1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package com.android.internal.telephony;
19 import android.annotation.NonNull;
20 import android.annotation.Nullable;
21 import android.content.Context;
22 import android.content.res.XmlResourceParser;
23 import android.database.Cursor;
24 import android.os.Handler;
25 import android.os.IDeviceIdleController;
26 import android.os.Looper;
27 import android.os.ServiceManager;
28 import android.system.ErrnoException;
29 import android.system.Os;
30 import android.system.OsConstants;
31 import android.system.StructStatVfs;
32 import android.telephony.AccessNetworkConstants.TransportType;
33 import android.text.TextUtils;
35 import com.android.internal.telephony.cdma.CdmaSubscriptionSourceManager;
36 import com.android.internal.telephony.cdma.EriManager;
37 import com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DataEnabledSettings;
38 import com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker;
39 import com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.TransportManager;
40 import com.android.internal.telephony.emergency.EmergencyNumberTracker;
41 import com.android.internal.telephony.imsphone.ImsExternalCallTracker;
42 import com.android.internal.telephony.imsphone.ImsPhone;
43 import com.android.internal.telephony.imsphone.ImsPhoneCallTracker;
44 import com.android.internal.telephony.nitz.NitzStateMachineImpl;
45 import com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.IccCardStatus;
46 import com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.UiccCard;
47 import com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.UiccProfile;
48 import com.android.telephony.Rlog;
50 import dalvik.system.PathClassLoader;
52 import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;
53 import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException;
55 import java.io.File;
56 import java.io.IOException;
57 import java.util.Arrays;
58 import java.util.HashSet;
59 import java.util.Set;
60 import java.util.function.Consumer;
61 import java.util.stream.Collectors;
63 /**
64  * This class has one-line methods to instantiate objects only. The purpose is to make code
65  * unit-test friendly and use this class as a way to do dependency injection. Instantiating objects
66  * this way makes it easier to mock them in tests.
67  */
68 public class TelephonyComponentFactory {
70     private static final String TAG = TelephonyComponentFactory.class.getSimpleName();
72     private static TelephonyComponentFactory sInstance;
74     private InjectedComponents mInjectedComponents;
76     private static class InjectedComponents {
77         private static final String ATTRIBUTE_JAR = "jar";
78         private static final String ATTRIBUTE_PACKAGE = "package";
79         private static final String TAG_INJECTION = "injection";
80         private static final String TAG_COMPONENTS = "components";
81         private static final String TAG_COMPONENT = "component";
82         private static final String SYSTEM = "/system/";
83         private static final String PRODUCT = "/product/";
85         private final Set<String> mComponentNames = new HashSet<>();
86         private TelephonyComponentFactory mInjectedInstance;
87         private String mPackageName;
88         private String mJarPath;
90         /**
91          * @return paths correctly configured to inject.
92          * 1) PackageName and JarPath mustn't be empty.
93          * 2) JarPath is restricted under /system or /product only.
94          * 3) JarPath is on a READ-ONLY partition.
95          */
getValidatedPaths()96         private @Nullable String getValidatedPaths() {
97             if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mPackageName) || TextUtils.isEmpty(mJarPath)) {
98                 return null;
99             }
100             // filter out invalid paths
101             return Arrays.stream(mJarPath.split(File.pathSeparator))
102                     .filter(s -> (s.startsWith(SYSTEM) || s.startsWith(PRODUCT)))
103                     .filter(s -> {
104                         try {
105                             // This will also throw an error if the target doesn't exist.
106                             StructStatVfs vfs = Os.statvfs(s);
107                             return (vfs.f_flag & OsConstants.ST_RDONLY) != 0;
108                         } catch (ErrnoException e) {
109                             Rlog.w(TAG, "Injection jar is not protected , path: " + s
110                                     + e.getMessage());
111                             return false;
112                         }
113                     }).distinct()
114                     .collect(Collectors.joining(File.pathSeparator));
115         }
makeInjectedInstance()117         private void makeInjectedInstance() {
118             String validatedPaths = getValidatedPaths();
119             Rlog.d(TAG, "validated paths: " + validatedPaths);
120             if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(validatedPaths)) {
121                 try {
122                     PathClassLoader classLoader = new PathClassLoader(validatedPaths,
123                             ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
124                     Class<?> cls = classLoader.loadClass(mPackageName);
125                     mInjectedInstance = (TelephonyComponentFactory) cls.newInstance();
126                 } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
127                     Rlog.e(TAG, "failed: " + e.getMessage());
128                 } catch (IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException e) {
129                     Rlog.e(TAG, "injection failed: " + e.getMessage());
130                 }
131             }
132         }
isComponentInjected(String componentName)134         private boolean isComponentInjected(String componentName) {
135             if (mInjectedInstance == null) {
136                 return false;
137             }
138             return mComponentNames.contains(componentName);
139         }
141         /**
142          * Find the injection tag, set attributes, and then parse the injection.
143          */
parseXml(@onNull XmlPullParser parser)144         private void parseXml(@NonNull XmlPullParser parser) {
145             parseXmlByTag(parser, false, p -> {
146                 setAttributes(p);
147                 parseInjection(p);
148             }, TAG_INJECTION);
149         }
151         /**
152          * Only parse the first injection tag. Find the components tag, then try parse it next.
153          */
parseInjection(@onNull XmlPullParser parser)154         private void parseInjection(@NonNull XmlPullParser parser) {
155             parseXmlByTag(parser, false, p -> parseComponents(p), TAG_COMPONENTS);
156         }
158         /**
159          * Only parse the first components tag. Find the component tags, then try parse them next.
160          */
parseComponents(@onNull XmlPullParser parser)161         private void parseComponents(@NonNull XmlPullParser parser) {
162             parseXmlByTag(parser, true, p -> parseComponent(p), TAG_COMPONENT);
163         }
165         /**
166          * Extract text values from component tags.
167          */
parseComponent(@onNull XmlPullParser parser)168         private void parseComponent(@NonNull XmlPullParser parser) {
169             try {
170                 int outerDepth = parser.getDepth();
171                 int type;
172                 while ((type = parser.next()) != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT
173                         && (type != XmlPullParser.END_TAG || parser.getDepth() > outerDepth)) {
174                     if (type == XmlPullParser.TEXT) {
175                         mComponentNames.add(parser.getText());
176                     }
177                 }
178             } catch (XmlPullParserException | IOException e) {
179                 Rlog.e(TAG, "Failed to parse the component." , e);
180             }
181         }
183         /**
184          * Iterates the tags, finds the corresponding tag and then applies the consumer.
185          */
parseXmlByTag(@onNull XmlPullParser parser, boolean allowDuplicate, @NonNull Consumer<XmlPullParser> consumer, @NonNull final String tag)186         private void parseXmlByTag(@NonNull XmlPullParser parser, boolean allowDuplicate,
187                 @NonNull Consumer<XmlPullParser> consumer, @NonNull final String tag) {
188             try {
189                 int outerDepth = parser.getDepth();
190                 int type;
191                 while ((type = parser.next()) != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT
192                         && (type != XmlPullParser.END_TAG || parser.getDepth() > outerDepth)) {
193                     if (type == XmlPullParser.START_TAG && tag.equals(parser.getName())) {
194                         consumer.accept(parser);
195                         if (!allowDuplicate) {
196                             return;
197                         }
198                     }
199                 }
200             } catch (XmlPullParserException | IOException e) {
201                 Rlog.e(TAG, "Failed to parse or find tag: " + tag, e);
202             }
203         }
205         /**
206          * Sets the mPackageName and mJarPath by <injection/> tag.
207          * @param parser
208          * @return
209          */
setAttributes(@onNull XmlPullParser parser)210         private void setAttributes(@NonNull XmlPullParser parser) {
211             for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
212                 String name = parser.getAttributeName(i);
213                 String value = parser.getAttributeValue(i);
214                 if (InjectedComponents.ATTRIBUTE_PACKAGE.equals(name)) {
215                     mPackageName = value;
216                 } else if (InjectedComponents.ATTRIBUTE_JAR.equals(name)) {
217                     mJarPath = value;
218                 }
219             }
220         }
221     }
223     public static TelephonyComponentFactory getInstance() {
224         if (sInstance == null) {
225             sInstance = new TelephonyComponentFactory();
226         }
227         return sInstance;
228     }
230     /**
231      * Inject TelephonyComponentFactory using a xml config file.
232      * @param parser a nullable {@link XmlResourceParser} created with the injection config file.
233      * The config xml should has below formats:
234      * <injection package="package.InjectedTelephonyComponentFactory" jar="path to jar file">
235      *     <components>
236      *         <component>example.package.ComponentAbc</component>
237      *         <component>example.package.ComponentXyz</component>
238      *         <!-- e.g. com.android.internal.telephony.GsmCdmaPhone -->
239      *     </components>
240      * </injection>
241      */
242     public void injectTheComponentFactory(XmlResourceParser parser) {
243         if (mInjectedComponents != null) {
244             Rlog.d(TAG, "Already injected.");
245             return;
246         }
248         if (parser != null) {
249             mInjectedComponents = new InjectedComponents();
250             mInjectedComponents.parseXml(parser);
251             mInjectedComponents.makeInjectedInstance();
252             boolean injectSuccessful = !TextUtils.isEmpty(mInjectedComponents.getValidatedPaths());
253             Rlog.d(TAG, "Total components injected: " + (injectSuccessful
254                     ? mInjectedComponents.mComponentNames.size() : 0));
255         }
256     }
258     /**
259      * Use the injected TelephonyComponentFactory if configured. Otherwise, use the default.
260      * @param componentName Name of the component class uses the injected component factory,
261      * e.g. GsmCdmaPhone.class.getName() for {@link GsmCdmaPhone}
262      * @return injected component factory. If not configured or injected, return the default one.
263      */
264     public TelephonyComponentFactory inject(String componentName) {
265         if (mInjectedComponents != null && mInjectedComponents.isComponentInjected(componentName)) {
266             return mInjectedComponents.mInjectedInstance;
267         }
268         return sInstance;
269     }
271     public GsmCdmaCallTracker makeGsmCdmaCallTracker(GsmCdmaPhone phone) {
272         return new GsmCdmaCallTracker(phone);
273     }
275     public SmsStorageMonitor makeSmsStorageMonitor(Phone phone) {
276         return new SmsStorageMonitor(phone);
277     }
279     public SmsUsageMonitor makeSmsUsageMonitor(Context context) {
280         return new SmsUsageMonitor(context);
281     }
283     public ServiceStateTracker makeServiceStateTracker(GsmCdmaPhone phone, CommandsInterface ci) {
284         return new ServiceStateTracker(phone, ci);
285     }
287     /**
288      * Create a new EmergencyNumberTracker.
289      */
290     public EmergencyNumberTracker makeEmergencyNumberTracker(Phone phone, CommandsInterface ci) {
291         return new EmergencyNumberTracker(phone, ci);
292     }
294     private static final boolean USE_NEW_NITZ_STATE_MACHINE = true;
296     /**
297      * Returns a new {@link NitzStateMachine} instance.
298      */
299     public NitzStateMachine makeNitzStateMachine(GsmCdmaPhone phone) {
300         return NitzStateMachineImpl.createInstance(phone);
301     }
303     public SimActivationTracker makeSimActivationTracker(Phone phone) {
304         return new SimActivationTracker(phone);
305     }
307     public DcTracker makeDcTracker(Phone phone, @TransportType int transportType) {
308         return new DcTracker(phone, transportType);
309     }
311     public CarrierSignalAgent makeCarrierSignalAgent(Phone phone) {
312         return new CarrierSignalAgent(phone);
313     }
315     public CarrierActionAgent makeCarrierActionAgent(Phone phone) {
316         return new CarrierActionAgent(phone);
317     }
319     public CarrierResolver makeCarrierResolver(Phone phone) {
320         return new CarrierResolver(phone);
321     }
323     public IccPhoneBookInterfaceManager makeIccPhoneBookInterfaceManager(Phone phone) {
324         return new IccPhoneBookInterfaceManager(phone);
325     }
327     public IccSmsInterfaceManager makeIccSmsInterfaceManager(Phone phone) {
328         return new IccSmsInterfaceManager(phone);
329     }
331     /**
332      * Create a new UiccProfile object.
333      */
334     public UiccProfile makeUiccProfile(Context context, CommandsInterface ci, IccCardStatus ics,
335                                        int phoneId, UiccCard uiccCard, Object lock) {
336         return new UiccProfile(context, ci, ics, phoneId, uiccCard, lock);
337     }
339     public EriManager makeEriManager(Phone phone, int eriFileSource) {
340         return new EriManager(phone, eriFileSource);
341     }
343     public WspTypeDecoder makeWspTypeDecoder(byte[] pdu) {
344         return new WspTypeDecoder(pdu);
345     }
347     /**
348      * Create a tracker for a single-part SMS.
349      */
350     public InboundSmsTracker makeInboundSmsTracker(byte[] pdu, long timestamp, int destPort,
351             boolean is3gpp2, boolean is3gpp2WapPdu, String address, String displayAddr,
352             String messageBody, boolean isClass0, int subId) {
353         return new InboundSmsTracker(pdu, timestamp, destPort, is3gpp2, is3gpp2WapPdu, address,
354                 displayAddr, messageBody, isClass0, subId);
355     }
357     /**
358      * Create a tracker for a multi-part SMS.
359      */
360     public InboundSmsTracker makeInboundSmsTracker(byte[] pdu, long timestamp, int destPort,
361             boolean is3gpp2, String address, String displayAddr, int referenceNumber,
362             int sequenceNumber, int messageCount, boolean is3gpp2WapPdu, String messageBody,
363             boolean isClass0, int subId) {
364         return new InboundSmsTracker(pdu, timestamp, destPort, is3gpp2, address, displayAddr,
365                 referenceNumber, sequenceNumber, messageCount, is3gpp2WapPdu, messageBody,
366                 isClass0, subId);
367     }
369     /**
370      * Create a tracker from a row of raw table
371      */
372     public InboundSmsTracker makeInboundSmsTracker(Cursor cursor, boolean isCurrentFormat3gpp2) {
373         return new InboundSmsTracker(cursor, isCurrentFormat3gpp2);
374     }
376     public ImsPhoneCallTracker makeImsPhoneCallTracker(ImsPhone imsPhone) {
377         return new ImsPhoneCallTracker(imsPhone);
378     }
380     public ImsExternalCallTracker makeImsExternalCallTracker(ImsPhone imsPhone) {
382         return new ImsExternalCallTracker(imsPhone);
383     }
385     /**
386      * Create an AppSmsManager for per-app SMS message.
387      */
388     public AppSmsManager makeAppSmsManager(Context context) {
389         return new AppSmsManager(context);
390     }
392     public DeviceStateMonitor makeDeviceStateMonitor(Phone phone) {
393         return new DeviceStateMonitor(phone);
394     }
396     public TransportManager makeTransportManager(Phone phone) {
397         return new TransportManager(phone);
398     }
400     public CdmaSubscriptionSourceManager
401     getCdmaSubscriptionSourceManagerInstance(Context context, CommandsInterface ci, Handler h,
402                                              int what, Object obj) {
403         return CdmaSubscriptionSourceManager.getInstance(context, ci, h, what, obj);
404     }
406     public IDeviceIdleController getIDeviceIdleController() {
407         return IDeviceIdleController.Stub.asInterface(
408                 ServiceManager.getService(Context.DEVICE_IDLE_CONTROLLER));
409     }
411     public LocaleTracker makeLocaleTracker(Phone phone, NitzStateMachine nitzStateMachine,
412                                            Looper looper) {
413         return new LocaleTracker(phone, nitzStateMachine, looper);
414     }
416     public DataEnabledSettings makeDataEnabledSettings(Phone phone) {
417         return new DataEnabledSettings(phone);
418     }
420     public Phone makePhone(Context context, CommandsInterface ci, PhoneNotifier notifier,
421             int phoneId, int precisePhoneType,
422             TelephonyComponentFactory telephonyComponentFactory) {
423         return new GsmCdmaPhone(context, ci, notifier, phoneId, precisePhoneType,
424                 telephonyComponentFactory);
425     }
427     public SubscriptionController initSubscriptionController(Context c) {
428         return SubscriptionController.init(c);
429     }
431     public PhoneSwitcher makePhoneSwitcher(int maxDataAttachModemCount, Context context,
432             Looper looper) {
433         return PhoneSwitcher.make(maxDataAttachModemCount, context, looper);
434     }
436     /**
437      * Create a new DisplayInfoController.
438      */
439     public DisplayInfoController makeDisplayInfoController(Phone phone) {
440         return new DisplayInfoController(phone);
441     }
443     public MultiSimSettingController initMultiSimSettingController(Context c,
444             SubscriptionController sc) {
445         return MultiSimSettingController.init(c, sc);
446     }
448     public SubscriptionInfoUpdater makeSubscriptionInfoUpdater(Looper looper, Context context,
449             CommandsInterface[] ci) {
450         return new SubscriptionInfoUpdater(looper, context, ci);
451     }
452 }