* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.example.android.mediabrowserservice;
import android.app.PendingIntent;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.media.MediaDescription;
import android.media.MediaMetadata;
import android.media.browse.MediaBrowser.MediaItem;
import android.media.session.MediaSession;
import android.media.session.PlaybackState;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.service.media.MediaBrowserService;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import com.example.android.mediabrowserservice.model.MusicProvider;
import com.example.android.mediabrowserservice.utils.CarHelper;
import com.example.android.mediabrowserservice.utils.LogHelper;
import com.example.android.mediabrowserservice.utils.MediaIDHelper;
import com.example.android.mediabrowserservice.utils.QueueHelper;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import static com.example.android.mediabrowserservice.utils.MediaIDHelper.MEDIA_ID_MUSICS_BY_GENRE;
import static com.example.android.mediabrowserservice.utils.MediaIDHelper.MEDIA_ID_ROOT;
import static com.example.android.mediabrowserservice.utils.MediaIDHelper.createBrowseCategoryMediaID;
* This class provides a MediaBrowser through a service. It exposes the media library to a browsing
* client, through the onGetRoot and onLoadChildren methods. It also creates a MediaSession and
* exposes it through its MediaSession.Token, which allows the client to create a MediaController
* that connects to and send control commands to the MediaSession remotely. This is useful for
* user interfaces that need to interact with your media session, like Android Auto. You can
* (should) also use the same service from your app's UI, which gives a seamless playback
* experience to the user.
* To implement a MediaBrowserService, you need to:
* - Extend {@link android.service.media.MediaBrowserService}, implementing the media browsing
* related methods {@link android.service.media.MediaBrowserService#onGetRoot} and
* {@link android.service.media.MediaBrowserService#onLoadChildren};
- In onCreate, start a new {@link android.media.session.MediaSession} and notify its parent
* with the session's token {@link android.service.media.MediaBrowserService#setSessionToken};
- Set a callback on the
* {@link android.media.session.MediaSession#setCallback(android.media.session.MediaSession.Callback)}.
* The callback will receive all the user's actions, like play, pause, etc;
- Handle all the actual music playing using any method your app prefers (for example,
* {@link android.media.MediaPlayer})
- Update playbackState, "now playing" metadata and queue, using MediaSession proper methods
* {@link android.media.session.MediaSession#setPlaybackState(android.media.session.PlaybackState)}
* {@link android.media.session.MediaSession#setMetadata(android.media.MediaMetadata)} and
* {@link android.media.session.MediaSession#setQueue(java.util.List)})
- Declare and export the service in AndroidManifest with an intent receiver for the action
* android.media.browse.MediaBrowserService
* To make your app compatible with Android Auto, you also need to:
* - Declare a meta-data tag in AndroidManifest.xml linking to a xml resource
* with a <automotiveApp> root element. For a media app, this must include
* an <uses name="media"/> element as a child.
* For example, in AndroidManifest.xml:
* <meta-data android:name="com.google.android.gms.car.application"
* android:resource="@xml/automotive_app_desc"/>
* And in res/values/automotive_app_desc.xml:
* <automotiveApp>
* <uses name="media"/>
* </automotiveApp>
* @see README.md for more details.
public class MusicService extends MediaBrowserService implements Playback.Callback {
// The action of the incoming Intent indicating that it contains a command
// to be executed (see {@link #onStartCommand})
public static final String ACTION_CMD = "com.example.android.mediabrowserservice.ACTION_CMD";
// The key in the extras of the incoming Intent indicating the command that
// should be executed (see {@link #onStartCommand})
public static final String CMD_NAME = "CMD_NAME";
// A value of a CMD_NAME key in the extras of the incoming Intent that
// indicates that the music playback should be paused (see {@link #onStartCommand})
public static final String CMD_PAUSE = "CMD_PAUSE";
private static final String TAG = LogHelper.makeLogTag(MusicService.class);
// Action to thumbs up a media item
private static final String CUSTOM_ACTION_THUMBS_UP =
// Delay stopSelf by using a handler.
private static final int STOP_DELAY = 30000;
// Music catalog manager
private MusicProvider mMusicProvider;
private MediaSession mSession;
// "Now playing" queue:
private List mPlayingQueue;
private int mCurrentIndexOnQueue;
private MediaNotificationManager mMediaNotificationManager;
// Indicates whether the service was started.
private boolean mServiceStarted;
private DelayedStopHandler mDelayedStopHandler = new DelayedStopHandler(this);
private Playback mPlayback;
private PackageValidator mPackageValidator;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see android.app.Service#onCreate()
public void onCreate() {
LogHelper.d(TAG, "onCreate");
mPlayingQueue = new ArrayList<>();
mMusicProvider = new MusicProvider();
mPackageValidator = new PackageValidator(this);
// Start a new MediaSession
mSession = new MediaSession(this, "MusicService");
mSession.setCallback(new MediaSessionCallback());
mSession.setFlags(MediaSession.FLAG_HANDLES_MEDIA_BUTTONS |
mPlayback = new Playback(this, mMusicProvider);
Context context = getApplicationContext();
Intent intent = new Intent(context, MusicPlayerActivity.class);
PendingIntent pi = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 99 /*request code*/,
intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
Bundle extras = new Bundle();
CarHelper.setSlotReservationFlags(extras, true, true, true);
mMediaNotificationManager = new MediaNotificationManager(this);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see android.app.Service#onStartCommand(android.content.Intent, int, int)
public int onStartCommand(Intent startIntent, int flags, int startId) {
if (startIntent != null) {
String action = startIntent.getAction();
String command = startIntent.getStringExtra(CMD_NAME);
if (ACTION_CMD.equals(action)) {
if (CMD_PAUSE.equals(command)) {
if (mPlayback != null && mPlayback.isPlaying()) {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see android.app.Service#onDestroy()
public void onDestroy() {
LogHelper.d(TAG, "onDestroy");
// Service is being killed, so make sure we release our resources
// Always release the MediaSession to clean up resources
// and notify associated MediaController(s).
public BrowserRoot onGetRoot(String clientPackageName, int clientUid, Bundle rootHints) {
LogHelper.d(TAG, "OnGetRoot: clientPackageName=" + clientPackageName,
"; clientUid=" + clientUid + " ; rootHints=", rootHints);
// To ensure you are not allowing any arbitrary app to browse your app's contents, you
// need to check the origin:
if (!mPackageValidator.isCallerAllowed(this, clientPackageName, clientUid)) {
// If the request comes from an untrusted package, return null. No further calls will
// be made to other media browsing methods.
LogHelper.w(TAG, "OnGetRoot: IGNORING request from untrusted package "
+ clientPackageName);
return null;
//noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody
if (CarHelper.isValidCarPackage(clientPackageName)) {
// Optional: if your app needs to adapt ads, music library or anything else that
// needs to run differently when connected to the car, this is where you should handle
// it.
return new BrowserRoot(MEDIA_ID_ROOT, null);
public void onLoadChildren(final String parentMediaId, final Result> result) {
if (!mMusicProvider.isInitialized()) {
// Use result.detach to allow calling result.sendResult from another thread:
mMusicProvider.retrieveMediaAsync(new MusicProvider.Callback() {
public void onMusicCatalogReady(boolean success) {
if (success) {
loadChildrenImpl(parentMediaId, result);
} else {
} else {
// If our music catalog is already loaded/cached, load them into result immediately
loadChildrenImpl(parentMediaId, result);
* Actual implementation of onLoadChildren that assumes that MusicProvider is already
* initialized.
private void loadChildrenImpl(final String parentMediaId,
final Result> result) {
LogHelper.d(TAG, "OnLoadChildren: parentMediaId=", parentMediaId);
List mediaItems = new ArrayList<>();
if (MEDIA_ID_ROOT.equals(parentMediaId)) {
LogHelper.d(TAG, "OnLoadChildren.ROOT");
mediaItems.add(new MediaItem(
new MediaDescription.Builder()
.setIconUri(Uri.parse("android.resource://" +
.build(), MediaItem.FLAG_BROWSABLE
} else if (MEDIA_ID_MUSICS_BY_GENRE.equals(parentMediaId)) {
LogHelper.d(TAG, "OnLoadChildren.GENRES");
for (String genre : mMusicProvider.getGenres()) {
MediaItem item = new MediaItem(
new MediaDescription.Builder()
.setMediaId(createBrowseCategoryMediaID(MEDIA_ID_MUSICS_BY_GENRE, genre))
.setSubtitle(getString(R.string.browse_musics_by_genre_subtitle, genre))
.build(), MediaItem.FLAG_BROWSABLE
} else if (parentMediaId.startsWith(MEDIA_ID_MUSICS_BY_GENRE)) {
String genre = MediaIDHelper.getHierarchy(parentMediaId)[1];
LogHelper.d(TAG, "OnLoadChildren.SONGS_BY_GENRE genre=", genre);
for (MediaMetadata track : mMusicProvider.getMusicsByGenre(genre)) {
// Since mediaMetadata fields are immutable, we need to create a copy, so we
// can set a hierarchy-aware mediaID. We will need to know the media hierarchy
// when we get a onPlayFromMusicID call, so we can create the proper queue based
// on where the music was selected from (by artist, by genre, random, etc)
String hierarchyAwareMediaID = MediaIDHelper.createMediaID(
track.getDescription().getMediaId(), MEDIA_ID_MUSICS_BY_GENRE, genre);
MediaMetadata trackCopy = new MediaMetadata.Builder(track)
.putString(MediaMetadata.METADATA_KEY_MEDIA_ID, hierarchyAwareMediaID)
MediaItem bItem = new MediaItem(
trackCopy.getDescription(), MediaItem.FLAG_PLAYABLE);
} else {
LogHelper.w(TAG, "Skipping unmatched parentMediaId: ", parentMediaId);
LogHelper.d(TAG, "OnLoadChildren sending ", mediaItems.size(),
" results for ", parentMediaId);
private final class MediaSessionCallback extends MediaSession.Callback {
public void onPlay() {
LogHelper.d(TAG, "play");
if (mPlayingQueue == null || mPlayingQueue.isEmpty()) {
mPlayingQueue = QueueHelper.getRandomQueue(mMusicProvider);
// start playing from the beginning of the queue
mCurrentIndexOnQueue = 0;
if (mPlayingQueue != null && !mPlayingQueue.isEmpty()) {
public void onSkipToQueueItem(long queueId) {
LogHelper.d(TAG, "OnSkipToQueueItem:" + queueId);
if (mPlayingQueue != null && !mPlayingQueue.isEmpty()) {
// set the current index on queue from the music Id:
mCurrentIndexOnQueue = QueueHelper.getMusicIndexOnQueue(mPlayingQueue, queueId);
// play the music
public void onSeekTo(long position) {
LogHelper.d(TAG, "onSeekTo:", position);
mPlayback.seekTo((int) position);
public void onPlayFromMediaId(String mediaId, Bundle extras) {
LogHelper.d(TAG, "playFromMediaId mediaId:", mediaId, " extras=", extras);
// The mediaId used here is not the unique musicId. This one comes from the
// MediaBrowser, and is actually a "hierarchy-aware mediaID": a concatenation of
// the hierarchy in MediaBrowser and the actual unique musicID. This is necessary
// so we can build the correct playing queue, based on where the track was
// selected from.
mPlayingQueue = QueueHelper.getPlayingQueue(mediaId, mMusicProvider);
String queueTitle = getString(R.string.browse_musics_by_genre_subtitle,
if (mPlayingQueue != null && !mPlayingQueue.isEmpty()) {
// set the current index on queue from the media Id:
mCurrentIndexOnQueue = QueueHelper.getMusicIndexOnQueue(mPlayingQueue, mediaId);
if (mCurrentIndexOnQueue < 0) {
LogHelper.e(TAG, "playFromMediaId: media ID ", mediaId,
" could not be found on queue. Ignoring.");
} else {
// play the music
public void onPause() {
LogHelper.d(TAG, "pause. current state=" + mPlayback.getState());
public void onStop() {
LogHelper.d(TAG, "stop. current state=" + mPlayback.getState());
public void onSkipToNext() {
LogHelper.d(TAG, "skipToNext");
if (mPlayingQueue != null && mCurrentIndexOnQueue >= mPlayingQueue.size()) {
// This sample's behavior: skipping to next when in last song returns to the
// first song.
mCurrentIndexOnQueue = 0;
if (QueueHelper.isIndexPlayable(mCurrentIndexOnQueue, mPlayingQueue)) {
} else {
LogHelper.e(TAG, "skipToNext: cannot skip to next. next Index=" +
mCurrentIndexOnQueue + " queue length=" +
(mPlayingQueue == null ? "null" : mPlayingQueue.size()));
handleStopRequest("Cannot skip");
public void onSkipToPrevious() {
LogHelper.d(TAG, "skipToPrevious");
if (mPlayingQueue != null && mCurrentIndexOnQueue < 0) {
// This sample's behavior: skipping to previous when in first song restarts the
// first song.
mCurrentIndexOnQueue = 0;
if (QueueHelper.isIndexPlayable(mCurrentIndexOnQueue, mPlayingQueue)) {
} else {
LogHelper.e(TAG, "skipToPrevious: cannot skip to previous. previous Index=" +
mCurrentIndexOnQueue + " queue length=" +
(mPlayingQueue == null ? "null" : mPlayingQueue.size()));
handleStopRequest("Cannot skip");
public void onCustomAction(String action, Bundle extras) {
if (CUSTOM_ACTION_THUMBS_UP.equals(action)) {
LogHelper.i(TAG, "onCustomAction: favorite for current track");
MediaMetadata track = getCurrentPlayingMusic();
if (track != null) {
String musicId = track.getString(MediaMetadata.METADATA_KEY_MEDIA_ID);
mMusicProvider.setFavorite(musicId, !mMusicProvider.isFavorite(musicId));
// playback state needs to be updated because the "Favorite" icon on the
// custom action will change to reflect the new favorite state.
} else {
LogHelper.e(TAG, "Unsupported action: ", action);
public void onPlayFromSearch(String query, Bundle extras) {
LogHelper.d(TAG, "playFromSearch query=", query);
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(query)) {
// A generic search like "Play music" sends an empty query
// and it's expected that we start playing something. What will be played depends
// on the app: favorite playlist, "I'm feeling lucky", most recent, etc.
mPlayingQueue = QueueHelper.getRandomQueue(mMusicProvider);
} else {
mPlayingQueue = QueueHelper.getPlayingQueueFromSearch(query, mMusicProvider);
LogHelper.d(TAG, "playFromSearch playqueue.length=" + mPlayingQueue.size());
if (mPlayingQueue != null && !mPlayingQueue.isEmpty()) {
// immediately start playing from the beginning of the search results
mCurrentIndexOnQueue = 0;
} else {
// if nothing was found, we need to warn the user and stop playing
* Handle a request to play music
private void handlePlayRequest() {
LogHelper.d(TAG, "handlePlayRequest: mState=" + mPlayback.getState());
if (!mServiceStarted) {
LogHelper.v(TAG, "Starting service");
// The MusicService needs to keep running even after the calling MediaBrowser
// is disconnected. Call startService(Intent) and then stopSelf(..) when we no longer
// need to play media.
startService(new Intent(getApplicationContext(), MusicService.class));
mServiceStarted = true;
if (!mSession.isActive()) {
if (QueueHelper.isIndexPlayable(mCurrentIndexOnQueue, mPlayingQueue)) {
* Handle a request to pause music
private void handlePauseRequest() {
LogHelper.d(TAG, "handlePauseRequest: mState=" + mPlayback.getState());
// reset the delayed stop handler.
mDelayedStopHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(0, STOP_DELAY);
* Handle a request to stop music
private void handleStopRequest(String withError) {
LogHelper.d(TAG, "handleStopRequest: mState=" + mPlayback.getState() + " error=", withError);
// reset the delayed stop handler.
mDelayedStopHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(0, STOP_DELAY);
// service is no longer necessary. Will be started again if needed.
mServiceStarted = false;
private void updateMetadata() {
if (!QueueHelper.isIndexPlayable(mCurrentIndexOnQueue, mPlayingQueue)) {
LogHelper.e(TAG, "Can't retrieve current metadata.");
MediaSession.QueueItem queueItem = mPlayingQueue.get(mCurrentIndexOnQueue);
String musicId = MediaIDHelper.extractMusicIDFromMediaID(
MediaMetadata track = mMusicProvider.getMusic(musicId);
final String trackId = track.getString(MediaMetadata.METADATA_KEY_MEDIA_ID);
if (!musicId.equals(trackId)) {
IllegalStateException e = new IllegalStateException("track ID should match musicId.");
LogHelper.e(TAG, "track ID should match musicId.",
" musicId=", musicId, " trackId=", trackId,
" mediaId from queueItem=", queueItem.getDescription().getMediaId(),
" title from queueItem=", queueItem.getDescription().getTitle(),
" mediaId from track=", track.getDescription().getMediaId(),
" title from track=", track.getDescription().getTitle(),
" source.hashcode from track=", track.getString(
throw e;
LogHelper.d(TAG, "Updating metadata for MusicID= " + musicId);
// Set the proper album artwork on the media session, so it can be shown in the
// locked screen and in other places.
if (track.getDescription().getIconBitmap() == null &&
track.getDescription().getIconUri() != null) {
String albumUri = track.getDescription().getIconUri().toString();
AlbumArtCache.getInstance().fetch(albumUri, new AlbumArtCache.FetchListener() {
public void onFetched(String artUrl, Bitmap bitmap, Bitmap icon) {
MediaSession.QueueItem queueItem = mPlayingQueue.get(mCurrentIndexOnQueue);
MediaMetadata track = mMusicProvider.getMusic(trackId);
track = new MediaMetadata.Builder(track)
// set high resolution bitmap in METADATA_KEY_ALBUM_ART. This is used, for
// example, on the lockscreen background when the media session is active.
.putBitmap(MediaMetadata.METADATA_KEY_ALBUM_ART, bitmap)
// set small version of the album art in the DISPLAY_ICON. This is used on
// the MediaDescription and thus it should be small to be serialized if
// necessary..
.putBitmap(MediaMetadata.METADATA_KEY_DISPLAY_ICON, icon)
mMusicProvider.updateMusic(trackId, track);
// If we are still playing the same music
String currentPlayingId = MediaIDHelper.extractMusicIDFromMediaID(
if (trackId.equals(currentPlayingId)) {
* Update the current media player state, optionally showing an error message.
* @param error if not null, error message to present to the user.
private void updatePlaybackState(String error) {
LogHelper.d(TAG, "updatePlaybackState, playback state=" + mPlayback.getState());
long position = PlaybackState.PLAYBACK_POSITION_UNKNOWN;
if (mPlayback != null && mPlayback.isConnected()) {
position = mPlayback.getCurrentStreamPosition();
PlaybackState.Builder stateBuilder = new PlaybackState.Builder()
int state = mPlayback.getState();
// If there is an error message, send it to the playback state:
if (error != null) {
// Error states are really only supposed to be used for errors that cause playback to
// stop unexpectedly and persist until the user takes action to fix it.
state = PlaybackState.STATE_ERROR;
stateBuilder.setState(state, position, 1.0f, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime());
// Set the activeQueueItemId if the current index is valid.
if (QueueHelper.isIndexPlayable(mCurrentIndexOnQueue, mPlayingQueue)) {
MediaSession.QueueItem item = mPlayingQueue.get(mCurrentIndexOnQueue);
if (state == PlaybackState.STATE_PLAYING || state == PlaybackState.STATE_PAUSED) {
private void setCustomAction(PlaybackState.Builder stateBuilder) {
MediaMetadata currentMusic = getCurrentPlayingMusic();
if (currentMusic != null) {
// Set appropriate "Favorite" icon on Custom action:
String musicId = currentMusic.getString(MediaMetadata.METADATA_KEY_MEDIA_ID);
int favoriteIcon = R.drawable.ic_star_off;
if (mMusicProvider.isFavorite(musicId)) {
favoriteIcon = R.drawable.ic_star_on;
LogHelper.d(TAG, "updatePlaybackState, setting Favorite custom action of music ",
musicId, " current favorite=", mMusicProvider.isFavorite(musicId));
stateBuilder.addCustomAction(CUSTOM_ACTION_THUMBS_UP, getString(R.string.favorite),
private long getAvailableActions() {
long actions = PlaybackState.ACTION_PLAY | PlaybackState.ACTION_PLAY_FROM_MEDIA_ID |
if (mPlayingQueue == null || mPlayingQueue.isEmpty()) {
return actions;
if (mPlayback.isPlaying()) {
actions |= PlaybackState.ACTION_PAUSE;
if (mCurrentIndexOnQueue > 0) {
actions |= PlaybackState.ACTION_SKIP_TO_PREVIOUS;
if (mCurrentIndexOnQueue < mPlayingQueue.size() - 1) {
actions |= PlaybackState.ACTION_SKIP_TO_NEXT;
return actions;
private MediaMetadata getCurrentPlayingMusic() {
if (QueueHelper.isIndexPlayable(mCurrentIndexOnQueue, mPlayingQueue)) {
MediaSession.QueueItem item = mPlayingQueue.get(mCurrentIndexOnQueue);
if (item != null) {
LogHelper.d(TAG, "getCurrentPlayingMusic for musicId=",
return mMusicProvider.getMusic(
return null;
* Implementation of the Playback.Callback interface
public void onCompletion() {
// The media player finished playing the current song, so we go ahead
// and start the next.
if (mPlayingQueue != null && !mPlayingQueue.isEmpty()) {
// In this sample, we restart the playing queue when it gets to the end:
if (mCurrentIndexOnQueue >= mPlayingQueue.size()) {
mCurrentIndexOnQueue = 0;
} else {
// If there is nothing to play, we stop and release the resources:
public void onPlaybackStatusChanged(int state) {
public void onError(String error) {
* A simple handler that stops the service if playback is not active (playing)
private static class DelayedStopHandler extends Handler {
private final WeakReference mWeakReference;
private DelayedStopHandler(MusicService service) {
mWeakReference = new WeakReference<>(service);
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
MusicService service = mWeakReference.get();
if (service != null && service.mPlayback != null) {
if (service.mPlayback.isPlaying()) {
LogHelper.d(TAG, "Ignoring delayed stop since the media player is in use.");
LogHelper.d(TAG, "Stopping service with delay handler.");
service.mServiceStarted = false;