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ERROR %08X /buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/../msm-google-modules/touch/fts/fts_lib/ftsTest.c[ FTS ] %s: Node[%d,%d] = %d exceed limit [%d, %d] %s: Node[%d,%d] = %d exceed limit > %d 6[ FTS ] Collecting MS Raw data... 6[ FTS ] MS RAW ITO ADJ HORIZONTAL TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] MP FLAG saving OK! 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsGap MS RAW failed... ERROR = %08X 6[ FTS ] MS RAW ADJ PEAK:.................OK 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_RAW_LP_MIN_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_TOTAL_CX_ADJV_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS KEY CX1 TEST: 6[ FTS ] MS KEY CX1 TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] MS LP CX2 ADJ VERT TEST: 6[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX LP TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS RAW FORCE GAP TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS IX2 SENSE ADJ HORIZ computed! 6[ FTS ] SS IX2 SENSE ADJ TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX SENSE ADJ TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: computeAdjVert SS CX2 FORCE ADJV failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_CX2_SENSE_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 SENSE ADJHORIZ TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX SENSE TEST: SS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_TOTAL_CX_SENSE_MAX6[ FTS ] SS LP IX CX testes are starting... 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMinMax SS IX1 LP FORCE TEST failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMap SS TOTAL IX LP FORCE failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] SS IX2 LP SENSE MIN MAX TEST: 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_TOTAL_CX_LP_FORCE_MAP_MIN failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX LP FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX LP FORCE ADJV computed! 3[ FTS ] %s: SS Force Node[%d] = %d exceed limit [%d, %d] %d6[ FTS ] cleanUp: system reset... 6[ FTS ] Command m3 hold... 3[ FTS ] flash_erase_unlock: ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Programming Procedure for flashing started: fts-event-queue&info->bus_mutex3[ FTS ] Probe Failed! 6[ FTS ] bus_reg_name = %s st,disp-rate-gpio[ FTS ] %s: toggling i2c switch to %s [ FTS ] %s: Screen OFF... 6[ FTS ] %s: enter in gesture mode ! 6[ FTS ] %s: Cover Mode setting... 3[ FTS ] %s: Timed out after waiting %d seconds. [ FTS ] %s: Echo event of command = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: F ! 3[ FTS ] %s: bad len. len=%zu fts_heatmap_mode_store6[ FTS ] %s: Getting gestures coordinates... 3[ FTS ] %s:Invalid cmd(%u). valid cmds are either 0 or 1! 6[ FTS ] %s: Version = %02X%02X 6[ FTS ] Reading Sync Frame... 6[ FTS ] Flash Page Erase Finished! ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Sensing On! MS BASELINE FRAME =SS STRENGTH FRAME = 6[ FTS ] Reading error info... RESULT = FINISHED 6[ FTS ] Finish to allocate memory! [ FTS ] errorHandler: No Action taken! [ FTS ] Adding error in to ErrorList... 6[ FTS ] %s: Force_len = %d Sense_len = %d Offset_force = %04X Offset_sense = %04X checkLimitsMinMaxMS_RAW_LOWPOWER_DATA_GAP6[ FTS ] MS RAW LP ADJ VERTICAL TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] MS CX2 MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] MS CX2 ADJ HORIZ TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: production_test_cx_lp failed... ERROR = %08X 6[ FTS ] %s MS CX LP TEST:.................SKIPPED MS_TOUCH_LOWPOWER_CX1_MIN_MAX3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_CX2_LP_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_CX2_ADJH_LP_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX ADJ HORIZ LP TEST: 3[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX ADJ HORIZ LP TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] Getting SS Frame... 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMinMax SS RAW FORCE MAP failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_RAW_SENSE_EACH_NODE_MIN failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_RAW_SENSE_EACH_NODE_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS RAW LP SENSE TEST: SS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_IX1_FORCE_MIN_MAX6[ FTS ] SS IX2 SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] SS IX2 SENSE ADJH TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] SS CX2 FORCE ADJV TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 SENSE ADJH TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] SS IX2 LP FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] SS IX2 LP FORCE ADJ TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS IX2 LP FORCE ADJV computed! SS_TOUCH_IDLE_TOTAL_IX_FORCE_MINSS_TOUCH_IDLE_TOTAL_IX_SENSE_MINSS_TOUCH_IDLE_TOTAL_IX_SENSE_MAX6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX LP SENSE ADJHORIZ TEST: SS_TOUCH_IDLE_TOTAL_IX_ADJ_HORIZONTAL3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_CX1_LP_FORCE_MIN_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 LP FORCE ADJVERT TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX LP FORCE MIN MAX TEST: SS_TOUCH_IDLE_CX1_SENSE_MIN_MAXSS_TOUCH_IDLE_CX2_SENSE_MIN6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX LP SENSE ADJ TEST:.................SKIPPED SS LP Init Data Ix2_fm = SS LP Init Data Cx2_sn = 6[ FTS ] %s: Normal Frame average = %d FS Uniform (%) =6[ FTS ] No limit File data passed... try to get them from the system! 6[ FTS ] cleanUp: enabling touches... fromIDtoMask3[ FTS ] flash_erase_page_by_page: Page mask ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] 6) FLASH ERASE: 6[ FTS ] Final check OK! 3[ FTS ] disableGesture: Size not valid! %d > %d ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: Failed to get bus pullup regulator 6[ FTS ] %s: Sense OFF! 3[ FTS ] %s: i2c read failed, fts_writeRead returned %i4[ FTS ] Heatmap frame has stale counter value %ifts_read_panel_extinfoftm5_fw.ftb3[ FTS ] %s : Invalid touch type = %d ! No Report... 6[ FTS ] %s: Unknown force cal = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X OscTrim frequency afe:0x%02X%02X%02X%02X 6[ FTS ] %s: file = %s, force = %d, keep_cx = %d 3[ FTS ] Error during reading FW file! ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: bus is not accessible. 3[ FTS ] COMMAND NOT VALID!! Insert a proper value ... heatmap_mode3[ FTS ] %s: Call before echo enable/disable xx xx .... > gesture_mask with a correct number of parameters! ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: invalid coordinates! ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] addr = %llx SS Data TOT Cx_fm = 3[ FTS ] Error reading Sensitivity Calibration Coefficients ERROR %08X Present Driver Mode: %08X 6[ FTS ] Reading Frames...! 3[ FTS ] Error during TP Sensitivity Precal ... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] ms_key_len = %u 3[ FTS ] fts_system_reset: ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: error while reading the system data ERROR %08X fts_enableInterrupt[ FTS ] Interrupt disabled. 6[ FTS ] %s: No Config CRC Error Found! 6[ FTS ] %s: Requesting frame %02X attempt = %d 6[ FTS ] %s: Trigger writing into the flash... saveMpFlag6[ FTS ] %s: Saving MP Flag OK! addErrorIntoList/buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/../msm-google-modules/touch/fts/fts_lib/ftsFrame.c6[ FTS ] %s: Starting to get frame %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: Getting MS frame at %llx... 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: readMutualSenseCompensationData failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS CX1 TEST: 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_CX2_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS CX2 ADJ VERT TEST:.................OK MS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_TOTAL_CX_ADJ_HORIZONTAL6[ FTS ] MS LP CX2 ADJ TEST: 6[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX ADJ LP TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS RAW SENSE MIN MAX TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS RAW SENSE MAP MIN MAX TEST: 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_RAW_SENSE_GAP failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS RAW SENSE TEST:.................SKIPPED SS_RAW_LOWPOWER_DATA_FORCE_EACH_MIN6[ FTS ] SS IX2 FORCE ADJ TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX FORCE ADJV TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX FORCE TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_CX1_SENSE_MIN_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: computeAdjHoriz SS CX2 SENSE ADJH failed... ERROR %08X SS Init Data Ix2_sn = SS Init Data Cx2_sn = 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_IX1_LP_FORCE_MIN_MAX failed... ERROR %08X SS_TOUCH_IDLE_CX2_ADJ_VERTICAL6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL FORCE LP MIN MAX TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_TOTAL_CX_LP_SENSE_MAP_MIN failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: computeAdjHoriz SS TOTAL CX LP SENSE ADJH failed... ERROR %08X MS Digital Gain =3[ FTS ] %s: Set TP Sensitivity Scan Mode... ERROR %08X! 3[ FTS ] parseProductionTestLimits : ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] getFWdata Finished! 6[ FTS ] Reading Fw file... 6[ FTS ] parseBinFile: Fw Signature OK! 6[ FTS ] parseBinFile: FILE Fw Version = %04X 6[ FTS ] Command enable uvlo ... 6[ FTS ] 3) ENABLE UVLO AND AUTO POWER DOWN MODE : 3[ FTS ] flash unlock FAILED! ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] enterGestureMode: ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: Cannot read the coordinates! ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: Failed to disable DVDD regulator 6[ FTS ] %s: Power Cycle Finished! ERROR CODE = %08x 3[ FTS ] ERROR: %s: Failed to get regulators st,regulator_avddheatmap_enable%s: BLANK 6[ FTS ] Sensor inverted = %u fts_nop_event_handler6[ FTS ] %s: Self touch negative Force cal = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: Water Mode Entry by MID with real raw frame = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 3[ FTS ] %s No proximity! 6[ FTS ] %s: C ! 6[ FTS ] %s: Z ! 3[ FTS ] %s: Invalid event passed as argument! ADDR_FLASH_STATUS read failed 0x%04X 6[ FTS ] Get 1 SS Frame 6[ FTS ] Get SS Compensation Data... SS Data Cx2_fm = 3[ FTS ] %s: Error during fts_mode_handler! ERROR %08X touchsim_start3[ FTS ] Error requesting compensation data ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] TOT SS Compensation Data Reading Finished! 6[ FTS ] Sensitivity Calibration Coefficients Reading Finished! DIAGNOSTIC TEST: 1) I2C Test: 3[ FTS ] Error while setting TP Sens mode... ERROR %08X %08X6[ FTS ] force_len = %d sense_len = %d f_ix1 = %d s_ix1 = %d f_cx1 = %d s_cx1 = %d 6[ FTS ] MS Force Len = %d Sense Len = %d System reset DONE! 6[ FTS ] ECHO OK! 6[ FTS ] %s: Read config memory FINISHED! errorHandler: handling Finished! res = %08X pollErrorList[ FTS ] Frame acquired! 3[ FTS ] production_test_initialization: ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: Error while Flushing the FIFO! ERROR %8X 3[ FTS ] MS RAW MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] MS RAW ADJ Peak: Getting max ADJH 6[ FTS ] MS CX2 MIN MAX TEST: 6[ FTS ] MS CX2 ADJ VERT TEST: 6[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX MIN MAX TEST: 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_TOTAL_CX_ADJH_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X MS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_TOTAL_CX_ADJ_VERTICAL3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_KEY_CX2_MAP_MIN failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS KEY TOTAL CX TEST: 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_CX2_ADJV_LP_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_TOTAL_CX_LP_MAP_MIN failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] SS RAW LP SENSE MAP MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] SS IX2 FORCE MIN MAX TEST: 3[ FTS ] SS IX2 FORCE ADJV TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] SS CX1 FORCE TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX FORCE ADJ TEST: SS Init Data Cx2_fm = 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX LP FORCE ADJVERT TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX LP SENSE TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX LP SENSE ADJ HORIZ computed! 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMap SS CX2 LP FORCE failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 3[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX LP FORCE ADJV TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 LP SENSE ADJ TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX LP SENSE MIN MAX TEST: 3[ FTS ] %s: SS Sense Node[%d] = %d exceed limit [%d, %d] 3[ FTS ] %s: Error while disabling Gain in TP Sens Mode! ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] getFWdata: No device found! ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] flash_full_erase: ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] hold_m3 FAILED! 6[ FTS ] flash unlock COMPLETED! 6[ FTS ] flash erase COMPLETED! 3[ FTS ] %s: FW reported more than %d points for the gestures! Decreasing to %d readGestureCoords6[ FTS ] %s: Offset: %llx , coords pairs = %d st,panel_map6[ FTS ] reset_gpio = %d 6[ FTS ] Automatic firmware update disabled [ FTS ] %s: Mode Handler starting... 3[ FTS ] Unexpected heatmap size: %i x %i3[ FTS ] %s: Different Panel AFE Ver: %02X != %02X... Execute Panel Init! 6[ FTS ] firmware name = %s 3[ FTS ] fts initialization failed %d times fts_status_event_handler6[ FTS ] %s: Self detect frame flatness Force cal = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: Golden Raw Validation Fail = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X stm_fts_cmd_store6[ FTS ] %s: typeOfCommand[%d]=%02X fts_gesture_coordinates_show6[ FTS ] %s: proc entry CREATED! 3[ FTS ] FW dimension expected by Host is less than actual size: expected = %d, real = %d 3[ FTS ] can not trigger Force Cal! ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Setting Scan Freq... 6[ FTS ] Size = %d 3[ FTS ] %s: error while reading HDM data header ERROR %08X readSelfSenseGlobalData3[ FTS ] %s: write failed...ERROR %08X ! 6[ FTS ] %s: Requesting System Info... readSysInfo3[ FTS ] %s: The Data ID is wrong! ids: %02X != %02X ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] errorHandler: Force Short to GND! 6[ FTS ] %s: Starting to poll ErrorList... count = %d %s: Starting to get frame %02X 6[ FTS ] MS RAW ITO ADJ TEST: 3[ FTS ] MS RAW DATA TEST:.................FAIL fails_count = %d 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMinMax MS RAW LP failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsGap MS RAW LP failed... ERROR = %08X 6[ FTS ] MS RAW LP ADJ HORIZONTAL TEST: 6[ FTS ] MS CX Testes are starting... 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_CX1_MIN_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS CX2 MIN MAX TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMapAdj MS TOTAL CX ADJH failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX ADJ VERT LP TEST: SS_RAW_DATA_SENSE_MIN_MAX6[ FTS ] SS RAW SENSE GAP TEST:.................SKIPPED SS_RAW_LOWPOWER_DATA_SENSE_EACH_MIN6[ FTS ] SS RAW LP SENSE MAP MIN MAX TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] SS IX1 SENSE TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX LP FORCE MIN MAX TEST: 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMinMax SS CX1 LP SENSE TEST failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 LP SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] %s: Error while capturing the frame %d! ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: Invalid arguments Passed! ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: error while performing Single Ended Special Autotune! ERROR %08X tp_sensitivity_test_std_ms3[ FTS ] wait_for_flash_ready: ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Skipping erase CX page %d! 3[ FTS ] flash_erase_page_by_page: Disable info ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] system reset FAILED! 6[ FTS ] 5) FLASH ERASE UNLOCK: 6[ FTS ] updateGestureMask: gesture mask to disable SET! 3[ FTS ] enterGestureMode: enableGesture ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: Feature not allowed when in Cover mode! ERROR %08X check_feature_feasibility[ FTS ] %s: reference is unexpectedly set: mask=0x%04X, ref=0x%04X, enable=%d. %s/input0%s: Screen ON... 3[ FTS ] %s: Error while executing system reset! ERROR %08X stm_fts_production_limits.csv6[ FTS ] %s: Mutual pure raw Force cal = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: Water Mode leave by BLD with real raw frame = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: Previous Water entry = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: Unknown palm touch status = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X Aoffset magic number:0x%02X%02X%02X%02X 6[ FTS ] Get MS Compensation Data MS Data (Cx2) = 6[ FTS ] Message received: size = %d, counter_id = %d, action = %04X 3[ FTS ] Wrong total address size! 6[ FTS ] Read FW File Finished! 3[ FTS ] Error during flash page erase... ERROR %08X SS BASELINE FRAME = 6[ FTS ] Disabling Frequency Hopping... %02X => %02X 3[ FTS ] %s: error while reading info data ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: error while reading node data ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] setResetGpio: reset_gpio = %d [ FTS ] %s: Setting scan mode OK! 6[ FTS ] %s: FINISHED! 6[ FTS ] CONFIG VER = %04X 6[ FTS ] Force Len = %d 6[ FTS ] %s: Reading count... setActiveScanFrequency[ FTS ] Error Found into ErrorList! [ FTS ] %s: Starting to get frame %02X 3[ FTS ] %s: can not allocate sense_data ERROR %08X readSyncDataHeader[ FTS ] %s: addrSize = %d 3[ FTS ] fts_writeFwCmd: ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] computeAdjHoriz: ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS RAW MIN MAX TEST: MS_RAW_DATA_MIN_MAX3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_RAW_MIN_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_RAW_EACH_NODE_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS RAW ADJ HORIZONTAL MIN/MAX:.................OK 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_KEY_RAW_MIN_MAX failed... ERROR %08X MS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_CX2_MIN3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMap MS CX2 MIN MAX failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 3[ FTS ] MS KEY CX2 TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: computeTotalCx failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_KEY_TOTAL_CX_MAP_MIN failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMinMax MS LP CX1 failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMap MS LP CX2 MIN MAX failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] MS LP CX2 ADJ HORIZ computed! SS_RAW_DATA_FORCE_EACH_MAX6[ FTS ] SS RAW LP SENSE MAP MIN MAX TEST: 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: computeAdjVert SS TOTAL IX FORCE ADJV failed... ERROR %08X SS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_IX1_SENSE_MIN_MAX3[ FTS ] production_test_data: computeAdjHoriz SS IX2 SENSE ADJH failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: computeAdjHoriz SS TOTAL IX SENSE ADJH failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMapAdj SS TOTAL IX SENSE ADJH failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMap SS CX2 FORCE failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 FORCE ADJV TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] SS CX2 SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX SENSE MIN MAX TEST: SS Init Data Ix2_fm = 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX LP SENSE ADJ TEST: 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMinMax SS CX1 LP FORCE TEST failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] SS LP IX CX testes finished!.................OK SS LP Init Data Ix2_sn = %s3[ FTS ] readFwFile: impossible parse ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Command erase unlock ... 6[ FTS ] Command flash DMA ... &info->diag_cmd_lockst,max-coordsRefresh rate changed to %d Hz. %s: Pressure is %i, but pointer is not leaving fts_error_event_handler6[ FTS ] %s: charger_enabled = %d fts_charger_mode_show3[ FTS ] Impossible Unlock Flash ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Flash Unlock OK! 6[ FTS ] Reading FW File... 6[ FTS ] Flash Erase Unlock Finished! 3[ FTS ] Error during I2C test: ERROR %08X! 3[ FTS ] Error during dump: ERROR %08X! 6[ FTS ] DUMP OK! RESULT = FAIL 6[ FTS ] Disabling Baseline adaptation... 3[ FTS ] %s: error while reading data header ERROR %08X [ FTS ] System reset DONE! 6[ FTS ] %s: Starting to write Host Data Memory 3[ FTS ] %s: Error while saving MP flag on flash... ERROR %08X [ FTS ] Adding error in to ErrorList... FINISHED! Error Found into ErrorList! /buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/../msm-google-modules/touch/fts/fts_lib/ftsIO.c3[ FTS ] MS RAW ITO ADJ HORIZONTAL TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] %s: parseProductionTestLimits MS_RAW_ITO_ADJV failed... ERROR %08X MS_RAW_DATA_ADJ_HORIZONTAL_P2P3[ FTS ] MS RAW ADJ VERTICAL MIN/MAX:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsAdj MS RAW LP ADJH failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 3[ FTS ] MS RAW LP ADJ VERTICAL TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] MS RAW LP ADJ TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] MS RAW LP FRAME TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] MS KEY RAW TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] MS KEY CX TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMap MS KEY CX2 failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 3[ FTS ] MS LP CX2 MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] MS TOTAL LP CX TEST: 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_TOTAL_CX_ADJH_LP_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX ADJ VERT LP computed! 3[ FTS ] MS LP CX testes finished!.................FAILED fails_count = %d 6[ FTS ] SS RAW FORCE MAP MIN MAX TEST: 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_RAW_FORCE_EACH_NODE_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS RAW FORCE GAP TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS RAW SENSE GAP TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS RAW LP FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] SS RAW LP SENSE MIN MAX TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX FORCE ADJV computed! 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMap SS IX2 SENSE failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] SS CX1 FORCE TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX FORCE ADJV computed! 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMap SS TOTAL CX FORCE failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX FORCE ADJ TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED SS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_TOTAL_CX_SENSE_MIN6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX SENSE ADJHORIZ TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS IX CX testes finished!.................OK 6[ FTS ] SS IX2 LP FORCE MIN MAX TEST: 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: computeAdjVert SS CX2 LP FORCE ADJV failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX LP FORCE ADJV TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: computeAdjHoriz SS CX2 LP SENSE ADJH failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: TP sensitivity SS Pre Cal test FAILED... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] %s: Computing std for each node... 6[ FTS ] %s: TP sensitivity STD FINISHED! 6[ FTS ] parseBinFile: FILE Config Version = %08X 6[ FTS ] flash DMA DONE! 3[ FTS ] fillFlash: ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] load program DONE! 6[ FTS ] updateGestureMask: setting gesture mask to enable... 6[ FTS ] updateGestureMask: gesture mask to enable SET! 6[ FTS ] %s: Power Cycle Starting... 6[ FTS ] SET GPIOS: 6[ FTS ] %s: COVER_MODE Enabled! 6[ FTS ] %s: CHARGER_MODE Enabled! 6[ FTS ] %s: GRIP_MODE Disabled! 3[ FTS ] Invalid x or y: (%i, %i), value=%i, ending loop 6[ FTS ] %s: Verifying if Panel CRC Error... 6[ FTS ] %s: Received event %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: Invalid differential mutual Force cal = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: SS Raw No more Saturated = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: Palm block release event = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: Grip Touch entry event = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X falseThe value:0x%X 0x%X 6[ FTS ] SS Compensation Data Reading Finished! 3[ FTS ] NO COMMAND SPECIFIED!!! do: 'echo [cmd_code] [args] > stm_fts_cmd' before looking for result! 6[ FTS ] %s: Number of Parameters = %d 3[ FTS ] %s: Error when reading with sscanf! fts_glove_mode_show6[ FTS ] %s: cover_enabled = %d 6[ FTS ] %s: stylus_enabled = %d 3[ FTS ] Found invalid cmd/arg readMutualSenseNodeData3[ FTS ] %s: error while reading the data... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] error while reading Golden Mutual data... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] CX PROJECT ID = %04X 3[ FTS ] Cannot get client irq. Error = %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: error while writing mrn count! ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] errorHandler: Sense short to VDD! 6[ FTS ] Type = %02X of SyncFrame data OK! 3[ FTS ] %s: error while requesting Sync Frame ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: error while getting MS data...ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Getting Sync Frame FINISHED! fts_write_internal3[ FTS ] %s: parseProductionTestLimits MS_RAW_ITO_ADJH failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Cleaning up... 6[ FTS ] MS KEY RAW TEST: 6[ FTS ] MS RAW LP ADJ VERTICAL TEST: 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMapAdj CX2 ADJV failed... ERROR COUNT = %d MS_KEY_TOTAL_CX_MAXMS_TOUCH_LOWPOWER_TOTAL_CX_MIN6[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX ADJ LP TEST: 6[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX ADJ HORIZ LP TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] SS RAW FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS RAW SENSE MAP MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsGap SS RAW SENSE GAP failed... ERROR = %08X 3[ FTS ] SS RAW LP testes finished!.................FAILED fails_count = %d SS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_IX2_ADJ_VERTICAL6[ FTS ] SS IX2 FORCE ADJ TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_TOTAL_IX_FORCE_MAP_MIN failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS IX1 SENSE TEST: SS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_IX2_SENSE_MAX3[ FTS ] SS IX2 SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_IX2_SENSE_ADJH_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMapAdj SS IX2 SENSE ADJH failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 SENSE ADJH computed! 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: computeAdjHoriz SS TOTAL CX SENSE ADJH failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS IX1 LP FORCE TEST: SS_TOUCH_IDLE_IX2_FORCE_MIN6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX LP FORCE TEST: 3[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX LP SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: production_test_ms_raw failed... ERROR = %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: can not allocate memory ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] Error while allocating data... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Flash READY! 6[ FTS ] Setting SPI4 mode... 6[ FTS ] parseBinFile: CX Version = %04X flash_enable_uvlo_autopowerdown6[ FTS ] Enable uvlo and flash auto power down DONE! 3[ FTS ] %s: Enable parameter Invalid! %d != %d or %d ERROR %08X getGestureCoords6[ FTS ] SPI interface... 3[ FTS ] Out of memory... Impossible to allocate struct info! 3[ FTS ] %s: ERROR Failed to set up GPIO's 3[ FTS ] ERROR: Cannot create fwu work thread 6[ FTS ] SET Device File Nodes: 6[ FTS ] irq_gpio = %d 3[ FTS ] %s: Failed to enable bus regulator 3[ FTS ] %s: Failed to configure disp_rate_gpio %s: Screen OFF... st,extinfo_override_table6[ FTS ] The frame size is %d words 3[ FTS ] %s: Invalid input. fts_charger_mode_storefts_stylus_mode_show%u fts_driver_exit3[ FTS ] No Echo received.. ERROR %08X ! 3[ FTS ] Error during TP Sensitivity Calibration... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Read data ok! READ EVENT = 6[ FTS ] %s: Setting feature: feat = %02X ! 6[ FTS ] Protocol = %02X 6[ FTS ] Parsed %d bytes! 6[ FTS ] %s: Starting to write config memory at %llx ... 3[ FTS ] errorHandler: Force Pin to Pin Short! 3[ FTS ] errorHandler: event Null or not correct size! ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: error while reading sense data ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] fts_writeFwCmd: check echo ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_ito: ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS RAW ITO ADJ HORIZONTAL TEST: MS_RAW_DATA_ADJ_PEAK6[ FTS ] MS KEY RAW TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] MS RAW LP MAP MIN MAX TEST: 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_RAW_LP_EACH_NODE_MIN failed... ERROR %08X MS_RAW_LOWPOWER_DATA_ADJ_HORIZONTAL3[ FTS ] production_test_data: getMSKeyFrame failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMinMax MS KEY RAW failed... ERROR COUNT = %d MS Key Raw frame =6[ FTS ] MS CX testes finished!.................OK 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMapAdj MS TOTAL CX ADJH LP failed... ERROR COUNT = %d SS_RAW_DATA_FORCE_MIN_MAX6[ FTS ] SS RAW FORCE MAP MIN MAX TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] SS RAW FORCE LP MAP MIN MAX TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] SS RAW LP FORCE GAP TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_RAW_LP_SENSE_MIN_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS RAW LP SENSE MAP MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_IX2_SENSE_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED SS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_CX1_FORCE_MIN_MAX3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMap SS TOTAL FORCE failed... ERROR COUNT = %d SS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_CX1_SENSE_MIN_MAX6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX SENSE ADJ HORIZ computed! SS_TOUCH_IDLE_TOTAL_IX_FORCE_MAX3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_IX2_LP_SENSE_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMap SS TOTAL IX LP SENSE failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 3[ FTS ] SS CX2 LP FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] SS CX2 LP FORCE ADJV TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_TOTAL_CX_LP_FORCE_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMap SS TOTAL CX LP FORCE failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 LP SENSE ADJH TEST:.................OK SS_TOUCH_IDLE_TOTAL_CX_ADJ_HORIZONTALtp_sensitivity_test_pre_cal_ms3[ FTS ] %s: Delta Node[%d, %d] = %d exceed limit [%d] NULL6[ FTS ] Start to copy %s... 6[ FTS ] Row = %d print_frame_i86[ FTS ] Read FW from BIN file %s ! 3[ FTS ] flashProcedure: ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] parseBinFile: Read only %d instead of %d... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Unlock flash DONE! 6[ FTS ] enableGesture DONE! 3[ FTS ] disableGesture: ERROR %08X fts_probe3[ FTS ] Unsupported SPI functionality 3[ FTS ] ERROR:info.board kzalloc failed 3[ FTS ] ERROR: Cannot create work thread 6[ FTS ] Probe Finished! st,heatmap_mode_full6[ FTS ] Full heatmap enabled 3[ FTS ] %s: Failed to set gpio %d direction6[ FTS ] %s: Verifying if CX CRC Error... 3[ FTS ] %s: Cx CRC Error FOUND! CRC ERROR = %02X %s: Ultimately waited %d seconds. st,limits_namesst,sensor_inverted6[ FTS ] %s: Previous Water leave = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: S ! OscTrim magic number:0x%02X%02X%02X%02X 6[ FTS ] Select Full Panel Init! } 3[ FTS ] %s: Invalid input buffer length! fts_glove_mode_storeautotunetouchsim_stop3[ FTS ] %s: error creating proc entry! 3[ FTS ] Wrong parameters! 6[ FTS ] Get Golden Mutual Raw data 6[ FTS ] Baseline adaptation operation OK! 6[ FTS ] %s: Entering start(), pos = %lld limit = %d printed = %d 3[ FTS ] %s: Choose a TOT MS type of compensation data ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: Initialization Core ERROR %08X! /buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/../msm-google-modules/touch/fts/fts_lib/ftsCore.c6[ FTS ] %s: Writing Sys command... 6[ FTS ] CX VER = %04X 6[ FTS ] System Info Read DONE! 3[ FTS ] %s: error while saving config into the flash! ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: error at system reset! ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: Error while refreshing SysInfo... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] %s: Error Type %02X into ErrorList! Frame acquired! checkLimitsMapTotalFromUproduction_test_ito3[ FTS ] production_test_data: getMSFrame failed... ERROR %08X MS_KEY_RAW_DATA_MIN_MAX3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_CX2_MAP_MIN failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS CX2 ADJ HORIZ computed! 6[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX TEST: MS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_TOTAL_CX_MIN3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_TOTAL_CX_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX ADJ HORIZ TEST: 3[ FTS ] MS KEY TOTAL CX TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMapAdj CX2 ADJH LP failed... ERROR COUNT = %d SS Raw force frame =3[ FTS ] SS RAW FORCE MAP MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL SS_RAW_DATA_FORCE_GAP3[ FTS ] SS RAW SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX FORCE TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX FORCE TEST: SS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_TOTAL_CX_FORCE_MAX6[ FTS ] SS CX1 SENSE TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] SS IX2 LP FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX LP SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 LP FORCE ADJ TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX LP FORCE ADJVERT TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS CX1 LP SENSE TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS CX1 LP SENSE TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 LP SENSE ADJHORIZ TEST: SS_TOUCH_IDLE_TOTAL_CX_SENSE_MIN6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX LP SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] Limit File was already freed! 3[ FTS ] getFWdata: No File found! ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Erase flash page by page DONE! 3[ FTS ] load config ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] load config DONE! [ FTS ] %s: bus_refmask = 0x%02X. &(&info->fts_int)->rlockfts-heatmap_test-queue3[ FTS ] st,max-coords not found, using 1440x2560 AP3[ FTS ] %s: Reset failed, ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] %s : It is a stylus! [ FTS ] %s : It is a touch type %d! 6[ FTS ] %s: Invalid Self force touch Force cal = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: Golden Raw Validation Pass = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: double tap ! MS frame =3[ FTS ] fts_gesture_mask_store: Number of bytes of parameter wrong! %zu > (enable/disable + %d ) default_mf6[ FTS ] %s: cmd[5] = %02X, addr = %llx 6[ FTS ] force_len = %d sense_len = %d 6[ FTS ] %s: Initialization Finished! setFeatures6[ FTS ] %s: Starting to read config memory at %llx ... readConfig3[ FTS ] %s: dump of error info FINISHED! getSSFrame36[ FTS ] %s: spi_device: max_speed = %d chip select = %02X bits_per_words = %d mode = %04X ! fts_writeFwCmd_internal3[ FTS ] computeAdjHorizTotal: ERROR %08X checkLimitsMapFromUMS Raw ITO frame =6[ FTS ] MAIN Production test is starting... 6[ FTS ] maxAdjH = %d maxAdjV = %d threshold = %d 6[ FTS ] MS RAW DATA TEST finished!.................OK 6[ FTS ] MS KEY RAW DATA TEST is starting... 6[ FTS ] MS CX2 ADJ HORIZ TEST: 6[ FTS ] MS KEY TOTAL CX TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] MS LP CX2 ADJ HORIZ TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS RAW SENSE MAP MIN MAX TEST:.................OK SS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_IX2_FORCE_MIN6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX SENSE ADJHORIZ TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 FORCE ADJVERT TEST: SS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_CX2_ADJ_VERTICALSS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_TOTAL_CX_FORCE_MIN3[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL TOT SS Init Data Ix_sn = 6[ FTS ] SS IX1 LP SENSE TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] SS IX1 LP SENSE TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: computeAdjHoriz SS TOTAL IX LP SENSE ADJH failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX LP SENSE ADJH TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_CX2_LP_FORCE_MAP_MIN failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_CX2_LP_FORCE_ADJV_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMapAdj SS CX2 LP SENSE ADJH failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] DATA Production test is starting... 3[ FTS ] %s: compute Digital Gains FAILED! ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] %s: Start TP sensitivity MS Post Cal... 6[ FTS ] %s: Start TP sensitivity STD... collecting %d frames! 6[ FTS ] Freeing Limit File ... ,6[ FTS ] FIFO flushed! 6[ FTS ] Waiting for flash ready ... 6[ FTS ] parseBinFile: sec3_size = %08X (%d bytes) 3[ FTS ] parseBinFile: ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] 8.1) LOAD CX: 6[ FTS ] Flash burn COMPLETED! 6[ FTS ] 10) FINAL CHECK: 3[ FTS ] enableGesture: ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Device Initialization: fts-fwu-queue3[ FTS ] %s: enterGestureMode failed! ERROR %08X recovery in senseOff... 6[ FTS ] %s 3[ FTS ] %s: Failed or timed out during read of extinfo. ret=%d fts_init_sensing6[ FTS ] %s: Host command Force cal = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: SS Raw Saturated = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X [ FTS ] %s: Stimpad enable event = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: No Touch Status Event = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: Unknown grip touch status = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X [pending]%02X stm_fts_cmd6[ FTS ] Skip Full Panel Init! SS force frame =3[ FTS ] Error reading MS compensation data ERROR %08X SS Data Ix2_sn = 6[ FTS ] Read Compensation Data Header OK! SS Data TOT Ix_fm = %d, 3[ FTS ] error reading HDM header... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Address for Global data= %llx [ FTS ] Event found in %d ms (%d iterations)! Number of errors found = %d requestSyncFrame6[ FTS ] %s: Polling for new count... 6[ FTS ] Filling last %d bytes of the event with zero... 3[ FTS ] %s: impossible allocate memory for SS force frame...ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: checkLimitsAdj MS RAW ITO ADJV failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] MS RAW DATA TEST is starting... 6[ FTS ] MS RAW ADJ VERTICAL TESTs: 6[ FTS ] MS RAW ADJ VERTICAL MIN/MAX: 6[ FTS ] MS RAW LP MAP MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_KEY_TOTAL_CX_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS RAW LP FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMinMax SS RAW LP FORCE MAP failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMinMax SS IX1 FORCE TEST failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX FORCE MIN MAX TEST: 3[ FTS ] SS TOTAL FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] SS IX1 LP FORCE TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMap SS IX2 LP FORCE failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] SS IX2 LP FORCE ADJ TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMap SS TOTAL IX LP FORCE failed... ERROR COUNT = %d SS_TOUCH_IDLE_TOTAL_IX_ADJ_VERTICAL6[ FTS ] SS CX1 LP FORCE TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_CX2_LP_SENSE_MAP_MIN failed... ERROR %08X SS_TOUCH_IDLE_CX2_SENSE_MAXSS_TOUCH_IDLE_CX2_ADJ_HORIZONTAL3[ FTS ] %s: error while writing gains into the flash! ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] cleanUp: enabling interrupts... 6[ FTS ] flash status = %d 6[ FTS ] system reset COMPLETED! 3[ FTS ] load cx ERROR %08X fts_aggregate_bus_state6[ FTS ] driver ver. %s 3[ FTS ] %s: Failed to get power regulator 3[ FTS ] %s: Failed to configure irq GPIO 6[ FTS ] %s: CHARGER_MODE Disabled! 6[ FTS ] %s: No Panel CRC Error Found! 6[ FTS ] %s: Invalid mutual Force cal = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %s: Noise Status Event = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X [ FTS ] %s: Noise Status Event = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: Received unknown status event = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X Aoffset CH[%d] Quar:0X%02X,Half:0X%02X,Full:0X%02X%02X 6[ FTS ] Get 1 MS Frame charger_modefts_gesture_mask_show6[ FTS ] Setting Scriptless output mode: %d 3[ FTS ] Baseline adaptation operation FAILED! ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] FW VER = %04X 6[ FTS ] AFE VER: CFG = %02X - CX = %02X - PANEL = %02X Die Info = 3[ FTS ] %s: Impossible to read Config Memory... ERROR %08X! 3[ FTS ] %s: fail to allocate buffer 3[ FTS ] production_test_ito: Trimm Ioff ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_initialization: Type incompatible! Type = %02X ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] %s: Clearing the FIFO events!!! MS_RAW_DATA_ADJ_VERTICAL3[ FTS ] MS RAW ADJ VERTICAL GAP: 3[ FTS ] MS RAW LP ADJ HORIZONTAL TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] MS RAW LP DATA TEST:.................FAIL fails_count = %d 6[ FTS ] MS CX1 TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMapAdj CX2 ADJH failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMap MS TOTAL KEY CX TEST failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] MS KEY CX testes finished!.................OK 3[ FTS ] SS RAW FORCE GAP TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] SS RAW SENSE GAP TEST:.................OK SS_RAW_LOWPOWER_DATA_FORCE_MIN_MAX3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_RAW_LP_FORCE_EACH_NODE_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_TOTAL_IX_SENSE_ADJH_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 FORCE MIN MAX TEST: 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_CX2_FORCE_MAP_MIN failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 SENSE ADJ TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 LP FORCE MIN MAX TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 LP SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: production_test_ss_ix_cx failed... ERROR = %08X 6[ FTS ] %s: IMPORTANT!!! Stimpad should be on the display of the device! 6[ FTS ] %s: TP sensitivity MS Post Cal FINISHED! tp_sensitivity_set_scan_mode6[ FTS ] parseBinFile: ftb_version OK! 3[ FTS ] start_flash_dma: ERROR %08X updateGestureMask3[ FTS ] ERROR: No such input device defined! &(info->input_report_mutex)6[ FTS ] %s: Grip Mode setting... 3[ FTS ] %s: Different CX AFE Ver: %02X != %02X or invalid MpFlag = %02X... Execute FULL Panel Init! 3[ FTS ] %s Init after Probe error (ERROR = %08X) 3[ FTS ] OOM allocating event dispatch table 3[ FTS ] Request irq failed %s : It is a touch type %d! 3[ FTS ] %s Cannot restore the device status ERROR %08X [ FTS ] %s: Stimpad disable by signature invalid = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: <- ! OscTrim cen afe valid:0x%02X%02X%02X%02X { %08X } 3[ FTS ] %s: bus is not accessible.fts_default_mf_store6[ FTS ] Get Sensitivity Calibration Coefficients... MS Sensitivity Coeff = 3[ FTS ] Error during flash erase unlock... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Read HDM Data Header done! 3[ FTS ] %s: can not allocate memory for ix2_fm... ERROR %08XreadTotMutualSenseGlobalData3[ FTS ] fts_system_reset...failed after 3 attempts: ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Production Timestamp = %08X 6[ FTS ] %s: Base count = %d getMSFrame33[ FTS ] %s: first write error... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: preallocated buffers are too small! checkLimitsMapTotalcheckLimitsMapAdjTotal6[ FTS ] ITO Production test is starting... 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsAdj MS RAW ADJV failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX ADJ VERT computed! 6[ FTS ] MS KEY CX2 TEST: 3[ FTS ] MS Key CX testes finished!.................FAILED fails_count = %d 6[ FTS ] MS LP CX1 TEST:.................SKIPPED SS Raw LP sense frame =3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMinMax SS RAW LP SENSE MAP failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] SS RAW LP testes finished!.................OK 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: readSelfSenseCompensationData failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] SS IX2 FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX SENSE ADJ TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS CX1 FORCE TEST: SS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_CX2_FORCE_MIN3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMinMax SS CX1 SENSE TEST failed... ERROR COUNT = %d SS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_TOTAL_CX_ADJ_HORIZONTAL3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMinMax SS IX1 SENSE LP TEST failed... ERROR COUNT = %d tp_sensitivity_test_pre_cal_ssSS FS sense Mean =6[ FTS ] READ DONE! print_frame_u86[ FTS ] %s: ID = %d Index = %d Position = %d ! 6[ FTS ] Command full erase sent ... 6[ FTS ] Command erase pages sent ... 3[ FTS ] %s: Failed to disable AVDD regulator 6[ FTS ] %s: driver probe begin! fts_get_reg3[ FTS ] %s: error during setting GRIP_MODE! ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: Cannot initialize the chip ERROR %08X fts_identify_panel[ FTS ] %s: setting motion filter = %s. 3[ FTS ] %s: bus is not accessible. ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: Blocking concurrent access 6[ FTS ] functionToTest[%d] = %02X cmd[%d] = %02X 6[ FTS ] Number of Parameters = %d 6[ FTS ] TOT MS Compensation Data Reading Finished! Iteration n. %d... OFF%02X%02XreadTotMutualSenseCompensationDatapollForEventwriteConfig3[ FTS ] %s: %d) %s [ FTS ] errorHandler: Starting handling... 3[ FTS ] Error Not Found into ErrorList! ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Force_len = %d Sense_Len = %d [ FTS ] %s: Node[%d,%d] = %d exceed limit > %d 6[ FTS ] MS RAW ITO ADJ VERTICAL TEST: 6[ FTS ] MS RAW FRAME TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: production_test_ms_raw_lp failed... ERROR = %08X MS_RAW_LOWPOWER_DATA_ADJ_VERTICAL6[ FTS ] MS LP CX Testes are starting... 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMinMax SS RAW SENSE MAP failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_RAW_LP_SENSE_EACH_NODE_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS RAW LP SENSE GAP TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] SS IX2 FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS IX1 SENSE TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX SENSE TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX SENSE ADJ TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS IX2 LP FORCE ADJVERT TEST: 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_IX2_LP_SENSE_ADJH_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X SS_TOUCH_IDLE_TOTAL_CX_ADJ_VERTICAL6[ FTS ] SS CX2 LP SENSE MIN MAX TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX LP SENSE TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX LP SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] %s: can not read SS Frame... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] %s: Start TP Sensitivity Mode... enter = %02X 3[ FTS ] parseProductionTestLimits 2: ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] senseOn: SENSE ON 3[ FTS ] senseOff: ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Command unlock ... 3[ FTS ] flash_unlock: ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: Failed to wake the touch bus: mask=0x%04X, ref=0x%04X, enable=%d. 3[ FTS ] %s: invalid resume_bit value = %d! ERROR %08X read_heatmap_raw3[ FTS ] Fw Auto Update Failed! st,firmware_names6[ FTS ] %s: Grip Touch release event = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 3[ FTS ] %s: No valid GestureID! trueOscTrim ver:0x%02X%02X%02X%02X REL: %s %02X: 4[ FTS ] %s: bus_refmask 0x%X 4[ FTS ] %s: can't suspend because touch bus is in use! 6[ FTS ] Enter in Byte Mode! 3[ FTS ] Wrong number of parameters! 6[ FTS ] The total frames size is %d words 6[ FTS ] Enabling Frequency Hopping... %02X => %02X 3[ FTS ] Parameter should be 1 or 0 3[ FTS ] %s: Choose a TOT SS type of compensation data ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] checkEcho: Error Size = %d not valid! Interrupt disabled. 3[ FTS ] %s: Cx CRC Error found! CRC ERROR = %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: Starting to get a sync frame... 3[ FTS ] %s: error while reading mrn count! ERROR %08X %s: Force_len = %d Sense_len = %d Offset = %04X 6[ FTS ] %s: Copying MS Raw data to caller! 6[ FTS ] MS RAW ADJ VERTICAL MIN/MAX:.................OK 6[ FTS ] MS RAW LP MIN MAX TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] MS RAW LP MAP MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL MS Init Data (Cx2) =6[ FTS ] MS KEY CX2 TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX LP MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS RAW FORCE MAP MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS RAW FORCE GAP TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMinMax SS RAW LP SENSE failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_IX2_FORCE_MAP_MIN failed... ERROR %08X SS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_TOTAL_IX_ADJ_HORIZONTAL3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_CX2_FORCE_ADJV_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................OK SS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_TOTAL_CX_ADJ_VERTICAL6[ FTS ] SS CX1 SENSE TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX LP FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX LP FORCE ADJ TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_IX2_LP_SENSE_MAP_MIN failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS CX1 LP FORCE TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 LP FORCE ADJV TEST:.................OK SS LP Init Data Cx2_fm = 3[ FTS ] %s: can not allocate node_data ERROR %08X MS FS Mean =6[ FTS ] %s: Start TP sensitivity SS Pre Cal... 3[ FTS ] parseProductionTestLimits 3: ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] parseBinFile: sec1_size = %08X (%d bytes) 3[ FTS ] Command unlock: ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] flash_burn: CRC in CX but fw does not contain CX data! NO UPDATE ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] %s: Number of gesture coordinates pairs returned = %d 3[ FTS ] %s: Failed to get gpio %d (code: %d)6[ FTS ] %s: NO CRC Error or Impossible to read CRC register! 3[ FTS ] %s: firmware file not found. Bypassing update. %s: sleeping %dms. 3[ FTS ] initialization cycle count = %04d - ERROR %08X [ FTS ] %s: Pressure is %i, but pointer is not leaving 6[ FTS ] %s: Mutual frame flatness Force cal = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: @ ! 6[ FTS ] %s: O ! 6[ FTS ] %s: V ! Lock down info the second 4bytes:0X%02X%02X%02X%02X 3[ FTS ] %s: ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: fts_enableInterrupt: ERROR %08X SS Data TOT Ix_sn = 6[ FTS ] Starting Flashing Procedure... 6[ FTS ] Starting Flashing Page Erase... No echo found... ERROR %08X! 3[ FTS ] Error while setting the scan frequency... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] Unable to allocate driver_test_buff! ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] checkEcho: Echo Event not found! ERROR %08X setScanMode%s: Setting scan mode OK! 6[ FTS ] CONFIG PROJECT ID = %04X 6[ FTS ] TX Len = %d 6[ FTS ] %s: Write config memory FINISHED! 3[ FTS ] %s CRC ERROR = %02X 3[ FTS ] %s: error while writing the buffer! ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: Error while writing MP flag on ram... ERROR %08X dumpErrorInfo6[ FTS ] %s: Getting SS force frame at %llx... 3[ FTS ] %s: error while getting SS force data...ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] MS RAW ITO ADJ VERTICAL TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMinMax MS RAW failed... ERROR COUNT = %d MS_RAW_DATA_EACH_MIN6[ FTS ] MS RAW MAP MIN MAX TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsAdj MS RAW ADJV GAP failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_RAW_LP_EACH_NODE_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMapAdj MS TOTAL CX ADJV failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] SS RAW FORCE TEST: 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_RAW_SENSE_MIN_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] SS RAW SENSE GAP TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: ss_raw_lp failed... ERROR = %08X 3[ FTS ] SS RAW testes finished!.................FAILED fails_count = %d SS_RAW_LOWPOWER_DATA_SENSE_MIN_MAX3[ FTS ] production_test_data: readTotSelfSenseCompensationData failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_IX2_FORCE_ADJV_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS IX2 SENSE ADJH TEST:.................OK SS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_TOTAL_IX_SENSE_MAX3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_TOTAL_CX_FORCE_ADJV_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] SS IX2 LP FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] SS IX2 LP FORCE ADJV TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMap SS IX2 LP SENSE failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 3[ FTS ] SS IX2 LP SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 LP FORCE ADJV computed! 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX LP FORCE ADJ TEST: 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMap SS CX2 LP SENSE failed... ERROR COUNT = %d TOT SS LP Init Data Cx_fm = 6[ FTS ] %s: Start TP sensitivity MS Pre Cal... tp_sensitivity_test_post_cal_ms3[ FTS ] flushFIFO: ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] parseBinFile: Wrong target %02X != %02X %02X != %02X ... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] parseBinFile: FILE SVN REV = %08X 3[ FTS ] flash_burn: Unable to retrieve Chip INFO! ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] enterGestureMode: enter gesture mode ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: The event passsed as argument is invalid! ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] %s: Disabling IRQ... %s: bus_refmask = 0x%02X. fts_tp3[ FTS ] ERROR: Cannot create touch sim. test work queue fts_gpio_setup3[ FTS ] %s: firmware update failed; retrying. ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] %s: No Cx CRC Error Found! 6[ FTS ] %s: Self touch frame flatness Force cal = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %s: Stimpad enable event = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: e ! OscTrim len:0x%02X%02X%02X%02X %02X3[ FTS ] %s: memory allocation failed!3[ FTS ] %s: bad input %d fts_grip_mode_store3[ FTS ] Error while taking the Sync Frame frame... ERROR %08X Golden Mutual Data =3[ FTS ] Error during TP Sensitivity Post Cal ... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] readData = NULL... returning junk data!Buffer overflow detected (%d < %lu)! 3[ FTS ] %s: Wrong type found! %02X!=%02X ERROR %08X readTotSelfSenseNodeData6[ FTS ] Address for Golden Mutual data = %llx fts_system_resetERROR EVENT = 6[ FTS ] %s: Settings = %s fts_crc_check6[ FTS ] %s: Verifying if Config CRC Error... 3[ FTS ] errorHandler: Force short to VDD! 3[ FTS ] errorHandler: Sense Open ! 6[ FTS ] Frame acquired! 3[ FTS ] %s: impossible allocate memory for SS sense frame...ERROR %08X %s: Node[%d,%d] = %d exceed limit [%d, %d] 3[ FTS ] checkLimitsGap: invalid number of rows = %d or columns = %d ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] INITIALIZATION TEST : 6[ FTS ] MAIN Production test finished.................OK 6[ FTS ] MS RAW MAP MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] MS RAW LP MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] MS CX2 ADJ VERT computed! 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_CX2_ADJV_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX ADJ HORIZ TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] MS KEY CX Testes are starting... 6[ FTS ] MS LP CX2 ADJ VERT TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] SS RAW LP FORCE TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS RAW LP SENSE TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMap SS TOTAL IX FORCE failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX FORCE ADJ TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX FORCE TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX SENSE TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 FORCE ADJ TEST: 3[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX FORCE ADJV TEST:.................FAIL SS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_CX2_SENSE_MIN3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMapAdj SS CX2 SENSE ADJH failed... ERROR COUNT = %d TOT SS Init Data Cx_sn = SS_TOUCH_IDLE_IX2_ADJ_VERTICAL6[ FTS ] SS IX2 LP SENSE ADJH TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_CX2_LP_FORCE_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX LP FORCE ADJ TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_CX1_LP_SENSE_MIN_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_TOTAL_CX_LP_SENSE_ADJH_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X tp_sensitivity_mode6[ FTS ] %s: Set TP Sensitivity Scan FINISHED! 3[ FTS ] %s: error while collecting the frames! ERROR%08X 3[ FTS ] %s: can not set gpio dir ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: can not set gpio config ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] READ FW DONE %d bytes! 3[ FTS ] system reset FAILED! ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SET Device driver INFO: 3[ FTS ] ERROR: Cannot create sysfs structure! 3[ FTS ] %s: Failed to toggle switch_gpio, err = %d 6[ FTS ] %s: Glove Mode setting... 3[ FTS ] %s: Encountered error while identifying display panel. ret=%d fts_enter_pointer_event_handler6[ FTS ] %s: Water Mode leave by BLD with rom raw frame = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X [ FTS ] %s: Stimpad disable event = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 3[ FTS ] %s: Received unhandled user report event = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X Extended display info: 3[ FTS ] Error while taking the MS frame... ERROR %08X %3dfts_grip_mode_show3[ FTS ] %s: Impossible allocate memory... ERROR %08X! 3[ FTS ] %s: Impossible allocate memory... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Get TOT SS Compensation Data... SS Sensitivity Coeff force = 6[ FTS ] Flash Procedure Finished! 3[ FTS ] Impossible allocate memory for buffers! ERROR %08X! DATA = %04X, expected = %02X%02X 2) FW running: Sensing On...MS RAW FRAME =6[ FTS ] Frequency Hopping operation OK! 3[ FTS ] %s: Choose a SS type of compensation data ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] force_len = %d sense_len = %d CX1 = %d 6[ FTS ] max_n = %d s_max_n = %d f_ix0 = %d s_ix0 = %d writeSysCmd6[ FTS ] Setting default System Info... 6[ FTS ] default System Info DONE! 6[ FTS ] SS Detect Scan Select = %d 6[ FTS ] %s: Saving Config into the flash ... 3[ FTS ] %s: Starting dump of error info... 3[ FTS ] %s: Error Signature OK! Data are valid! 6[ FTS ] %s: spi_master: flags = %04X ! fts_writeThenWriteRead_internalcheckLimitsMap6[ FTS ] Refresh Sys Info... 3[ FTS ] Error while saving MP FLAG! ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS RAW MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] MS RAW GAP TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] MS RAW ADJ HORIZONTAL GAP: 3[ FTS ] MS KEY CX1 TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] MS LP CX1 TEST: 6[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX ADJ HORIZ LP computed! 3[ FTS ] SS RAW SENSE MAP MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] SS RAW LP FORCE GAP TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS RAW LP SENSE GAP TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX FORCE ADJ TEST: 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_IX1_SENSE_MIN_MAX failed... ERROR %08X SS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_TOTAL_IX_SENSE_MIN3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_TOTAL_IX_SENSE_MAP_MIN failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMap SS TOTAL IX SENSE failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_CX1_FORCE_MIN_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 FORCE ADJV computed! 6[ FTS ] SS CX1 SENSE TEST: 3[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX SENSE ADJH TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX SENSE ADJH TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] SS IX1 LP FORCE TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS CX1 LP FORCE TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 LP FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] SS CX2 LP SENSE ADJH TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_TOTAL_CX_LP_SENSE_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: can not collect MS Frame... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: can not allocate deltas node_data ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] Pointer to Limits Data already contains something... freeing its content! 6[ FTS ] Loading Limits File from .csv! 3[ FTS ] senseOn: ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: Bitmask too small! Impossible contain ID = %d %d>=%d! ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] getFWdata starting ... 3[ FTS ] Wait for flash TIMEOUT! ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] Error during flashing DMA! ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] 7) LOAD PROGRAM: 3[ FTS ] load program ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] 8) LOAD CONFIG: fts_chip_powercyclest,switch_gpiost,disable-auto-fw-update[ FTS ] Refresh rate changed to %d Hz. 3[ FTS ] Cannot read Sys Info! ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] %s: Select Full Panel Init... %s: Unknown stimpad status = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: L ! FW file: %s Error dump:3[ FTS ] Miss match in CX version! MP test not allowed with wrong CX memory! ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Finish to parse! 6[ FTS ] Address for Node data = %llx 6[ FTS ] %s: Setting feature OK! 3[ FTS ] %s: error info copied in the buffer! 3[ FTS ] %s: number of channels not initialized ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS Frame force_node = %d, sense_node = %d fts_writeU8UXthenWriteReadU8UX3[ FTS ] computeAdjVert: ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS RAW ADJ TEST: 6[ FTS ] MS CX2 ADJ HORIZ TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX LP MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] SS RAW FORCE LP MAP MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] SS RAW LP SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] SS IX CX testes are starting... 6[ FTS ] SS IX1 FORCE TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS IX1 FORCE TEST:.................SKIPPED SS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_TOTAL_IX_FORCE_MIN3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMap SS TOTAL IX FORCE failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_IX2_SENSE_MAP_MIN failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS IX2 SENSE ADJHORIZ TEST: SS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_CX2_FORCE_MAX3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMap SS TOTAL CX SENSE failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_IX2_LP_FORCE_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_TOTAL_IX_LP_FORCE_MAP_MIN failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS IX2 LP SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED SS_TOUCH_IDLE_TOTAL_CX_FORCE_MIN3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_CX2_LP_SENSE_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: production_test_ms_cx failed... ERROR = %08X 6[ FTS ] The size of the limits file is %d bytes... 6[ FTS ] Trying to enable gesture... fts3[ FTS ] ERROR: failed to init tbn context 3[ FTS ] Setting default Sys INFO! 6[ FTS ] Fw Auto Update is starting... fts_leave_pointer_event_handler6[ FTS ] %s: Palm block entry event = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X OscTrim ~len:0x%02X%02X%02X%02X 6[ FTS ] Current mode active = %08X Bus is not accessible. 3[ FTS ] Error while taking the SS frame... ERROR %08X fts_proc_init3[ FTS ] bad input 3[ FTS ] Err reading GM data %08X 3[ FTS ] Reading MNM register... ERROR %08X! ON3[ FTS ] COMMAND ID NOT VALID!!! fts_driver_test_openfts_driver_test_release3[ FTS ] %s: Requesting HDM Download... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Type = %02X of Compensation data OK! 3[ FTS ] error reading Golden Mutual data... ERROR %08X readMutualSenseGlobalData6[ FTS ] Read node data OK! 3[ FTS ] %s: can not allocate memory for ix2_sn ERROR %08X3[ FTS ] %s: error while reading data... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: can not allocate memory for coeff ERROR %08X6[ FTS ] %s: Initialization of the Core... Event found in %d ms (%d iterations)! Number of errors found = %d 6[ FTS ] RX Len = %d Interrupt is already set (enable = %d). Starting to poll ErrorList... 3[ FTS ] %s: error while getting SS sense data...ERROR %08X fts_writeU8UX[ FTS ] %s: cmd[%d] = %02X fts_read_internal3[ FTS ] computeAdjVertTotal: ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] ITO Command = OK! 6[ FTS ] MS RAW ITO ADJ TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] INITIALIZATION Production test is starting... MS Raw frame =3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_RAW_ADJH failed... ERROR %08X MS_RAW_LOWPOWER_DATA_EACH_MAXMS_KEY_CX2_MIN6[ FTS ] %s MS LP CX2 MIN MAX TEST: 6[ FTS ] MS LP CX2 ADJ HORIZ TEST:.................OK MS_TOUCH_LOWPOWER_CX2_ADJ_VERTICAL6[ FTS ] MS TOTAL LP CX MIN MAX TEST: 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: getSSFrame failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] SS RAW (PROXIMITY) FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] SS RAW SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] SS RAW SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED SS_RAW_DATA_SENSE_EACH_MINSS Raw LP force frame =SS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_TOTAL_IX_FORCE_MAX3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_TOTAL_IX_FORCE_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_CX2_SENSE_MAP_MIN failed... ERROR %08X SS_TOUCH_IDLE_IX2_FORCE_MAX6[ FTS ] SS IX1 LP SENSE TEST: 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMapAdj SS IX2 LP SENSE ADJH failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 LP FORCE ADJ TEST: 3[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX LP SENSE ADJH TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX LP SENSE TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] %s: Computing average frame... 6[ FTS ] %s: Set TP Sensitivity Scan Mode... scan = %02X, enableGains = %d print_frame_u323[ FTS ] readFwFile: impossible retrieve FW... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Hold M3 DONE! 3[ FTS ] parseBinFile: Wrong Signature %08X ... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Skipping erase Panel Init page %d! 6[ FTS ] DMA Command = %02X , address = %02X %02X, words = %02X %02X 3[ FTS ] flash_enable_uvlo_autopowerdown COMPLETED! 3[ FTS ] %s: Failed to enable AVDD regulator 6[ FTS ] SET Input Device Property: 3[ FTS ] Cannot initialize the device ERROR %08X st,reset-gpio3[ FTS ] %s: fts_read_panel_extinfo failed with ret=%d. 3[ FTS ] %s Cannot reset the device ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] %s: Water Mode leave by MID with real raw frame = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %s: Stimpad disable event = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: > ! update_motion_filterLock down info the first 4bytes:0X%02X%02X%02X%02X OscTrim major ver:0x%02X%02X%02X%02X fts_stylus_mode_store6[ FTS ] mask[%d] = %02X fts_touch_simulation_store3[ FTS ] Wrong address size! 3[ FTS ] Error during flash procedure ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Iteration n. %d... 3[ FTS ] Wrong parameter! Release Info = 6[ FTS ] MP FLAG = %02X 3[ FTS ] %s: Error while reading count! ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] %s: Setting the scanning frequency to %uHz... 3[ FTS ] %s: Error Info = 3[ FTS ] %s: Wrong Error Signature! Data may be invalid! Adding error in to ErrorList... 3[ FTS ] getFrameData: ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS Frame force_node = %d, sense_node = %d 6[ FTS ] %s: Getting SS sense frame at %llx... 3[ FTS ] %s: ERROR %08X checkLimitsMapAdj3[ FTS ] MS RAW MAP MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL MS_RAW_DATA_GAP3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsAdj MS RAW ADJH failed... ERROR COUNT = %d MS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_CX2_MAX6[ FTS ] MS CX2 ADJ TEST: 6[ FTS ] MS CX2 ADJ TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] MS CX testes finished!.................FAILED fails_count = %d 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_CX2_LP_MAP_MIN failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS RAW Testes are starting... 6[ FTS ] SS RAW LP FORCE GAP TEST: SS_RAW_LOWPOWER_DATA_SENSE_GAP6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX FORCE ADJV TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] SS IX2 SENSE ADJ TEST: SS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_IX2_ADJ_HORIZONTAL6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX SENSE MIN MAX TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................OK SS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_CX2_SENSE_MAX6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX SENSE ADJ TEST:.................SKIPPED TOT SS Init Data Cx_fm = 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX LP FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX LP FORCE ADJV TEST:.................FAIL SS_TOUCH_IDLE_IX1_SENSE_MIN_MAX3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMap SS TOTAL LP FORCE failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 3[ FTS ] %s: can not read MS Frame... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] %s: Computing average of whole panel and delta for each node... print_frame_int6[ FTS ] %s: Reading Gesture Coordinates DONE! /buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/../msm-google-modules/touch/fts/fts.c6[ FTS ] SET Auto Fw Update: 6[ FTS ] switch_gpio = %d st,irq-gpioSLPI[ FTS ] %s: Screen ON... %s: Echo event of command = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: Self detect negative Force cal = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X MPFlag: %02X fw_file_test3[ FTS ] %s: failed to read ICR. 3[ FTS ] Error while taking the MS strength... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s:bad input. valid inputs are either 0 or 1! 6[ FTS ] %s: Get Version Byte 6[ FTS ] Requesting Compensation Data Finished! 3[ FTS ] Error reading TOT MS compensation data ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] Error reading FW File ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] %s: Requesting HDM download... 3[ FTS ] pollForEvent: forced to be stopped! ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Key Len = %d 3[ FTS ] %s: invalid Signature or can not read count... ERROR %08X writeHostDataMemory3[ FTS ] %s: error while reading force data ERROR %08X fts_writeU8UXthenWriteU8UX3[ FTS ] %s: computeAdjVert failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS RAW MIN MAX TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] MS RAW LP MIN MAX TEST: MS_RAW_LOWPOWER_DATA_EACH_MIN6[ FTS ] MS KEY RAW TEST:.................OK MS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_CX2_ADJ_HORIZONTAL6[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX ADJ TEST: 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_KEY_CX2_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X MS_KEY_TOTAL_CX_MIN6[ FTS ] MS LP CX2 ADJ VERT computed! MS LP Init Data (Cx2) =3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMinMax SS RAW SENSE failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] Getting SS LP Frame... 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_RAW_LP_SENSE_EACH_NODE_MIN failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS IX2 FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] SS IX2 SENSE MIN MAX TEST: SS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_IX2_SENSE_MIN3[ FTS ] SS CX2 FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_TOTAL_CX_FORCE_MAP_MIN failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 SENSE MIN MAX TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_TOTAL_CX_SENSE_MAP_MIN failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_TOTAL_CX_SENSE_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS IX CX LP TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_IX1_LP_SENSE_MIN_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX LP SENSE MIN MAX TEST: SS_TOUCH_IDLE_TOTAL_CX_FORCE_MAX6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX LP FORCE TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 LP SENSE ADJH computed! 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMapAdj SS TOTAL CX LP SENSE ADJH failed... ERROR COUNT = %d TOT SS LP Init Data Ix_fm = 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: No TestToDo specified!! ERROR = %08X 6[ FTS ] DATA Production test finished! 6[ FTS ] %s: Start to compute Digital Gains... 6[ FTS ] %s: compute Digital Gains FINISHED! 3[ FTS ] %s: TP Sensitivity Mode... ERROR %08X! 6[ FTS ] Column = %d print_frame_shortprint_frame_u166[ FTS ] parseBinFile: File External Release = %s 6[ FTS ] flash_burn: Firmware in the chip matches the firmware to flash! NO UPDATE ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Trying to disable gesture... 6[ FTS ] %s: Active Gestures Found! gesture_mask[%d] = %02X ! 3[ FTS ] %s: Failed to enable power regulator [ FTS ] %s: UNBLANK 3[ FTS ] Fw Update Finished! error = %08X 6[ FTS ] %s: Mutual frame drop Force cal = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %s: setting motion filter = %s. kmalloc failed Aoffset ver:0x%02X%02X%02X%02X mode_activeICR: 0x%02X 3[ FTS ] %s: Number of bytes of parameter wrong! %zu != 1 byte stylus_modefts_remove6[ FTS ] Get TOT MS Compensation Data 3[ FTS ] Limits dimension expected by Host is less than actual size: expected = %d, real = %d 6[ FTS ] Chip ID = %04X! 6[ FTS ] Echo FOUND... OK! No data! ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Enabling Baseline adaptation... 3[ FTS ] Frequency Hopping operation FAILED! ERROR %08X %c 6[ FTS ] Global data Read ! 3[ FTS ] Unable to allocate memory for GM raw data. ERR %08X[ FTS ] %s: Setting scan mode: mode = %02X settings = %02X ! 3[ FTS ] %s: The Header Signature is wrong! sign: %02X != %02X ERROR %08X [ FTS ] Interrupt enabled. 6[ FTS ] %s: T cycle = %d (0x%04X) => R0 cycle = %d (0x%02X) 6[ FTS ] %s: Setting the scanning frequency FINISHED! 6[ FTS ] %s: write Host Data Memory FINISHED! /buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/../msm-google-modules/touch/fts/fts_lib/ftsError.c3[ FTS ] errorHandler: Error performing powercycle ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] errorHandler: Force Open ! 3[ FTS ] errorHandler: Previous flash failed! 6[ FTS ] %s: Starting to get Sync Frame %02X... openChannel6[ FTS ] ITO Check command sent... 6[ FTS ] MS RAW LP GAP TEST: 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_CX2_ADJH_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX ADJ VERT TEST: 6[ FTS ] MS KEY CX1 TEST:.................OK MS_TOUCH_LOWPOWER_CX2_MAX3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMap MS TOTAL CX LP TEST failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 3[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX ADJ HORIZ LP TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMinMax SS RAW FORCE failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] SS RAW LP Testes are starting... 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_RAW_LP_FORCE_EACH_NODE_MIN failed... ERROR %08X SS_RAW_LOWPOWER_DATA_FORCE_EACH_MAX6[ FTS ] SS IX2 FORCE ADJV computed! 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_TOTAL_IX_FORCE_ADJV_MAP_MAX... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX FORCE MIN MAX TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] SS CX2 SENSE ADJH TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMapAdj SS TOTAL CX SENSE ADJH failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_IX2_LP_FORCE_ADJV_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X SS_TOUCH_IDLE_IX2_SENSE_MAX3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMapAdj SS TOTAL IX LP SENSE ADJH failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX LP SENSE TEST:.................SKIPPED SS_TOUCH_IDLE_CX2_FORCE_MAX3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_TOTAL_CX_LP_FORCE_ADJV_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMap SS TOTAL CX LP SENSE failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX LP SENSE ADJ HORIZ computed! tp_sensitivity_compute_gains6[ FTS ] %s: Trigger writing gains into the flash... 6[ FTS ] Get Limits File starting... %s 3[ FTS ] Request the file %s failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] parseBinFile: Wrong ftb_version %08X ... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] parseBinFile: Initialize cx_ver to default value! 6[ FTS ] Erase Unlock flash DONE! 3[ FTS ] flash_erase_page_by_page: Erase ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] updateGestureMask: Size not valid! %d > %d ERROR %08X[ FTS ] disp_rate_gpio = %d 3[ FTS ] %s: dsi_panel_read_vendor_extinfo returned unexpected error = %d. 6[ FTS ] %s: Invalid Self Force cal = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: W ! Aoffset len:0x%02X%02X%02X%02X OscTrim cen bg valid:0x%02X%02X%02X%02X SS sense frame =6[ FTS ] MS Compensation Data Reading Finished! %d 6[ FTS ] %s: grip_enabled = %d glove_mode3[ FTS ] %s: test is not in progress! driver_test3[ FTS ] number of byte received or end byte wrong! msg_size = %d != %zu, last_byte = %02X != %02X ... ERROR %08X SS Data TOT Cx_sn = 3[ FTS ] Wrong CHIP ID, Diagnostic failed! 6[ FTS ] Setting Scan Freq... res = %08X 6[ FTS ] Start To parse! 3[ FTS ] %s: failed at %d attemp! 6[ FTS ] %s: Request HDM Download FINISHED! readMutualSenseCompensationData3[ FTS ] %s: error while reading data header... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] error while reading Golden Mutual hdr... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s 3[ FTS ] %s: error while writing the sys cmd ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SVN REV = %04X 3[ FTS ] %s: Request Data failed! ERROR %08X [ FTS ] %s: Force_len = %d Sense_len = %d Offset = %04X 3[ FTS ] Getting Sync Frame FAILED! ERROR %08X! 3[ FTS ] %s: address size bigger than max allowed %lu... ERROR %08X MS_RAW_ITO_DATA_ADJ_HORIZONTALMS_RAW_ITO_DATA_ADJ_VERTICAL6[ FTS ] INITIALIZATION command sent... %02X 3[ FTS ] production_test_main: system reset ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_RAW_EACH_NODE_MIN failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_RAW_GAP failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS RAW GAP TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] MS RAW ADJ HORIZONTAL MIN/MAX: 3[ FTS ] %s MS RAW ADJ HORIZONTAL MIN/MAX:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] MS RAW ADJ HORIZONTAL GAP:.................OK 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: computeAdjVert failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_RAW_ADJV_GAP failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] MS RAW ADJ PEAK:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: production_test_ms_key_raw failed... ERROR = %08X 6[ FTS ] MS RAW LP DATA TEST: 6[ FTS ] MS CX1 TEST:.................OK TOT MS Init Data (Cx) =3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_TOTAL_CX_LP_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX LP MIN MAX TEST:.................OK TOT MS LP Init Data (Cx) =3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_IX1_FORCE_MIN_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS IX1 FORCE TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMinMax SS IX1 SENSE TEST failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_TOTAL_IX_SENSE_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX SENSE ADJH TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 FORCE ADJ TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMap SS CX2 SENSE failed... ERROR COUNT = %d SS_TOUCH_IDLE_IX1_FORCE_MIN_MAX3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_IX2_LP_FORCE_MAP_MIN failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: computeAdjVert SS TOTAL CX LP FORCE ADJV failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 LP SENSE ADJ TEST: 6[ FTS ] %s: Entering TP Sensitivity Mode disabling algos... 3[ FTS ] Passed a NULL argument! ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] parseBinFile: sec0_size = %08X (%d bytes) 3[ FTS ] flash_erase_page_by_page: ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Setting the page mask = %s 6[ FTS ] 9) SYSTEM RESET: 3[ FTS ] %s: Feature not allowed when Gestures enabled! ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: Failed to enable DVDD regulator 3[ FTS ] %s: ERROR Failed to enable regulators 3[ FTS ] ERROR: No such input device 3[ FTS ] %s: error during setting GLOVE_MODE! ERROR %08X [ FTS ] %s: fts notifier begin! 3[ FTS ] %s: CRC Error or NO FW! 3[ FTS ] %s: of_property_read_bool(np, "st,extinfo_override_table") failed. 6[ FTS ] limits name = %s 6[ FTS ] %s: Invalid Self island Force cal = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: Water Mode Entry by BLD with rom raw frame = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X Aoffset CA[%d] Quar:0X%02X,Half:0X%02X,Full:0X%02X%02X 3[ FTS ] %s: Wrong number of parameters! ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] Error reading SS compensation data ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] %s: Getting gestures coordinates FINISHED! 3[ FTS ] Read Compensation Data Header ERROR %08X MS Data (TOT Cx) =SS RAW FRAME = 3[ FTS ] Error during TP Sensitivity STD... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: Blocking multiple open fts_seq_start6[ FTS ] %s: No data to print! readTotSelfSenseCompensationDatareadSensitivityCoefficientsDatareadTotSelfSenseGlobalDataFOUND EVENT = 3[ FTS ] errorHandler: Sense Pin to Pin Short! 3[ FTS ] %s: read error... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] MS RAW ADJ VERTICAL GAP:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] MS RAW LP ADJ TEST: 6[ FTS ] MS CX2 MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMap MS TOTAL CX TEST failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 3[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX ADJ HORIZ TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] MS LP CX2 MIN MAX TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] MS LP CX2 ADJ HORIZ TEST:.................FAIL MS_TOUCH_LOWPOWER_TOTAL_CX_MAX6[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX ADJ VERT LP TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] SS RAW SENSE TEST: 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsGap SS RAW LP SENSE GAP failed... ERROR = %08X SS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_IX2_FORCE_MAX3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMap SS IX2 FORCE failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: computeAdjVert SS IX2 FORCE ADJV failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS IX2 SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED SS_TOUCH_IDLE_IX2_SENSE_MIN3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_TOTAL_IX_LP_SENSE_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX LP SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX LP SENSE ADJH TEST:.................FAIL SS_TOUCH_IDLE_CX2_FORCE_MIN6[ FTS ] SS CX1 LP SENSE TEST:.................SKIPPED TOT SS LP Init Data Ix_sn = 3[ FTS ] %s: MS Force Node[%d, %d] = %d exceed limit [%d, %d] 6[ FTS ] %s: TP sensitivity MS Pre Cal FINISHED! 3[ FTS ] %s: Invalid frame data passed as argument! ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: impossible to write digital gains! ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: Edge Frame average = %d exceed limit [%d, %d] 6[ FTS ] Limit file Size = %d 3[ FTS ] parseProductionTestLimits: kstrdup ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Fw file read COMPLETED! 6[ FTS ] Try to erase unlock flash... 6[ FTS ] 4) FLASH UNLOCK: 3[ FTS ] enterGestureMode: fts_enableInterrupt ERROR %08X fts_set_bus_ref6[ FTS ] Init Core Lib: fts_mode_handler%s: fts notifier begin! %s: Stimpad disable by signature invalid = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %s: Stimpad disable by nodes count invalid raw frame = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: M ! Aoffset ~crcr:0x%02X%02X%02X%02X Aoffset ~len:0x%02X%02X%02X%02X appid6[ FTS ] %s, size = %d bytes EXT Release = { %08Xgesture_maskfts_gesture_mask_store3[ FTS ] %s: bad input. valid inputs are either 0 or 1! 3[ FTS ] Invalid Action = %d ... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] bytesToRead = %d 6[ FTS ] Computing gains with target = %d and saveGain = %d 3[ FTS ] %s: can not allocate memory for cx2_fm ... ERROR %08X6[ FTS ] Read node data ok! readSensitivityCoeffHeader6[ FTS ] Read Data Header done! 3[ FTS ] checkEcho: Echo Event found but with some error events before! num_error = %d [ FTS ] Interrupt is already set (enable = %d). 3[ FTS ] %s: error while reading T cycle! ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] %s: Write Host Data Memory in buffer... 3[ FTS ] %s: can not allocate force_data ERROR %08X %s: addrSize = %d 6[ FTS ] MS RAW ITO ADJ VERTICAL TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: computeAdjHoriz failed... ERROR %08X MS_RAW_DATA_ADJ_VERTICAL_P2PMS Raw LP frame =MS_RAW_LOWPOWER_DATA_MIN_MAX3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_TOTAL_CX_MAP_MIN failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX ADJ HORIZ TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] MS CX2 TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_CX1_LP_MIN_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS LP CX2 ADJ TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] MS LP CX testes finished!.................OK 6[ FTS ] SS RAW FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................OK SS_RAW_DATA_SENSE_EACH_MAX6[ FTS ] SS RAW testes finished!.................OK 6[ FTS ] SS RAW LP FORCE TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS RAW LP SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED SS_RAW_LOWPOWER_DATA_SENSE_EACH_MAX3[ FTS ] SS RAW LP SENSE GAP TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_IX2_FORCE_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_TOTAL_CX_SENSE_ADJH_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX SENSE TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX LP FORCE ADJ TEST: 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_TOTAL_IX_LP_FORCE_ADJV_MAP_MAX... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] SS IX2 LP SENSE ADJH TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_TOTAL_IX_LP_SENSE_ADJH_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 LP FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX LP SENSE ADJ TEST: 3[ FTS ] %s: TP sensitivity MS Pre Cal test FAILED... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] %s: Edge Frame average = %d 3[ FTS ] getFWdata: Impossible to allocate memory! ERROR %08X hold_m36[ FTS ] parseBinFile: FILE Config Project ID = %08X 6[ FTS ] 1) SYSTEM RESET: 6[ FTS ] SET Regulators: 6[ FTS ] SET Event Handler: 3[ FTS ] %s: Failed to configure I2C switch 6[ FTS ] %s: GRIP_MODE Enabled! &x->wait6[ FTS ] %s: Bad fts notifier call! 3[ FTS ] %s: firmware update failed again! ERROR %08X [ FTS ] %s: sleeping %dms. [ FTS ] %s: Ultimately waited %d seconds. 6[ FTS ] %s: GPIO Charger Detect = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: Sense on Force cal = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: Frame drop = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X [ FTS ] %s: Stimpad disable by nodes count invalid raw frame = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: Unknown golden raw validation status = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: UP ! 6[ FTS ] %s: < ! fts_fwupdate_storecover_mode6[ FTS ] GM data reading Finished! MS STRENGTH FRAME =6[ FTS ] Consecutive echo on the file node, free the buffer with the previous result 3[ FTS ] %s: parsed a wrong number of bytes %d!=%d 6[ FTS ] SS Force Len = %d Sense Len = %d 6[ FTS ] ss_force_len = %u ss_sense_len = %u 6[ FTS ] %s: Parsing System Info... 6[ FTS ] %s: Saving MP Flag = %02X [ FTS ] errorHandler: handling Finished! res = %08X 3[ FTS ] ErrorList is going in overflow... the first %d event(s) were override! [ FTS ] Starting to poll ErrorList... 6[ FTS ] openChannel: completed! 3[ FTS ] %s: computeAdjHoriz failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] INITIALIZATION TEST OK! 3[ FTS ] MS RAW LP MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] MS RAW LP GAP TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_RAW_LP_ADJH failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX ADJ TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] MS LP CX1 TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] MS LP CX2 MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMapAdj CX2 ADJV LP failed... ERROR COUNT = %d SS_RAW_DATA_FORCE_EACH_MIN3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_RAW_FORCE_GAP failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsGap SS RAW FORCE GAP failed... ERROR = %08X 6[ FTS ] SS RAW FORCE TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS RAW LP FORCE MIN MAX TEST: 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: computeAdjVert SS TOTAL CX FORCE ADJV failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] SS IX CX testes finished!.................FAILED fails_count = %d 3[ FTS ] SS IX2 LP FORCE ADJV TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: computeAdjVert SS TOTAL IX LP FORCE ADJV failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX LP FORCE ADJV computed! 6[ FTS ] SS IX2 LP SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] DATA Production test failed! SS FS force Mean =3[ FTS ] limit file path NULL... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] enableGesture: Size not valid! %d > %d ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] pwr_reg_name = %s 3[ FTS ] %s: Failed to configure reset GPIO fts_gpio_%u %s: Mode Handler starting... 3[ FTS ] %s: error during setting COVER_MODE! ERROR %08X %s: Mode Handler finished! res = %08X mode = %08X fts_fw_update3[ FTS ] %s: dsi_panel_read_vendor_extinfo returned error = %d 6[ FTS ] %s: Unknown water mode = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: Idle Status Event = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X fts_user_report_event_handlerAoffset crc:0x%02X%02X%02X%02X OscTrim crc:0x%02X%02X%02X%02X 3[ FTS ] %s Unable to upgrade firmware! ERROR %08X [none]6[ FTS ] fts_gesture_mask_store: Gesture Enabled = %d %04X3[ FTS ] %s: touch simulation test wq is not available! 6[ FTS ] addr = %llx byteToRead = %d 6[ FTS ] Requesting Compensation Data 3[ FTS ] Error reading TOT SS compensation data ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS and SS force cal triggered! 3[ FTS ] Error while setting TP Sens scan mode... ERROR %08X { readHDMHeader3[ FTS ] pollForEvent: Unmanned Controller Ready Event! Setting reset flags... %s: Setting scan mode: mode = %02X settings = %02X ! 3[ FTS ] %s Cannot read crc status ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] errorHandler: Sense short to GND! 3[ FTS ] %s: impossible allocate memory for MS frame... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsAdj MS RAW ITO ADJH failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 3[ FTS ] production_test_initialization: read sys info ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] Error during INITIALIZATION TEST! ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS RAW LP GAP TEST:.................OK MS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_CX1_MIN_MAX3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMinMax MS CX1 failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX MIN MAX TEST:.................OK MS_KEY_CX2_MAXMS Key Init Data (Cx2) =6[ FTS ] MS LP CX1 TEST:.................OK MS_TOUCH_LOWPOWER_CX2_MINMS_TOUCH_LOWPOWER_CX2_ADJ_HORIZONTALMS_TOUCH_LOWPOWER_TOTAL_CX_ADJ_HORIZONTAL3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_RAW_FORCE_EACH_NODE_MIN failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] SS RAW LP FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL SS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_TOTAL_IX_ADJ_VERTICAL3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_TOTAL_IX_LP_FORCE_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS IX2 LP SENSE ADJ TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_TOTAL_IX_LP_SENSE_MAP_MIN failed... ERROR %08X SS_TOUCH_IDLE_CX1_FORCE_MIN_MAX3[ FTS ] SS CX2 LP SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] SS LP IX CX testes finished!.................FAILED fails_count = %d 6[ FTS ] %s: TP Sensitivity Mode FINISHED! 3[ FTS ] %s: Error while enabling Gains in TP Sens Mode! ERROR %08X STD =3[ FTS ] Error while getting the device ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Limit File data passed as arguments! 3[ FTS ] %s: can not set gpio pull-up ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] parseBinFile: sec2_size = %08X (%d bytes) 3[ FTS ] flash_enable_uvlo_autopowerdown FAILED! 3[ FTS ] WARNING!!! Erasing CX memory but no CX in fw file! touch will not work right after fw update! 3[ FTS ] updateGestureMask: Mask NULL! ERROR %08X isAnyGestureActive6[ FTS ] %s: Feature Allowed! ftm5st,regulator_dvddfts_set_gpio3[ FTS ] %s: error during setting CHARGER_MODE! ERROR %08X [ FTS ] %s: Mode Handler finished! res = %08X mode = %08X 3[ FTS ] Touch IC not in local heatmap mode: %X %X %i3[ FTS ] Cannot initialize the hardware device ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] %s: Overriding with row=%d, panel_index=%d. [ FTS ] %s: Unknown stimpad status = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: -> ! 6[ FTS ] %s: ^ ! OscTrim cen bg:0x%02X%02X%02X%02X OscTrim frequency bg:0x%02X%02X%02X%02X grip_mode3[ FTS ] fts_gesture_mask_store: ERROR %08X touchsimSS Sensitivity Coeff sense = Echo FOUND... OK! 4) FW INFO DUMP: %2d - /buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/include/linux/uaccess.h3[ FTS ] error while requesting HDM Download... ERROR %08X readTotMutualSenseNodeDatainitCore6[ FTS ] System resetting... 3[ FTS ] %s: error while writing R0 cycle! ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: reading data ERROR %08X Adding error in to ErrorList... FINISHED! 3[ FTS ] %s: Error Type Not Found into ErrorList! ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] getChannelsLength: ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: Invalid type ERROR %08X getSyncFrame6[ FTS ] %s: Requesting Sync Frame %02X... %s: cmd[%d] = %02X fts_writeReadU8UX6[ FTS ] Trimming Ioff... 6[ FTS ] INITIALIZATION TEST :................. SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] MAIN Production test finished.................FAILED 6[ FTS ] MS RAW LP MAP MIN MAX TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_RAW_LP_GAP failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS RAW LP ADJ HORIZONTAL TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] MS CX1 TEST:.................FAIL MS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_TOTAL_CX_MAX6[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX ADJ HORIZ computed! 6[ FTS ] MS TOTAL CX ADJ VERT TEST:.................OK MS_KEY_CX1_MIN_MAX3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_TOTAL_CX_ADJV_LP_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X SS_RAW_DATA_SENSE_GAP6[ FTS ] SS RAW LP FORCE GAP TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] SS IX2 FORCE ADJV TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX FORCE ADJVERT TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX SENSE ADJ HORIZ computed! 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX FORCE ADJVERT TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX LP FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX LP FORCE TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX LP FORCE TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX LP SENSE ADJHORIZ TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX LP SENSE ADJH TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: production_test_ss_raw failed... ERROR = %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: TP sensitivity MS Post Cal test FAILED... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: Error while turning on TP Sens Mode! ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Starting flashing procedure... 6[ FTS ] 2) HOLD M3 : 6[ FTS ] hold_m3 COMPLETED! 6[ FTS ] load cx DONE! 6[ FTS ] Firmware in the chip different from the one that was burn! 6[ FTS ] disableGesture DONE! fts_enable_reg%s: UNBLANK 3[ FTS ] %s: extinfo index is out of bounds (%d >= %d) in row %d of extinfo_override_table. 6[ FTS ] %s: Doing nothing for event = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 6[ FTS ] %s: Water Mode Entry by BLD with real raw frame = %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X 3[ FTS ] %s Proximity Detected! fts_gesture_event_handler6[ FTS ] %s: DOWN ! infoblock_getdataADDR_INFOBLOCK read failed fwupdate3[ FTS ] %s: Unable to access driver data SS Data Ix2_fm = SS Data Cx2_sn = 6[ FTS ] %s: glove_enabled = %d fts_cover_mode_showgesture_coordinatesfts_driver_test_write%5d, 6[ FTS ] FTS_BUS_REF_FORCE_ACTIVE: %s 3[ FTS ] %s: The Header Signature was wrong! %02X != %02X ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Node Data to read %d bytes 3[ FTS ] %s: can not allocate memory for cx2_sn ERROR %08X3[ FTS ] pollForEvent: ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: Impossible to write Config Memory... ERROR %08X! 3[ FTS ] %s: New count not received! ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: error while writing into the flash! ERROR %08X pollForErrorTypefts_writeRead_internal3[ FTS ] checkLimitsGap: GAP = %d exceed limit %d 3[ FTS ] %s: getMSFrame failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS RAW MAP MIN MAX TEST: MS_RAW_DATA_EACH_MAX6[ FTS ] MS RAW GAP TEST: MS_RAW_DATA_ADJ_HORIZONTAL3[ FTS ] MS RAW ADJ HORIZONTAL GAP:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_RAW_ADJV failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS RAW ADJ VERTICAL GAP:.................OK 6[ FTS ] MS RAW ADJ Peak: Getting max ADJV 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_RAW_ADJV_PEAK failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS RAW ADJ TEST:.................SKIPPED 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: readTotMutualSenseCompensationData failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: production_test_ms_key_cx failed... ERROR = %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits MS_KEY_CX1_MIN_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] MS KEY TOTAL CX TEST:.................SKIPPED SS Raw sense frame =3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_RAW_FORCE_MIN_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS RAW LP FORCE MAP MIN MAX TEST: SS_RAW_LOWPOWER_DATA_FORCE_GAP6[ FTS ] SS RAW LP SENSE GAP TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL CX FORCE ADJV TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 SENSE ADJ TEST: SS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_CX2_ADJ_HORIZONTAL6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX LP FORCE ADJV TEST:.................OK 6[ FTS ] SS IX2 LP SENSE ADJ TEST: 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX LP SENSE ADJ TEST:.................SKIPPED 6[ FTS ] %s: TP sensitivity SS Pre Cal FINISHED! 3[ FTS ] %s: Normal Frame average = %d exceed limit [%d, %d] 6[ FTS ] %s: Exiting TP Sensitivity Mode enabling algos... 3[ FTS ] parseProductionTestLimits: ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] parseProductionTestLimits 1: ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] senseOff: SENSE OFF 6[ FTS ] flashing procedure Finished! 3[ FTS ] Error during filling Flash! ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] flash erase FAILED! ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] updateGestureMask: setting gesture mask to disable... 6[ FTS ] %s: All Gestures Disabled! 6[ FTS ] SET Bus Functionality : &gestureMask_mutex3[ FTS ] Error: can not create /proc file! fts_set_switch_gpio6[ FTS ] %s: GLOVE_MODE Enabled! 6[ FTS ] %s: Charger Mode setting... 6[ FTS ] %s: Sense ON! fts_screen_state_chg_callback[ FTS ] %s: BLANK 3[ FTS ] getMSFrame3 failed with result=0x%08X. 3[ FTS ] %s: failed to allocate extinfo. len=%d. 3[ FTS ] Error (%08X) while reading from FIFO in fts_event_handler ADDR_FLASH_STATUS write failed OscTrim ~crcr:0x%02X%02X%02X%02X %100s %d %dFW: %04X CFG: %04X AFE: %02X Project: %04X Buffer allocation failed! stm_fts_cmd_show3[ FTS ] fts_enableInterrupt: ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Get 1 MS Strength fts_cover_mode_storefts_pm_suspend6[ FTS ] Reading MNM register... 6[ FTS ] Setting target = %d and percentage = %d readSelfSenseCompensationDatareadSelfSenseNodeDatareadSensitivityCoeffNodeData6[ FTS ] Address for Golden Mutual hdr = %llx 3[ FTS ] %s: No setting argument! ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] %s: Reading System Info... 6[ FTS ] Screen Resolution = %d x %d 3[ FTS ] %s: Config CRC Error found! CRC ERROR = %02X errorHandlererrorHandler: Starting handling... 3[ FTS ] errorHandler: Cannot reset the device ERROR %08X errorHandler: No Action taken! 3[ FTS ] %s: second write error... ERROR %08X production_test_main3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMinMaxEachNodeData failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 6[ FTS ] MS RAW ADJ HORIZONTAL TEST: 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsAdj MS RAW ADJH GAP failed... MS_TOUCH_ACTIVE_CX2_ADJ_VERTICALMS_TOUCH_LOWPOWER_TOTAL_CX_ADJ_VERTICAL6[ FTS ] SS RAW FORCE MIN MAX TEST: 3[ FTS ] SS RAW LP FORCE MAP MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_RAW_LP_SENSE_GAP failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS IX2 FORCE ADJVERT TEST: 3[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX SENSE ADJH TEST:.................FAIL 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: checkLimitsMinMax SS CX1 FORCE TEST failed... ERROR COUNT = %d 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_CX2_FORCE_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS CX2 FORCE MIN MAX TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: parseProductionTestLimits SS_TOTAL_CX_FORCE_MAP_MAX failed... ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: production_test_ss_ix_cx_lp failed... ERROR = %08X TOT SS Init Data Ix_fm = 3[ FTS ] production_test_data: computeAdjVert SS IX2 LP FORCE ADJV failed... ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] SS TOTAL IX LP SENSE MIN MAX TEST:.................OK 3[ FTS ] SS TOTAL FORCE LP MIN MAX TEST:.................FAIL SS_TOUCH_IDLE_TOTAL_CX_SENSE_MAXTOT SS LP Init Data Cx_sn = 3[ FTS ] %s: Error while turning off TP Sens Mode! ERROR %08X 3[ FTS ] %s: can not set spi4 mode ERROR %08X 6[ FTS ] Full Erase flash DONE! 6[ FTS ] Writing page mask... {{_{{_5=mtz4 W    r}ejm$2YBbdescription=STMicroelectronics MultiTouch IC Driverauthor=STMicroelectronicslicense=GPLvermagic=4.14.170-g666300e62136-ab6386400 SMP preempt mod_unload modversions aarch64name=ftm5depends=heatmapAndroid (5484270 based on r353983c) clang version 9.0.3 (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/clang 745b335211bb9eadfa6aa6301f84715cee4b37c5) (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/llvm 60cf23e54e46c807513f7a36d0a7b777920b5881) (based on LLVM 9.0.3svn)ftm5pNmodule_layoutcurrent_kernel_time64b.release_firmware1request_firmwareZstrncmpo6xint_sqrtZ%strcmpvMspi_synch__list_add_validu_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore!'disable_irq_nosync enable_irq❚_raw_spin_lock_irqsave7seq_read{+seq_lseekꂢseq_writetcCseq_releaseseq_open~)HmemcpyHWstrlcpyK__arch_copy_from_userxp __might_faultHۈ__check_object_sizeIq#remove_proc_entryzTproc_create proc_mkdir_datahrtimer_forwardGhrtimer_start_range_ns{hrtimer_initiBflush_workqueue: hrtimer_cancel[_-ukstrtoboolP=7kstrtointZZkstrtou8`Ϙstrlenl߅strsepǚ_ctypekstrdupL[mutex_trylockcstrlcat\bin2hexZ sscanfkmalloc_order_trace4t__sw_hweight32msleep地__kmalloc.dsi_panel_read_vendor_extinfo@(irq_set_irq_wake/G"gpiod_direction_input\"Ggpio_requestxheatmap_readѹpm_qos_update_requestԸzktime_getRrequest_threaded_irq?msm_drm_register_client桂of_property_read_string_helperof_property_read_u32_index?of_property_count_elems_of_sizedmemset>G__pm_relax #tbn_release_bus&__pm_stay_awakeoJ=pm_wakeup_ws_eventp7jiffies_to_msecs gpiod_direction_output_raw5tbn_request_bus"1wregulator_get;JQfree_irqsysfs_remove_groupj tbn_cleanup__stack_chk_fail uqueue_delayed_work_on{wakeup_source_dropawakeup_source_remove-input_unregister_devicepm_qos_remove_request(heatmap_remove| msm_drm_unregister_client destroy_workqueueBsysfs_create_groupkdelayed_work_timer_fn" ^init_timer_key8Xheatmap_probe.Spm_qos_add_requesthQ^regulator_putRgpio_free zkfreeŽ<input_free_deviceinput_register_deviceakK__raw_spin_lock_initf\__mutex_init;yinput_set_capability+input_set_abs_paramsVyinput_mt_init_slotsfLscnprintfyinput_allocate_device[icomplete_all#\__init_waitqueue_head57C__alloc_workqueue_keyDAwakeup_source_addwakeup_source_prepare{Vgpiod_to_irq of_property_read_variable_u32_arrayP2Gof_property_read_stringtsof_get_named_gpio_flags$Tof_drm_find_panelWcmof_parse_phandle_with_fixed_argsof_find_propertyTdevm_kmalloc{Htbn_init=kmem_cache_alloc_traceƬϯkmalloc_cachesFFspi_setupg__stack_chk_guard!driver_unregisterV__spi_register_driver&ԱD__dynamic_pr_debug{Cwait_for_completion_timeout/ .queue_work_on~cancel_work_syncGregulator_enable__const_udelayjgpiod_set_raw_valuegpio_to_descx regulator_disableQmutex_unlockSLLmutex_lockXUprintku"input_mt_report_slot_stateOkinput_eventGNUKpխ((( B Q[g-@v8E@ABCD  4+! >(M,[|fP( /H48:h0;$>@?@4@W(i0(X((( H(4(\( ( p(HV0 x_8_Xatc\3cDdTgeLvPv,!\,R!],f!(_,!T`!da!i!!n!̆ ! 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euemsm_drm_unregister_clientheatmap_removepm_qos_remove_requestinput_unregister_devicewakeup_source_removewakeup_source_dropfts_proc_initqueue_delayed_work_on__stack_chk_failtbn_cleanupfts_proc_removesysfs_remove_groupfree_irqregulator_gettbn_request_busgpiod_direction_output_rawjiffies_to_msecspm_wakeup_ws_eventfts_write__pm_stay_awakeflushFIFOtbn_release_bus__pm_relaxfts_writeReadU8UXgetMSFrame3memsetof_property_count_elems_of_sizeof_property_read_u32_indexof_property_read_string_helperfts_crc_checkflashProcedurepollForErrorTypesystemInfotestsproduction_test_mainmsm_drm_register_clientrequest_threaded_irqktime_getpm_qos_update_requestheatmap_readgpio_requestgpiod_direction_inputirq_set_irq_wakesetScanModeisSystemResettedDownenterGestureModefromIDtoMaskisSystemResettedUpsetFeaturesdsi_panel_read_vendor_extinfo__kmallocmsleepdumpErrorInforeadGestureCoords__sw_hweight32fts_writeU8UXkmalloc_order_tracesscanfprintHexbin2hexreadFwFilestrlcatmutex_trylockcleanUpproduction_test_itoproduction_test_initializationproduction_test_ms_rawproduction_test_ms_cxproduction_test_ss_rawproduction_test_ss_ix_cxreadMutualSenseCompensationDataarray1dTo2d_i8print_frame_i8readSelfSenseCompensationDataarray1dTo2d_u8print_frame_u8array1dTo2d_shortgetSSFrame3print_frame_shortkstrdup_ctypestrsepstrlenkstrtou8kstrtointupdateGestureMaskisAnyGestureActivegesture_coords_reportedgesture_coordinates_xgesture_coordinates_ykstrtoboolhrtimer_cancelflush_workqueuehrtimer_inithrtimer_start_range_nshrtimer_forwardproc_mkdir_dataproc_createremove_proc_entrygetDev__check_object_size__might_fault__arch_copy_from_userstrlcpyfts_write_heapu8ToU16_befts_writeRead_heapfts_writeThenWriteRead_heapu8ToU64_befts_writeU8UXthenWriteU8UXfts_writeU8UXthenWriteReadU8UXgetSyncFramememcpyu32ToU8_begetClientreadConfigpollForEventfts_writeFwCmd_heapsaveMpFlagrequestHDMDownloadreadHDMHeaderreadGoldenMutualRawDatareadTotMutualSenseCompensationDatareadTotSelfSenseCompensationDataarray1dTo2d_u16print_frame_u16readSensitivityCoefficientsDataflash_unlockflash_erase_unlockflash_erase_page_by_pagefreeCurrentLimitsFilecheckEchowriteSysCmdu8ToU32_besetActiveScanFrequencytp_sensitivity_set_scan_modetp_sensitivity_test_std_msgetLimitsFilegetFWdatafts_read_heapwriteConfigtp_sensitivity_modetp_sensitivity_test_pre_cal_sstp_sensitivity_test_pre_cal_mstp_sensitivity_compute_gainstp_sensitivity_test_post_cal_msseq_openseq_releasebuf_chunkseq_writeseq_lseekseq_readopenChannelresetErrorListinitTestToDosetResetGpio_raw_spin_lock_irqsaveenable_irqdisable_irq_nosync_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestorestartStopWatcherrorHandlerstopStopWatchelapsedMillisecondrequestSyncFramefts_writeFwCmdu8ToU16u8ToU32writeHostDataMemoryaddErrorIntoListgetErrorListCountpollErrorListgetChannelsLengthgetFrameDatareadSyncDataHeadergetDrvInfofts_read__list_add_validspi_syncfts_writeReadfts_writeThenWriteReadcomputeAdjHorizcomputeAdjHorizTotalcomputeAdjVertcomputeAdjVertTotalcomputeAdjHorizFromUcomputeAdjHorizTotalFromUcomputeAdjVertFromUcomputeAdjVertTotalFromUcheckLimitsMinMaxcheckLimitsGapcheckLimitsGapOffsetscheckLimitsMapcheckLimitsMapTotalcheckLimitsMapFromUcheckLimitsMapTotalFromUcheckLimitsMapAdjcheckLimitsMapAdjTotalparseProductionTestLimitsstrcmpfreeLimitsFileproduction_test_ms_key_rawproduction_test_ms_raw_lpproduction_test_ms_cx_lpproduction_test_ms_key_cxproduction_test_ss_raw_lpproduction_test_ss_ix_cx_lpproduction_test_datasenseOnint_sqrtstrncmprequest_firmwarerelease_firmwarereadLinecurrent_kernel_time64elapsedNanosecondu8ToU16nu16ToU8n_beu16ToU8_beu16ToU8u32ToU8attempt_functionsenseOffprint_frame_u32print_frame_intu64ToU8_beparseBinFileflash_burnhold_m3flash_enable_uvlo_autopowerdownfillFlashwait_for_flash_readyflash_full_erasestart_flash_dmaenableGesturedisableGesturegetGestureCoords 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