Lines Matching refs:start
66 start vold
69 start logd
75 # start qseecomd early as we mount system/ vendor/ early
77 start vendor.qseecomd
78 start keymaster-4-0
80 # start Citadel keymaster (StrongBox) early
81 start vendor.citadeld
82 start vendor.keymaster-4-0-citadel
88 start insmod_sh
183 start devstart_sh
186 start surfaceflinger
187 start bootanim
188 start vendor.hwcomposer-2-2
189 start vendor.configstore-hal
190 start vendor.qti.hardware.display.allocator
207 start time_daemon
224 # We can start netd here before in is launched in common init.rc on zygote-start
225 start netd
248 start ipastart_sh
251 on zygote-start
457 start vendor.ssr_setup
559 start vendor.per_proxy
586 start ss_ramdump
644 # we will start as root and wpa_supplicant will switch to user wifi
675 start imsdatadaemon
690 start ims_rtp_daemon
691 start imsrcsservice
793 start ppd
797 start vendor.wlan_sh
803 start vendor.secure_element_hal_service_1_1
805 start vendor.secure_element_hal_service_1_1
811 setprop persist.vendor.charge.start.level 30
816 on property:persist.vendor.charge.start.level=*
817 …sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:google,charger/charge_start_level ${persist.vendor.charge.start.level}
834 start vendor.qcrild2
837 start init-firstboot-sh
856 start init-fingerprint-sh
859 start init-fingerprint-sh
873 start vendor.theme_set
878 start vendor.theme_clear
881 start vendor.theme_clear