Lines Matching refs:LOGE

91         LOGE("getBufs invalid stream pointer");  in get_bufs()
96 LOGE("stream->getBufs failed"); in get_bufs()
128 LOGE("putBufs invalid stream pointer"); in put_bufs()
135 LOGE("stream->putBatchBufs failed"); in put_bufs()
161 LOGE("invalid stream pointer"); in invalidate_buf()
171 LOGE("invalidateBuf failed for buf_idx: %d err: %d", in invalidate_buf()
201 LOGE("invalid stream pointer"); in clean_invalidate_buf()
211 LOGE("invalidateBuf failed for buf_idx: %d err: %d", in clean_invalidate_buf()
241 LOGE("invalid stream pointer"); in clean_buf()
251 LOGE("invalidateBuf failed for buf_idx: %d err: %d", in clean_buf()
336 LOGE("Failed to un-map stream info buffer"); in ~QCamera3Stream()
392 LOGE("add_stream failed"); in init()
400 LOGE("no memory for stream info buf obj"); in init()
406 LOGE("no memory for stream info"); in init()
442 LOGE("Failed to map stream info buffer"); in init()
446 LOGE("Failed to retrieve buffer size (bad index)"); in init()
458 LOGE("batchSize:%d is very large", batchSize); in init()
500 LOGE("Failed to config stream, rc = %d", rc); in init()
642 LOGE("Not a valid stream to handle buf"); in dataNotifyCB()
649 LOGE("No mem for mm_camera_buf_def_t"); in dataNotifyCB()
682 LOGE("cam_sem_wait error (%s)", in dataProcRoutine()
701 LOGE("Timeout command received but Q is empty"); in dataProcRoutine()
777 LOGE("index; %d, mNumBufs: %d", index, mNumBufs); in bufDoneLocked()
782 LOGE("putBufs already called"); in bufDoneLocked()
788 LOGE("Camera operations not initialized"); in bufDoneLocked()
802 LOGE("Failed to map camera buffer %d", index); in bufDoneLocked()
808 LOGE("Couldn't find camera buffer definition"); in bufDoneLocked()
813 LOGE("Failed to retrieve buffer size (bad index)"); in bufDoneLocked()
851 LOGE("index; %d, mNumBufs: %d", index, mNumBufs); in cancelBuffer()
856 LOGE("putBufs already called"); in cancelBuffer()
863 LOGE("Calling cancel buf on idx:%d for stream type:%d",index, getMyType()); in cancelBuffer()
896 LOGE("Camera operations not initialized"); in bufRelease()
903 LOGE("Failed to un-map camera buffer %d", index); in bufRelease()
909 LOGE("Buffer at index %d not registered"); in bufRelease()
944 LOGE("ops_tbl is NULL"); in getBufs()
952 LOGE("Failed getBufs being called twice in a row without a putBufs call"); in getBufs()
957 LOGE("Failed to allocate stream buffers"); in getBufs()
972 LOGE("map_stream_buf failed: %d", rc); in getBufs()
983 LOGE("Failed to retrieve buffer size (bad index)"); in getBufs()
992 LOGE("Out of memory"); in getBufs()
1005 LOGE("Failed to allocate mm_camera_buf_def_t %d", rc); in getBufs()
1025 LOGE("getRegFlags failed %d", rc); in getBufs()
1066 LOGE("un-map stream buf failed: %d", rc); in putBufs()
1075 LOGE("getBuf failed previously, or calling putBufs twice"); in putBufs()
1101 LOGE("putBufs already called"); in invalidateBuf()
1122 LOGE("putBufs already called"); in cleanInvalidateBuf()
1143 LOGE("putBufs already called"); in cleanBuf()
1340 LOGE("batchBuf.buf_idx: %d enqueue failed", in releaseFrameData()
1374 LOGE("input args NULL"); in getBatchBufs()
1387 LOGE("unable to create batch container memory"); in getBatchBufs()
1398 LOGE("unable to allocate batch container memory"); in getBatchBufs()
1415 LOGE("Failed to map stream container buffer: %d", in getBatchBufs()
1427 LOGE("Failed to retrieve buffer size (bad index)"); in getBatchBufs()
1439 LOGE("Out of memory"); in getBatchBufs()
1454 LOGE("mBatchBufDefs memory allocation failed"); in getBatchBufs()
1466 LOGE("enqueue mBatchBufDefs[%d] failed", i); in getBatchBufs()
1472 LOGE("Failed to aggregate starting buffers to the batch %d", rc); in getBatchBufs()
1520 LOGE("un-map batch buf failed: %d", rc); in putBatchBufs()
1590 LOGE("Batch mod is not enabled"); in aggregateBufToBatch()
1596 LOGE("No empty batch buffers is available"); in aggregateBufToBatch()
1603 LOGE("batch buffer is already full"); in aggregateBufToBatch()
1635 LOGE("Failed to aggregate buffer %d to batch", i); in aggregateStartingBufs()
1659 LOGE("No buffers were queued into batch"); in queueBatchBuf()
1674 LOGE("queueing of batch buffer: %d failed with err: %d", in queueBatchBuf()
1707 LOGE("Stream: %d not in batch mode, but batch buffer received", in handleBatchBuffer()
1712 LOGE("Data callback not set for batch mode"); in handleBatchBuffer()
1716 LOGE("superBuf->bufs[0] is NULL!!"); in handleBatchBuffer()
1724 LOGE("batchBuf.buf_idx: %d enqueue failed", in handleBatchBuffer()
1742 LOGE("malloc failed. Buffers will be dropped"); in handleBatchBuffer()