Lines Matching refs:log

62 log = logging.getLogger("ADBProxy")  variable
142 log.debug("Loaded token {} from {}".format(token, WINSCOPE_TOKEN_LOCATION))
149 log.debug("Created and saved token {} to {}".format(token, WINSCOPE_TOKEN_LOCATION))
153log.error("Unable to save persistent token {} to {}".format(token, WINSCOPE_TOKEN_LOCATION))
205 log.warning("Bad request: " + error)
210 log.error("Internal error: " + error)
214"Bad token")
241 log.debug("Call: " + ' '.join(command))
244 log.debug('Error executing adb command: {}\n{}'.format(' '.join(command), repr(ex)))
247log.debug('Error executing adb command: {}\n{}'.format(' '.join(command), ex.output.decode("utf-8"…
258 log.debug('Error executing adb command: adb {}\n'.format(params) + err.decode(
263 log.debug('Error executing adb command: adb {}\n{}'.format(params, repr(ex)))
277 log.debug("Detected devices: " + j)
305 log.debug("Fetching file {} from device to {}".format(file_path,
307 log.debug("Deleting file {} from device".format(file_path))
313 log.debug("Uploading file {}".format(
323 log.debug("Checking root access on {}".format(device_id))
340 log.debug("Starting trace shell {}".format(' '.join(shell)))
350 log.warning("Keep-alive timeout for trace on {}".format(self._device_id))
356 log.debug("Resetting keep-alive clock for trace on {}".format(self._device_id))
365 log.debug("Sending SIGINT to the trace process on {}".format(self._device_id))
368 log.debug("Waiting for trace shell to exit for {}".format(self._device_id))
371log.debug("TIMEOUT - sending SIGKILL to the trace process on {}".format(self._device_id))
376 log.debug("Trace started on {}".format(self._device_id))
379 log.debug("Trace ended on {}, waiting for cleanup".format(self._device_id))
384 log.debug("Trace finished successfully on {}".format(self._device_id))
387 log.debug("Still waiting for cleanup on {}".format(self._device_id))
433 log.warning("Trace already in progress for {}", device_id)
442log.debug("Trace requested for {} with targets {}".format(device_id, ','.join(requested_types)))
497 log.debug("Starting dump shell {}".format(' '.join(shell)))
500 log.debug("Starting dump on device {}".format(device_id))
505 log.debug("Dump finished on device {}".format(device_id))
540'{} {} {}'.format(self.requestline, str(code), str(size)))
550"Shutting down")