Lines Matching refs:LOGE

140         LOGE("NULL camera device");  in set_preview_window()
184 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in set_CallBacks()
224 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in enable_msg_type()
257 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in disable_msg_type()
292 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in msg_type_enabled()
329 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in prepare_preview()
367 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in start_preview()
407 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in stop_preview()
446 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in preview_enabled()
489 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in store_meta_data_in_buffers()
526 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in restart_start_preview()
540 LOGE("This function is not supposed to be called in single-camera mode"); in restart_start_preview()
570 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in restart_stop_preview()
584 LOGE("This function is not supposed to be called in single-camera mode"); in restart_stop_preview()
613 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in pre_start_recording()
649 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in start_recording()
662 LOGE("pre_start_recording failed with ret = %d", ret); in start_recording()
698 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in stop_recording()
735 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in recording_enabled()
771 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in release_recording_frame()
775 LOGE("Error!! Frame info is NULL"); in release_recording_frame()
809 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in auto_focus()
846 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in cancel_auto_focus()
882 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in pre_take_picture()
918 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in take_picture()
955 LOGE("pre_take_picture failed with ret = %d",ret); in take_picture()
990 LOGE("pre_take_picture failed with ret = %d",ret); in take_picture()
1035 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in cancel_picture()
1074 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in set_parameters()
1142 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in stop_after_set_params()
1156 LOGE("is not supposed to be called in single-camera mode"); in stop_after_set_params()
1185 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in commit_params()
1199 LOGE("is not supposed to be called in single-camera mode"); in commit_params()
1228 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in restart_after_set_params()
1242 LOGE("is not supposed to be called in single-camera mode"); in restart_after_set_params()
1268 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in get_parameters()
1303 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in put_parameters()
1342 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in send_command()
1390 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in send_command_restart()
1428 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in release()
1466 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in dump()
1504 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in close_camera_device()
1538 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in register_face_image()
1578 LOGE("NULL camera device"); in prepare_snapshot()
1840 LOGE("Permission Denied"); in openCamera()
1881 LOGE("Failure: Camera already opened"); in openCamera()
1887 LOGE("Failed to reserve flash for camera id: %d", in openCamera()
1897 LOGE("Failed queueing PARAM_ALLOC job"); in openCamera()
1918 LOGE("Failed to allocate metadata buffer"); in openCamera()
1925 LOGE("camera_open failed. rc = %d, mCameraHandle = %p", in openCamera()
1938 LOGE("camera_open failed. rc = %d, mCameraHandle = %p", in openCamera()
1944 LOGE("initCapabilities failed."); in openCamera()
1966 LOGE("FOV-control: Failed to create an object"); in openCamera()
1982 LOGE("Failed queuing PARAM_INIT job"); in openCamera()
2062 LOGE("bundleRelatedCameras failed %d", rc); in bundleRelatedCameras()
2089 LOGE("Session Id is Null"); in getCameraSessionId()
2367 LOGE("Invalid arguments"); in getCapabilities()
2373 LOGE("creation of capabilityHeap failed"); in getCapabilities()
2380 LOGE("No memory for capability"); in getCapabilities()
2399 LOGE("failed to map capability buffer"); in getCapabilities()
2406 LOGE("failed to query capability"); in getCapabilities()
2413 LOGE("out of memory"); in getCapabilities()
2463 LOGE("camera_open failed. rc = %d", rc); in initCapabilities()
2467 LOGE("camera_open failed. cameraHandle = %p", cameraHandle); in initCapabilities()
2493 LOGE("out of memory"); in initCapabilities()
3110 LOGE("Failed to allocate additional buffers, " in allocateStreamBuf()
3140 LOGE("Out of memory for video batching obj"); in allocateStreamBuf()
3164 LOGE("Out of memory for video obj"); in allocateStreamBuf()
3272 LOGE("Unable to allocate miscBuf object"); in allocateMiscBuf()
3278 LOGE("Failed to allocate misc buffer memory"); in allocateMiscBuf()
3500 LOGE("allocateStreamInfoBuf: Unable to allocate streamInfo object"); in allocateStreamInfoBuf()
3505 LOGE("buffer count should be lesser than max camera : %d", bufCount); in allocateStreamInfoBuf()
3510 LOGE("allocateStreamInfoBuf: Failed to allocate stream info memory"); in allocateStreamInfoBuf()
3520 LOGE("initStreamInfoBuf failed"); in allocateStreamInfoBuf()
3561 LOGE("Stream is not in BATCH mode. Invalid Stream"); in allocateStreamUserBuf()
3571 LOGE("Out of memory for video obj"); in allocateStreamUserBuf()
3590 LOGE("allocateMeta failed"); in allocateStreamUserBuf()
3606 LOGE("Stream type Not supported.for BATCH processing"); in allocateStreamUserBuf()
3615 LOGE("Failed to allocate mem"); in allocateStreamUserBuf()
3761 LOGE("START Callback Channel failed"); in enableMsgType()
3796 LOGE("STOP Callback Channel failed"); in disableMsgType()
3889 LOGE("failed to start channels"); in startPreview()
3898 LOGE("failed to start callback stream"); in startPreview()
3914 LOGE("Unable to initialize postprocessor, mCameraHandle = %p", in startPreview()
4296 LOGE("Init PProc Deferred work failed"); in processUFDumps()
4305 LOGE("Null pointer detected"); in processUFDumps()
4310 LOGE("Null pointer detected"); in processUFDumps()
4421 LOGE("Cannot support Advanced capture modes"); in configureAdvancedCapture()
4533 LOGE("cannot configure AF bracketing"); in configureAFBracketing()
4604 LOGE("cannot configure HDR bracketing"); in configureHDRBracketing()
4629 LOGE("cannot configure AE bracketing"); in configureAEBracketing()
4846 LOGE("No Advanced Capture feature enabled!"); in startAdvancedCapture()
4930 LOGE("Unsupported capture call"); in takePicture()
4968 LOGE("RAW Channel is NULL in Manual capture mode"); in takePicture()
4976 LOGE("online rotation failed"); in takePicture()
4992 LOGE("Failure: Unable to start pproc"); in takePicture()
5014 LOGE("Error!! pMemory is NULL"); in takePicture()
5036 LOGE("Failed to queue CREATE_JPEG_SESSION"); in takePicture()
5038 LOGE("Reprocess Deferred work was failed"); in takePicture()
5047 LOGE("cannot start zsl advanced capture"); in takePicture()
5072 LOGE("FS_DBG cannot take ZSL picture, stop pproc"); in takePicture()
5074 LOGE("Reprocess Deferred work failed"); in takePicture()
5078 LOGE("Jpeg Deferred work failed"); in takePicture()
5092 LOGE("cannot take ZSL picture, stop pproc"); in takePicture()
5094 LOGE("Reprocess Deferred work failed"); in takePicture()
5098 LOGE("Jpeg Deferred work failed"); in takePicture()
5106 LOGE("ZSL channel is NULL"); in takePicture()
5133 LOGE("online rotation failed"); in takePicture()
5150 LOGE("Failure: Unable to start pproc"); in takePicture()
5158 LOGE("Failed to queue CREATE_JPEG_SESSION"); in takePicture()
5160 LOGE("Reprocess Deferred work was failed"); in takePicture()
5169 LOGE("cannot start capture channel"); in takePicture()
5171 LOGE("Reprocess Deferred work failed"); in takePicture()
5175 LOGE("Jpeg Deferred work failed"); in takePicture()
5190 LOGE("cannot start advanced capture"); in takePicture()
5199 LOGE("Reprocess Deferred work failed"); in takePicture()
5203 LOGE("Jpeg Deferred work failed"); in takePicture()
5211 LOGE("cannot add capture channel"); in takePicture()
5221 LOGE("Raw dimension update failed %d", rc); in takePicture()
5227 LOGE("RAW stream info configuration failed %d", rc); in takePicture()
5235 LOGE("Reprocess Deferred work failed"); in takePicture()
5241 LOGE("cannot start postprocessor"); in takePicture()
5248 LOGE("cannot start raw channel"); in takePicture()
5254 LOGE("cannot add raw channel"); in takePicture()
5295 LOGE("No snapshot stream found!"); in configureOnlineRotation()
5304 LOGE("addOnlineRotation failed %d", rc); in configureOnlineRotation()
5329 LOGE("setStreamConfigure failed %d", rc); in declareSnapshotStreams()
5367 LOGE("Capture channel not initialized!"); in longShot()
5478 LOGE("processEvt ZSL capture done failed"); in captureDone()
5483 LOGE("No memory for ZSL capture done event"); in captureDone()
5501 LOGE("take_picture_thread: NULL camera device"); in Live_Snapshot_thread()
5528 LOGE("take_picture_thread: NULL camera device"); in Int_Pic_thread()
5705 LOGE("Init PProc Deferred work failed"); in takeBackendPic_internal()
5734 LOGE("Init PProc Deferred work failed"); in takeBackendPic_internal()
5739 LOGE("cannot start postprocessor"); in takeBackendPic_internal()
5746 LOGE("cannot start raw channel"); in takeBackendPic_internal()
5752 LOGE("cannot add raw channel"); in takeBackendPic_internal()
5825 LOGE("Unsupported capture call"); in takeLiveSnapshot_internal()
5836 LOGE("Snapshot/Video channel not initialized"); in takeLiveSnapshot_internal()
5861 LOGE("Error!! pMemory is NULL"); in takeLiveSnapshot_internal()
5891 LOGE("Failed to queue CMD_DEF_PPROC_START"); in takeLiveSnapshot_internal()
5900 LOGE("Failed to queue CREATE_JPEG_SESSION"); in takeLiveSnapshot_internal()
5902 LOGE("Reprocess Deferred work was failed"); in takeLiveSnapshot_internal()
5922 LOGE("online rotation failed"); in takeLiveSnapshot_internal()
5924 LOGE("Reprocess Deferred work was failed"); in takeLiveSnapshot_internal()
5927 LOGE("Jpeg Deferred work was failed"); in takeLiveSnapshot_internal()
5951 LOGE("Stream Event REQUEST_FRAMES failed"); in takeLiveSnapshot_internal()
5993 LOGE("Metadata stream link failed %d", rc); in takeLiveSnapshot_internal()
5999 LOGE("Preview stream link failed %d", rc); in takeLiveSnapshot_internal()
6087 LOGE("Stream Event REQUEST_FRAMES failed"); in cancelLiveSnapshot_internal()
6248 LOGE("img_ptr or config is NULL"); in registerFaceImage()
6255 LOGE("Unable to new heap memory obj for image buf"); in registerFaceImage()
6261 LOGE("Unable to allocate heap memory for image buf"); in registerFaceImage()
6268 LOGE("image buf is NULL"); in registerFaceImage()
6284 LOGE("fail to add offline reprocess channel"); in registerFaceImage()
6292 LOGE("Cannot start reprocess channel"); in registerFaceImage()
6304 LOGE("Failed to retrieve buffer size (bad index)"); in registerFaceImage()
6501 LOGE("NULL user_data"); in camEvtHandle()
6539 LOGE("NULL user_data"); in jpegEvtHandle()
6873 LOGE("Error setting AEC lock"); in processRetroAECUnlock()
6879 LOGE("Error during camera parameter commit"); in processRetroAECUnlock()
6925 LOGE("Not enough memory for auto HDR data"); in processHDRData()
6931 LOGE("memory data ptr is NULL"); in processHDRData()
6949 LOGE("fail sending auto HDR notification"); in processHDRData()
6987 LOGE("Not enough memory for data"); in processLEDCalibration()
6993 LOGE("memory data ptr is NULL"); in processLEDCalibration()
7012 LOGE("fail sending notification"); in processLEDCalibration()
7096 LOGE("Not enough memory for histogram data"); in processASDUpdate()
7102 LOGE("memory data ptr is NULL"); in processASDUpdate()
7120 LOGE("fail sending notification"); in processASDUpdate()
7202 LOGE("Channel Switch Failed"); in processCameraControl()
7249 LOGE("Channel Switch Failed"); in switchCameraCb()
7356 LOGE("ERROR: malloc for api result failed, Result will not be sent"); in signalAPIResult()
7470 LOGE("getAnalysisInfo failed, ret = %d", rc); in getPaddingInfo()
7533 LOGE("no mem for stream info buf"); in addStreamToChannel()
7554 LOGE("add stream type (%d) cam = %d failed, ret = %d", in addStreamToChannel()
7565 LOGE("no mem for stream info buf"); in addStreamToChannel()
7573 LOGE("add stream type (%d) cam = %d failed, ret = %d", in addStreamToChannel()
7609 LOGE("no mem for preview channel"); in addPreviewChannel()
7616 LOGE("init preview channel failed, ret = %d", rc); in addPreviewChannel()
7625 LOGE("add metadata stream failed, ret = %d", rc); in addPreviewChannel()
7648 LOGE("add raw/preview stream failed, ret = %d", rc); in addPreviewChannel()
7660 LOGE("add Analysis stream failed, ret = %d", rc); in addPreviewChannel()
7672 LOGE("add raw stream failed, ret = %d", __FUNCTION__, rc); in addPreviewChannel()
7679 LOGE("add preview stream failed, ret = %d", rc); in addPreviewChannel()
7713 LOGE("no mem for video channel"); in addVideoChannel()
7732 LOGE("init video channel failed, ret = %d", rc); in addVideoChannel()
7741 LOGE("add video stream failed, ret = %d", rc); in addVideoChannel()
7777 LOGE("no mem for snapshot channel"); in addSnapshotChannel()
7791 LOGE("init snapshot channel failed, ret = %d", rc); in addSnapshotChannel()
7799 LOGE("add snapshot stream failed, ret = %d", rc); in addSnapshotChannel()
7833 LOGE("no mem for raw channel"); in addRawChannel()
7847 LOGE("init RAW channel failed, ret = %d", rc); in addRawChannel()
7854 LOGE("init raw channel failed, ret = %d", rc); in addRawChannel()
7865 LOGE("add metadata stream failed, ret = %d", rc); in addRawChannel()
7882 LOGE("add snapshot stream failed, ret = %d", rc); in addRawChannel()
7919 LOGE("no mem for ZSL channel"); in addZSLChannel()
7952 LOGE("init ZSL channel failed, ret = %d", rc); in addZSLChannel()
7961 LOGE("add metadata stream failed, ret = %d", rc); in addZSLChannel()
7978 LOGE("add preview stream failed, ret = %d", rc); in addZSLChannel()
7986 LOGE("add snapshot stream failed, ret = %d", rc); in addZSLChannel()
7995 LOGE("add Analysis stream failed, ret = %d", rc); in addZSLChannel()
8009 LOGE("add raw stream failed, ret = %d", rc); in addZSLChannel()
8048 LOGE("no mem for capture channel"); in addCaptureChannel()
8068 LOGE("init capture channel failed, ret = %d", rc); in addCaptureChannel()
8077 LOGE("add metadata stream failed, ret = %d", rc); in addCaptureChannel()
8086 LOGE("add preview stream failed, ret = %d", rc); in addCaptureChannel()
8099 LOGE("add postview stream failed, ret = %d", rc); in addCaptureChannel()
8109 LOGE("add snapshot stream failed, ret = %d", rc); in addCaptureChannel()
8127 LOGE("add raw stream failed, ret = %d", rc); in addCaptureChannel()
8161 LOGE("no mem for metadata channel"); in addMetaDataChannel()
8169 LOGE("init metadata channel failed, ret = %d", rc); in addMetaDataChannel()
8177 LOGE("add metadata stream failed, ret = %d", rc); in addMetaDataChannel()
8210 LOGE("no mem for callback channel"); in addCallbackChannel()
8216 LOGE("init callback channel failed, ret = %d", in addCallbackChannel()
8225 LOGE("add callback stream failed, ret = %d", rc); in addCallbackChannel()
8259 LOGE("no mem for metadata channel"); in addAnalysisChannel()
8265 LOGE("init Analysis channel failed, ret = %d", rc); in addAnalysisChannel()
8273 LOGE("add Analysis stream failed, ret = %d", rc); in addAnalysisChannel()
8543 LOGE("input channel obj is NULL"); in addReprocChannel()
8549 LOGE("no mem for reprocess channel"); in addReprocChannel()
8562 LOGE("init reprocess channel failed, ret = %d", rc); in addReprocChannel()
8574 LOGE("Error while creating PP config"); in addReprocChannel()
8687 LOGE("no mem for reprocess channel"); in addOfflineReprocChannel()
8693 LOGE("init reprocess channel failed, ret = %d", rc); in addOfflineReprocChannel()
8700 LOGE("no mem for stream info buf"); in addOfflineReprocChannel()
8725 LOGE("add reprocess stream failed, ret = %d", rc); in addOfflineReprocChannel()
8872 LOGE("setStreamConfigure failed %d", rc); in preparePreview()
8884 LOGE("failed!! rc = %d", rc); in preparePreview()
8895 LOGE("failed!! rc = %d", rc); in preparePreview()
8939 LOGE("failed!! rc = %d", rc); in preparePreview()
8963 LOGE("failed!! rc = %d", rc); in preparePreview()
8971 LOGE("failed!! rc = %d", rc); in preparePreview()
9112 LOGE("Invalid preview width or height (%d x %d)", in processFaceDetectionResult()
9147 LOGE("Not enough memory for face result data"); in processFaceDetectionResult()
9176 LOGE("fail sending notification"); in processFaceDetectionResult()
9359 LOGE("fail sending notification"); in processFaceDetectionResult()
9409 LOGE("Cannot return buffer %d %p", idx, cookie); in returnStreamBuffer()
9439 LOGE("Not enough memory for histogram data"); in processHistogramStats()
9445 LOGE("memory data ptr is NULL"); in processHistogramStats()
9486 LOGE("fail sending notification"); in processHistogramStats()
9618 LOGE("Received shutdown thermal level. Closing camera"); in calcThermalLevel()
9998 LOGE("No memory for QCameraExif"); in getExifData()
10442 LOGE("cam_sem_wait error (%s)", in deferredWorkRoutine()
10468 LOGE("Invalid deferred work"); in deferredWorkRoutine()
10478 LOGE("Invalid deferred work channel"); in deferredWorkRoutine()
10499 LOGE("Error allocating buffers !!!"); in deferredWorkRoutine()
10514 LOGE("PPROC Start failed"); in deferredWorkRoutine()
10523 LOGE("cannot start postprocessor"); in deferredWorkRoutine()
10535 LOGE("Metadata alloc failed"); in deferredWorkRoutine()
10544 LOGE("Unable to allocate metadata buffers"); in deferredWorkRoutine()
10567 LOGE("Jpeg create failed"); in deferredWorkRoutine()
10573 LOGE("cannot create JPEG session"); in deferredWorkRoutine()
10599 LOGE("Error!! creating JPEG handle failed"); in deferredWorkRoutine()
10612 LOGE("Error!! set JPEG handle failed"); in deferredWorkRoutine()
10623 LOGE("cannot init postprocessor"); in deferredWorkRoutine()
10677 LOGE("Param allocation failed"); in deferredWorkRoutine()
10687 LOGE("Param init failed"); in deferredWorkRoutine()
10697 LOGE("Camera handle is null"); in deferredWorkRoutine()
10713 LOGE("Parameter Initialization failed"); in deferredWorkRoutine()
10730 LOGE("getRelatedCamCalibration failed"); in deferredWorkRoutine()
10748 LOGE("Out of Memory. Allocation failed for " in deferredWorkRoutine()
10766 LOGE("Incorrect command : %d", dw->cmd); in deferredWorkRoutine()
10803 LOGE("out of memory."); in queueDeferredWork()
10859 LOGE("Error !! jpeg_open failed!! "); in initJpegHandle()
10887 LOGE("Error!! Closing mJpegClientHandle: %d failed", in deinitJpegHandle()
10925 LOGE("Error!! No Handle found: %d", in setJpegHandleInfo()
10949 LOGE("Init PProc Deferred work failed"); in getJpegHandleInfo()
11017 LOGE("job_id (%d) was failed", job_id); in getDefJobStatus()
11298 LOGE("Metadata stream link failed %d", rc); in startRAWChannel()
11404 LOGE("processEvt Dual camera fill FOV control failed"); in fillDualCameraFOVControl()
11409 LOGE("No memory for Dual camera fill FOV control event"); in fillDualCameraFOVControl()