1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
18 #define LOG_TAG "OmxInfoBuilder"
20 #ifdef __LP64__
22 #endif
24 #include <android-base/properties.h>
25 #include <utils/Log.h>
27 #include <media/stagefright/foundation/MediaDefs.h>
28 #include <media/stagefright/OmxInfoBuilder.h>
29 #include <media/stagefright/ACodec.h>
31 #include <android/hardware/media/omx/1.0/IOmxStore.h>
32 #include <android/hardware/media/omx/1.0/IOmx.h>
33 #include <android/hardware/media/omx/1.0/IOmxNode.h>
34 #include <media/stagefright/omx/OMXUtils.h>
36 #include <media/IOMX.h>
37 #include <media/omx/1.0/WOmx.h>
38 #include <media/stagefright/omx/1.0/OmxStore.h>
40 #include <media/openmax/OMX_Index.h>
41 #include <media/openmax/OMX_IndexExt.h>
42 #include <media/openmax/OMX_Audio.h>
43 #include <media/openmax/OMX_AudioExt.h>
44 #include <media/openmax/OMX_Video.h>
45 #include <media/openmax/OMX_VideoExt.h>
47 namespace android {
49 using ::android::hardware::hidl_string;
50 using ::android::hardware::hidl_vec;
51 using namespace ::android::hardware::media::omx::V1_0;
53 namespace /* unnamed */ {
hasPrefix(const hidl_string & s,const char * prefix)55 bool hasPrefix(const hidl_string& s, const char* prefix) {
56     return strncasecmp(s.c_str(), prefix, strlen(prefix)) == 0;
57 }
queryCapabilities(const IOmxStore::NodeInfo & node,const char * mediaType,bool isEncoder,MediaCodecInfo::CapabilitiesWriter * caps)59 status_t queryCapabilities(
60         const IOmxStore::NodeInfo& node, const char* mediaType, bool isEncoder,
61         MediaCodecInfo::CapabilitiesWriter* caps) {
62     sp<ACodec> codec = new ACodec();
63     for (const auto& attribute : node.attributes) {
64         // All features have an int32 value except
65         // "feature-bitrate-modes", which has a string value.
66         if (hasPrefix(attribute.key, "feature-") &&
67                 !hasPrefix(attribute.key, "feature-bitrate-modes")) {
68             // If this attribute.key is a feature that is not bitrate modes,
69             // add an int32 value.
70             caps->addDetail(
71                     attribute.key.c_str(),
72                     hasPrefix(attribute.value, "1") ? 1 : 0);
73         } else {
74             // Non-feature attributes
75             caps->addDetail(
76                     attribute.key.c_str(), attribute.value.c_str());
77         }
78     }
79     // query capabilities may remove capabilities that are not actually supported by the codec
80     status_t err = codec->queryCapabilities(
81             node.owner.c_str(), node.name.c_str(), mediaType, isEncoder, caps);
82     if (err != OK) {
83         return err;
84     }
85     return OK;
86 }
88 }  // unnamed namespace
OmxInfoBuilder(bool allowSurfaceEncoders)90 OmxInfoBuilder::OmxInfoBuilder(bool allowSurfaceEncoders)
91     : mAllowSurfaceEncoders(allowSurfaceEncoders) {
92 }
buildMediaCodecList(MediaCodecListWriter * writer)94 status_t OmxInfoBuilder::buildMediaCodecList(MediaCodecListWriter* writer) {
95     // Obtain IOmxStore
96     sp<IOmxStore> omxStore = IOmxStore::getService();
97     if (omxStore == nullptr) {
98         ALOGE("Cannot find an IOmxStore service.");
99         return NO_INIT;
100     }
102     // List service attributes (global settings)
103     Status status;
104     hidl_vec<IOmxStore::RoleInfo> roles;
105     auto transStatus = omxStore->listRoles(
106             [&roles] (
107             const hidl_vec<IOmxStore::RoleInfo>& inRoleList) {
108                 roles = inRoleList;
109             });
110     if (!transStatus.isOk()) {
111         ALOGE("Fail to obtain codec roles from IOmxStore.");
112         return NO_INIT;
113     }
115     hidl_vec<IOmxStore::ServiceAttribute> serviceAttributes;
116     transStatus = omxStore->listServiceAttributes(
117             [&status, &serviceAttributes] (
118             Status inStatus,
119             const hidl_vec<IOmxStore::ServiceAttribute>& inAttributes) {
120                 status = inStatus;
121                 serviceAttributes = inAttributes;
122             });
123     if (!transStatus.isOk()) {
124         ALOGE("Fail to obtain global settings from IOmxStore.");
125         return NO_INIT;
126     }
127     if (status != Status::OK) {
128         ALOGE("IOmxStore reports parsing error.");
129         return NO_INIT;
130     }
131     for (const auto& p : serviceAttributes) {
132         writer->addGlobalSetting(
133                 p.key.c_str(), p.value.c_str());
134     }
136     // Convert roles to lists of codecs
138     // codec name -> index into swCodecs/hwCodecs
139     std::map<hidl_string, std::unique_ptr<MediaCodecInfoWriter>> codecName2Info;
141     uint32_t defaultRank =
142         ::android::base::GetUintProperty("debug.stagefright.omx_default_rank", 0x100u);
143     uint32_t defaultSwAudioRank =
144         ::android::base::GetUintProperty("debug.stagefright.omx_default_rank.sw-audio", 0x10u);
145     uint32_t defaultSwOtherRank =
146         ::android::base::GetUintProperty("debug.stagefright.omx_default_rank.sw-other", 0x210u);
148     for (const IOmxStore::RoleInfo& role : roles) {
149         const hidl_string& typeName = role.type;
150         bool isEncoder = role.isEncoder;
151         bool isAudio = hasPrefix(role.type, "audio/");
152         bool isVideoOrImage = hasPrefix(role.type, "video/") || hasPrefix(role.type, "image/");
154         for (const IOmxStore::NodeInfo &node : role.nodes) {
155             const hidl_string& nodeName = node.name;
157             // currently image and video encoders use surface input
158             if (!mAllowSurfaceEncoders && isVideoOrImage && isEncoder) {
159                 ALOGD("disabling %s for media type %s because we are not using OMX input surface",
160                         nodeName.c_str(), role.type.c_str());
161                 continue;
162             }
164             bool isSoftware = hasPrefix(nodeName, "OMX.google");
165             uint32_t rank = isSoftware
166                     ? (isAudio ? defaultSwAudioRank : defaultSwOtherRank)
167                     : defaultRank;
168             // get rank from IOmxStore via attribute
169             for (const IOmxStore::Attribute& attribute : node.attributes) {
170                 if (attribute.key == "rank") {
171                     uint32_t oldRank = rank;
172                     char dummy;
173                     if (sscanf(attribute.value.c_str(), "%u%c", &rank, &dummy) != 1) {
174                         rank = oldRank;
175                     }
176                     break;
177                 }
178             }
180             MediaCodecInfoWriter* info;
181             auto c2i = codecName2Info.find(nodeName);
182             if (c2i == codecName2Info.end()) {
183                 // Create a new MediaCodecInfo for a new node.
184                 c2i = codecName2Info.insert(std::make_pair(
185                         nodeName, writer->addMediaCodecInfo())).first;
186                 info = c2i->second.get();
187                 info->setName(nodeName.c_str());
188                 info->setOwner(node.owner.c_str());
189                 info->setRank(rank);
191                 typename std::underlying_type<MediaCodecInfo::Attributes>::type attrs = 0;
192                 // all OMX codecs are vendor codecs (in the vendor partition), but
193                 // treat OMX.google codecs as non-hardware-accelerated and non-vendor
194                 if (!isSoftware) {
195                     attrs |= MediaCodecInfo::kFlagIsVendor;
196                     if (!std::count_if(
197                             node.attributes.begin(), node.attributes.end(),
198                             [](const IOmxStore::Attribute &i) -> bool {
199                                 return i.key == "attribute::software-codec";
200                                                                       })) {
201                         attrs |= MediaCodecInfo::kFlagIsHardwareAccelerated;
202                     }
203                 }
204                 if (isEncoder) {
205                     attrs |= MediaCodecInfo::kFlagIsEncoder;
206                 }
207                 info->setAttributes(attrs);
208             } else {
209                 // The node has been seen before. Simply retrieve the
210                 // existing MediaCodecInfoWriter.
211                 info = c2i->second.get();
212             }
213             std::unique_ptr<MediaCodecInfo::CapabilitiesWriter> caps =
214                     info->addMediaType(typeName.c_str());
215             if (queryCapabilities(
216                     node, typeName.c_str(), isEncoder, caps.get()) != OK) {
217                 ALOGW("Fail to add media type %s to codec %s",
218                         typeName.c_str(), nodeName.c_str());
219                 info->removeMediaType(typeName.c_str());
220             }
221         }
222     }
223     return OK;
224 }
226 }  // namespace android