/hardware/qcom/media/msm8974/mm-video-legacy/DivxDrmDecrypt/src/ |
D | DivXDrmDecrypt.cpp | 92 DivXDrmDecrypt* decrypt = drmCreateFunc(); in Create() local 93 if( decrypt == NULL ) { in Create() 96 return decrypt; in Create()
/hardware/qcom/media/msm8974/mm-video-v4l2/DivxDrmDecrypt/src/ |
D | DivXDrmDecrypt.cpp | 97 DivXDrmDecrypt* decrypt = drmCreateFunc(); in Create() local 99 if ( decrypt == NULL ) { in Create() 103 return decrypt; in Create()
/hardware/interfaces/drm/1.0/ |
D | ICryptoPlugin.hal | 25 * load crypto keys for a codec to decrypt protected video content. 60 * Set a shared memory base for subsequent decrypt operations. The buffer 62 * After the shared buffer base is established, the decrypt() method 64 * for decrypt source and destination addresses. 90 * of clear and encrypted bytes to process. This allows the decrypt 102 * ERROR_DRM_SESSION_NOT_OPENED if the decrypt session is not opened, 103 * ERROR_DRM_DECRYPT if the decrypt operation fails, and 110 decrypt(bool secure, uint8_t[16] keyId, uint8_t[16] iv, Mode mode,
D | types.hal | 94 * decrypt operation fails. 196 * The key is currently usable to decrypt media data. 201 * The key is no longer usable to decrypt media data because its expiration 207 * The key is not currently usable to decrypt media data because its output 218 * The key is not currently usable to decrypt media data because of an 302 * SharedBuffer describes a decrypt buffer which is defined by a bufferId, an 326 * A decrypt destination buffer can be either normal user-space shared 327 * memory for the non-secure decrypt case, or it can be a secure buffer
D | ICryptoFactory.hal | 25 * which are used by a codec to decrypt protected video content.
D | IDrmFactory.hal | 26 * session so it can decrypt* protected video content.
D | IDrmPlugin.hal | 25 * obtaining drm keys that may be used by a codec to decrypt protected 57 * Server to obtain the keys required to decrypt the content. 364 * encrypt, decrypt, sign verify operations on operator-provided 423 * @param input the input data to decrypt 428 * if the HAL is in a state where the decrypt operation cannot be 432 decrypt(SessionId sessionId, vec<uint8_t> keyId, vec<uint8_t> input,
/hardware/interfaces/drm/1.2/ |
D | ICryptoPlugin.hal | 29 * load crypto keys for a codec to decrypt protected video content. 37 * decrypt_1_2() only differs from decrypt() in that additional status 49 * of clear and encrypted bytes to process. This allows the decrypt 68 * ERROR_DRM_SESSION_NOT_OPENED if the decrypt session is not 70 * ERROR_DRM_DECRYPT if the decrypt operation fails
D | types.hal | 45 * from the crypto plugin decrypt method when the security level 53 * decrypt method when the frame being decrypted into the secure 100 * The key is not yet usable to decrypt media because the start
D | ICryptoFactory.hal | 23 * which are used by a codec to decrypt protected video content.
D | IDrmFactory.hal | 26 * session so it can decrypt protected video content.
/hardware/interfaces/drm/1.0/default/ |
D | CryptoPlugin.cpp | 61 Return<void> CryptoPlugin::decrypt(bool secure, in decrypt() function in android::hardware::drm::V1_0::implementation::CryptoPlugin 169 ssize_t result = mLegacyPlugin->decrypt(secure, keyId.data(), iv.data(), in decrypt()
D | CryptoPlugin.h | 63 Return<void> decrypt(bool secure, const hidl_array<uint8_t, 16>& keyId,
D | DrmPlugin.cpp | 278 Return<void> DrmPlugin::decrypt(const hidl_vec<uint8_t>& sessionId, in decrypt() function in android::hardware::drm::V1_0::implementation::DrmPlugin 283 status_t status = mLegacyPlugin->decrypt(toVector(sessionId), in decrypt()
D | DrmPlugin.h | 113 Return<void> decrypt(const hidl_vec<uint8_t>& sessionId,
/hardware/interfaces/drm/1.0/vts/functional/ |
D | drm_hal_clearkey_test.cpp | 683 auto res = drmPlugin->decrypt(session, keyId, input, iv, in TEST_P() 836 uint32_t DrmHalClearkeyDecryptTest::decrypt(Mode mode, in decrypt() function in android::hardware::drm::V1_0::vts::DrmHalClearkeyDecryptTest 872 auto res = cryptoPlugin->decrypt(kNotSecure, toHidlArray(keyId), localIv, mode, in decrypt() 992 uint32_t byteCount = decrypt(Mode::UNENCRYPTED, &iv[0], subSamples, in TEST_P() 1015 uint32_t byteCount = decrypt(Mode::AES_CTR, &iv[0], subSamples, in TEST_P() 1034 uint32_t byteCount = decrypt(Mode::AES_CTR, &iv[0], subSamples, in TEST_P() 1061 uint32_t byteCount = decrypt(Mode::AES_CTR, &iv[0], subSamples, in decryptWithInvalidKeys()
D | drm_hal_vendor_test.cpp | 793 auto res = drmPlugin->decrypt( in TEST_P() 1130 uint32_t DrmHalVendorDecryptTest::decrypt(Mode mode, bool isSecure, in decrypt() function in android::hardware::drm::V1_0::vts::DrmHalVendorDecryptTest 1161 auto res = cryptoPlugin->decrypt(isSecure, keyId, localIv, mode, pattern, in decrypt() 1317 uint32_t byteCount = decrypt(Mode::UNENCRYPTED, key.isSecure, toHidlArray(key.keyId), in TEST_P() 1345 uint32_t byteCount = decrypt(Mode::AES_CTR, key.isSecure, toHidlArray(key.keyId), in TEST_P() 1370 uint32_t byteCount = decrypt(Mode::AES_CTR, key.isSecure, in TEST_P() 1400 uint32_t byteCount = decrypt(Mode::AES_CTR, key.isSecure, in TEST_P()
/hardware/interfaces/drm/1.2/vts/functional/ |
D | drm_hal_test.cpp | 313 uint32_t byteCount = decrypt(Mode::UNENCRYPTED, key.isSecure, toHidlArray(key.keyId), in TEST_P() 340 uint32_t byteCount = decrypt(Mode::AES_CTR, key.isSecure, toHidlArray(key.keyId), in TEST_P() 366 decrypt(Mode::UNENCRYPTED, key.isSecure, toHidlArray(key.keyId), in TEST_P() 389 uint32_t byteCount = decrypt(Mode::AES_CTR, key.isSecure, in TEST_P()
D | drm_hal_common.cpp | 394 uint32_t DrmHalTest::decrypt(Mode mode, bool isSecure, in decrypt() function in android::hardware::drm::V1_2::vts::DrmHalTest 545 uint32_t byteCount = decrypt(Mode::AES_CTR, key.isSecure, in decryptWithInvalidKeys()
/hardware/interfaces/drm/1.1/ |
D | ICryptoFactory.hal | 24 * which are used by a codec to decrypt protected video content.
D | IDrmFactory.hal | 25 * session so it can decrypt protected video content.
/hardware/interfaces/drm/1.0/vts/functional/include/android/hardware/drm/1.0/vts/ |
D | drm_hal_clearkey_test.h | 185 uint32_t decrypt(Mode mode, uint8_t* iv, const hidl_vec<SubSample>& subSamples,
D | drm_hal_vendor_test.h | 193 uint32_t decrypt(Mode mode, bool isSecure,
/hardware/interfaces/keymaster/4.0/vts/performance/ |
D | Benchmark.cpp | 433 BENCHMARK_KM_MSG(decrypt, transform, keySize, msgSize) 437 BENCHMARK_KM_ALL_MSGS(decrypt, transform, keySize) 629 static void decrypt(benchmark::State& state, string transform, int keySize, int msgSize) { in decrypt() function
/hardware/interfaces/drm/1.2/vts/functional/include/android/hardware/drm/1.2/vts/ |
D | drm_hal_common.h | 114 uint32_t decrypt(Mode mode, bool isSecure,