1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2019, The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include "java_writer_q.h"
18 #include "utils.h"
20 namespace android {
21 namespace stats_log_api_gen {
write_java_q_logging_constants(FILE * out,const string & indent)23 void write_java_q_logging_constants(FILE* out, const string& indent) {
24     fprintf(out, "%s// Payload limits.\n", indent.c_str());
25     fprintf(out, "%sprivate static final int LOGGER_ENTRY_MAX_PAYLOAD = 4068;\n", indent.c_str());
26     fprintf(out,
27             "%sprivate static final int MAX_EVENT_PAYLOAD = LOGGER_ENTRY_MAX_PAYLOAD - 4;\n",
28             indent.c_str());
30     // Value types. Must match with EventLog.java and log.h.
31     fprintf(out, "\n");
32     fprintf(out, "%s// Value types.\n", indent.c_str());
33     fprintf(out, "%sprivate static final byte INT_TYPE = 0;\n", indent.c_str());
34     fprintf(out, "%sprivate static final byte LONG_TYPE = 1;\n", indent.c_str());
35     fprintf(out, "%sprivate static final byte STRING_TYPE = 2;\n", indent.c_str());
36     fprintf(out, "%sprivate static final byte LIST_TYPE = 3;\n", indent.c_str());
37     fprintf(out, "%sprivate static final byte FLOAT_TYPE = 4;\n", indent.c_str());
39     // Size of each value type.
40     // Booleans, ints, floats, and enums take 5 bytes, 1 for the type and 4 for the value.
41     fprintf(out, "\n");
42     fprintf(out, "%s// Size of each value type.\n", indent.c_str());
43     fprintf(out, "%sprivate static final int INT_TYPE_SIZE = 5;\n", indent.c_str());
44     fprintf(out, "%sprivate static final int FLOAT_TYPE_SIZE = 5;\n", indent.c_str());
45     // Longs take 9 bytes, 1 for the type and 8 for the value.
46     fprintf(out, "%sprivate static final int LONG_TYPE_SIZE = 9;\n", indent.c_str());
47     // Strings take 5 metadata bytes: 1 byte is for the type, 4 are for the length.
48     fprintf(out, "%sprivate static final int STRING_TYPE_OVERHEAD = 5;\n", indent.c_str());
49     fprintf(out, "%sprivate static final int LIST_TYPE_OVERHEAD = 2;\n", indent.c_str());
50 }
write_java_methods_q_schema(FILE * out,const map<vector<java_type_t>,set<string>> & signatures_to_modules,const AtomDecl & attributionDecl,const string & moduleName,const string & indent)52 int write_java_methods_q_schema(
53         FILE* out,
54         const map<vector<java_type_t>, set<string>>& signatures_to_modules,
55         const AtomDecl &attributionDecl,
56         const string& moduleName,
57         const string& indent) {
58     int requiredHelpers = 0;
59     for (auto signature_to_modules_it = signatures_to_modules.begin();
60             signature_to_modules_it != signatures_to_modules.end(); signature_to_modules_it++) {
61         // Skip if this signature is not needed for the module.
62         if (!signature_needed_for_module(signature_to_modules_it->second, moduleName)) {
63             continue;
64         }
66         // Print method signature.
67         vector<java_type_t> signature = signature_to_modules_it->first;
68         fprintf(out, "%spublic static void write(int code", indent.c_str());
69         int argIndex = 1;
70         for (vector<java_type_t>::const_iterator arg = signature.begin();
71                 arg != signature.end(); arg++) {
72             if (*arg == JAVA_TYPE_ATTRIBUTION_CHAIN) {
73                 for (auto chainField : attributionDecl.fields) {
74                     fprintf(out, ", %s[] %s",
75                         java_type_name(chainField.javaType), chainField.name.c_str());
76                 }
77             } else if (*arg == JAVA_TYPE_KEY_VALUE_PAIR) {
78                 // Module logging does not yet support key value pair.
79                 fprintf(stderr, "Module logging does not yet support key value pair.\n");
80                 continue;
81             } else {
82                 fprintf(out, ", %s arg%d", java_type_name(*arg), argIndex);
83             }
84             argIndex++;
85         }
86         fprintf(out, ") {\n");
88         // Calculate the size of the buffer.
89         fprintf(out, "%s    // Initial overhead of the list, timestamp, and atom tag.\n",
90                 indent.c_str());
91         fprintf(out,
92                 "%s    int needed = LIST_TYPE_OVERHEAD + LONG_TYPE_SIZE + INT_TYPE_SIZE;\n",
93                 indent.c_str());
94         argIndex = 1;
95         for (vector<java_type_t>::const_iterator arg = signature.begin();
96                 arg != signature.end(); arg++) {
97             switch (*arg) {
98             case JAVA_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
99             case JAVA_TYPE_INT:
100             case JAVA_TYPE_FLOAT:
101             case JAVA_TYPE_ENUM:
102                 fprintf(out, "%s    needed += INT_TYPE_SIZE;\n", indent.c_str());
103                 break;
104             case JAVA_TYPE_LONG:
105                 // Longs take 9 bytes, 1 for the type and 8 for the value.
106                 fprintf(out, "%s    needed += LONG_TYPE_SIZE;\n", indent.c_str());
107                 break;
108             case JAVA_TYPE_STRING:
109                 // Strings take 5 metadata bytes + length of byte encoded string.
110                 fprintf(out, "%s    if (arg%d == null) {\n", indent.c_str(), argIndex);
111                 fprintf(out, "%s        arg%d = \"\";\n", indent.c_str(), argIndex);
112                 fprintf(out, "%s    }\n", indent.c_str());
113                 fprintf(out,
114                         "%s    byte[] arg%dBytes = "
115                         "arg%d.getBytes(java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8);\n",
116                         indent.c_str(), argIndex, argIndex);
117                 fprintf(out, "%s    needed += STRING_TYPE_OVERHEAD + arg%dBytes.length;\n",
118                         indent.c_str(), argIndex);
119                 break;
120             case JAVA_TYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:
121                 // Byte arrays take 5 metadata bytes + length of byte array.
122                 fprintf(out, "%s    if (arg%d == null) {\n", indent.c_str(), argIndex);
123                 fprintf(out, "%s        arg%d = new byte[0];\n", indent.c_str(), argIndex);
124                 fprintf(out, "%s    }\n", indent.c_str());
125                 fprintf(out, "%s    needed += STRING_TYPE_OVERHEAD + arg%d.length;\n",
126                         indent.c_str(), argIndex);
127                 break;
128             case JAVA_TYPE_ATTRIBUTION_CHAIN:
129             {
130                 const char* uidName = attributionDecl.fields.front().name.c_str();
131                 const char* tagName = attributionDecl.fields.back().name.c_str();
132                 // Null checks on the params.
133                 fprintf(out, "%s    if (%s == null) {\n", indent.c_str(), uidName);
134                 fprintf(out, "%s        %s = new %s[0];\n", indent.c_str(), uidName,
135                         java_type_name(attributionDecl.fields.front().javaType));
136                 fprintf(out, "%s    }\n", indent.c_str());
137                 fprintf(out, "%s    if (%s == null) {\n", indent.c_str(), tagName);
138                 fprintf(out, "%s        %s = new %s[0];\n", indent.c_str(), tagName,
139                         java_type_name(attributionDecl.fields.back().javaType));
140                 fprintf(out, "%s    }\n", indent.c_str());
142                 // First check that the lengths of the uid and tag arrays are the same.
143                 fprintf(out, "%s    if (%s.length != %s.length) {\n",
144                         indent.c_str(), uidName, tagName);
145                 fprintf(out, "%s        return;\n", indent.c_str());
146                 fprintf(out, "%s    }\n", indent.c_str());
147                 fprintf(out, "%s    int attrSize = LIST_TYPE_OVERHEAD;\n", indent.c_str());
148                 fprintf(out, "%s    for (int i = 0; i < %s.length; i++) {\n",
149                         indent.c_str(), tagName);
150                 fprintf(out, "%s        String str%d = (%s[i] == null) ? \"\" : %s[i];\n",
151                         indent.c_str(), argIndex, tagName, tagName);
152                 fprintf(out,
153                         "%s        int str%dlen = "
154                         "str%d.getBytes(java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8).length;\n",
155                         indent.c_str(), argIndex, argIndex);
156                 fprintf(out,
157                         "%s        attrSize += "
158                         "LIST_TYPE_OVERHEAD + INT_TYPE_SIZE + STRING_TYPE_OVERHEAD + str%dlen;\n",
159                         indent.c_str(), argIndex);
160                 fprintf(out, "%s    }\n", indent.c_str());
161                 fprintf(out, "%s    needed += attrSize;\n", indent.c_str());
162                 break;
163             }
164             default:
165                 // Unsupported types: OBJECT, DOUBLE, KEY_VALUE_PAIR.
166                 fprintf(stderr, "Module logging does not yet support key value pair.\n");
167                 return 1;
168             }
169             argIndex++;
170         }
172         // Now we have the size that is needed. Check for overflow and return if needed.
173         fprintf(out, "%s    if (needed > MAX_EVENT_PAYLOAD) {\n", indent.c_str());
174         fprintf(out, "%s        return;\n", indent.c_str());
175         fprintf(out, "%s    }\n", indent.c_str());
177         // Create new buffer, and associated data types.
178         fprintf(out, "%s    byte[] buff = new byte[needed];\n", indent.c_str());
179         fprintf(out, "%s    int pos = 0;\n", indent.c_str());
181         // Initialize the buffer with list data type.
182         fprintf(out, "%s    buff[pos] = LIST_TYPE;\n", indent.c_str());
183         fprintf(out, "%s    buff[pos + 1] = %zu;\n", indent.c_str(), signature.size() + 2);
184         fprintf(out, "%s    pos += LIST_TYPE_OVERHEAD;\n", indent.c_str());
186         // Write timestamp.
187         fprintf(out, "%s    long elapsedRealtime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos();\n", indent.c_str());
188         fprintf(out, "%s    buff[pos] = LONG_TYPE;\n", indent.c_str());
189         fprintf(out, "%s    copyLong(buff, pos + 1, elapsedRealtime);\n", indent.c_str());
190         fprintf(out, "%s    pos += LONG_TYPE_SIZE;\n", indent.c_str());
192         // Write atom code.
193         fprintf(out, "%s    buff[pos] = INT_TYPE;\n", indent.c_str());
194         fprintf(out, "%s    copyInt(buff, pos + 1, code);\n", indent.c_str());
195         fprintf(out, "%s    pos += INT_TYPE_SIZE;\n", indent.c_str());
197         // Write the args.
198         argIndex = 1;
199         for (vector<java_type_t>::const_iterator arg = signature.begin();
200                 arg != signature.end(); arg++) {
201             switch (*arg) {
202             case JAVA_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
203                 fprintf(out, "%s    buff[pos] = INT_TYPE;\n", indent.c_str());
204                 fprintf(out, "%s    copyInt(buff, pos + 1, arg%d? 1 : 0);\n",
205                         indent.c_str(), argIndex);
206                 fprintf(out, "%s    pos += INT_TYPE_SIZE;\n", indent.c_str());
207                 break;
208             case JAVA_TYPE_INT:
209             case JAVA_TYPE_ENUM:
210                 fprintf(out, "%s    buff[pos] = INT_TYPE;\n", indent.c_str());
211                 fprintf(out, "%s    copyInt(buff, pos + 1, arg%d);\n", indent.c_str(), argIndex);
212                 fprintf(out, "%s    pos += INT_TYPE_SIZE;\n", indent.c_str());
213                 break;
214             case JAVA_TYPE_FLOAT:
215                 requiredHelpers |= JAVA_MODULE_REQUIRES_FLOAT;
216                 fprintf(out, "%s    buff[pos] = FLOAT_TYPE;\n", indent.c_str());
217                 fprintf(out, "%s    copyFloat(buff, pos + 1, arg%d);\n", indent.c_str(), argIndex);
218                 fprintf(out, "%s    pos += FLOAT_TYPE_SIZE;\n", indent.c_str());
219                 break;
220             case JAVA_TYPE_LONG:
221                 fprintf(out, "%s    buff[pos] = LONG_TYPE;\n", indent.c_str());
222                 fprintf(out, "%s    copyLong(buff, pos + 1, arg%d);\n", indent.c_str(), argIndex);
223                 fprintf(out, "%s    pos += LONG_TYPE_SIZE;\n", indent.c_str());
224                 break;
225             case JAVA_TYPE_STRING:
226                 fprintf(out, "%s    buff[pos] = STRING_TYPE;\n", indent.c_str());
227                 fprintf(out, "%s    copyInt(buff, pos + 1, arg%dBytes.length);\n",
228                         indent.c_str(), argIndex);
229                 fprintf(out, "%s    System.arraycopy("
230                         "arg%dBytes, 0, buff, pos + STRING_TYPE_OVERHEAD, arg%dBytes.length);\n",
231                         indent.c_str(), argIndex, argIndex);
232                 fprintf(out, "%s    pos += STRING_TYPE_OVERHEAD + arg%dBytes.length;\n",
233                         indent.c_str(), argIndex);
234                 break;
235             case JAVA_TYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:
236                 fprintf(out, "%s    buff[pos] = STRING_TYPE;\n", indent.c_str());
237                 fprintf(out, "%s    copyInt(buff, pos + 1, arg%d.length);\n",
238                         indent.c_str(), argIndex);
239                 fprintf(out, "%s    System.arraycopy("
240                         "arg%d, 0, buff, pos + STRING_TYPE_OVERHEAD, arg%d.length);\n",
241                         indent.c_str(), argIndex, argIndex);
242                 fprintf(out, "%s    pos += STRING_TYPE_OVERHEAD + arg%d.length;\n",
243                         indent.c_str(), argIndex);
244                 break;
245             case JAVA_TYPE_ATTRIBUTION_CHAIN:
246             {
247                 requiredHelpers |= JAVA_MODULE_REQUIRES_ATTRIBUTION;
248                 const char* uidName = attributionDecl.fields.front().name.c_str();
249                 const char* tagName = attributionDecl.fields.back().name.c_str();
251                 fprintf(out, "%s    writeAttributionChain(buff, pos, %s, %s);\n", indent.c_str(),
252                         uidName, tagName);
253                 fprintf(out, "%s    pos += attrSize;\n", indent.c_str());
254                 break;
255             }
256             default:
257                 // Unsupported types: OBJECT, DOUBLE, KEY_VALUE_PAIR.
258                 fprintf(stderr,
259                         "Object, Double, and KeyValuePairs are not supported in module logging");
260                 return 1;
261             }
262             argIndex++;
263         }
265         fprintf(out, "%s    StatsLog.writeRaw(buff, pos);\n", indent.c_str());
266         fprintf(out, "%s}\n", indent.c_str());
267         fprintf(out, "\n");
268     }
270     write_java_helpers_for_q_schema_methods(out, attributionDecl, requiredHelpers, indent);
272     return 0;
273 }
write_java_helpers_for_q_schema_methods(FILE * out,const AtomDecl & attributionDecl,const int requiredHelpers,const string & indent)275 void write_java_helpers_for_q_schema_methods(
276         FILE* out,
277         const AtomDecl &attributionDecl,
278         const int requiredHelpers,
279         const string& indent) {
280     fprintf(out, "\n");
281     fprintf(out, "%s// Helper methods for copying primitives\n", indent.c_str());
282     fprintf(out, "%sprivate static void copyInt(byte[] buff, int pos, int val) {\n",
283             indent.c_str());
284     fprintf(out, "%s    buff[pos] = (byte) (val);\n", indent.c_str());
285     fprintf(out, "%s    buff[pos + 1] = (byte) (val >> 8);\n", indent.c_str());
286     fprintf(out, "%s    buff[pos + 2] = (byte) (val >> 16);\n", indent.c_str());
287     fprintf(out, "%s    buff[pos + 3] = (byte) (val >> 24);\n", indent.c_str());
288     fprintf(out, "%s    return;\n", indent.c_str());
289     fprintf(out, "%s}\n", indent.c_str());
290     fprintf(out, "\n");
292     fprintf(out, "%sprivate static void copyLong(byte[] buff, int pos, long val) {\n",
293             indent.c_str());
294     fprintf(out, "%s    buff[pos] = (byte) (val);\n", indent.c_str());
295     fprintf(out, "%s    buff[pos + 1] = (byte) (val >> 8);\n", indent.c_str());
296     fprintf(out, "%s    buff[pos + 2] = (byte) (val >> 16);\n", indent.c_str());
297     fprintf(out, "%s    buff[pos + 3] = (byte) (val >> 24);\n", indent.c_str());
298     fprintf(out, "%s    buff[pos + 4] = (byte) (val >> 32);\n", indent.c_str());
299     fprintf(out, "%s    buff[pos + 5] = (byte) (val >> 40);\n", indent.c_str());
300     fprintf(out, "%s    buff[pos + 6] = (byte) (val >> 48);\n", indent.c_str());
301     fprintf(out, "%s    buff[pos + 7] = (byte) (val >> 56);\n", indent.c_str());
302     fprintf(out, "%s    return;\n", indent.c_str());
303     fprintf(out, "%s}\n", indent.c_str());
304     fprintf(out, "\n");
306     if (requiredHelpers & JAVA_MODULE_REQUIRES_FLOAT) {
307         fprintf(out, "%sprivate static void copyFloat(byte[] buff, int pos, float val) {\n",
308                 indent.c_str());
309         fprintf(out, "%s    copyInt(buff, pos, Float.floatToIntBits(val));\n", indent.c_str());
310         fprintf(out, "%s    return;\n", indent.c_str());
311         fprintf(out, "%s}\n", indent.c_str());
312         fprintf(out, "\n");
313     }
315     if (requiredHelpers & JAVA_MODULE_REQUIRES_ATTRIBUTION) {
316         fprintf(out, "%sprivate static void writeAttributionChain(byte[] buff, int pos",
317                 indent.c_str());
318         for (auto chainField : attributionDecl.fields) {
319             fprintf(out, ", %s[] %s",
320                 java_type_name(chainField.javaType), chainField.name.c_str());
321         }
322         fprintf(out, ") {\n");
324         const char* uidName = attributionDecl.fields.front().name.c_str();
325         const char* tagName = attributionDecl.fields.back().name.c_str();
327         // Write the first list begin.
328         fprintf(out, "%s    buff[pos] = LIST_TYPE;\n", indent.c_str());
329         fprintf(out, "%s    buff[pos + 1] = (byte) (%s.length);\n", indent.c_str(), tagName);
330         fprintf(out, "%s    pos += LIST_TYPE_OVERHEAD;\n", indent.c_str());
332         // Iterate through the attribution chain and write the nodes.
333         fprintf(out, "%s    for (int i = 0; i < %s.length; i++) {\n", indent.c_str(), tagName);
334         // Write the list begin.
335         fprintf(out, "%s        buff[pos] = LIST_TYPE;\n", indent.c_str());
336         fprintf(out, "%s        buff[pos + 1] = %lu;\n",
337                 indent.c_str(), attributionDecl.fields.size());
338         fprintf(out, "%s        pos += LIST_TYPE_OVERHEAD;\n", indent.c_str());
340         // Write the uid.
341         fprintf(out, "%s        buff[pos] = INT_TYPE;\n", indent.c_str());
342         fprintf(out, "%s        copyInt(buff, pos + 1, %s[i]);\n", indent.c_str(), uidName);
343         fprintf(out, "%s        pos += INT_TYPE_SIZE;\n", indent.c_str());
345         // Write the tag.
346         fprintf(out, "%s        String %sStr = (%s[i] == null) ? \"\" : %s[i];\n",
347                 indent.c_str(), tagName, tagName, tagName);
348         fprintf(out, "%s        byte[] %sByte = "
349                 "%sStr.getBytes(java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8);\n",
350                 indent.c_str(), tagName, tagName);
351         fprintf(out, "%s        buff[pos] = STRING_TYPE;\n", indent.c_str());
352         fprintf(out, "%s        copyInt(buff, pos + 1, %sByte.length);\n", indent.c_str(), tagName);
353         fprintf(out, "%s        System.arraycopy("
354                 "%sByte, 0, buff, pos + STRING_TYPE_OVERHEAD, %sByte.length);\n",
355                 indent.c_str(), tagName, tagName);
356         fprintf(out, "%s        pos += STRING_TYPE_OVERHEAD + %sByte.length;\n",
357                 indent.c_str(), tagName);
358         fprintf(out, "%s    }\n", indent.c_str());
359         fprintf(out, "%s}\n", indent.c_str());
360         fprintf(out, "\n");
361     }
362 }
364 // This method is called in main.cpp to generate StatsLog for modules that's compatible with
365 // Q at compile-time.
write_stats_log_java_q_for_module(FILE * out,const Atoms & atoms,const AtomDecl & attributionDecl,const string & moduleName,const string & javaClass,const string & javaPackage,const bool supportWorkSource)366 int write_stats_log_java_q_for_module(FILE* out, const Atoms& atoms,
367                                       const AtomDecl &attributionDecl, const string& moduleName,
368                                       const string& javaClass, const string& javaPackage,
369                                       const bool supportWorkSource) {
370     // Print prelude
371     fprintf(out, "// This file is autogenerated\n");
372     fprintf(out, "\n");
373     fprintf(out, "package %s;\n", javaPackage.c_str());
374     fprintf(out, "\n");
375     fprintf(out, "import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;\n");
376     fprintf(out, "\n");
377     fprintf(out, "import android.util.StatsLog;\n");
378     fprintf(out, "import android.os.SystemClock;\n");
379     fprintf(out, "\n");
380     fprintf(out, "\n");
381     fprintf(out, "/**\n");
382     fprintf(out, " * Utility class for logging statistics events.\n");
383     fprintf(out, " */\n");
384     fprintf(out, "public class %s {\n", javaClass.c_str());
386     write_java_q_logging_constants(out, "    ");
388     write_java_atom_codes(out, atoms, moduleName);
390     write_java_enum_values(out, atoms, moduleName);
392     int errors = 0;
393     // Print write methods
394     fprintf(out, "    // Write methods\n");
395     errors += write_java_methods_q_schema(out, atoms.signatures_to_modules, attributionDecl,
396             moduleName, "    ");
397     errors += write_java_non_chained_methods(out, atoms.non_chained_signatures_to_modules,
398             moduleName);
399     if (supportWorkSource) {
400         errors += write_java_work_source_methods(out, atoms.signatures_to_modules, moduleName);
401     }
403     fprintf(out, "}\n");
405     return errors;
406 }
408 #if defined(STATS_SCHEMA_LEGACY)
write_java_method(FILE * out,const string & method_name,const map<vector<java_type_t>,set<string>> & signatures_to_modules,const AtomDecl & attributionDecl)409 static void write_java_method(
410         FILE* out,
411         const string& method_name,
412         const map<vector<java_type_t>, set<string>>& signatures_to_modules,
413         const AtomDecl &attributionDecl) {
415     for (auto signature_to_modules_it = signatures_to_modules.begin();
416             signature_to_modules_it != signatures_to_modules.end(); signature_to_modules_it++) {
417         vector<java_type_t> signature = signature_to_modules_it->first;
418         fprintf(out, "    /** @hide */\n");
419         fprintf(out, "    public static native int %s(int code", method_name.c_str());
420         int argIndex = 1;
421         for (vector<java_type_t>::const_iterator arg = signature.begin();
422             arg != signature.end(); arg++) {
423             if (*arg == JAVA_TYPE_ATTRIBUTION_CHAIN) {
424                 for (auto chainField : attributionDecl.fields) {
425                     fprintf(out, ", %s[] %s",
426                         java_type_name(chainField.javaType), chainField.name.c_str());
427                 }
428             } else if (*arg == JAVA_TYPE_KEY_VALUE_PAIR) {
429                 fprintf(out, ", android.util.SparseArray<Object> value_map");
430             } else {
431                 fprintf(out, ", %s arg%d", java_type_name(*arg), argIndex);
432             }
433             argIndex++;
434         }
435         fprintf(out, ");\n");
436         fprintf(out, "\n");
437     }
438 }
write_stats_log_java_q(FILE * out,const Atoms & atoms,const AtomDecl & attributionDecl,const bool supportWorkSource)440 int write_stats_log_java_q(FILE* out, const Atoms& atoms, const AtomDecl &attributionDecl,
441                            const bool supportWorkSource) {
442     // Print prelude
443     fprintf(out, "// This file is autogenerated\n");
444     fprintf(out, "\n");
445     fprintf(out, "package android.util;\n");
446     fprintf(out, "\n");
447     fprintf(out, "\n");
448     fprintf(out, "/**\n");
449     fprintf(out, " * API For logging statistics events.\n");
450     fprintf(out, " * @hide\n");
451     fprintf(out, " */\n");
452     fprintf(out, "public class StatsLogInternal {\n");
453     write_java_atom_codes(out, atoms, DEFAULT_MODULE_NAME);
455     write_java_enum_values(out, atoms, DEFAULT_MODULE_NAME);
457     // Print write methods
458     fprintf(out, "    // Write methods\n");
459     write_java_method(out, "write", atoms.signatures_to_modules, attributionDecl);
460     write_java_method(out, "write_non_chained", atoms.non_chained_signatures_to_modules,
461             attributionDecl);
462     if (supportWorkSource) {
463         write_java_work_source_methods(out, atoms.signatures_to_modules, DEFAULT_MODULE_NAME);
464     }
466     fprintf(out, "}\n");
468     return 0;
469 }
470 #endif
472 }  // namespace stats_log_api_gen
473 }  // namespace android