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device in recovery mode 5[TP] %s: Recovery mode reset issued 5[TP] %s: End of recovery process %s: Failed to issue erase all command fwu_recovery_erase_all%s: Failed to issue command fwu_recovery_erase_completion%s: Failed to read command status %s: Failed to read flash status %s: Timed out waiting for flash erase completion %s: Failed to read status fwu_recovery_check_status%s: Recovery mode status = %d %s: Failed to write chunk number fwu_recovery_write_chunk%s: Failed to write chunk data (chunk %d) %s: Failed to write chunk data %s: Failed to issue reset command fwu_recovery_resetfwu_start_reflash5[TP] %s: Start of reflash process synaptics/startup_fw_update.img%s: Failed to copy image file name %s: Requesting firmware image %s %s: Firmware image %s not available %s: Flash size mismatch %s: Bootloader version mismatch %s: Device in bootloader mode %s: Failed to do reflash %s: Failed to do lockdown 5[TP] %s: End of reflash process 6[TP] FW: %s, id %#x 3[TP] No matching FW for id %#x 3[TP] id: %#x, src: %s: 3[TP] %s: Failed to write tw vendor pin fwu_get_tp_vendor_v73[TP] %s: Failed to read tw vendor pin %s: Timed out waiting for idle status fwu_wait_for_idle%s: Unsupported image file format (0x%02x) fwu_parse_image_info%s: No flash config found in firmware image 3[TP] %s: %lu or %lu > %lu in_bounds3[TP] %s: %lu > %lu - %lu 3[TP] %s: %d/%d not in bounds fwu_parse_partition_table%s: Partition entry %d: %s: 0x%02x %s: Core code block count: %d %s: Core config block count: %d %s: Bootloader block count: %d %s: Utility parameter block count: %d %s: Display config block count: %d %s: Flash config block count: %d %s: Guest code block count: %d %s: Guest serialization block count: %d %s: Global parameters block count: %d %s: Device config block count: %d fwu_read_flash_status%s: Flash status = %d, command = 0x%02x %s: Failed to read flash command %s: Device firmware ID = %d fwu_go_nogo%s: Image firmware ID = %d %s: Failed to read device config ID %s: No need to do reflash %s: Updating %s UI firmware and configUI config onlyPR%s: No valid PR number (PRxxxxxxx) found in image file name (%s) fwu_get_image_firmware_id%s: Failed to alloc mem for firmware_id %s: Failed to obtain image firmware ID %s: BL mode not entered fwu_enter_flash_prog%s: Failed to read F01 device control %s: Failed to write F01 device control %s: Invalid command 0x%02x fwu_write_f34_v7_command%s: Failed to write flash command %s: Failed to write single transaction command fwu_write_f34_v7_command_single_transactionfwu_write_f34_v5v6_command%s: Failed to write bootloader ID %s: Failed to write command 0x%02x fwu_scan_pdt%s: Found F%02x %s: Unrecognized F34 version %s: Failed to find both F01 and F34 %s: Failed to find F35 %s: In microbootloader mode %s: Failed to set interrupt enable bit %s: Failed to read query 0 fwu_read_f34_v7_queries%s: Failed to read queries 1 to 7 %s: Supported partitions: 0x%02x %s: Failed to alloc mem for partition table %s: Failed to read partition table %s: Failed to write block number fwu_read_f34_v7_partition_table%s: Failed to write transfer length %s: Failed to write command %s: Failed to wait for idle status %s: Failed to read block data fwu_write_f34_v7_partition_id%s: Failed to write partition ID %s: Failed to read bootloader ID fwu_read_f34_v5v6_queries%s: Failed to read block size info %s: Failed to read flash properties %s: Failed to read block count info %s: Failed to read flash properties 2 %s: Failed to read guest code block count %s: Incompatible partition tables fwu_do_reflash%s: Partition table mismatch 5[TP] %s: Bootloader area programmed 5[TP] %s: Partition table programmed 5[TP] %s: Display configuration programmed 5[TP] %s: Configuration programmed 5[TP] %s: Guest code programmed 5[TP] %s: Firmware programmed %s: UI firmware size mismatch fwu_check_ui_firmware_size%s: Display configuration size mismatch fwu_check_dp_configuration_size%s: Guest code size mismatch fwu_check_guest_code_size%s: Bootloader configuration size mismatch fwu_check_bl_configuration_sizefwu_erase_all%s: Erase command written %s: Idle status detected %s: Erase all command written fwu_erase_guest_codefwu_erase_bootloaderfwu_write_f34_v7_blocks%s: Failed to write transfer length (remaining = %d) %s: Failed to write command (remaining = %d) %s: Failed to write block data (remaining = %d) %s: Failed to wait for idle status (remaining = %d) fwu_write_f34_v5v6_blocks%s: Failed to write block data (block %d) %s: Failed to write command for block %d %s: Failed to wait for idle status (block %d) %s: Failed to copy utility parameter data fwu_write_utility_parameter%s: Failed to alloc mem for fwu->read_config_buf fwu_allocate_read_config_buffwu_read_f34_v7_blocks%s: Failed to read block data (remaining = %d) fwu_read_f34_v5v6_blocks%s: Failed to write read config command %s: Failed to read block data (block %d) %s: Flash configuration size mismatch fwu_write_flash_configurationfwu_write_partition_table_v8%s: UI configuration size mismatch fwu_check_ui_configuration_size%s: Invalid config area fwu_erase_configurationfwu_do_lockdown_v5v6%s: Device already locked down 5[TP] %s: Lockdown programmed fwu_do_lockdown_v7%02xsynaptics_rmi4_fwu_init%s: Handle already exists %s: Failed to alloc mem for fwu %s: Failed to alloc mem for image name %s: Failed to read PDT properties, assuming 0x00 %s: Reflash for LTS not currently supported %sfwu_workqueueemodule_layoutzL_kmalloc_caches地__kmallocmsleep`Ϙstrlen57C__alloc_workqueue_key+synaptics_rmi4_new_function~cancel_work_syncstrnstrd<mutex_unlock{wait_for_completion__init_work֢kstrtoulldmemsetAAdev_errXUprintkKamutex_lock destroy_workqueueiBflush_workqueueO_dev_infoGusleep_range__stack_chk_fail>~kmem_cache_alloc_traceU^__dynamic_dev_dbg zkfree~)Hmemcpy3Orequest_firmwareg__stack_chk_guard/ .queue_work_onˠdcomplete1(snprintfd%release_firmwareNN!)19AIQYai \S [ h s : B  synaptics_dsx_fw_updateAndroid (5484270 based on r353983c) clang version 9.0.3 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