#!/usr/bin/env python # Run with directory arguments from any directory, with no special setup required. import ftplib import hashlib import os import re import shutil import string import subprocess import sys import tarfile import tempfile VERBOSE = False def warn(s): sys.stderr.write("warning: %s\n" % s) def warn_verbose(s): if VERBOSE: warn(s) def is_interesting(path): path = path.lower() uninteresting_extensions = [ ".bp", ".map", ".md", ".mk", ".py", ".pyc", ".swp", ".txt", ] if os.path.splitext(path)[1] in uninteresting_extensions: return False if path.endswith("/notice") or path.endswith("/readme") or path.endswith("/pylintrc"): return False return True def is_auto_generated(content): if "Generated by gensyscalls.py" in content or "generated by genserv.py" in content: return True if "This header was automatically generated from a Linux kernel header" in content: return True return False copyrights = set() def extract_copyright_at(lines, i): hash = lines[i].startswith("#") # Do we need to back up to find the start of the copyright header? start = i if not hash: while start > 0: if "/*" in lines[start - 1]: break start -= 1 # Read comment lines until we hit something that terminates a # copyright header. while i < len(lines): if "*/" in lines[i]: break if hash and len(lines[i]) == 0: break if "\t@(#)" in lines[i] or "\tfrom: @(#)" in lines[i] or "From: @(#)" in lines[i] or "from OpenBSD:" in lines[i]: break if "\tcitrus Id: " in lines[i]: break if "\t$Citrus: " in lines[i] or "\t$OpenBSD: " in lines[i] or " $FreeBSD: " in lines[i] or "\t$NetBSD: " in lines[i]: break if "$FreeBSD$" in lines[i] or "$Citrus$" in lines[i]: break # OpenBSD likes to say where stuff originally came from: if "Original version ID:" in lines[i]: break i += 1 end = i # Trim trailing cruft. while end > 0: if lines[end - 1] != " *" and lines[end - 1] != " * ====================================================": break end -= 1 # Remove C/assembler comment formatting, pulling out just the text. clean_lines = [] for line in lines[start:end]: line = line.replace("\t", " ") line = line.replace("/* ", "") line = re.sub("^ \* ", "", line) line = line.replace("** ", "") line = line.replace("# ", "") if "SPDX-License-Identifier:" in line: continue if line.startswith("++Copyright++"): continue line = line.replace("--Copyright--", "") line = line.rstrip() # These come last and take care of "blank" comment lines. if line == "#" or line == " *" or line == "**" or line == "-": line = "" clean_lines.append(line) # Trim blank lines from head and tail. while clean_lines[0] == "": clean_lines = clean_lines[1:] while clean_lines[len(clean_lines) - 1] == "": clean_lines = clean_lines[0:(len(clean_lines) - 1)] copyright = "\n".join(clean_lines) copyrights.add(copyright) return i def do_file(path): with open(path, "r") as the_file: try: content = open(path, "r").read().decode("utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError: warn("bad UTF-8 in %s" % path) content = open(path, "r").read().decode("iso-8859-1") lines = content.split("\n") if len(lines) <= 4: warn_verbose("ignoring short file %s" % path) return if is_auto_generated(content): warn_verbose("ignoring auto-generated file %s" % path) return if not "Copyright" in content: if "public domain" in content.lower(): warn_verbose("ignoring public domain file %s" % path) return warn('no copyright notice found in "%s" (%d lines)' % (path, len(lines))) return # Manually iterate because extract_copyright_at tells us how many lines to skip. i = 0 while i < len(lines): if "Copyright" in lines[i] and not "@(#) Copyright" in lines[i]: i = extract_copyright_at(lines, i) else: i += 1 def do_dir(path): for directory, sub_directories, filenames in os.walk(arg): if ".git" in sub_directories: sub_directories.remove(".git") sub_directories = sorted(sub_directories) for filename in sorted(filenames): path = os.path.join(directory, filename) if is_interesting(path): do_file(path) args = sys.argv[1:] if len(args) == 0: args = [ "." ] for arg in args: if os.path.isdir(arg): do_dir(arg) else: do_file(arg) for copyright in sorted(copyrights): print copyright.encode("utf-8") print print "-------------------------------------------------------------------" print sys.exit(0)