1 //
2 // Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 //
8 //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 //
10 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 // limitations under the License.
15 //
20 #include <utility>
21 #include <vector>
23 #include <base/time/time.h>
24 #include <policy/device_policy.h>
26 #include "update_engine/common/prefs_interface.h"
28 namespace chromeos_update_manager {
30 using StagingSchedule = std::vector<policy::DevicePolicy::DayPercentagePair>;
32 // Possible cases that staging might run into based on the inputs.
33 enum class StagingCase {
34   // Staging is off, remove the persisted value.
35   kOff,
36   // Staging is enabled, but there is no valid persisted value, saved value or
37   // the value of the schedule has changed.
38   kNoSavedValue,
39   // Staging is enabled, and there is a valid persisted value.
40   kSetStagingFromPref,
41   // Staging is enabled, and there have been no changes to the schedule.
42   kNoAction
43 };
45 // Calculate the bucket in which the device belongs based on a given staging
46 // schedule. |staging_schedule| is assumed to have already been validated.
47 int CalculateWaitTimeInDaysFromSchedule(
48     const StagingSchedule& staging_schedule);
50 // Verifies that |device_policy| contains a valid staging schedule. If
51 // |device_policy| contains a valid staging schedule, move it into
52 // |staging_schedule_out| and return the total number of days spanned by the
53 // schedule. Otherwise, don't modify |staging_schedule_out| and return 0 (which
54 // is an invalid value for the length of a schedule).
55 int GetStagingSchedule(const policy::DevicePolicy* device_policy,
56                        StagingSchedule* staging_schedule_out);
58 // Uses the given arguments to check whether staging is on, and whether the
59 // state should be updated with a new waiting time or not. |staging_wait_time|
60 // should contain the old value of the wait time, it will be replaced with the
61 // new calculated wait time value if staging is on. |staging_schedule| should
62 // contain the previous staging schedule, if there is a new schedule found, its
63 // value will be replaced with the new one.
64 StagingCase CalculateStagingCase(const policy::DevicePolicy* device_policy,
65                                  chromeos_update_engine::PrefsInterface* prefs,
66                                  base::TimeDelta* staging_wait_time,
67                                  StagingSchedule* staging_schedule);
69 }  // namespace chromeos_update_manager