/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // All DISABLED_ tests are designed to be executed after malloc debug // is enabled. These tests don't run be default, and are executed // by wrappers that will enable various malloc debug features. static constexpr time_t kTimeoutSeconds = 10; extern "C" bool GetInitialArgs(const char*** args, size_t* num_args) { static const char* initial_args[] = {"--slow_threshold_ms=30000", "--deadline_threshold_ms=1200000"}; *args = initial_args; *num_args = 2; return true; } static void Exec(const char* test_name, const char* debug_options, pid_t* pid, int exit_code = 0, time_t timeout_seconds = kTimeoutSeconds) { int fds[2]; ASSERT_NE(-1, pipe(fds)); ASSERT_NE(-1, fcntl(fds[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)); if ((*pid = fork()) == 0) { ASSERT_EQ(0, setenv("LIBC_DEBUG_MALLOC_OPTIONS", debug_options, 1)); close(fds[0]); close(STDIN_FILENO); close(STDOUT_FILENO); close(STDERR_FILENO); ASSERT_NE(0, dup2(fds[1], STDOUT_FILENO)); ASSERT_NE(0, dup2(fds[1], STDERR_FILENO)); std::vector args; // Get a copy of this argument so it doesn't disappear on us. std::string exec(testing::internal::GetArgvs()[0]); args.push_back(exec.c_str()); args.push_back("--gtest_also_run_disabled_tests"); std::string filter_arg = std::string("--gtest_filter=") + test_name; args.push_back(filter_arg.c_str()); // Need this because some code depends on exit codes from the test run // but the isolation runner does not support that. args.push_back("--no_isolate"); args.push_back(nullptr); execv(args[0], reinterpret_cast(const_cast(args.data()))); exit(20); } ASSERT_NE(-1, *pid); close(fds[1]); std::string output; std::vector buffer(4096); time_t start_time = time(nullptr); bool done = false; while (true) { struct pollfd read_fd = {.fd = fds[0], .events = POLLIN}; if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(poll(&read_fd, 1, 1)) > 0) { ssize_t bytes = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(fds[0], buffer.data(), sizeof(buffer) - 1)); if (bytes == -1 && errno == EAGAIN) { continue; } ASSERT_NE(-1, bytes); if (bytes == 0) { done = true; break; } output.append(buffer.data(), bytes); } if ((time(nullptr) - start_time) > timeout_seconds) { kill(*pid, SIGINT); break; } } EXPECT_TRUE(done) << "Timed out while reading data, output:\n" << output; done = false; int status; start_time = time(nullptr); while (true) { int wait_pid = waitpid(*pid, &status, WNOHANG); if (*pid == wait_pid) { done = true; break; } if ((time(nullptr) - start_time) > timeout_seconds) { break; } } if (!done) { kill(*pid, SIGKILL); start_time = time(nullptr); while (true) { int kill_status; int wait_pid = waitpid(*pid, &kill_status, WNOHANG); if (wait_pid == *pid || (time(nullptr) - start_time) > timeout_seconds) { break; } } } ASSERT_TRUE(done) << "Timed out waiting for waitpid, output:\n" << output; ASSERT_FALSE(WIFSIGNALED(status)) << "Failed with signal " << WTERMSIG(status) << "\nOutput:\n" << output; ASSERT_EQ(exit_code, WEXITSTATUS(status)) << "Output:\n" << output; } static void GetLogStr(pid_t pid, std::string* log_str, log_id log = LOG_ID_MAIN) { log_str->clear(); logger_list* list; list = android_logger_list_open(log, ANDROID_LOG_NONBLOCK, 1000, pid); ASSERT_TRUE(list != nullptr); while (true) { log_msg msg; ssize_t actual = android_logger_list_read(list, &msg); if (actual < 0) { if (actual == -EINTR) { // Interrupted retry. continue; } else if (actual == -EAGAIN) { // Non-blocking EOF, finished. break; } else { break; } } else if (actual == 0) { break; } ASSERT_EQ(msg.entry.pid, pid); char* msg_str = msg.msg(); if (msg_str != nullptr) { char* tag = msg_str + 1; msg_str = tag + strlen(tag) + 1; *log_str += msg_str; if (log_str->back() != '\n') { *log_str += '\n'; } } } android_logger_list_close(list); } static void FindStrings(pid_t pid, std::vector match_strings, std::vector no_match_strings = std::vector{}, time_t timeout_seconds = kTimeoutSeconds) { std::string log_str; time_t start = time(nullptr); std::string missing_match; while (true) { GetLogStr(pid, &log_str); missing_match.clear(); // Look for the expected strings. for (auto str : match_strings) { if (log_str.find(str) == std::string::npos) { missing_match = str; break; } } // Verify the unexpected strings are not present. for (auto str : no_match_strings) { ASSERT_TRUE(log_str.find(str) == std::string::npos) << "Unexpectedly found '" << str << "' in log output:\n" << log_str; } if (missing_match.empty()) { return; } if ((time(nullptr) - start) > timeout_seconds) { break; } } ASSERT_EQ("", missing_match) << "Didn't find expected log output:\n" << log_str; } TEST(MallocTests, DISABLED_smoke) {} TEST(MallocDebugSystemTest, smoke) { pid_t pid; ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(Exec("MallocTests.DISABLED_smoke", "verbose backtrace", &pid)); ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(FindStrings(pid, std::vector{"malloc debug enabled"})); } static void SetAllocationLimit() { // Set to a large value, this is only to enable the limit code and // verify that malloc debug is still called properly. size_t limit = 500 * 1024 * 1024; ASSERT_TRUE(android_mallopt(M_SET_ALLOCATION_LIMIT_BYTES, &limit, sizeof(limit))); } static void AlignedAlloc() { void* ptr = aligned_alloc(64, 1152); ASSERT_TRUE(ptr != nullptr); memset(ptr, 0, 1152); } TEST(MallocTests, DISABLED_leak_memory_aligned_alloc) { AlignedAlloc(); } TEST(MallocTests, DISABLED_leak_memory_limit_aligned_alloc) { SetAllocationLimit(); AlignedAlloc(); } static void Calloc() { void* ptr = calloc(1, 1123); ASSERT_TRUE(ptr != nullptr); memset(ptr, 1, 1123); } TEST(MallocTests, DISABLED_leak_memory_calloc) { Calloc(); } TEST(MallocTests, DISABLED_leak_memory_limit_calloc) { SetAllocationLimit(); Calloc(); } static void Malloc() { void* ptr = malloc(1123); ASSERT_TRUE(ptr != nullptr); memset(ptr, 0, 1123); } TEST(MallocTests, DISABLED_leak_memory_malloc) { Malloc(); } TEST(MallocTests, DISABLED_leak_memory_limit_malloc) { SetAllocationLimit(); Malloc(); } static void Memalign() { void* ptr = memalign(64, 1123); ASSERT_TRUE(ptr != nullptr); memset(ptr, 0, 1123); } TEST(MallocTests, DISABLED_leak_memory_memalign) { Memalign(); } TEST(MallocTests, DISABLED_leak_memory_limit_memalign) { SetAllocationLimit(); Memalign(); } static void PosixMemalign() { void* ptr; ASSERT_EQ(0, posix_memalign(&ptr, 64, 1123)); ASSERT_TRUE(ptr != nullptr); memset(ptr, 0, 1123); } TEST(MallocTests, DISABLED_leak_memory_posix_memalign) { PosixMemalign(); } TEST(MallocTests, DISABLED_leak_memory_limit_posix_memalign) { SetAllocationLimit(); PosixMemalign(); } static void Reallocarray() { void* ptr = reallocarray(nullptr, 1, 1123); ASSERT_TRUE(ptr != nullptr); memset(ptr, 0, 1123); } TEST(MallocTests, DISABLED_leak_memory_reallocarray) { Reallocarray(); } TEST(MallocTests, DISABLED_leak_memory_limit_reallocarray) { SetAllocationLimit(); Reallocarray(); } static void Realloc() { void* ptr = realloc(nullptr, 1123); ASSERT_TRUE(ptr != nullptr); memset(ptr, 0, 1123); } TEST(MallocTests, DISABLED_leak_memory_realloc) { Realloc(); } TEST(MallocTests, DISABLED_leak_memory_limit_realloc) { SetAllocationLimit(); Realloc(); } #if !defined(__LP64__) extern "C" void* pvalloc(size_t); static void Pvalloc() { void* ptr = pvalloc(1123); ASSERT_TRUE(ptr != nullptr); memset(ptr, 0, 1123); } TEST(MallocTests, DISABLED_leak_memory_pvalloc) { Pvalloc(); } TEST(MallocTests, DISABLED_leak_memory_limit_pvalloc) { SetAllocationLimit(); Pvalloc(); } extern "C" void* valloc(size_t); static void Valloc() { void* ptr = valloc(1123); ASSERT_TRUE(ptr != nullptr); memset(ptr, 0, 1123); } TEST(MallocTests, DISABLED_leak_memory_valloc) { Valloc(); } TEST(MallocTests, DISABLED_leak_memory_limit_valloc) { SetAllocationLimit(); Valloc(); } #endif static void VerifyLeak(const char* test_prefix) { struct FunctionInfo { const char* name; size_t size; }; static FunctionInfo functions[] = { { "aligned_alloc", 1152, }, { "calloc", 1123, }, { "malloc", 1123, }, { "memalign", 1123, }, { "posix_memalign", 1123, }, { "reallocarray", 1123, }, { "realloc", 1123, }, #if !defined(__LP64__) { "pvalloc", 4096, }, { "valloc", 1123, } #endif }; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(functions) / sizeof(FunctionInfo); i++) { pid_t pid; SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << functions[i].name << " expected size " << functions[i].size); std::string test = std::string("MallocTests.DISABLED_") + test_prefix + functions[i].name; ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(Exec(test.c_str(), "verbose backtrace leak_track", &pid)); std::string expected_leak = android::base::StringPrintf("leaked block of size %zu at", functions[i].size); EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(FindStrings( pid, std::vector{"malloc debug enabled", expected_leak.c_str()})); } } TEST(MallocDebugSystemTest, verify_leak) { VerifyLeak("leak_memory_"); } TEST(MallocDebugSystemTest, verify_leak_allocation_limit) { VerifyLeak("leak_memory_limit_"); } static constexpr int kExpectedExitCode = 30; TEST(MallocTests, DISABLED_exit_while_threads_allocating) { std::atomic_uint32_t thread_mask; thread_mask = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) { std::thread malloc_thread([&thread_mask, i] { while (true) { void* ptr = malloc(100); if (ptr == nullptr) { exit(1000); } free(ptr); thread_mask.fetch_or(1 << i); } }); malloc_thread.detach(); } // Wait until each thread has done at least one allocation. while (thread_mask.load() != 0xffffffff) ; exit(kExpectedExitCode); } // Verify that exiting while other threads are doing malloc operations, // that there are no crashes. TEST(MallocDebugSystemTest, exit_while_threads_allocating) { for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) { SCOPED_TRACE(::testing::Message() << "Run " << i); pid_t pid; ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(Exec("MallocTests.DISABLED_exit_while_threads_allocating", "verbose backtrace", &pid, kExpectedExitCode)); ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(FindStrings(pid, std::vector{"malloc debug enabled"})); std::string log_str; GetLogStr(pid, &log_str, LOG_ID_CRASH); ASSERT_TRUE(log_str.find("Fatal signal") == std::string::npos) << "Found crash in log.\nLog message: " << log_str; } } TEST(MallocTests, DISABLED_write_leak_info) { TemporaryFile tf; ASSERT_TRUE(tf.fd != -1); FILE* fp = fdopen(tf.fd, "w+"); if (fp == nullptr) { printf("Unable to create %s\n", tf.path); _exit(1); } tf.release(); void* ptr = malloc(1000); if (ptr == nullptr) { printf("malloc failed\n"); _exit(1); } memset(ptr, 0, 1000); android_mallopt(M_WRITE_MALLOC_LEAK_INFO_TO_FILE, fp, sizeof(fp)); fclose(fp); free(ptr); } TEST(MallocDebugSystemTest, write_leak_info_no_header) { pid_t pid; ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(Exec("MallocTests.DISABLED_write_leak_info", "verbose backtrace", &pid, 0)); ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(FindStrings(pid, std::vector{"malloc debug enabled"}, std::vector{" HAS INVALID TAG ", "USED AFTER FREE ", "UNKNOWN POINTER "})); } TEST(MallocDebugSystemTest, write_leak_info_header) { pid_t pid; ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(Exec("MallocTests.DISABLED_write_leak_info", "verbose backtrace guard", &pid, 0)); ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(FindStrings(pid, std::vector{"malloc debug enabled"}, std::vector{" HAS INVALID TAG ", "USED AFTER FREE ", "UNKNOWN POINTER "})); } TEST(MallocTests, DISABLED_malloc_and_backtrace_deadlock) { std::atomic_bool running(false); pid_t tid; std::thread thread([&tid, &running] { tid = gettid(); running = true; while (running) { void* ptr = malloc(200); if (ptr == nullptr) { return; } free(ptr); } }); while (!running) { } static constexpr size_t kNumUnwinds = 1000; for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumUnwinds; i++) { std::unique_ptr backtrace(Backtrace::Create(getpid(), tid)); ASSERT_TRUE(backtrace->Unwind(0)) << "Failed on unwind " << i; ASSERT_LT(1, backtrace->NumFrames()) << "Failed on unwind " << i; } running = false; thread.join(); } TEST(MallocDebugSystemTest, malloc_and_backtrace_deadlock) { pid_t pid; ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(Exec("MallocTests.DISABLED_malloc_and_backtrace_deadlock", "verbose verify_pointers", &pid, 0, 180)); // Make sure that malloc debug is enabled and that no timeouts occur during // unwinds. ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(FindStrings(pid, std::vector{"malloc debug enabled"}, std::vector{"Timed out waiting for "})); }