我们将用 CustomPaint 来绘制我们的时钟。CustomPaint 的重要参数 painter 和 size。painter 是一个继承了CustomPainter 的对象,主要实现了绘画控件的功能。size 指定了控件的大小,如果 CustomPaint 的 child 不为空,size 的值就是 child 控件的大小,指定 size 的值则无效;如果 child 为空,所指定的 size 的值,就是画布的大小。
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@override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return CustomPaint( painter: ClockPainter(datetime, numberColor: Colors.black, handColor: Colors.black, borderColor: Colors.black, radius: widget.radius), size: Size(widget.radius * 2, widget.radius * 2), ); } |
ClockPainter 继承了 CustomPainter,实现了其中两个重要方法:paint 和 shouldRepaint。paint 当自定义控件需要重画时被调用。shouldRepaint 则决定当条件变化时是否需要重画。
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class ClockPainter extends CustomPainter { @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { } @override bool shouldRepaint(ClockPainter oldDelegate) { return true; } } |
首先先时钟的边框,代码如下,只需 drawCircle 就可以实现边框的绘制。
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//draw border final borderPaint = Paint() ..color = borderColor ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke ..strokeWidth = borderWidth; canvas.drawCircle( Offset(radius, radius), radius - borderWidth / 2, borderPaint); |
canvas 的起始点是画布的左上角坐标点为起点,即 x,y 都为零。drawCircle 画一个指定了半径的圆。圆的形状和样式由 Paint 对象指定。style 决定了是画圆盘(PaintingStyle.fill)还是圆环(PaintingStyle.stroke)。当 style 设定为PaintingStyle.stroke 时,strokeWidth 就是指定了圆环的宽度。
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List<Offset> secondsOffset = []; for (var i = 0; i < 60; i++) { Offset offset = Offset( cos(degToRad(6 * i - 90)) * secondDistance + radius, sin(degToRad(6 * i - 90)) * secondDistance + radius); secondsOffset.add(offset); } //draw second point final secondPPaint = Paint() ..strokeWidth = 2 * scale ..color = numberColor; if (secondsOffset.length > 0) { canvas.drawPoints(PointMode.points, secondsOffset, secondPPaint); } |
时钟的刻度占整个圆弧的 360/60=6 度,运用数学公式每个刻度点的坐标,然后用 drawPoints 画出每一个刻度点。
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canvas.save(); canvas.translate(radius, radius); for (var i = 0; i < secondsOffset.length; i++) { if (i % 5 == 0) { //draw number canvas.save(); canvas.translate(0.0, -radius + borderWidth * 4); textPainter.text = new TextSpan( text: "${(i ~/ 5) == 0 ? "12" : (i ~/ 5)}", style: TextStyle( color: numberColor, fontFamily: 'Times New Roman', fontSize: 28.0 * scale, ), ); //helps make the text painted vertically canvas.rotate(-angle * i); textPainter.layout(); textPainter.paint(canvas, new Offset(-(textPainter.width / 2), -(textPainter.height / 2))); canvas.restore(); } canvas.rotate(angle); } canvas.restore(); |
canvas.save() 保存当前画布,以便画完数字恢复。
canvas.translate(radius, radius) 把画布的起始点移到画布的中心。
再次保存画布后,再把起始点移到正上方位置,这里是把起始点数字 12 的位置。
canvas.rotate(-angle.toDouble() * i); 以当前画布起始点旋转一个角度,这是为了保证每个数字在下面旋转到对应的位置后保持竖直显示。
canvas.restore() 重置画布,即把画布的起始点定位到控件的中心位置。
canvas.rotate(angle.toDouble()) 以控件中心为原点旋转一个角度,即把数字旋转到对应的位置。数字 12 旋转角度为零,数字 1 旋转角度为 30 度。
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final hour = datetime.hour; final minute = datetime.minute; final second = datetime.second; // draw hour hand Offset hourHand1 = Offset( radius - cos(degToRad(360 / 12 * hour - 90)) * (radius * 0.2), radius - sin(degToRad(360 / 12 * hour - 90)) * (radius * 0.2)); Offset hourHand2 = Offset( radius + cos(degToRad(360 / 12 * hour - 90)) * (radius * 0.5), radius + sin(degToRad(360 / 12 * hour - 90)) * (radius * 0.5)); final hourPaint = Paint() ..color = handColor ..strokeWidth = 8 * scale; canvas.drawLine(hourHand1, hourHand2, hourPaint); // draw minute hand Offset minuteHand1 = Offset( radius - cos(degToRad(360 / 60 * minute - 90)) * (radius * 0.3), radius - sin(degToRad(360 / 60 * minute - 90)) * (radius * 0.3)); Offset minuteHand2 = Offset( radius + cos(degToRad(360 / 60 * minute - 90)) * (radius - borderWidth * 3), radius + sin(degToRad(360 / 60 * minute - 90)) * (radius - borderWidth * 3)); final minutePaint = Paint() ..color = handColor ..strokeWidth = 3 * scale; canvas.drawLine(minuteHand1, minuteHand2, minutePaint); // draw second hand Offset secondHand1 = Offset( radius - cos(degToRad(360 / 60 * second - 90)) * (radius * 0.3), radius - sin(degToRad(360 / 60 * second - 90)) * (radius * 0.3)); Offset secondHand2 = Offset( radius + cos(degToRad(360 / 60 * second - 90)) * (radius - borderWidth * 3), radius + sin(degToRad(360 / 60 * second - 90)) * (radius - borderWidth * 3)); final secondPaint = Paint() ..color = handColor ..strokeWidth = 1 * scale; canvas.drawLine(secondHand1, secondHand2, secondPaint); final centerPaint = Paint() ..strokeWidth = 2 * scale ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke ..color = Colors.yellow; canvas.drawCircle(Offset(radius, radius), 4 * scale, centerPaint); |
一个小时占时钟角度为 30 度,利用三角函数算出时针的两个点,用 drawLine 画出带宽度的时针。
每一分钟每一秒中所占的角度为 6 度,同样利用三角函数算出各自对应的两点,再画直线就可以得到分针,秒针。
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import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:math'; import 'dart:ui'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; class ClockPage extends StatefulWidget { final double radius; final Color hourHandColor; final Color minuteHandColor; final Color secondHandColor; final Color numberColor; final Color borderColor; const ClockPage( {Key? key, required this.hourHandColor, required this.minuteHandColor, required this.secondHandColor, required this.numberColor, required this.borderColor, this.radius = 150.0}) : super(key: key); @override State<StatefulWidget> createState() { return ClockPageState(); } } class ClockPageState extends State<ClockPage> { late DateTime datetime; late Timer timer; @override void initState() { super.initState(); datetime = DateTime.now(); timer = Timer.periodic(const Duration(seconds: 1), (timer) { setState(() { datetime = DateTime.now(); }); }); } @override void dispose() { super.dispose(); timer.cancel(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return CustomPaint( painter: ClockPainter(datetime, numberColor: Colors.black, handColor: Colors.black, borderColor: Colors.black, radius: widget.radius), size: Size(widget.radius * 2, widget.radius * 2), ); } } class ClockPainter extends CustomPainter { final Color handColor; final Color numberColor; final Color borderColor; final double radius; List<Offset> secondsOffset = []; final DateTime datetime; late TextPainter textPainter; late num angle; late double borderWidth; ClockPainter(this.datetime, {this.radius = 150.0, this.handColor = Colors.black, this.numberColor = Colors.black, this.borderColor = Colors.black}) { borderWidth = radius / 14; final secondDistance = radius - borderWidth * 2; //init seconds offset for (var i = 0; i < 60; i++) { Offset offset = Offset( cos(degToRad(6 * i - 90)) * secondDistance + radius, sin(degToRad(6 * i - 90)) * secondDistance + radius); secondsOffset.add(offset); } textPainter = TextPainter( textAlign: TextAlign.center, textDirection: TextDirection.rtl, ); angle = degToRad(360 / 60); } @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { final scale = radius / 150; //draw border final borderPaint = Paint() ..color = borderColor ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke ..strokeWidth = borderWidth; canvas.drawCircle( Offset(radius, radius), radius - borderWidth / 2, borderPaint); //draw second point final secondPPaint = Paint() ..strokeWidth = 2 * scale ..color = numberColor; if (secondsOffset.isNotEmpty) { canvas.drawPoints(PointMode.points, secondsOffset, secondPPaint); canvas.save(); canvas.translate(radius, radius); List<Offset> bigger = []; for (var i = 0; i < secondsOffset.length; i++) { if (i % 5 == 0) { bigger.add(secondsOffset[i]); //draw number canvas.save(); canvas.translate(0.0, -radius + borderWidth * 4); textPainter.text = TextSpan( text: "${(i ~/ 5) == 0 ? "12" : (i ~/ 5)}", style: TextStyle( color: numberColor, fontFamily: 'Times New Roman', fontSize: 28.0 * scale, ), ); //helps make the text painted vertically canvas.rotate(-angle.toDouble() * i); textPainter.layout(); textPainter.paint(canvas, Offset(-(textPainter.width / 2), -(textPainter.height / 2))); canvas.restore(); } canvas.rotate(angle.toDouble()); } canvas.restore(); final biggerPaint = Paint() ..strokeWidth = 5 * scale ..color = numberColor; canvas.drawPoints(PointMode.points, bigger, biggerPaint); } final hour = datetime.hour; final minute = datetime.minute; final second = datetime.second; // draw hour hand Offset hourHand1 = Offset( radius - cos(degToRad(360 / 12 * hour - 90)) * (radius * 0.2), radius - sin(degToRad(360 / 12 * hour - 90)) * (radius * 0.2)); Offset hourHand2 = Offset( radius + cos(degToRad(360 / 12 * hour - 90)) * (radius * 0.5), radius + sin(degToRad(360 / 12 * hour - 90)) * (radius * 0.5)); final hourPaint = Paint() ..color = handColor ..strokeWidth = 8 * scale; canvas.drawLine(hourHand1, hourHand2, hourPaint); // draw minute hand Offset minuteHand1 = Offset( radius - cos(degToRad(360 / 60 * minute - 90)) * (radius * 0.3), radius - sin(degToRad(360 / 60 * minute - 90)) * (radius * 0.3)); Offset minuteHand2 = Offset( radius + cos(degToRad(360 / 60 * minute - 90)) * (radius - borderWidth * 3), radius + sin(degToRad(360 / 60 * minute - 90)) * (radius - borderWidth * 3)); final minutePaint = Paint() ..color = handColor ..strokeWidth = 3 * scale; canvas.drawLine(minuteHand1, minuteHand2, minutePaint); // draw second hand Offset secondHand1 = Offset( radius - cos(degToRad(360 / 60 * second - 90)) * (radius * 0.3), radius - sin(degToRad(360 / 60 * second - 90)) * (radius * 0.3)); Offset secondHand2 = Offset( radius + cos(degToRad(360 / 60 * second - 90)) * (radius - borderWidth * 3), radius + sin(degToRad(360 / 60 * second - 90)) * (radius - borderWidth * 3)); final secondPaint = Paint() ..color = handColor ..strokeWidth = 1 * scale; canvas.drawLine(secondHand1, secondHand2, secondPaint); final centerPaint = Paint() ..strokeWidth = 2 * scale ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke ..color = Colors.yellow; canvas.drawCircle(Offset(radius, radius), 4 * scale, centerPaint); } @override bool shouldRepaint(CustomPainter oldDelegate) { return true; } } num degToRad(num deg) => deg * (pi / 180.0); num radToDeg(num rad) => rad * (180.0 / pi); |
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const ClockPage( hourHandColor: Colors.black, minuteHandColor: Colors.black, secondHandColor: Colors.black, numberColor: Colors.black, borderColor: Colors.black), |