     /**
125      * This is called when the TTS service is about to speak the specified range of the utterance
126      * with the given utteranceId.
127      *
128      * <p>This method is called when the audio is expected to start playing on the speaker. Note
129      * that this is different from {@link #onAudioAvailable} which is called as soon as the audio is
130      * generated.
132      * <p>This information can be used, for example, to highlight ranges of the text while it is
133      * spoken.
134      *
135      * <p>Only called if the engine supplies timing information by calling {@link
136      * SynthesisCallback#rangeStart(int, int, int)}.
137      *
138      * @param utteranceId Unique id identifying the synthesis request.
139      * @param start The start index of the range in the utterance text.
140      * @param end The end index of the range (exclusive) in the utterance text.
141      * @param frame The position in frames in the audio of the request where this range is spoken.
142      */
onRangeStart(String utteranceId, int start, int end, int frame)143     public void onRangeStart(String utteranceId, int start, int end, int frame) {
144         onUtteranceRangeStart(utteranceId, start, end);
145     }
147     /** @removed */
148     @Deprecated
onUtteranceRangeStart(String utteranceId, int start, int end)149     public void onUtteranceRangeStart(String utteranceId, int start, int end) {
150     }
152     /**
153      * Wraps an old deprecated OnUtteranceCompletedListener with a shiny new progress listener.
154      *
155      * @hide
156      */
from( final TextToSpeech.OnUtteranceCompletedListener listener)157     static UtteranceProgressListener from(
158             final TextToSpeech.OnUtteranceCompletedListener listener) {
159         return new UtteranceProgressListener() {
160             @Override
161             public synchronized void onDone(String utteranceId) {
162                 listener.onUtteranceCompleted(utteranceId);
163             }
165             @Override
166             public void onError(String utteranceId) {
167                 listener.onUtteranceCompleted(utteranceId);
168             }
170             @Override
171             public void onStart(String utteranceId) {
172                 // Left unimplemented, has no equivalent in the old
173                 // API.
174             }
176             @Override
177             public void onStop(String utteranceId, boolean interrupted) {
178                 listener.onUtteranceCompleted(utteranceId);
179             }
180         };
181     }
182 }