Lines Matching refs:b
43 * Hard-coded values are in <b>bold</b>, e.g. <b>true</b> or <b>5</b>
56 * Index [NanBandIndex.NAN_BAND_24GHZ] = <b>true</b>
58 * uint8_t hopCountMax = <b>2</b>
64 * bool includePublishServiceIdsInBeacon = <b>true</b>
65 * uint8_t numberOfPublishServiceIdsInBeacon = <b>0</b>
66 * bool includeSubscribeServiceIdsInBeacon = <b>true</b>
67 * uint8_t numberOfSubscribeServiceIdsInBeacon = <b>0</b>
68 * uint16_t rssiWindowSize = <b>8</b>
70 * Normal run-time: set to <b>1800</b> (30 minutes)
71 * Tests: set to <b>120</b> (2 minutes)
74 * uint8_t rssiClose = <b>60</b>
75 * uint8_t rssiMiddle = <b>70</b>
76 * uint8_t rssiCloseProximity = <b>60</b>
77 * uint8_t dwellTimeMs = <b>200</b>
78 * uint16_t scanPeriodSec = <b>20</b>
82 * uint8_t rssiClose = <b>60</b>
83 * uint8_t rssiMiddle = <b>75</b>
84 * uint8_t rssiCloseProximity = <b>60</b>
85 * uint8_t dwellTimeMs = <b>200</b>
86 * uint16_t scanPeriodSec = <b>20</b>
90 * bool validClusterIdVals = <b>true</b>
93 * bool validIntfAddrVal = <b>false</b>
95 * bool validOuiVal = <b>false</b>
97 * bool validRandomFactorForceVal = <b>false</b>
99 * bool validHopCountForceVal = <b>false</b>
101 * bool validDiscoveryChannelVal = <b>false</b>
103 * bool validUseBeaconsInBandVal = <b>false</b>
105 * bool validUseSdfInBandVal = <b>false</b>
115 * uint16_t discoveryWindowPeriod = <b>1</b>
116 * uint8_t discoveryCount = <b>0</b>
118 * NanMatchAlg discoveryMatchIndicator = <b>NanMatchAlg.MATCH_NEVER</b>
123 * bool useRssiThreshold = <b>false</b>
125 * bool disableMatchExpirationIndication = <b>true</b>
126 * bool disableFollowupReceivedIndication = <b>false</b>
127 * NanDataPathSecurityConfig securityConfig = <b>NanDataPathSecurityType.OPEN</b>
128 * bool rangingRequired = <b>false</b>
134 * NanTxType txType = <b>NanTxType.BROADCAST</b>
135 * bool autoAcceptDataPathRequests = <b>false</b>
141 * NanMatchAlg discoveryMatchIndicator = <b>NanMatchAlg.MATCH_ONCE</b>
154 * bool isHighPriority = <b>false</b>
155 * bool shouldUseDiscoveryWindow = <b>true</b>
158 * bool disableFollowupResultIndication = <b>false</b>
167 * WifiChannelInMhz channel = <b>2437</b> (note that should be ignored though -