1// Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5// You may obtain a copy of the License at
7//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13// limitations under the License.
15package apex
17import (
18	"encoding/json"
19	"fmt"
20	"path"
21	"path/filepath"
22	"runtime"
23	"sort"
24	"strconv"
25	"strings"
27	"android/soong/android"
28	"android/soong/java"
30	"github.com/google/blueprint"
31	"github.com/google/blueprint/proptools"
34var (
35	pctx = android.NewPackageContext("android/apex")
38func init() {
39	pctx.Import("android/soong/android")
40	pctx.Import("android/soong/java")
41	pctx.HostBinToolVariable("apexer", "apexer")
42	// ART minimal builds (using the master-art manifest) do not have the "frameworks/base"
43	// projects, and hence cannot built 'aapt2'. Use the SDK prebuilt instead.
44	hostBinToolVariableWithPrebuilt := func(name, prebuiltDir, tool string) {
45		pctx.VariableFunc(name, func(ctx android.PackageVarContext) string {
46			if !ctx.Config().FrameworksBaseDirExists(ctx) {
47				return filepath.Join(prebuiltDir, runtime.GOOS, "bin", tool)
48			} else {
49				return ctx.Config().HostToolPath(ctx, tool).String()
50			}
51		})
52	}
53	hostBinToolVariableWithPrebuilt("aapt2", "prebuilts/sdk/tools", "aapt2")
54	pctx.HostBinToolVariable("avbtool", "avbtool")
55	pctx.HostBinToolVariable("e2fsdroid", "e2fsdroid")
56	pctx.HostBinToolVariable("merge_zips", "merge_zips")
57	pctx.HostBinToolVariable("mke2fs", "mke2fs")
58	pctx.HostBinToolVariable("resize2fs", "resize2fs")
59	pctx.HostBinToolVariable("sefcontext_compile", "sefcontext_compile")
60	pctx.HostBinToolVariable("soong_zip", "soong_zip")
61	pctx.HostBinToolVariable("zip2zip", "zip2zip")
62	pctx.HostBinToolVariable("zipalign", "zipalign")
63	pctx.HostBinToolVariable("jsonmodify", "jsonmodify")
64	pctx.HostBinToolVariable("conv_apex_manifest", "conv_apex_manifest")
65	pctx.HostBinToolVariable("extract_apks", "extract_apks")
68var (
69	// Create a canned fs config file where all files and directories are
70	// by default set to (uid/gid/mode) = (1000/1000/0644)
71	// TODO(b/113082813) make this configurable using config.fs syntax
72	generateFsConfig = pctx.StaticRule("generateFsConfig", blueprint.RuleParams{
73		Command: `( echo '/ 1000 1000 0755' ` +
74			`&& for i in ${ro_paths}; do echo "/$$i 1000 1000 0644"; done ` +
75			`&& for i in  ${exec_paths}; do echo "/$$i 0 2000 0755"; done ` +
76			`&& ( tr ' ' '\n' <${out}.apklist | for i in ${apk_paths}; do read apk; echo "/$$i 0 2000 0755"; zipinfo -1 $$apk | sed "s:\(.*\):/$$i/\1 1000 1000 0644:"; done ) ) > ${out}`,
77		Description:    "fs_config ${out}",
78		Rspfile:        "$out.apklist",
79		RspfileContent: "$in",
80	}, "ro_paths", "exec_paths", "apk_paths")
82	apexManifestRule = pctx.StaticRule("apexManifestRule", blueprint.RuleParams{
83		Command: `rm -f $out && ${jsonmodify} $in ` +
84			`-a provideNativeLibs ${provideNativeLibs} ` +
85			`-a requireNativeLibs ${requireNativeLibs} ` +
86			`${opt} ` +
87			`-o $out`,
88		CommandDeps: []string{"${jsonmodify}"},
89		Description: "prepare ${out}",
90	}, "provideNativeLibs", "requireNativeLibs", "opt")
92	stripApexManifestRule = pctx.StaticRule("stripApexManifestRule", blueprint.RuleParams{
93		Command:     `rm -f $out && ${conv_apex_manifest} strip $in -o $out`,
94		CommandDeps: []string{"${conv_apex_manifest}"},
95		Description: "strip ${in}=>${out}",
96	})
98	pbApexManifestRule = pctx.StaticRule("pbApexManifestRule", blueprint.RuleParams{
99		Command:     `rm -f $out && ${conv_apex_manifest} proto $in -o $out`,
100		CommandDeps: []string{"${conv_apex_manifest}"},
101		Description: "convert ${in}=>${out}",
102	})
104	// TODO(b/113233103): make sure that file_contexts is sane, i.e., validate
105	// against the binary policy using sefcontext_compiler -p <policy>.
107	// TODO(b/114327326): automate the generation of file_contexts
108	apexRule = pctx.StaticRule("apexRule", blueprint.RuleParams{
109		Command: `rm -rf ${image_dir} && mkdir -p ${image_dir} && ` +
110			`(. ${out}.copy_commands) && ` +
111			`APEXER_TOOL_PATH=${tool_path} ` +
112			`${apexer} --force --manifest ${manifest} ` +
113			`--file_contexts ${file_contexts} ` +
114			`--canned_fs_config ${canned_fs_config} ` +
115			`--include_build_info ` +
116			`--payload_type image ` +
117			`--key ${key} ${opt_flags} ${image_dir} ${out} `,
118		CommandDeps: []string{"${apexer}", "${avbtool}", "${e2fsdroid}", "${merge_zips}",
119			"${mke2fs}", "${resize2fs}", "${sefcontext_compile}",
120			"${soong_zip}", "${zipalign}", "${aapt2}", "prebuilts/sdk/current/public/android.jar"},
121		Rspfile:        "${out}.copy_commands",
122		RspfileContent: "${copy_commands}",
123		Description:    "APEX ${image_dir} => ${out}",
124	}, "tool_path", "image_dir", "copy_commands", "file_contexts", "canned_fs_config", "key", "opt_flags", "manifest")
126	zipApexRule = pctx.StaticRule("zipApexRule", blueprint.RuleParams{
127		Command: `rm -rf ${image_dir} && mkdir -p ${image_dir} && ` +
128			`(. ${out}.copy_commands) && ` +
129			`APEXER_TOOL_PATH=${tool_path} ` +
130			`${apexer} --force --manifest ${manifest} ` +
131			`--payload_type zip ` +
132			`${image_dir} ${out} `,
133		CommandDeps:    []string{"${apexer}", "${merge_zips}", "${soong_zip}", "${zipalign}", "${aapt2}"},
134		Rspfile:        "${out}.copy_commands",
135		RspfileContent: "${copy_commands}",
136		Description:    "ZipAPEX ${image_dir} => ${out}",
137	}, "tool_path", "image_dir", "copy_commands", "manifest")
139	apexProtoConvertRule = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("apexProtoConvertRule",
140		blueprint.RuleParams{
141			Command:     `${aapt2} convert --output-format proto $in -o $out`,
142			CommandDeps: []string{"${aapt2}"},
143		})
145	apexBundleRule = pctx.StaticRule("apexBundleRule", blueprint.RuleParams{
146		Command: `${zip2zip} -i $in -o $out.base ` +
147			`apex_payload.img:apex/${abi}.img ` +
148			`apex_build_info.pb:apex/${abi}.build_info.pb ` +
149			`apex_manifest.json:root/apex_manifest.json ` +
150			`apex_manifest.pb:root/apex_manifest.pb ` +
151			`AndroidManifest.xml:manifest/AndroidManifest.xml ` +
152			`assets/NOTICE.html.gz:assets/NOTICE.html.gz &&` +
153			`${soong_zip} -o $out.config -C $$(dirname ${config}) -f ${config} && ` +
154			`${merge_zips} $out $out.base $out.config`,
155		CommandDeps: []string{"${zip2zip}", "${soong_zip}", "${merge_zips}"},
156		Description: "app bundle",
157	}, "abi", "config")
159	emitApexContentRule = pctx.StaticRule("emitApexContentRule", blueprint.RuleParams{
160		Command:        `rm -f ${out} && touch ${out} && (. ${out}.emit_commands)`,
161		Rspfile:        "${out}.emit_commands",
162		RspfileContent: "${emit_commands}",
163		Description:    "Emit APEX image content",
164	}, "emit_commands")
166	diffApexContentRule = pctx.StaticRule("diffApexContentRule", blueprint.RuleParams{
167		Command: `diff --unchanged-group-format='' \` +
168			`--changed-group-format='%<' \` +
169			`${image_content_file} ${allowed_files_file} || (` +
170			`echo -e "New unexpected files were added to ${apex_module_name}." ` +
171			` "To fix the build run following command:" && ` +
172			`echo "system/apex/tools/update_allowed_list.sh ${allowed_files_file} ${image_content_file}" && ` +
173			`exit 1); touch ${out}`,
174		Description: "Diff ${image_content_file} and ${allowed_files_file}",
175	}, "image_content_file", "allowed_files_file", "apex_module_name")
178func (a *apexBundle) buildManifest(ctx android.ModuleContext, provideNativeLibs, requireNativeLibs []string) {
179	manifestSrc := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, proptools.StringDefault(a.properties.Manifest, "apex_manifest.json"))
181	manifestJsonFullOut := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "apex_manifest_full.json")
183	// put dependency({provide|require}NativeLibs) in apex_manifest.json
184	provideNativeLibs = android.SortedUniqueStrings(provideNativeLibs)
185	requireNativeLibs = android.SortedUniqueStrings(android.RemoveListFromList(requireNativeLibs, provideNativeLibs))
187	// apex name can be overridden
188	optCommands := []string{}
189	if a.properties.Apex_name != nil {
190		optCommands = append(optCommands, "-v name "+*a.properties.Apex_name)
191	}
193	// collect jniLibs. Notice that a.filesInfo is already sorted
194	var jniLibs []string
195	for _, fi := range a.filesInfo {
196		if fi.isJniLib {
197			jniLibs = append(jniLibs, fi.Stem())
198		}
199	}
200	if len(jniLibs) > 0 {
201		optCommands = append(optCommands, "-a jniLibs "+strings.Join(jniLibs, " "))
202	}
204	ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
205		Rule:   apexManifestRule,
206		Input:  manifestSrc,
207		Output: manifestJsonFullOut,
208		Args: map[string]string{
209			"provideNativeLibs": strings.Join(provideNativeLibs, " "),
210			"requireNativeLibs": strings.Join(requireNativeLibs, " "),
211			"opt":               strings.Join(optCommands, " "),
212		},
213	})
215	if a.minSdkVersion(ctx) == android.SdkVersion_Android10 {
216		// b/143654022 Q apexd can't understand newly added keys in apex_manifest.json
217		// prepare stripped-down version so that APEX modules built from R+ can be installed to Q
218		a.manifestJsonOut = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "apex_manifest.json")
219		ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
220			Rule:   stripApexManifestRule,
221			Input:  manifestJsonFullOut,
222			Output: a.manifestJsonOut,
223		})
224	}
226	// from R+, protobuf binary format (.pb) is the standard format for apex_manifest
227	a.manifestPbOut = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "apex_manifest.pb")
228	ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
229		Rule:   pbApexManifestRule,
230		Input:  manifestJsonFullOut,
231		Output: a.manifestPbOut,
232	})
235func (a *apexBundle) buildFileContexts(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
236	if a.properties.ApexType == zipApex {
237		return
238	}
239	var fileContexts android.Path
240	if a.properties.File_contexts == nil {
241		fileContexts = android.PathForSource(ctx, "system/sepolicy/apex", ctx.ModuleName()+"-file_contexts")
242	} else {
243		fileContexts = android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, *a.properties.File_contexts)
244	}
245	if a.Platform() {
246		if matched, err := path.Match("system/sepolicy/**/*", fileContexts.String()); err != nil || !matched {
247			ctx.PropertyErrorf("file_contexts", "should be under system/sepolicy, but %q", fileContexts)
248			return
249		}
250	}
251	if !android.ExistentPathForSource(ctx, fileContexts.String()).Valid() {
252		ctx.PropertyErrorf("file_contexts", "cannot find file_contexts file: %q", a.fileContexts)
253		return
254	}
256	output := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "file_contexts")
257	rule := android.NewRuleBuilder()
258	// remove old file
259	rule.Command().Text("rm").FlagWithOutput("-f ", output)
260	// copy file_contexts
261	rule.Command().Text("cat").Input(fileContexts).Text(">>").Output(output)
262	// new line
263	rule.Command().Text("echo").Text(">>").Output(output)
264	// force-label /apex_manifest.pb and / as system_file so that apexd can read them
265	rule.Command().Text("echo").Flag("/apex_manifest\\\\.pb u:object_r:system_file:s0").Text(">>").Output(output)
266	rule.Command().Text("echo").Flag("/ u:object_r:system_file:s0").Text(">>").Output(output)
267	rule.Build(pctx, ctx, "file_contexts."+a.Name(), "Generate file_contexts")
269	a.fileContexts = output.OutputPath
272func (a *apexBundle) buildNoticeFiles(ctx android.ModuleContext, apexFileName string) android.NoticeOutputs {
273	var noticeFiles android.Paths
275	a.WalkPayloadDeps(ctx, func(ctx android.ModuleContext, from blueprint.Module, to android.ApexModule, externalDep bool) bool {
276		if externalDep {
277			// As soon as the dependency graph crosses the APEX boundary, don't go further.
278			return false
279		}
281		notices := to.NoticeFiles()
282		noticeFiles = append(noticeFiles, notices...)
284		return true
285	})
287	if len(noticeFiles) == 0 {
288		return android.NoticeOutputs{}
289	}
291	return android.BuildNoticeOutput(ctx, a.installDir, apexFileName, android.SortedUniquePaths(noticeFiles))
294func (a *apexBundle) buildInstalledFilesFile(ctx android.ModuleContext, builtApex android.Path, imageDir android.Path) android.OutputPath {
295	output := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "installed-files.txt")
296	rule := android.NewRuleBuilder()
297	rule.Command().
298		Implicit(builtApex).
299		Text("(cd " + imageDir.String() + " ; ").
300		Text("find . \\( -type f -o -type l \\) -printf \"%s %p\\n\") ").
301		Text(" | sort -nr > ").
302		Output(output)
303	rule.Build(pctx, ctx, "installed-files."+a.Name(), "Installed files")
304	return output.OutputPath
307func (a *apexBundle) buildBundleConfig(ctx android.ModuleContext) android.OutputPath {
308	output := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "bundle_config.json")
310	type ApkConfig struct {
311		Package_name string `json:"package_name"`
312		Apk_path     string `json:"path"`
313	}
314	config := struct {
315		Compression struct {
316			Uncompressed_glob []string `json:"uncompressed_glob"`
317		} `json:"compression"`
318		Apex_config struct {
319			Apex_embedded_apk_config []ApkConfig `json:"apex_embedded_apk_config,omitempty"`
320		} `json:"apex_config,omitempty"`
321	}{}
323	config.Compression.Uncompressed_glob = []string{
324		"apex_payload.img",
325		"apex_manifest.*",
326	}
328	// collect the manifest names and paths of android apps
329	// if their manifest names are overridden
330	for _, fi := range a.filesInfo {
331		if fi.class != app && fi.class != appSet {
332			continue
333		}
334		packageName := fi.overriddenPackageName
335		if packageName != "" {
336			config.Apex_config.Apex_embedded_apk_config = append(
337				config.Apex_config.Apex_embedded_apk_config,
338				ApkConfig{
339					Package_name: packageName,
340					Apk_path:     fi.Path(),
341				})
342		}
343	}
345	j, err := json.Marshal(config)
346	if err != nil {
347		panic(fmt.Errorf("error while marshalling to %q: %#v", output, err))
348	}
350	ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
351		Rule:        android.WriteFile,
352		Output:      output,
353		Description: "Bundle Config " + output.String(),
354		Args: map[string]string{
355			"content": string(j),
356		},
357	})
359	return output.OutputPath
362func (a *apexBundle) buildUnflattenedApex(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
363	var abis []string
364	for _, target := range ctx.MultiTargets() {
365		if len(target.Arch.Abi) > 0 {
366			abis = append(abis, target.Arch.Abi[0])
367		}
368	}
370	abis = android.FirstUniqueStrings(abis)
372	apexType := a.properties.ApexType
373	suffix := apexType.suffix()
374	var implicitInputs []android.Path
375	unsignedOutputFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, a.Name()+suffix+".unsigned")
377	// TODO(jiyong): construct the copy rules using RuleBuilder
378	var copyCommands []string
379	for _, fi := range a.filesInfo {
380		destPath := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "image"+suffix, fi.Path()).String()
381		destPathDir := filepath.Dir(destPath)
382		if fi.class == appSet {
383			copyCommands = append(copyCommands, "rm -rf "+destPathDir)
384		}
385		copyCommands = append(copyCommands, "mkdir -p "+destPathDir)
386		if a.linkToSystemLib && fi.transitiveDep && fi.AvailableToPlatform() {
387			// TODO(jiyong): pathOnDevice should come from fi.module, not being calculated here
388			pathOnDevice := filepath.Join("/system", fi.Path())
389			copyCommands = append(copyCommands, "ln -sfn "+pathOnDevice+" "+destPath)
390		} else {
391			if fi.class == appSet {
392				copyCommands = append(copyCommands,
393					fmt.Sprintf("unzip -qDD -d %s %s", destPathDir, fi.builtFile.String()))
394			} else {
395				copyCommands = append(copyCommands, "cp -f "+fi.builtFile.String()+" "+destPath)
396			}
397			implicitInputs = append(implicitInputs, fi.builtFile)
398		}
399		// create additional symlinks pointing the file inside the APEX
400		for _, symlinkPath := range fi.SymlinkPaths() {
401			symlinkDest := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "image"+suffix, symlinkPath).String()
402			copyCommands = append(copyCommands, "ln -sfn "+filepath.Base(destPath)+" "+symlinkDest)
403		}
404		for _, d := range fi.dataPaths {
405			// TODO(eakammer): This is now the third repetition of ~this logic for test paths, refactoring should be possible
406			relPath := d.SrcPath.Rel()
407			dataPath := d.SrcPath.String()
408			if !strings.HasSuffix(dataPath, relPath) {
409				panic(fmt.Errorf("path %q does not end with %q", dataPath, relPath))
410			}
412			dataDest := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "image"+suffix, fi.apexRelativePath(relPath), d.RelativeInstallPath).String()
414			copyCommands = append(copyCommands, "cp -f "+d.SrcPath.String()+" "+dataDest)
415			implicitInputs = append(implicitInputs, d.SrcPath)
416		}
417	}
419	// TODO(jiyong): use RuleBuilder
420	var emitCommands []string
421	imageContentFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "content.txt")
422	emitCommands = append(emitCommands, "echo ./apex_manifest.pb >> "+imageContentFile.String())
423	if a.minSdkVersion(ctx) == android.SdkVersion_Android10 {
424		emitCommands = append(emitCommands, "echo ./apex_manifest.json >> "+imageContentFile.String())
425	}
426	for _, fi := range a.filesInfo {
427		emitCommands = append(emitCommands, "echo './"+fi.Path()+"' >> "+imageContentFile.String())
428	}
429	emitCommands = append(emitCommands, "sort -o "+imageContentFile.String()+" "+imageContentFile.String())
430	implicitInputs = append(implicitInputs, a.manifestPbOut)
432	if a.overridableProperties.Allowed_files != nil {
433		ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
434			Rule:        emitApexContentRule,
435			Implicits:   implicitInputs,
436			Output:      imageContentFile,
437			Description: "emit apex image content",
438			Args: map[string]string{
439				"emit_commands": strings.Join(emitCommands, " && "),
440			},
441		})
442		implicitInputs = append(implicitInputs, imageContentFile)
443		allowedFilesFile := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, proptools.String(a.overridableProperties.Allowed_files))
445		phonyOutput := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, a.Name()+"-diff-phony-output")
446		ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
447			Rule:        diffApexContentRule,
448			Implicits:   implicitInputs,
449			Output:      phonyOutput,
450			Description: "diff apex image content",
451			Args: map[string]string{
452				"allowed_files_file": allowedFilesFile.String(),
453				"image_content_file": imageContentFile.String(),
454				"apex_module_name":   a.Name(),
455			},
456		})
458		implicitInputs = append(implicitInputs, phonyOutput)
459	}
461	outHostBinDir := android.PathForOutput(ctx, "host", ctx.Config().PrebuiltOS(), "bin").String()
462	prebuiltSdkToolsBinDir := filepath.Join("prebuilts", "sdk", "tools", runtime.GOOS, "bin")
464	imageDir := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "image"+suffix)
465	if apexType == imageApex {
466		// files and dirs that will be created in APEX
467		var readOnlyPaths = []string{"apex_manifest.json", "apex_manifest.pb"}
468		var executablePaths []string // this also includes dirs
469		var extractedAppSetPaths android.Paths
470		var extractedAppSetDirs []string
471		for _, f := range a.filesInfo {
472			pathInApex := f.Path()
473			if f.installDir == "bin" || strings.HasPrefix(f.installDir, "bin/") {
474				executablePaths = append(executablePaths, pathInApex)
475				for _, d := range f.dataPaths {
476					readOnlyPaths = append(readOnlyPaths, filepath.Join(f.installDir, d.RelativeInstallPath, d.SrcPath.Rel()))
477				}
478				for _, s := range f.symlinks {
479					executablePaths = append(executablePaths, filepath.Join(f.installDir, s))
480				}
481			} else if f.class == appSet {
482				extractedAppSetPaths = append(extractedAppSetPaths, f.builtFile)
483				extractedAppSetDirs = append(extractedAppSetDirs, f.installDir)
484			} else {
485				readOnlyPaths = append(readOnlyPaths, pathInApex)
486			}
487			dir := f.installDir
488			for !android.InList(dir, executablePaths) && dir != "" {
489				executablePaths = append(executablePaths, dir)
490				dir, _ = filepath.Split(dir) // move up to the parent
491				if len(dir) > 0 {
492					// remove trailing slash
493					dir = dir[:len(dir)-1]
494				}
495			}
496		}
497		sort.Strings(readOnlyPaths)
498		sort.Strings(executablePaths)
499		cannedFsConfig := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "canned_fs_config")
500		ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
501			Rule:        generateFsConfig,
502			Output:      cannedFsConfig,
503			Description: "generate fs config",
504			Inputs:      extractedAppSetPaths,
505			Args: map[string]string{
506				"ro_paths":   strings.Join(readOnlyPaths, " "),
507				"exec_paths": strings.Join(executablePaths, " "),
508				"apk_paths":  strings.Join(extractedAppSetDirs, " "),
509			},
510		})
512		optFlags := []string{}
514		// Additional implicit inputs.
515		implicitInputs = append(implicitInputs, cannedFsConfig, a.fileContexts, a.private_key_file, a.public_key_file)
516		optFlags = append(optFlags, "--pubkey "+a.public_key_file.String())
518		manifestPackageName := a.getOverrideManifestPackageName(ctx)
519		if manifestPackageName != "" {
520			optFlags = append(optFlags, "--override_apk_package_name "+manifestPackageName)
521		}
523		if a.properties.AndroidManifest != nil {
524			androidManifestFile := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, proptools.String(a.properties.AndroidManifest))
525			implicitInputs = append(implicitInputs, androidManifestFile)
526			optFlags = append(optFlags, "--android_manifest "+androidManifestFile.String())
527		}
529		targetSdkVersion := ctx.Config().DefaultAppTargetSdk()
530		// TODO(b/157078772): propagate min_sdk_version to apexer.
531		minSdkVersion := ctx.Config().DefaultAppTargetSdk()
533		if a.minSdkVersion(ctx) == android.SdkVersion_Android10 {
534			minSdkVersion = strconv.Itoa(a.minSdkVersion(ctx))
535		}
537		if java.UseApiFingerprint(ctx) {
538			targetSdkVersion = ctx.Config().PlatformSdkCodename() + fmt.Sprintf(".$$(cat %s)", java.ApiFingerprintPath(ctx).String())
539			implicitInputs = append(implicitInputs, java.ApiFingerprintPath(ctx))
540		}
541		if java.UseApiFingerprint(ctx) {
542			minSdkVersion = ctx.Config().PlatformSdkCodename() + fmt.Sprintf(".$$(cat %s)", java.ApiFingerprintPath(ctx).String())
543			implicitInputs = append(implicitInputs, java.ApiFingerprintPath(ctx))
544		}
545		optFlags = append(optFlags, "--target_sdk_version "+targetSdkVersion)
546		optFlags = append(optFlags, "--min_sdk_version "+minSdkVersion)
548		if a.overridableProperties.Logging_parent != "" {
549			optFlags = append(optFlags, "--logging_parent ", a.overridableProperties.Logging_parent)
550		}
552		a.mergedNotices = a.buildNoticeFiles(ctx, a.Name()+suffix)
553		if a.mergedNotices.HtmlGzOutput.Valid() {
554			// If there's a NOTICE file, embed it as an asset file in the APEX.
555			implicitInputs = append(implicitInputs, a.mergedNotices.HtmlGzOutput.Path())
556			optFlags = append(optFlags, "--assets_dir "+filepath.Dir(a.mergedNotices.HtmlGzOutput.String()))
557		}
559		if ctx.ModuleDir() != "system/apex/apexd/apexd_testdata" && ctx.ModuleDir() != "system/apex/shim/build" && a.testOnlyShouldSkipHashtreeGeneration() {
560			ctx.PropertyErrorf("test_only_no_hashtree", "not available")
561			return
562		}
563		if a.minSdkVersion(ctx) > android.SdkVersion_Android10 || a.testOnlyShouldSkipHashtreeGeneration() {
564			// Apexes which are supposed to be installed in builtin dirs(/system, etc)
565			// don't need hashtree for activation. Therefore, by removing hashtree from
566			// apex bundle (filesystem image in it, to be specific), we can save storage.
567			optFlags = append(optFlags, "--no_hashtree")
568		}
570		if a.testOnlyShouldSkipPayloadSign() {
571			optFlags = append(optFlags, "--unsigned_payload")
572		}
574		if a.properties.Apex_name != nil {
575			// If apex_name is set, apexer can skip checking if key name matches with apex name.
576			// Note that apex_manifest is also mended.
577			optFlags = append(optFlags, "--do_not_check_keyname")
578		}
580		if a.minSdkVersion(ctx) == android.SdkVersion_Android10 {
581			implicitInputs = append(implicitInputs, a.manifestJsonOut)
582			optFlags = append(optFlags, "--manifest_json "+a.manifestJsonOut.String())
583		}
585		ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
586			Rule:        apexRule,
587			Implicits:   implicitInputs,
588			Output:      unsignedOutputFile,
589			Description: "apex (" + apexType.name() + ")",
590			Args: map[string]string{
591				"tool_path":        outHostBinDir + ":" + prebuiltSdkToolsBinDir,
592				"image_dir":        imageDir.String(),
593				"copy_commands":    strings.Join(copyCommands, " && "),
594				"manifest":         a.manifestPbOut.String(),
595				"file_contexts":    a.fileContexts.String(),
596				"canned_fs_config": cannedFsConfig.String(),
597				"key":              a.private_key_file.String(),
598				"opt_flags":        strings.Join(optFlags, " "),
599			},
600		})
602		apexProtoFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, a.Name()+".pb"+suffix)
603		bundleModuleFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, a.Name()+suffix+"-base.zip")
604		a.bundleModuleFile = bundleModuleFile
606		ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
607			Rule:        apexProtoConvertRule,
608			Input:       unsignedOutputFile,
609			Output:      apexProtoFile,
610			Description: "apex proto convert",
611		})
613		bundleConfig := a.buildBundleConfig(ctx)
615		ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
616			Rule:        apexBundleRule,
617			Input:       apexProtoFile,
618			Implicit:    bundleConfig,
619			Output:      a.bundleModuleFile,
620			Description: "apex bundle module",
621			Args: map[string]string{
622				"abi":    strings.Join(abis, "."),
623				"config": bundleConfig.String(),
624			},
625		})
626	} else {
627		ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
628			Rule:        zipApexRule,
629			Implicits:   implicitInputs,
630			Output:      unsignedOutputFile,
631			Description: "apex (" + apexType.name() + ")",
632			Args: map[string]string{
633				"tool_path":     outHostBinDir + ":" + prebuiltSdkToolsBinDir,
634				"image_dir":     imageDir.String(),
635				"copy_commands": strings.Join(copyCommands, " && "),
636				"manifest":      a.manifestPbOut.String(),
637			},
638		})
639	}
641	a.outputFile = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, a.Name()+suffix)
642	rule := java.Signapk
643	args := map[string]string{
644		"certificates": a.container_certificate_file.String() + " " + a.container_private_key_file.String(),
645		"flags":        "-a 4096", //alignment
646	}
647	implicits := android.Paths{
648		a.container_certificate_file,
649		a.container_private_key_file,
650	}
651	if ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("RBE_SIGNAPK") {
652		rule = java.SignapkRE
653		args["implicits"] = strings.Join(implicits.Strings(), ",")
654		args["outCommaList"] = a.outputFile.String()
655	}
656	ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
657		Rule:        rule,
658		Description: "signapk",
659		Output:      a.outputFile,
660		Input:       unsignedOutputFile,
661		Implicits:   implicits,
662		Args:        args,
663	})
665	// Install to $OUT/soong/{target,host}/.../apex
666	if a.installable() {
667		ctx.InstallFile(a.installDir, a.Name()+suffix, a.outputFile)
668	}
669	a.buildFilesInfo(ctx)
671	// installed-files.txt is dist'ed
672	a.installedFilesFile = a.buildInstalledFilesFile(ctx, a.outputFile, imageDir)
675func (a *apexBundle) buildFlattenedApex(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
676	// Temporarily wrap the original `ctx` into a `flattenedApexContext` to have it
677	// reply true to `InstallBypassMake()` (thus making the call
678	// `android.PathForModuleInstall` below use `android.pathForInstallInMakeDir`
679	// instead of `android.PathForOutput`) to return the correct path to the flattened
680	// APEX (as its contents is installed by Make, not Soong).
681	factx := flattenedApexContext{ctx}
682	apexBundleName := a.Name()
683	a.outputFile = android.PathForModuleInstall(&factx, "apex", apexBundleName)
685	if a.installable() && a.GetOverriddenBy() == "" {
686		installPath := android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, "apex", apexBundleName)
687		devicePath := android.InstallPathToOnDevicePath(ctx, installPath)
688		addFlattenedFileContextsInfos(ctx, apexBundleName+":"+devicePath+":"+a.fileContexts.String())
689	}
690	a.buildFilesInfo(ctx)
693func (a *apexBundle) setCertificateAndPrivateKey(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
694	if a.container_certificate_file == nil {
695		cert := String(a.properties.Certificate)
696		if cert == "" {
697			pem, key := ctx.Config().DefaultAppCertificate(ctx)
698			a.container_certificate_file = pem
699			a.container_private_key_file = key
700		} else {
701			defaultDir := ctx.Config().DefaultAppCertificateDir(ctx)
702			a.container_certificate_file = defaultDir.Join(ctx, cert+".x509.pem")
703			a.container_private_key_file = defaultDir.Join(ctx, cert+".pk8")
704		}
705	}
708func (a *apexBundle) buildFilesInfo(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
709	if a.installable() {
710		// For flattened APEX, do nothing but make sure that APEX manifest and apex_pubkey are also copied along
711		// with other ordinary files.
712		a.filesInfo = append(a.filesInfo, newApexFile(ctx, a.manifestPbOut, "apex_manifest.pb", ".", etc, nil))
714		// rename to apex_pubkey
715		copiedPubkey := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "apex_pubkey")
716		ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
717			Rule:   android.Cp,
718			Input:  a.public_key_file,
719			Output: copiedPubkey,
720		})
721		a.filesInfo = append(a.filesInfo, newApexFile(ctx, copiedPubkey, "apex_pubkey", ".", etc, nil))
723		if a.properties.ApexType == flattenedApex {
724			apexBundleName := a.Name()
725			for _, fi := range a.filesInfo {
726				dir := filepath.Join("apex", apexBundleName, fi.installDir)
727				target := ctx.InstallFile(android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, dir), fi.Stem(), fi.builtFile)
728				for _, sym := range fi.symlinks {
729					ctx.InstallSymlink(android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, dir), sym, target)
730				}
731			}
732		}
733	}
736func (a *apexBundle) getOverrideManifestPackageName(ctx android.ModuleContext) string {
737	// For VNDK APEXes, check "com.android.vndk" in PRODUCT_MANIFEST_PACKAGE_NAME_OVERRIDES
738	// to see if it should be overridden because their <apex name> is dynamically generated
739	// according to its VNDK version.
740	if a.vndkApex {
741		overrideName, overridden := ctx.DeviceConfig().OverrideManifestPackageNameFor(vndkApexName)
742		if overridden {
743			return strings.Replace(*a.properties.Apex_name, vndkApexName, overrideName, 1)
744		}
745		return ""
746	}
747	if a.overridableProperties.Package_name != "" {
748		return a.overridableProperties.Package_name
749	}
750	manifestPackageName, overridden := ctx.DeviceConfig().OverrideManifestPackageNameFor(ctx.ModuleName())
751	if overridden {
752		return manifestPackageName
753	}
754	return ""
757func (a *apexBundle) buildApexDependencyInfo(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
758	if !a.primaryApexType {
759		return
760	}
762	if a.properties.IsCoverageVariant {
763		// Otherwise, we will have duplicated rules for coverage and
764		// non-coverage variants of the same APEX
765		return
766	}
768	if ctx.Host() {
769		// No need to generate dependency info for host variant
770		return
771	}
773	depInfos := android.DepNameToDepInfoMap{}
774	a.WalkPayloadDeps(ctx, func(ctx android.ModuleContext, from blueprint.Module, to android.ApexModule, externalDep bool) bool {
775		if from.Name() == to.Name() {
776			// This can happen for cc.reuseObjTag. We are not interested in tracking this.
777			// As soon as the dependency graph crosses the APEX boundary, don't go further.
778			return !externalDep
779		}
781		if info, exists := depInfos[to.Name()]; exists {
782			if !android.InList(from.Name(), info.From) {
783				info.From = append(info.From, from.Name())
784			}
785			info.IsExternal = info.IsExternal && externalDep
786			depInfos[to.Name()] = info
787		} else {
788			toMinSdkVersion := "(no version)"
789			if m, ok := to.(interface{ MinSdkVersion() string }); ok {
790				if v := m.MinSdkVersion(); v != "" {
791					toMinSdkVersion = v
792				}
793			}
795			depInfos[to.Name()] = android.ApexModuleDepInfo{
796				To:            to.Name(),
797				From:          []string{from.Name()},
798				IsExternal:    externalDep,
799				MinSdkVersion: toMinSdkVersion,
800			}
801		}
803		// As soon as the dependency graph crosses the APEX boundary, don't go further.
804		return !externalDep
805	})
807	a.ApexBundleDepsInfo.BuildDepsInfoLists(ctx, proptools.String(a.properties.Min_sdk_version), depInfos)
809	ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
810		Rule:   android.Phony,
811		Output: android.PathForPhony(ctx, a.Name()+"-deps-info"),
812		Inputs: []android.Path{
813			a.ApexBundleDepsInfo.FullListPath(),
814			a.ApexBundleDepsInfo.FlatListPath(),
815		},
816	})
819func (a *apexBundle) buildLintReports(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
820	depSetsBuilder := java.NewLintDepSetBuilder()
821	for _, fi := range a.filesInfo {
822		depSetsBuilder.Transitive(fi.lintDepSets)
823	}
825	a.lintReports = java.BuildModuleLintReportZips(ctx, depSetsBuilder.Build())