#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import collections import os import shutil import time from utils import ( AOSP_DIR, COMPRESSED_SOURCE_ABI_DUMP_EXT, SOURCE_ABI_DUMP_EXT, SOURCE_ABI_DUMP_EXT_END, SO_EXT, Target, copy_reference_dump, find_lib_lsdumps, get_build_vars_for_product, make_libraries, make_tree, read_lsdump_paths) PRODUCTS_DEFAULT = ['aosp_arm_ab', 'aosp_arm', 'aosp_arm64', 'aosp_x86_ab', 'aosp_x86', 'aosp_x86_64'] PREBUILTS_ABI_DUMPS_DEFAULT = os.path.join(AOSP_DIR, 'prebuilts', 'abi-dumps') SOONG_DIR = os.path.join(AOSP_DIR, 'out', 'soong', '.intermediates') def choose_vndk_version(version, platform_vndk_version, board_vndk_version): if version is None: # This logic must be in sync with the logic for reference ABI dumps # directory in `build/soong/cc/library.go`. version = platform_vndk_version if board_vndk_version not in ('current', ''): version = board_vndk_version return version def make_libs_for_product(libs, product, variant, vndk_version, targets): print('making libs for', product + '-' + variant) if libs: make_libraries(product, variant, vndk_version, targets, libs) else: make_tree(product, variant) def get_ref_dump_dir_stem(ref_dump_dir, category, chosen_vndk_version, binder_bitness, arch): return os.path.join(ref_dump_dir, category, chosen_vndk_version, binder_bitness, arch) def find_and_remove_path(root_path, file_name=None): if file_name is not None: root_path = os.path.join(root_path, 'source-based', file_name) if os.path.exists(root_path): print('removing', root_path) if os.path.isfile(root_path): os.remove(root_path) else: shutil.rmtree(root_path) def remove_references_for_all_arches_and_variants(ref_dump_dir, chosen_vndk_version, binder_bitness, targets, libs): for target in targets: if target.arch == '' or target.arch_variant == '': continue for category in ('ndk', 'platform', 'vndk'): dir_to_remove = get_ref_dump_dir_stem( ref_dump_dir, category, chosen_vndk_version, binder_bitness, target.get_arch_str()) if libs: for lib in libs: find_and_remove_path(dir_to_remove, lib + SOURCE_ABI_DUMP_EXT) find_and_remove_path(dir_to_remove, lib + COMPRESSED_SOURCE_ABI_DUMP_EXT) else: find_and_remove_path(dir_to_remove) def tag_to_dir_name(tag): if tag == 'NDK': return 'ndk' if tag == 'PLATFORM': return 'platform' if tag.startswith('VNDK') or tag == 'LLNDK': return 'vndk' raise ValueError(tag + 'is not a known tag.') def find_and_copy_lib_lsdumps(ref_dump_dir, chosen_vndk_version, binder_bitness, target, libs, lsdump_paths, compress): arch_lsdump_paths = find_lib_lsdumps(lsdump_paths, libs, target) num_created = 0 for tag, path in arch_lsdump_paths: ref_dump_dir_stem = get_ref_dump_dir_stem( ref_dump_dir, tag_to_dir_name(tag), chosen_vndk_version, binder_bitness, target.get_arch_str()) copy_reference_dump( path, os.path.join(ref_dump_dir_stem, 'source-based'), compress) num_created += 1 return num_created def create_source_abi_reference_dumps(args, chosen_vndk_version, binder_bitness, lsdump_paths, targets): num_libs_copied = 0 for target in targets: if target.arch == '' or target.arch_variant == '': continue print('Creating dumps for target_arch:', target.arch, 'and variant ', target.arch_variant) assert target.primary_arch != '' num_libs_copied += find_and_copy_lib_lsdumps( args.ref_dump_dir, chosen_vndk_version, binder_bitness, target, args.libs, lsdump_paths, args.compress) return num_libs_copied def create_source_abi_reference_dumps_for_all_products(args): """Create reference ABI dumps for all specified products.""" num_processed = 0 for product in args.products: build_vars = get_build_vars_for_product( ['PLATFORM_VNDK_VERSION', 'BOARD_VNDK_VERSION', 'BINDER32BIT'], product, args.build_variant) platform_vndk_version = build_vars[0] board_vndk_version = build_vars[1] if build_vars[2] == 'true': binder_bitness = '32' else: binder_bitness = '64' chosen_vndk_version = choose_vndk_version( args.version, platform_vndk_version, board_vndk_version) targets = [Target(True, product), Target(False, product)] # Remove reference ABI dumps specified in `args.libs` (or remove all of # them if none of them are specified) so that we may build these # libraries successfully. remove_references_for_all_arches_and_variants( args.ref_dump_dir, chosen_vndk_version, binder_bitness, targets, args.libs) if not args.no_make_lib: # Build all the specified libs, or build `findlsdumps` if no libs # are specified. make_libs_for_product(args.libs, product, args.build_variant, platform_vndk_version, targets) lsdump_paths = read_lsdump_paths(product, args.build_variant, platform_vndk_version, targets, build=False) num_processed += create_source_abi_reference_dumps( args, chosen_vndk_version, binder_bitness, lsdump_paths, targets) return num_processed def _parse_args(): """Parse the command line arguments.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--version', help='VNDK version') parser.add_argument('--no-make-lib', action='store_true', help='no m -j lib.vendor while creating reference') parser.add_argument('--llndk', action='store_true', help='the flag is deprecated and has no effect') parser.add_argument('-libs', action='append', help='libs to create references for') parser.add_argument('-products', action='append', help='products to create references for') parser.add_argument('--build-variant', default='userdebug', help='build variant to create references for') parser.add_argument('--compress', action='store_true', help='compress reference dump with gzip') parser.add_argument('-ref-dump-dir', help='directory to copy reference abi dumps into', default=PREBUILTS_ABI_DUMPS_DEFAULT) args = parser.parse_args() if args.libs: if any(lib_name.endswith(SOURCE_ABI_DUMP_EXT_END) or lib_name.endswith(SO_EXT) for lib_name in args.libs): parser.error('-libs should be followed by a base name without ' 'file extension.') if args.products is None: # If `args.products` is unspecified, generate reference ABI dumps for # all products. args.products = PRODUCTS_DEFAULT return args def main(): args = _parse_args() start = time.time() num_processed = create_source_abi_reference_dumps_for_all_products(args) end = time.time() print() print('msg: Processed', num_processed, 'libraries in ', (end - start) / 60, ' minutes') if __name__ == '__main__': main()