/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define SENSOR_TYPE(x) ((x) & 0xFF) /* * Common CHRE App support code */ static bool chreappStart(uint32_t tid) { __crt_init(); return nanoappStart(); } static void chreappEnd(void) { nanoappEnd(); __crt_exit(); } static void initDataHeader(struct chreSensorDataHeader *header, uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t sensorHandle) { header->baseTimestamp = timestamp; header->sensorHandle = sensorHandle; header->readingCount = 1; header->reserved[0] = header->reserved[1] = 0; } static void processTripleAxisData(const struct TripleAxisDataEvent *src, uint32_t sensorHandle, uint8_t sensorType) { int i; struct chreSensorThreeAxisData three; initDataHeader(&three.header, src->referenceTime, sensorHandle); three.readings[0].timestampDelta = 0; for (i=0; isamples[0].firstSample.numSamples; i++) { if (i > 0) three.header.baseTimestamp += src->samples[i].deltaTime; three.readings[0].x = src->samples[i].x; three.readings[0].y = src->samples[i].y; three.readings[0].z = src->samples[i].z; nanoappHandleEvent(CHRE_INSTANCE_ID, CHRE_EVENT_SENSOR_DATA_EVENT_BASE | sensorType, &three); } } static void processSingleAxisData(const struct SingleAxisDataEvent *src, uint32_t sensorHandle, uint8_t sensorType) { int i; switch (sensorType) { case CHRE_SENSOR_TYPE_INSTANT_MOTION_DETECT: case CHRE_SENSOR_TYPE_STATIONARY_DETECT: { struct chreSensorOccurrenceData occ; initDataHeader(&occ.header, src->referenceTime, sensorHandle); occ.readings[0].timestampDelta = 0; for (i=0; isamples[0].firstSample.numSamples; i++) { if (i > 0) occ.header.baseTimestamp += src->samples[i].deltaTime; nanoappHandleEvent(CHRE_INSTANCE_ID, CHRE_EVENT_SENSOR_DATA_EVENT_BASE | sensorType, &occ); } break; } case CHRE_SENSOR_TYPE_LIGHT: case CHRE_SENSOR_TYPE_PRESSURE: { struct chreSensorFloatData flt; initDataHeader(&flt.header, src->referenceTime, sensorHandle); flt.readings[0].timestampDelta = 0; for (i=0; isamples[0].firstSample.numSamples; i++) { if (i > 0) flt.header.baseTimestamp += src->samples[i].deltaTime; flt.readings[0].value = src->samples[i].fdata; nanoappHandleEvent(CHRE_INSTANCE_ID, CHRE_EVENT_SENSOR_DATA_EVENT_BASE | sensorType, &flt); } break; } case CHRE_SENSOR_TYPE_PROXIMITY: { struct chreSensorByteData byte; initDataHeader(&byte.header, src->referenceTime, sensorHandle); byte.readings[0].timestampDelta = 0; for (i=0; isamples[0].firstSample.numSamples; i++) { if (i > 0) byte.header.baseTimestamp += src->samples[i].deltaTime; byte.readings[0].isNear = src->samples[i].fdata == 0.0f; byte.readings[0].invalid = false; byte.readings[0].padding0 = 0; nanoappHandleEvent(CHRE_INSTANCE_ID, CHRE_EVENT_SENSOR_DATA_EVENT_BASE | sensorType, &byte); } break; } } } static void processEmbeddedData(const void *src, uint32_t sensorHandle, uint8_t sensorType) { union EmbeddedDataPoint data = (union EmbeddedDataPoint)((void *)src); switch (sensorType) { case CHRE_SENSOR_TYPE_INSTANT_MOTION_DETECT: case CHRE_SENSOR_TYPE_STATIONARY_DETECT: { struct chreSensorOccurrenceData occ; initDataHeader(&occ.header, eOsSensorGetTime(), sensorHandle); occ.readings[0].timestampDelta = 0; nanoappHandleEvent(CHRE_INSTANCE_ID, CHRE_EVENT_SENSOR_DATA_EVENT_BASE | sensorType, &occ); break; } case CHRE_SENSOR_TYPE_LIGHT: case CHRE_SENSOR_TYPE_PRESSURE: { struct chreSensorFloatData flt; initDataHeader(&flt.header, eOsSensorGetTime(), sensorHandle); flt.readings[0].timestampDelta = 0; flt.readings[0].value = data.fdata; nanoappHandleEvent(CHRE_INSTANCE_ID, CHRE_EVENT_SENSOR_DATA_EVENT_BASE | sensorType, &flt); break; } case CHRE_SENSOR_TYPE_PROXIMITY: { struct chreSensorByteData byte; initDataHeader(&byte.header, eOsSensorGetTime(), sensorHandle); byte.readings[0].timestampDelta = 0; byte.readings[0].isNear = data.fdata == 0.0f; byte.readings[0].invalid = false; byte.readings[0].padding0 = 0; nanoappHandleEvent(CHRE_INSTANCE_ID, CHRE_EVENT_SENSOR_DATA_EVENT_BASE | sensorType, &byte); break; } } } static void chreappProcessSensorData(uint16_t evt, const void *eventData) { const struct SensorInfo *si; uint32_t sensorHandle; if (eventData == SENSOR_DATA_EVENT_FLUSH) return; si = eOsSensorFind(SENSOR_TYPE(evt), 0, &sensorHandle); if (si && eOsSensorGetReqRate(sensorHandle)) { switch (si->numAxis) { case NUM_AXIS_EMBEDDED: processEmbeddedData(eventData, sensorHandle, SENSOR_TYPE(evt)); break; case NUM_AXIS_ONE: processSingleAxisData(eventData, sensorHandle, SENSOR_TYPE(evt)); break; case NUM_AXIS_THREE: processTripleAxisData(eventData, sensorHandle, SENSOR_TYPE(evt)); break; } if (SENSOR_TYPE(evt) == CHRE_SENSOR_TYPE_INSTANT_MOTION_DETECT || SENSOR_TYPE(evt) == CHRE_SENSOR_TYPE_STATIONARY_DETECT) { // one-shot, disable after receiving sample chreSensorConfigure(sensorHandle, CHRE_SENSOR_CONFIGURE_MODE_DONE, CHRE_SENSOR_INTERVAL_DEFAULT, CHRE_SENSOR_LATENCY_DEFAULT); } } } static void chreappProcessConfigEvt(uint16_t evt, const void *eventData) { const struct SensorRateChangeEvent *msg = eventData; struct chreSensorSamplingStatusEvent change; change.sensorHandle = msg->sensorHandle; if (!msg->newRate) { change.status.enabled = 0; change.status.interval = 0; change.status.latency = 0; } else { change.status.enabled = true; if (msg->newRate == SENSOR_RATE_ONDEMAND || msg->newRate == SENSOR_RATE_ONCHANGE || msg->newRate == SENSOR_RATE_ONESHOT) change.status.interval = CHRE_SENSOR_INTERVAL_DEFAULT; else change.status.interval = (UINT32_C(1024000000) / msg->newRate) * UINT64_C(1000); if (msg->newLatency == SENSOR_LATENCY_NODATA) change.status.latency = CHRE_SENSOR_INTERVAL_DEFAULT; else change.status.latency = msg->newLatency; } nanoappHandleEvent(CHRE_INSTANCE_ID, CHRE_EVENT_SENSOR_SAMPLING_CHANGE, &change); } static void chreappHandle(uint32_t eventTypeAndTid, const void *eventData) { uint16_t evt = eventTypeAndTid; uint16_t srcTid = eventTypeAndTid >> 16; const void *data = eventData; union EventLocalData { struct chreMessageFromHostData msg; struct chreNanoappInfo info; } u; switch(evt) { case EVT_APP_TIMER: evt = CHRE_EVENT_TIMER; data = ((struct TimerEvent *)eventData)->data; break; case EVT_APP_FROM_HOST: srcTid = CHRE_INSTANCE_ID; evt = CHRE_EVENT_MESSAGE_FROM_HOST; data = &u.msg; u.msg.message = (uint8_t*)eventData + 1; u.msg.messageType = 0; u.msg.messageSize = *(uint8_t*)eventData; u.msg.hostEndpoint = CHRE_HOST_ENDPOINT_UNSPECIFIED; break; case EVT_APP_FROM_HOST_CHRE: { if (chreGetApiVersion() == CHRE_API_VERSION_1_0) { const struct NanohubMsgChreHdrV10 *hdr = eventData; srcTid = CHRE_INSTANCE_ID; evt = CHRE_EVENT_MESSAGE_FROM_HOST; data = &u.msg; u.msg.message = hdr + 1; u.msg.messageType = hdr->appEvent; u.msg.messageSize = hdr->size; u.msg.hostEndpoint = CHRE_HOST_ENDPOINT_UNSPECIFIED; } else { const struct NanohubMsgChreHdr *hdr = eventData; srcTid = CHRE_INSTANCE_ID; evt = CHRE_EVENT_MESSAGE_FROM_HOST; data = &u.msg; u.msg.message = hdr + 1; u.msg.messageType = hdr->appEvent; u.msg.messageSize = hdr->size; u.msg.hostEndpoint = hdr->endpoint; } break; } case EVT_APP_STARTED: case EVT_APP_STOPPED: { const struct AppEventStartStop *msg = eventData; srcTid = CHRE_INSTANCE_ID; if (evt == EVT_APP_STARTED) evt = CHRE_EVENT_NANOAPP_STARTED; else evt = CHRE_EVENT_NANOAPP_STOPPED; data = &u.info; u.info.appId = msg->appId; u.info.version = msg->version; u.info.instanceId = msg->tid; break; } case EVT_APP_SENSOR_SELF_TEST: case EVT_APP_SENSOR_MARSHALL: case EVT_APP_SENSOR_SEND_ONE_DIR_EVT: case EVT_APP_SENSOR_CFG_DATA: case EVT_APP_SENSOR_CALIBRATE: case EVT_APP_SENSOR_TRIGGER: case EVT_APP_SENSOR_FLUSH: case EVT_APP_SENSOR_SET_RATE: case EVT_APP_SENSOR_FW_UPLD: case EVT_APP_SENSOR_POWER: // sensor events; pass through break; default: // ignore any other system events; OS may send them to any app if (evt < EVT_NO_FIRST_USER_EVENT) return; else if (evt > EVT_NO_FIRST_SENSOR_EVENT && evt < EVT_NO_SENSOR_CONFIG_EVENT) { return chreappProcessSensorData(evt, data); } else if (evt > EVT_NO_SENSOR_CONFIG_EVENT && evt < EVT_APP_START) { return chreappProcessConfigEvt(evt, data); } } nanoappHandleEvent(srcTid, evt, data); } // Collect entry points const struct AppFuncs SET_EXTERNAL_APP_ATTRIBUTES(used, section (".app_init"),visibility("default")) _mAppFuncs = { .init = chreappStart, .end = chreappEnd, .handle = chreappHandle, }; // declare version for compatibility with current runtime const uint32_t SET_EXTERNAL_APP_VERSION(used, section (".app_version"), visibility("default")) _mAppVer = 0;