1#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
3#   Copyright 2019 - The Android Open Source Project
5#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15#   limitations under the License.
17import collections
18import json
19import math
20import os
21import time
22from acts import asserts
23from acts import base_test
24from acts import context
25from acts import utils
26from acts.controllers import iperf_server as ipf
27from acts.controllers.utils_lib import ssh
28from acts.metrics.loggers.blackbox import BlackboxMappedMetricLogger
29from acts.test_utils.wifi import wifi_performance_test_utils as wputils
30from acts.test_utils.wifi import wifi_retail_ap as retail_ap
31from acts.test_utils.wifi import wifi_test_utils as wutils
39class WifiRoamingPerformanceTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
40    """Class for ping-based Wifi performance tests.
42    This class implements WiFi ping performance tests such as range and RTT.
43    The class setups up the AP in the desired configurations, configures
44    and connects the phone to the AP, and runs  For an example config file to
45    run this test class see example_connectivity_performance_ap_sta.json.
46    """
47    def __init__(self, controllers):
48        base_test.BaseTestClass.__init__(self, controllers)
49        self.testcase_metric_logger = (
50            BlackboxMappedMetricLogger.for_test_case())
51        self.testclass_metric_logger = (
52            BlackboxMappedMetricLogger.for_test_class())
53        self.publish_testcase_metrics = True
55    def setup_class(self):
56        """Initializes common test hardware and parameters.
58        This function initializes hardwares and compiles parameters that are
59        common to all tests in this class.
60        """
61        self.dut = self.android_devices[-1]
62        req_params = [
63            'RetailAccessPoints', 'roaming_test_params', 'testbed_params'
64        ]
65        opt_params = ['main_network', 'RemoteServer']
66        self.unpack_userparams(req_params, opt_params)
67        self.testclass_params = self.roaming_test_params
68        self.num_atten = self.attenuators[0].instrument.num_atten
69        self.remote_server = ssh.connection.SshConnection(
70            ssh.settings.from_config(self.RemoteServer[0]['ssh_config']))
71        self.remote_server.setup_master_ssh()
72        self.iperf_server = self.iperf_servers[0]
73        self.iperf_client = self.iperf_clients[0]
74        self.access_point = retail_ap.create(self.RetailAccessPoints)[0]
75        self.log.info('Access Point Configuration: {}'.format(
76            self.access_point.ap_settings))
78        # Get RF connection map
79        self.log.info("Getting RF connection map.")
80        wutils.wifi_toggle_state(self.dut, True)
81        self.rf_map_by_network, self.rf_map_by_atten = (
82            wputils.get_full_rf_connection_map(self.attenuators, self.dut,
83                                               self.remote_server,
84                                               self.main_network))
85        self.log.info("RF Map (by Network): {}".format(self.rf_map_by_network))
86        self.log.info("RF Map (by Atten): {}".format(self.rf_map_by_atten))
88        #Turn WiFi ON
89        if self.testclass_params.get('airplane_mode', 1):
90            self.log.info('Turning on airplane mode.')
91            asserts.assert_true(utils.force_airplane_mode(self.dut, True),
92                                "Can not turn on airplane mode.")
93        wutils.wifi_toggle_state(self.dut, True)
95    def pass_fail_traffic_continuity(self, result):
96        """Pass fail check for traffic continuity
98        Currently, the function only reports test results and implicitly passes
99        the test. A pass fail criterion is current being researched.
101        Args:
102            result: dict containing test results
103        """
104        self.log.info('Detected {} roam transitions:'.format(
105            len(result['roam_transitions'])))
106        for event in result['roam_transitions']:
107            self.log.info('Roam: {} -> {})'.format(event[0], event[1]))
108        self.log.info('Roam transition statistics: {}'.format(
109            result['roam_counts']))
111        formatted_traffic_gaps = [
112            round(gap, 2) for gap in result['traffic_disruption']
113        ]
114        self.log.info('Detected {} traffic gaps of duration: {}'.format(
115            len(result['traffic_disruption']), formatted_traffic_gaps))
117        if result['total_roams'] > 0:
118            disruption_percentage = (len(result['traffic_disruption']) /
119                                     result['total_roams']) * 100
120            max_disruption = max(result['traffic_disruption'])
121        else:
122            disruption_percentage = 0
123            max_disruption = 0
124        self.testcase_metric_logger.add_metric('disruption_percentage',
125                                               disruption_percentage)
126        self.testcase_metric_logger.add_metric('max_disruption',
127                                               max_disruption)
129        if disruption_percentage == 0:
130            asserts.explicit_pass('Test passed. No traffic disruptions found.')
131        elif max_disruption > self.testclass_params[
132                'traffic_disruption_threshold']:
133            asserts.fail('Test failed. Disruption Percentage = {}%. '
134                         'Max traffic disruption: {}s.'.format(
135                             disruption_percentage, max_disruption))
136        else:
137            asserts.explicit_pass('Test failed. Disruption Percentage = {}%. '
138                                  'Max traffic disruption: {}s.'.format(
139                                      disruption_percentage, max_disruption))
141    def pass_fail_roaming_consistency(self, results_dict):
142        """Function to evaluate roaming consistency results.
144        The function looks for the roams recorded in multiple runs of the same
145        attenuation waveform and checks that the DUT reliably roams to the
146        same network
148        Args:
149            results_dict: dict containing consistency test results
150        """
151        test_fail = False
152        for secondary_atten, roam_stats in results_dict['roam_stats'].items():
153            total_roams = sum(list(roam_stats.values()))
154            common_roam = max(roam_stats.keys(), key=(lambda k: roam_stats[k]))
155            common_roam_frequency = roam_stats[common_roam] / total_roams
156            self.log.info(
157                '{}dB secondary atten. Most common roam: {}. Frequency: {}'.
158                format(secondary_atten, common_roam, common_roam_frequency))
159            if common_roam_frequency < self.testclass_params[
160                    'consistency_threshold']:
161                test_fail = True
162                self.log.info('Unstable Roams at {}dB secondary att'.format(
163                    secondary_atten))
164        self.testcase_metric_logger.add_metric('common_roam_frequency',
165                                               common_roam_frequency)
166        if test_fail:
167            asserts.fail('Incosistent roaming detected.')
168        else:
169            asserts.explicit_pass('Consistent roaming at all levels.')
171    def process_traffic_continuity_results(self, testcase_params, result):
172        """Function to process traffic results.
174        The function looks for traffic gaps during a roaming test
176        Args:
177            testcase_params: dict containing all test results and meta data
178            results_dict: dict containing consistency test results
179        """
180        self.detect_roam_events(result)
181        current_context = context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path()
182        plot_file_path = os.path.join(current_context,
183                                      self.current_test_name + '.html')
185        if 'ping' in self.current_test_name:
186            self.detect_ping_gaps(result)
187            self.plot_ping_result(testcase_params,
188                                  result,
189                                  output_file_path=plot_file_path)
190        elif 'iperf' in self.current_test_name:
191            self.detect_iperf_gaps(result)
192            self.plot_iperf_result(testcase_params,
193                                   result,
194                                   output_file_path=plot_file_path)
196        results_file_path = os.path.join(current_context,
197                                         self.current_test_name + '.json')
198        with open(results_file_path, 'w') as results_file:
199            json.dump(wputils.serialize_dict(result), results_file, indent=4)
201    def process_consistency_results(self, testcase_params, results_dict):
202        """Function to process roaming consistency results.
204        The function looks compiles the test of roams recorded in consistency
205        tests and plots results for easy visualization.
207        Args:
208            testcase_params: dict containing all test results and meta data
209            results_dict: dict containing consistency test results
210        """
211        # make figure placeholder and get relevant functions
212        if 'ping' in self.current_test_name:
213            detect_gaps = self.detect_ping_gaps
214            plot_result = self.plot_ping_result
215            primary_y_axis = 'RTT (ms)'
216        elif 'iperf' in self.current_test_name:
217            detect_gaps = self.detect_iperf_gaps
218            plot_result = self.plot_iperf_result
219            primary_y_axis = 'Throughput (Mbps)'
220        # loop over results
221        roam_stats = collections.OrderedDict()
222        current_context = context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path()
223        for secondary_atten, results_list in results_dict.items():
224            figure = wputils.BokehFigure(title=self.current_test_name,
225                                         x_label='Time (ms)',
226                                         primary_y_label=primary_y_axis,
227                                         secondary_y_label='RSSI (dBm)')
228            roam_stats[secondary_atten] = collections.OrderedDict()
229            for result in results_list:
230                self.detect_roam_events(result)
231                for roam_transition, count in result['roam_counts'].items():
232                    roam_stats[secondary_atten][
233                        roam_transition] = roam_stats[secondary_atten].get(
234                            roam_transition, 0) + count
235                detect_gaps(result)
236                plot_result(testcase_params, result, figure=figure)
237            # save plot
238            plot_file_name = (self.current_test_name + '_' +
239                              str(secondary_atten) + '.html')
241            plot_file_path = os.path.join(current_context, plot_file_name)
242            figure.save_figure(plot_file_path)
243        results_dict['roam_stats'] = roam_stats
245        results_file_path = os.path.join(current_context,
246                                         self.current_test_name + '.json')
247        with open(results_file_path, 'w') as results_file:
248            json.dump(wputils.serialize_dict(result), results_file, indent=4)
250    def detect_roam_events(self, result):
251        """Function to process roaming results.
253        The function detects roams by looking at changes in BSSID and compiles
254        meta data about each roam, e.g., RSSI before and after a roam. The
255        function then calls the relevant method to process traffic results and
256        report traffic disruptions.
258        Args:
259            testcase_params: dict containing AP and other test params
260            result: dict containing test results
261        """
262        roam_events = [
263            (idx, idx + 1)
264            for idx in range(len(result['rssi_result']['bssid']) - 1)
265            if result['rssi_result']['bssid'][idx] != result['rssi_result']
266            ['bssid'][idx + 1]
267        ]
269        def ignore_entry(vals):
270            for val in vals:
271                if val in {0} or math.isnan(val):
272                    return True
273            return False
275        for roam_idx, roam_event in enumerate(roam_events):
276            # Find true roam start by scanning earlier samples for valid data
277            while ignore_entry([
278                    result['rssi_result']['frequency'][roam_event[0]],
279                    result['rssi_result']['signal_poll_rssi']['data'][
280                        roam_event[0]]
281            ]):
282                roam_event = (roam_event[0] - 1, roam_event[1])
283                roam_events[roam_idx] = roam_event
284            # Find true roam end by scanning later samples for valid data
285            while ignore_entry([
286                    result['rssi_result']['frequency'][roam_event[1]],
287                    result['rssi_result']['signal_poll_rssi']['data'][
288                        roam_event[1]]
289            ]):
290                roam_event = (roam_event[0], roam_event[1] + 1)
291                roam_events[roam_idx] = roam_event
293        roam_events = list(set(roam_events))
294        roam_events.sort(key=lambda event_tuple: event_tuple[1])
295        roam_transitions = []
296        roam_counts = {}
297        total_roams = 0
298        for event in roam_events:
299            from_bssid = next(
300                key for key, value in self.main_network.items()
301                if value['BSSID'] == result['rssi_result']['bssid'][event[0]])
302            to_bssid = next(
303                key for key, value in self.main_network.items()
304                if value['BSSID'] == result['rssi_result']['bssid'][event[1]])
305            curr_bssid_transition = (from_bssid, to_bssid)
306            curr_roam_transition = (
307                (from_bssid,
308                 result['rssi_result']['signal_poll_rssi']['data'][event[0]]),
309                (to_bssid,
310                 result['rssi_result']['signal_poll_rssi']['data'][event[1]]))
311            roam_transitions.append(curr_roam_transition)
312            roam_counts[curr_bssid_transition] = roam_counts.get(
313                curr_bssid_transition, 0) + 1
314            total_roams = total_roams + 1
315        result['roam_events'] = roam_events
316        result['roam_transitions'] = roam_transitions
317        result['roam_counts'] = roam_counts
318        result['total_roams'] = total_roams
320    def detect_ping_gaps(self, result):
321        """Function to process ping results.
323        The function looks for gaps in iperf traffic and reports them as
324        disruptions due to roams.
326        Args:
327            result: dict containing test results
328        """
329        traffic_disruption = [
330            x for x in result['ping_result']['ping_interarrivals']
331            if x > TRAFFIC_GAP_THRESH
332        ]
333        result['traffic_disruption'] = traffic_disruption
335    def detect_iperf_gaps(self, result):
336        """Function to process iperf results.
338        The function looks for gaps in iperf traffic and reports them as
339        disruptions due to roams.
341        Args:
342            result: dict containing test results
343        """
344        tput_thresholding = [tput < 1 for tput in result['throughput']]
345        window_size = int(TRAFFIC_GAP_THRESH / IPERF_INTERVAL)
346        tput_thresholding = [
347            any(tput_thresholding[max(0, idx - window_size):idx])
348            for idx in range(1,
349                             len(tput_thresholding) + 1)
350        ]
352        traffic_disruption = []
353        current_disruption = 1 - window_size
354        for tput_low in tput_thresholding:
355            if tput_low:
356                current_disruption += 1
357            elif current_disruption > window_size:
358                traffic_disruption.append(current_disruption * IPERF_INTERVAL)
359                current_disruption = 1 - window_size
360            else:
361                current_disruption = 1 - window_size
362        result['traffic_disruption'] = traffic_disruption
364    def plot_ping_result(self,
365                         testcase_params,
366                         result,
367                         figure=None,
368                         output_file_path=None):
369        """Function to plot ping results.
371        The function plots ping RTTs along with RSSI over time during a roaming
372        test.
374        Args:
375            testcase_params: dict containing all test params
376            result: dict containing test results
377            figure: optional bokeh figure object to add current plot to
378            output_file_path: optional path to output file
379        """
380        if not figure:
381            figure = wputils.BokehFigure(title=self.current_test_name,
382                                         x_label='Time (ms)',
383                                         primary_y_label='RTT (ms)',
384                                         secondary_y_label='RSSI (dBm)')
385        figure.add_line(x_data=result['ping_result']['time_stamp'],
386                        y_data=result['ping_result']['rtt'],
387                        legend='Ping RTT',
388                        width=1)
389        figure.add_line(
390            x_data=result['rssi_result']['time_stamp'],
391            y_data=result['rssi_result']['signal_poll_rssi']['data'],
392            legend='RSSI',
393            y_axis='secondary')
394        figure.generate_figure(output_file_path)
396    def plot_iperf_result(self,
397                          testcase_params,
398                          result,
399                          figure=None,
400                          output_file_path=None):
401        """Function to plot iperf results.
403        The function plots iperf throughput and RSSI over time during a roaming
404        test.
406        Args:
407            testcase_params: dict containing all test params
408            result: dict containing test results
409            figure: optional bokeh figure object to add current plot to
410            output_file_path: optional path to output file
411        """
412        if not figure:
413            figure = wputils.BokehFigure(title=self.current_test_name,
414                                         x_label='Time (s)',
415                                         primary_y_label='Throughput (Mbps)',
416                                         secondary_y_label='RSSI (dBm)')
417        iperf_time_stamps = [
418            idx * IPERF_INTERVAL for idx in range(len(result['throughput']))
419        ]
420        figure.add_line(iperf_time_stamps,
421                        result['throughput'],
422                        'Throughput',
423                        width=1)
424        figure.add_line(result['rssi_result']['time_stamp'],
425                        result['rssi_result']['signal_poll_rssi']['data'],
426                        'RSSI',
427                        y_axis='secondary')
429        figure.generate_figure(output_file_path)
431    def setup_ap(self, testcase_params):
432        """Sets up the AP and attenuator to the test configuration.
434        Args:
435            testcase_params: dict containing AP and other test params
436        """
437        (primary_net_id,
438         primary_net_config) = next(net for net in self.main_network.items()
439                                    if net[1]['roaming_label'] == 'primary')
440        for idx, atten in enumerate(self.attenuators):
441            nets_on_port = [
442                item["network"] for item in self.rf_map_by_atten[idx]
443            ]
444            if primary_net_id in nets_on_port:
445                atten.set_atten(0)
446            else:
447                atten.set_atten(atten.instrument.max_atten)
449    def setup_dut(self, testcase_params):
450        """Sets up the DUT in the configuration required by the test.
452        Args:
453            testcase_params: dict containing AP and other test params
454        """
455        # Check battery level before test
456        if not wputils.health_check(self.dut, 10):
457            asserts.skip('Battery level too low. Skipping test.')
458        wutils.reset_wifi(self.dut)
459        wutils.set_wifi_country_code(self.dut,
460                                     self.testclass_params['country_code'])
461        (primary_net_id,
462         primary_net_config) = next(net for net in self.main_network.items()
463                                    if net[1]['roaming_label'] == 'primary')
464        network = primary_net_config.copy()
465        network.pop('BSSID', None)
466        self.dut.droid.wifiSetEnableAutoJoinWhenAssociated(1)
467        wutils.wifi_connect(self.dut,
468                            network,
469                            num_of_tries=5,
470                            check_connectivity=False)
471        self.dut.droid.wifiSetEnableAutoJoinWhenAssociated(1)
472        self.dut_ip = self.dut.droid.connectivityGetIPv4Addresses('wlan0')[0]
473        if testcase_params['screen_on']:
474            self.dut.wakeup_screen()
475            self.dut.droid.wakeLockAcquireBright()
476        time.sleep(MED_SLEEP)
478    def setup_roaming_test(self, testcase_params):
479        """Function to set up roaming test."""
480        self.setup_ap(testcase_params)
481        self.setup_dut(testcase_params)
483    def run_ping_test(self, testcase_params):
484        """Main function for ping roaming tests.
486        Args:
487            testcase_params: dict including all test params encoded in test
488            name
489        Returns:
490            dict containing all test results and meta data
491        """
492        self.log.info('Starting ping test.')
493        ping_future = wputils.get_ping_stats_nb(
494            self.remote_server, self.dut_ip,
495            testcase_params['atten_waveforms']['length'],
496            testcase_params['ping_interval'], 64)
497        rssi_future = wputils.get_connected_rssi_nb(
498            self.dut,
499            int(testcase_params['atten_waveforms']['length'] /
500                testcase_params['rssi_polling_frequency']),
501            testcase_params['rssi_polling_frequency'])
502        self.run_attenuation_waveform(testcase_params)
503        return {
504            'ping_result': ping_future.result().as_dict(),
505            'rssi_result': rssi_future.result(),
506            'ap_settings': self.access_point.ap_settings,
507        }
509    def run_iperf_test(self, testcase_params):
510        """Main function for iperf roaming tests.
512        Args:
513            testcase_params: dict including all test params encoded in test
514            name
515        Returns:
516            result: dict containing all test results and meta data
517        """
518        self.log.info('Starting iperf test.')
519        self.iperf_server.start(extra_args='-i {}'.format(IPERF_INTERVAL))
520        self.dut_ip = self.dut.droid.connectivityGetIPv4Addresses('wlan0')[0]
521        if isinstance(self.iperf_server, ipf.IPerfServerOverAdb):
522            iperf_server_address = self.dut_ip
523        else:
524            iperf_server_address = wputils.get_server_address(
525                self.remote_server, self.dut_ip, '')
526        iperf_args = '-i {} -t {} -J'.format(
527            IPERF_INTERVAL, testcase_params['atten_waveforms']['length'])
528        if not isinstance(self.iperf_server, ipf.IPerfServerOverAdb):
529            iperf_args = iperf_args + ' -R'
530        iperf_future = wputils.start_iperf_client_nb(
531            self.iperf_client, iperf_server_address, iperf_args, 0,
532            testcase_params['atten_waveforms']['length'] + MED_SLEEP)
533        rssi_future = wputils.get_connected_rssi_nb(
534            self.dut,
535            int(testcase_params['atten_waveforms']['length'] /
536                testcase_params['rssi_polling_frequency']),
537            testcase_params['rssi_polling_frequency'])
538        self.run_attenuation_waveform(testcase_params)
539        client_output_path = iperf_future.result()
540        server_output_path = self.iperf_server.stop()
541        if isinstance(self.iperf_server, ipf.IPerfServerOverAdb):
542            iperf_file = server_output_path
543        else:
544            iperf_file = client_output_path
545        iperf_result = ipf.IPerfResult(iperf_file)
546        instantaneous_rates = [
547            rate * 8 * (1.024**2) for rate in iperf_result.instantaneous_rates
548        ]
549        return {
550            'throughput': instantaneous_rates,
551            'rssi_result': rssi_future.result(),
552            'ap_settings': self.access_point.ap_settings,
553        }
555    def run_attenuation_waveform(self, testcase_params, step_duration=1):
556        """Function that generates test params based on the test name.
558        Args:
559            testcase_params: dict including all test params encoded in test
560            name
561            step_duration: int representing number of seconds to dwell on each
562            atten level
563        """
564        atten_waveforms = testcase_params['atten_waveforms']
565        for atten_idx in range(atten_waveforms['length']):
566            start_time = time.time()
567            for network, atten_waveform in atten_waveforms.items():
568                for idx, atten in enumerate(self.attenuators):
569                    nets_on_port = [
570                        item["network"] for item in self.rf_map_by_atten[idx]
571                    ]
572                    if network in nets_on_port:
573                        atten.set_atten(atten_waveform[atten_idx])
574            measure_time = time.time() - start_time
575            time.sleep(step_duration - measure_time)
577    def compile_atten_waveforms(self, waveform_params):
578        """Function to compile all attenuation waveforms for roaming test.
580        Args:
581            waveform_params: list of dicts representing waveforms to generate
582        """
583        atten_waveforms = {}
584        for network in list(waveform_params[0]):
585            atten_waveforms[network] = []
587        for waveform in waveform_params:
588            for network, network_waveform in waveform.items():
589                waveform_vector = self.gen_single_atten_waveform(
590                    network_waveform)
591                atten_waveforms[network] += waveform_vector
593        waveform_lengths = {
594            len(atten_waveforms[network])
595            for network in atten_waveforms.keys()
596        }
597        if len(waveform_lengths) != 1:
598            raise ValueError(
599                'Attenuation waveform length should be equal for all networks.'
600            )
601        else:
602            atten_waveforms['length'] = waveform_lengths.pop()
603        return atten_waveforms
605    def gen_single_atten_waveform(self, waveform_params):
606        """Function to generate a single attenuation waveform for roaming test.
608        Args:
609            waveform_params: dict representing waveform to generate
610        """
611        waveform_vector = []
612        for section in range(len(waveform_params['atten_levels']) - 1):
613            section_limits = waveform_params['atten_levels'][section:section +
614                                                             2]
615            up_down = (1 - 2 * (section_limits[1] < section_limits[0]))
616            temp_section = list(
617                range(section_limits[0], section_limits[1] + up_down,
618                      up_down * waveform_params['step_size']))
619            temp_section = [
620                val for val in temp_section
621                for _ in range(waveform_params['step_duration'])
622            ]
623            waveform_vector += temp_section
624        waveform_vector *= waveform_params['repetitions']
625        return waveform_vector
627    def parse_test_params(self, testcase_params):
628        """Function that generates test params based on the test name.
630        Args:
631            test_name: current test name
632        Returns:
633            testcase_params: dict including all test params encoded in test
634            name
635        """
636        if testcase_params["waveform_type"] == 'smooth':
637            testcase_params[
638                'roaming_waveforms_params'] = self.testclass_params[
639                    'smooth_roaming_waveforms']
640        elif testcase_params["waveform_type"] == 'failover':
641            testcase_params[
642                'roaming_waveforms_params'] = self.testclass_params[
643                    'failover_roaming_waveforms']
644        elif testcase_params["waveform_type"] == 'consistency':
645            testcase_params[
646                'roaming_waveforms_params'] = self.testclass_params[
647                    'consistency_waveforms']
648        return testcase_params
650    def _test_traffic_continuity(self, testcase_params):
651        """Test function for traffic continuity"""
652        # Compile test parameters from config and test name
653        testcase_params = self.parse_test_params(testcase_params)
654        testcase_params.update(self.testclass_params)
655        testcase_params['atten_waveforms'] = self.compile_atten_waveforms(
656            testcase_params['roaming_waveforms_params'])
657        # Run traffic test
658        self.setup_roaming_test(testcase_params)
659        if testcase_params['traffic_type'] == 'iperf':
660            result = self.run_iperf_test(testcase_params)
661        elif testcase_params['traffic_type'] == 'ping':
662            result = self.run_ping_test(testcase_params)
663        # Postprocess results
664        self.process_traffic_continuity_results(testcase_params, result)
665        self.pass_fail_traffic_continuity(result)
667    def _test_roam_consistency(self, testcase_params):
668        """Test function for roaming consistency"""
669        testcase_params = self.parse_test_params(testcase_params)
670        testcase_params.update(self.testclass_params)
671        # Run traffic test
672        secondary_attens = range(
673            self.testclass_params['consistency_waveforms']['secondary_loop']
674            ['atten_levels'][0], self.testclass_params['consistency_waveforms']
675            ['secondary_loop']['atten_levels'][1],
676            self.testclass_params['consistency_waveforms']['secondary_loop']
677            ['step_size'])
678        results = collections.OrderedDict()
679        for secondary_atten in secondary_attens:
680            primary_waveform = self.gen_single_atten_waveform(
681                testcase_params['roaming_waveforms_params']['primary_sweep'])
682            secondary_waveform_params = {
683                'atten_levels': [secondary_atten, secondary_atten],
684                'step_size': 1,
685                'step_duration': len(primary_waveform),
686                'repetitions': 1
687            }
688            secondary_waveform = self.gen_single_atten_waveform(
689                secondary_waveform_params)
690            testcase_params['atten_waveforms'] = {
691                'length': len(primary_waveform)
692            }
693            for network_key, network_info in self.main_network.items():
694                if 'primary' in network_info['roaming_label']:
695                    testcase_params['atten_waveforms'][
696                        network_key] = primary_waveform
697                else:
698                    testcase_params['atten_waveforms'][
699                        network_key] = secondary_waveform
700            results[secondary_atten] = []
701            for run in range(self.testclass_params['consistency_num_runs']):
702                self.setup_roaming_test(testcase_params)
703                results[secondary_atten].append(
704                    self.run_ping_test(testcase_params))
705        # Postprocess results
706        self.process_consistency_results(testcase_params, results)
707        self.pass_fail_roaming_consistency(results)
709    def test_consistency_roaming_screen_on_ping(self):
710        testcase_params = {
711            "waveform_type": "consistency",
712            "screen_on": 1,
713            "traffic_type": "ping"
714        }
715        self._test_roam_consistency(testcase_params)
717    def test_smooth_roaming_screen_on_ping_continuity(self):
718        testcase_params = {
719            "waveform_type": "smooth",
720            "screen_on": 1,
721            "traffic_type": "ping"
722        }
723        self._test_traffic_continuity(testcase_params)
725    def test_smooth_roaming_screen_on_iperf_continuity(self):
726        testcase_params = {
727            "waveform_type": "smooth",
728            "screen_on": 1,
729            "traffic_type": "iperf"
730        }
731        self._test_traffic_continuity(testcase_params)
733    def test_failover_roaming_screen_on_ping_continuity(self):
734        testcase_params = {
735            "waveform_type": "failover",
736            "screen_on": 1,
737            "traffic_type": "ping"
738        }
739        self._test_traffic_continuity(testcase_params)
741    def test_failover_roaming_screen_on_iperf_continuity(self):
742        testcase_params = {
743            "waveform_type": "failover",
744            "screen_on": 1,
745            "traffic_type": "iperf"
746        }
747        self._test_traffic_continuity(testcase_params)
749    def test_smooth_roaming_screen_off_ping_continuity(self):
750        testcase_params = {
751            "waveform_type": "smooth",
752            "screen_on": 0,
753            "traffic_type": "ping"
754        }
755        self._test_traffic_continuity(testcase_params)
757    def test_smooth_roaming_screen_off_iperf_continuity(self):
758        testcase_params = {
759            "waveform_type": "smooth",
760            "screen_on": 0,
761            "traffic_type": "iperf"
762        }
763        self._test_traffic_continuity(testcase_params)
765    def test_failover_roaming_screen_off_ping_continuity(self):
766        testcase_params = {
767            "waveform_type": "failover",
768            "screen_on": 0,
769            "traffic_type": "ping"
770        }
771        self._test_traffic_continuity(testcase_params)
773    def test_failover_roaming_screen_off_iperf_continuity(self):
774        testcase_params = {
775            "waveform_type": "failover",
776            "screen_on": 0,
777            "traffic_type": "iperf"
778        }
779        self._test_traffic_continuity(testcase_params)