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rc=%d %s: device[%d] is opened q6usm_us_client_alloc3%s: wrong parameters: direction=%d, bufsz=%d q6usm_memory_map3%s: wrong response[%d] on cmd [%d] 3%s: wrong token[%d]usf_dlkm3%s: copy detect_info from user; rc=%d usf_openusfcdev_unregister%s: no_filter_cmds[%d]; %d3%s: timeout opcode[0x%x] 3%s: payload has invalid size[%d] %s: US detect result: result=%d%s: q6usm_read[%d] usf_release_inputusf_set_tx_info32q6usm_memory_unmap/buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/q6usm.c%s: data[%pK]phys[%llx][%pK] 3%s: CMD Memory_map failed 3%s:dec_cfg[%d] allocation failed 3%s:Comamnd signal detect failed %s: memory map handle = 0x%xq6usm_callback3%s:timeout. wait for write buf not full 3%s: RX: state[%d] 3%s: port is null 3%s: copy param buf from user; rc=%d 3%s: wrong input: event_type_ind=%d; match_cb=0x%pK usfcdev_filter%s: mouse event: dx[%d], dy[%d], buttons_states[%d] usf_get_version3%s: input_register_handle[%d] failed: ret=%d 3%s: APR Common Port Already Closed q6usm_cmd3%s: get client name failed usf_get_tx_update%s: timeout. free_region=%d; 3%s: copy upd_rx_info from user; rc=%d __usf_set_us_detection3%s: Getting US detection failed rc[%d] usf_set_stream_param3%s: buf_size is 0 3%s: set_rx_info32: wrong state[%d] 6%s: handler[%d] was already registered q6usm_us_param_buf_free%s: cfg_size[%d], params_size[%d]; parambytes[%d,%d,%d,%d] q6usm_open_write3%s: Commmand run failed[%d] 3%s: wrong w_ind[%d]; d_buf=%d; c_buf=%d 3%s: CMD_GET_PARAM: timeout=%d q6usm_mmapcallback3%s: client info is NULL 3%s: Invalid payload size for WRITEDONE[%d] 3%s: set_tx_info: wrong state[%d] usf_mouse3%s: copy upd_tx_info to user; rc=%d %s: device %d is added; ind=%d %s: APR De-Register 3%s: input data wrong q6usm_set_us_stream_param3%s: wrong READDONE[%d]; token[%d] 3%s: start_tx: wrong state[%d] 3%s: the private data is NULL 3%s: copy upd_tx_info from user; rc=%d __usf_set_rx_updateq6usm_us_client_free&usc->cmd_lockq6usm_us_client_buf_alloc%s: param_buf[%pK]; param_phys[%llx]; [%pK] 3%s:write op[0x%x];rc[%d];cpu_buf[%d] %s: cmd[0x%x]; result[0x%x] 1.7.1__usf_get_versionusfq6usm_get_us_stream_param&this_mmap.cmd_wait&usf_xx->waitnotify_tsc_event%s: timeout. prev_j=%lu; j=%lu 3%s: copy version_info32 to user; rc=%d add_opened_devusfc_tsc_handler%s: cfg_size[%d], params_size[%d] dmap:[0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x]; dev_id=0x%x 3%s:Comamnd open failed 3%s:open failed op[0x%x]rc[%d] %s: tx: q6usm_run; rc=%d 3%s: copy param buf to user; rc=%d %s: APR De-Register common port USM3%s: US ION allocation failed, rc = %d q6usm_us_param_buf_alloc3%s: client or its apr is NULL usf_tx_cb%s: acquiring %d msec wake lock %s: name=%s; buf_size:%d; dev_id:0x%x; sample_rate:%d 3%s: copy config_rx from user; rc=%d 3%s: copy detect_info to user; rc=%d 3%s:read op[0x%x]rc[%d] 3%s:timeout. waited for response opcode[0x%x] %s: token[0x%x]; payload_size[%d]; src[%d]; dest[%d]; __usf_ioctlusf_3%s: Get ready region failure; state[%d]; rc[%d] 3%s: set rx update failed; rc=%d 3%s: get version failed; rc=%d 3%s: copy upd_tx_info32 to user; rc=%d /buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/usfcdev.cusfcdev_connectq6usm_session_free%s: wrong command[0x%x] %s: Max %d devs registration 3%s: NULL primary device q6usm_open_read%s: USF SW version %s. 3%s: Could not allocate q6usm client 3%s: usc is null usf_set_stream_param32%s: skipping slot %d3%s: mem_unmap op[0x%x] rc[%d] ADSP&usc->port[lcnt].lock3%s: enc_cfg[%d] allocation failed q6usm_runq6usm_read3%s: mem_map op[0x%x]rc[%d] %s: ptr0[0x%x]; ptr1[0x%x]; opcode[0x%x] __usf_set_tx_infousf_tsc_extusf_match__usf_get_tx_update3%s: q6usm_set_us_stream_param failed; rc=%d usf_get_version32%s: release entry usfcdev_clean_dev%s: interleaved(%d): slot(%d)3%s: wrong input3%s: wrong read_ind[%d] %s: session[%d] was allocated 3%s: start_rx: wrong state[%d] 3%s: unsupported IOCTL command [%d] %s: buf_num:%d; format:%d; port_cnt:%d; data_size=%d register_input_devicehandle_input_event3%s: copy params from user; rc=%d 3%s: copy rx_info32 to user; rc=%d 3%s: copy detect_info32 from user; rc=%d %s:usf in open q6usm_dec_cfg_blk3%s: timeout. waited for run success rc[%d] q6usm_session_alloc%s: dsp_buf=%d; cpu_buf=%d; usf_init3%s: buf read failedBuffer overflow detected (%d < %lu)! 3%s: transparent data copy failure 3%s: input_if[%d] is already allocated 3%s: copy rx_info to user; rc=%d &usf->mutex3%s: timeout. waited for memory_unmap %s: 3%s: Registration with APR failed q6usm_set_us_detection3%s: Reset event is received: %d %d q6usm_ext2int_format/buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/usf.c3%s: set_rx_update: wrong state[%d] usf_set_tx_info3%s: wrong params: buf_size=%d; buf_num=%d usf_release%s: event_type=%d; type=%d; code=%d; val=%dusfcdev_disconnect3%s: wrong parameters: size=%d; bufcnt=%d 3%s: wrong format[%d]3%s: timeout. waited for memory_map usf_kb3%s:read data: timeout 3%s: TX path corrupted; prev=%d __usf_compat_ioctl3%s: copy detect_info32 to user; rc=%d 3%s: input_open_device[%d] failed: ret=%d 3%s: APR handle NULL notify_key_eventusf_set_rx_update3%s: q6usm_get_us_stream_param failed; rc=%d 3%s: copy version_info32 from user; rc=%d usf_get_stream_param32usf_start_tx3%s: copy config_tx from user; rc=%d 3%s: input_reg_dev() failed; rc=%d 3%s: get tx update failed; rc=%d 3%s: copy version_info to user; rc=%d 3%s: parameter buffer is null %s: name=[%s]; ind=%d q6usm_init3%s: expected[%d] != token[%d] 3%s: stop_tx: wrong state[%d] config_xxid[5]=%d, id[6]=%d, id[7]=%d 3%s: wrong input: event_type_ind=%d %s: event_type[%d]; filter=%d usfcdev_match4%s: index(%d) reached max retires%s: loopcnt = %d 3%s: usc->port[%d].ext=%pK; 3%s: input_allocate_device() failed %s: timeout. prev=%d; new=%d %s input_unregister_device[%s] 3%s: buf_size (%d) < version string size (%zu) 3%s: buf_size (%d) > maximum buf size (%d) 3%s: set_tx_info32: wrong state[%d] %s: handler[%d] was unregistered 3%s: event_type[%d] isn't registered %s: id[0]=%d, id[1]=%d, id[2]=%d, id[3]=%d, id[4]=%d, 3%s: wrong input parameter(s) prepare_tsc_input_device3%s: Command 0x%x failed 3%s:write op[0x%x];rc[%d] usf1usf_start_rx%s: params_size[%d]; params[%d,%d,%d,%d, %d] %s: TSC event: xyz[%d;%d;%d], incl[%d;%d], pressure[%d], buttons[%d] notify_mouse_event%s: key event: key[%d], state[%d] 3%s: unsupported detector: %d __usf_set_stream_param3%s: us_client is null usf_get_tx_update32%s: release exit &usc->cmd_wait3%s: open failed op[0x%x]rc[%d] 3%s:Invalid format[%d] 3%s: received RESET_EVENTS usf_tsc_ptrusf_set_rx_info3%s: copy upd_rx_info32 from user; rc=%d usfcdev_register%s: [%s]; rc=%d %s: handle[%d], name=[%s] is disconnected %s: bufsz=0, get/set param commands are forbidden q6usm_enc_cfg_blk%s: srate:%d, ch=%d, bps= %d; q6usm_write%s: to free session[%d] 3%s: Invalid format[%d] __usf_get_stream_paramusf_set_rx_info32usf_set_rx_update32usfc_tsc_handle3%s: timeout, waited for OPEN_READ rc[%d] q6usm_is_write_buf_fullusf_tscusf_rx_cb3%s: copy set_stream_param from user; rc=%d 3%s: get_tx_update32: wrong state[%d] 3%s: copy upd_tx_info32 from user; rc=%d 3%s: device %d is already opened %s: primary device; ind=%d %s: secondary device; ind=%d %s: name=[%s]; ind=%d; dev=0x%pK %s: params[%d,%d,%d,%d, %d,%d,%d,%d] 3%s:timeout. waited for OPEN_WRITR rc[%d] 3%s: no free region q6usm_us_client_buf_free3%s: wrong WRITEDONE_IDX_STATUS[%d] 3%s: misc_register() failed ind=%d; rc = %d %s: rx: q6usm_run; rc=%d allocate_dev3%s: detect_info[%d] allocation failed 3%s: copy version_info from user; rc=%d usf_get_stream_paramusf_set_us_detection323%s: handler[%d] registration failed: ret=%d 3%s: USM port registration failed 3%s: wrong input: usc=0x%pK, inf_size=%d; info=0x%pK3%s: set_rx_info: wrong state[%d] 3%s: get_tx_update: wrong state[%d] 3%s: set us detection: wrong state[%d] usfcdev_set_filter%s: Registering the common port with APR %s: data[%pK]; phys[%llx]; [%pK] 3%s: wrong input format[%d]3%s: CMD_SIGNAL_DETECT_MODE: timeout=%d %s %s: name=[%s]; rc=%d 3%s: set us detection failed; rc=%d 3%s: copy get_stream_param from user; rc=%d %s: handler[%d] was registered %s: session[%d]3%s: CMD_SET_PARAM: timeout=%d 3%s: Invalid payload size for READDONE[%d] {C@97@9h7*4**{A*B_2{@972**{_{{_ **K?  { description=Ultrasound framework driverlicense=GPL v2vermagic=4.14.170-g666300e62136-ab6386400 SMP preempt mod_unload modversions aarch64name=usf_dlkmintree=Ydepends=q6_dlkm,apr_dlkmalias=input:b*v*p*e*-e*1,*3,*k*14A,*r*a*0,*1,*m*l*s*f*w*alias=input:b*v*p*e*-e*1,*3,*k*14A,*r*a*35,*36,*m*l*s*f*w* "7%)16id}}9Z 5 b p 3bk&-R1(Android (5484270 based on r353983c) clang version 9.0.3 (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/clang 745b335211bb9eadfa6aa6301f84715cee4b37c5) (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/llvm 60cf23e54e46c807513f7a36d0a7b777920b5881) (based on LLVM 9.0.3svn)usf_dlkm Bmodule_layoutmsm_audio_ion_mmapR*Amsm_audio_populate_upper_32_bitsamsm_audio_ion_alloc_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore"_raw_spin_lock_irqsave@rapr_resets__ll_sc_atomic_add!apr_register__ll_sc_atomic_subRapr_deregisteriV۲msm_audio_ion_free_*apr_send_pkt۞Jinput_close_device Finput_unregister_handleinput_open_devicercinput_register_handle:input_unregister_handlerl$input_register_handler\input_unregister_deviceݍschedule_timeoutPjiffiesMinput_free_deviceT input_register_deviceB$strncpy_from_user __init_waitqueue_headT3wakeup_source_drop wakeup_source_removeW<__wake_up __mutex_init*:wakeup_source_add+qwakeup_source_prepareKwkmem_cache_alloc_traceW?kmalloc_caches<__ll_sc___cmpxchg_case_mb_4__stack_chk_fail zkfree]__arch_copy_to_userdmemsetK__arch_copy_from_userg__stack_chk_guard>լJmutex_unlocke8^mutex_lockXmisc_deregister&ԱD__dynamic_pr_debugXUprintkmisc_registerGNU5 (((.P 9X7, CX T>kD!L}:pFHGH3H2 h| H(1@ (TT`p(w(<(P(x(($  $ lB( D $*B&hL ](~1(((@(h((*+x, <(X.s8/(L000(X(D3&(E(g((((  IPx("(@(^Hu((Nl8(`(8P (9(UHQe((((P(Sx(  X PT0"(E(e[~(( @( h(((=(\_k(d (  (1  (O 8 (p  ( ` (  ( (  j( (- 0(T X(o ( ( ( (  ( H( % p(; 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