1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17 package com.android.net.module.util
19 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
20 import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition
21 import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock
22 import kotlin.concurrent.withLock
24 /**
25 * A List that additionally offers the ability to append via the add() method, and to retrieve
26 * an element by its index optionally waiting for it to become available.
27 */
28 interface TrackRecord<E> : List<E> {
29 /**
30 * Adds an element to this queue, waking up threads waiting for one. Returns true, as
31 * per the contract for List.
32 */
addnull33 fun add(e: E): Boolean
35 /**
36 * Returns the first element after {@param pos}, possibly blocking until one is available, or
37 * null if no such element can be found within the timeout.
38 * If a predicate is given, only elements matching the predicate are returned.
39 *
40 * @param timeoutMs how long, in milliseconds, to wait at most (best effort approximation).
41 * @param pos the position at which to start polling.
42 * @param predicate an optional predicate to filter elements to be returned.
43 * @return an element matching the predicate, or null if timeout.
44 */
45 fun poll(timeoutMs: Long, pos: Int, predicate: (E) -> Boolean = { true }): E?
46 }
48 /**
49 * A thread-safe implementation of TrackRecord that is backed by an ArrayList.
50 *
51 * This class also supports the creation of a read-head for easier single-thread access.
52 * Refer to the documentation of {@link ArrayTrackRecord.ReadHead}.
53 */
54 class ArrayTrackRecord<E> : TrackRecord<E> {
55 private val lock = ReentrantLock()
56 private val condition = lock.newCondition()
57 // Backing store. This stores the elements in this ArrayTrackRecord.
58 private val elements = ArrayList<E>()
60 // The list iterator for RecordingQueue iterates over a snapshot of the collection at the
61 // time the operator is created. Because TrackRecord is only ever mutated by appending,
62 // that makes this iterator thread-safe as it sees an effectively immutable List.
63 class ArrayTrackRecordIterator<E>(
64 private val list: ArrayList<E>,
65 start: Int,
66 private val end: Int
67 ) : ListIterator<E> {
68 var index = start
hasNextnull69 override fun hasNext() = index < end
70 override fun next() = list[index++]
71 override fun hasPrevious() = index > 0
72 override fun nextIndex() = index + 1
73 override fun previous() = list[--index]
74 override fun previousIndex() = index - 1
75 }
77 // List<E> implementation
78 override val size get() = lock.withLock { elements.size }
<lambda>null79 override fun contains(element: E) = lock.withLock { elements.contains(element) }
<lambda>null80 override fun containsAll(elements: Collection<E>) = lock.withLock {
81 this.elements.containsAll(elements)
82 }
<lambda>null83 override operator fun get(index: Int) = lock.withLock { elements[index] }
<lambda>null84 override fun indexOf(element: E): Int = lock.withLock { elements.indexOf(element) }
<lambda>null85 override fun lastIndexOf(element: E): Int = lock.withLock { elements.lastIndexOf(element) }
<lambda>null86 override fun isEmpty() = lock.withLock { elements.isEmpty() }
listIteratornull87 override fun listIterator(index: Int) = ArrayTrackRecordIterator(elements, index, size)
88 override fun listIterator() = listIterator(0)
89 override fun iterator() = listIterator()
90 override fun subList(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): List<E> = lock.withLock {
91 elements.subList(fromIndex, toIndex)
92 }
94 // TrackRecord<E> implementation
addnull95 override fun add(e: E): Boolean {
96 lock.withLock {
97 elements.add(e)
98 condition.signalAll()
99 }
100 return true
101 }
<lambda>null102 override fun poll(timeoutMs: Long, pos: Int, predicate: (E) -> Boolean) = lock.withLock {
103 elements.getOrNull(pollForIndexReadLocked(timeoutMs, pos, predicate))
104 }
106 // For convenience
<lambda>null107 fun getOrNull(pos: Int, predicate: (E) -> Boolean) = lock.withLock {
108 if (pos < 0 || pos > size) null else elements.subList(pos, size).find(predicate)
109 }
111 // Returns the index of the next element whose position is >= pos matching the predicate, if
112 // necessary waiting until such a time that such an element is available, with a timeout.
113 // If no such element is found within the timeout -1 is returned.
pollForIndexReadLockednull114 private fun pollForIndexReadLocked(timeoutMs: Long, pos: Int, predicate: (E) -> Boolean): Int {
115 val deadline = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMs
116 var index = pos
117 do {
118 while (index < elements.size) {
119 if (predicate(elements[index])) return index
120 ++index
121 }
122 } while (condition.await(deadline - System.currentTimeMillis()))
123 return -1
124 }
126 /**
127 * Returns a ReadHead over this ArrayTrackRecord. The returned ReadHead is tied to the
128 * current thread.
129 */
newReadHeadnull130 fun newReadHead() = ReadHead()
132 /**
133 * ReadHead is an object that helps users of ArrayTrackRecord keep track of how far
134 * it has read this far in the ArrayTrackRecord. A ReadHead is always associated with
135 * a single instance of ArrayTrackRecord. Multiple ReadHeads can be created and used
136 * on the same instance of ArrayTrackRecord concurrently, and the ArrayTrackRecord
137 * instance can also be used concurrently. ReadHead maintains the current index that is
138 * the next to be read, and calls this the "mark".
139 *
140 * A ReadHead delegates all TrackRecord methods to its associated ArrayTrackRecord, and
141 * inherits its thread-safe properties. However, the additional methods that ReadHead
142 * offers on top of TrackRecord do not share these properties and can only be used by
143 * the thread that created the ReadHead. This is because by construction it does not
144 * make sense to use a ReadHead on multiple threads concurrently (see below for details).
145 *
146 * In a ReadHead, {@link poll(Long, (E) -> Boolean)} works similarly to a LinkedBlockingQueue.
147 * It can be called repeatedly and will return the elements as they arrive.
148 *
149 * Intended usage looks something like this :
150 * val TrackRecord<MyObject> record = ArrayTrackRecord().newReadHead()
151 * Thread().start {
152 * // do stuff
153 * record.add(something)
154 * // do stuff
155 * }
156 *
157 * val obj1 = record.poll(timeout)
158 * // do something with obj1
159 * val obj2 = record.poll(timeout)
160 * // do something with obj2
161 *
162 * The point is that the caller does not have to track the mark like it would have to if
163 * it was using ArrayTrackRecord directly.
164 *
165 * Note that if multiple threads were using poll() concurrently on the same ReadHead, what
166 * happens to the mark and the return values could be well defined, but it could not
167 * be useful because there is no way to provide either a guarantee not to skip objects nor
168 * a guarantee about the mark position at the exit of poll(). This is even more true in the
169 * presence of a predicate to filter returned elements, because one thread might be
170 * filtering out the events the other is interested in.
171 * Instead, this use case is supported by creating multiple ReadHeads on the same instance
172 * of ArrayTrackRecord. Each ReadHead is then guaranteed to see all events always and
173 * guarantees are made on the value of the mark upon return. {@see poll(Long, (E) -> Boolean)}
174 * for details. Be careful to create each ReadHead on the thread it is meant to be used on.
175 *
176 * Users of a ReadHead can ask for the current position of the mark at any time. This mark
177 * can be used later to replay the history of events either on this ReadHead, on the associated
178 * ArrayTrackRecord or on another ReadHead associated with the same ArrayTrackRecord. It
179 * might look like this in the reader thread :
180 *
181 * val markAtStart = record.mark
182 * // Start processing interesting events
183 * while (val element = record.poll(timeout) { it.isInteresting() }) {
184 * // Do something with element
185 * }
186 * // Look for stuff that happened while searching for interesting events
187 * val firstElementReceived = record.getOrNull(markAtStart)
188 * val firstSpecialElement = record.getOrNull(markAtStart) { it.isSpecial() }
189 * // Get the first special element since markAtStart, possibly blocking until one is available
190 * val specialElement = record.poll(timeout, markAtStart) { it.isSpecial() }
191 */
192 inner class ReadHead : TrackRecord<E> by this@ArrayTrackRecord {
193 private val owningThread = Thread.currentThread()
194 private var readHead = 0
196 /**
197 * @return the current value of the mark.
198 */
199 var mark
200 get() = readHead.also { checkThread() }
201 set(v: Int) = rewind(v)
202 fun rewind(v: Int) {
203 checkThread()
204 readHead = v
205 }
207 private fun checkThread() = check(Thread.currentThread() == owningThread) {
208 "Must be called by the thread that created this object"
209 }
211 /**
212 * Returns the first element after the mark, optionally blocking until one is available, or
213 * null if no such element can be found within the timeout.
214 * If a predicate is given, only elements matching the predicate are returned.
215 *
216 * Upon return the mark will be set to immediately after the returned element, or after
217 * the last element in the queue if null is returned. This means this method will always
218 * skip elements that do not match the predicate, even if it returns null.
219 *
220 * This method can only be used by the thread that created this ManagedRecordingQueue.
221 * If used on another thread, this throws IllegalStateException.
222 *
223 * @param timeoutMs how long, in milliseconds, to wait at most (best effort approximation).
224 * @param predicate an optional predicate to filter elements to be returned.
225 * @return an element matching the predicate, or null if timeout.
226 */
227 fun poll(timeoutMs: Long, predicate: (E) -> Boolean = { true }): E? {
228 checkThread()
229 lock.withLock {
230 val index = pollForIndexReadLocked(timeoutMs, readHead, predicate)
231 readHead = if (index < 0) size else index + 1
232 return getOrNull(index)
233 }
234 }
236 /**
237 * Returns the first element after the mark or null. This never blocks.
238 *
239 * This method can only be used by the thread that created this ManagedRecordingQueue.
240 * If used on another thread, this throws IllegalStateException.
241 */
242 fun peek(): E? = getOrNull(readHead).also { checkThread() }
243 }
244 }
246 // Private helper
Conditionnull247 private fun Condition.await(timeoutMs: Long) = this.await(timeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)