ELF& @@FC                                             < $*08 $*08 $*08 0@KVg%s[%pK]:session id %d: Set-buf-cfg: meta[%d]3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_REGISTER_ION_32 failed audio_aio_ion_check%s: extract meta failed with %d %s:session id %d: buf[%d] audio_in_ioctlaudio_in_ioctl_shared%s: starting in tunnel mode&audio_alac_ws_mgr.ws_lock&audio_amrwbplus_ws_mgr.ws_lock/buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/codecs/audio_amrwbplus.c%s: write buf avail: %d, read buf avail: %d 3%s: Open failed for hw accelerated effects:rc=%d %s: TOPOLOGY SWITCH VOLUME MODULE %s[%pK]: ASM_DATA_EVENT_SR_CM_CHANGE_NOTIFY, payload[0]-sr = %d, payload[1]-chl = %d, payload[2] = %d, payload[3] = %d outqueue empty %d %s[%pK]: EOS followed by flush received,acknowledge eos i/p buffer immediately %s[%pK] %s[%pK], enabled = %d 3%s[%pK]: AUDIO_OUTPORT_FLUSH failed audio_in_disable3%s: session id %d: %s:session id %d: Set-aac-cfg:SR= 0x%x ch=0x%x bitrate=0x%x, format(adts/raw) = %d aac_in_compat_ioctl3%s: AUDIO_SET_AMRNB_ENC_CONFIG_V2 failed. rc=%d AUDIO_SET_AMRWB_ENC_CONFIG%s:alacdec success mode[%d]session[%d] msm_amrwb&audio_ape_ws_mgr.ws_lockmsm_g711alaw3%s: cmd media format block failed rc=%d audio_effects_deinit_ppmsm_multi_aac_%04xaudio_compat_ioctl3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_EVRC_ENC_CONFIG failed g711_in_ioctl%s: sample rate %d6%s:AUDIO_START already over q6_audio_cb3%s[%pK]:Not sufficient permission to change the playback mode %s[%pK]:AUDIO_DEREGISTER_ION 3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_REGISTER_ION failed %s:session id %d: eos_condition 0x%x buf[0x%pK] start[0x%pK] 3%s: bitrate permissible: max=%d, min=%d msm_amrnb3%s: %d mode is not supported mode 3%s: T mode Open failed rc=%d &effects->write_wait3%s: copy from user for AUDIO_EFFECTS_SET_BUF_LEN failed 3%s: Write buffer Allocation failed rc = %d &audio_mp3_ws_mgr.ws_lock3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_AAC_CONFIG_32 failed3%s: asm cmd dualmono failed rc=%d msm_qcelp3%s:AUDIO_START failed: formattag = %d &audio->read_waitstopped %d audio_aio_ioport_reset%s[%pK]: propagate READ_DONE as EOS done 3%s:session id %d: Buffer Alloc failed rc=%d %s:session id %d: Get-buf-cfg: meta[%d] framesperbuf[%d] 3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_CONFIG_32 failed %s:session id %d: to write[%zd] %s:session id %d: AUDIO_SET_AAC_CONFIG: sbr_flag = %d sbr_ps_flag = %d 3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_AAC_ENC_CONFIG_32 failed /buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/codecs/amrnb_in.cmsm_aac_%04x%s: AMRWBPLUS dec success mode[%d]session[%d] &audio_g711_ws_mgr.ws_lock3%s: pcm output block config failed rc=%d %s: read buf_size: %d, num_buf: %d, sample_rate: %d, channels: %d 3%s: ASM run state failed 3%s: copy from user for AUDIO_SET_EFFECTS_CONFIG failed 6%s:session id %d: success wflush %d insert_eos_buf%s[%pK]:enabled[%d] 3%s[%pK]: memory unmap failed audio_in_release3%s:asm cmd dualmono failed rc=%d 3%s:copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_ALAC_CONFIG failed %s: AUDIO_START 3%s: copy_from_user for SET_WMA_CONFIG_V2_32 failed %s: AUDIO_START session_id[%d] 3%s:session id %d: cmd evrc media format block failed 3%s:session id %d: cmd g711 media format block failed rc=%d 3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_QCELP_ENC_CONFIG failed%s:session id %d: enc_framesotal_size=0x%8x %s[%pK]:payload0[%x] payloa1d[%x]opcode= 0x%x %s, posting read done to the app here %s[%pK]:region %pK in use ref_cnt %d audio_aio_ion_add%s:session id %d: AUDIO_GET_STREAM_CONFIG %d %d 3%s:session id %d: Tunnel Open failed rc=%d 3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_SET_CONFIG failed 3%s: Unknown ioctl cmd=%d3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_AMRWBPLUS_CONFIG_V2 failed 3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_G711_DEC_CONFIG failed 3%s: copy to user for AUDIO_SET_EFFECTS_CONFIG failed audio_effects_compat_ioctlaudio_effects_init_pp3%s: write wait_event_timeout msm_mp3_%04x3%s: cmd set encdec_chan_map failed %s, value of coeff = %d3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_AAC_CONFIG failed msm_wma/buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/codecs/audio_wmapro.cmsm_evrc_in3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_QCELP_ENC_CONFIG_32 failed q6asm_in_cb/buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/codecs/q6audio_v2.c%s[%pK]:in_samples %d %s[%pK]: wait for RENDERED_EOS from DSP audio_in_set_config%s:session id %d: flush 3%s: copy_to_user failed for AUDIO_GET_STATS_32 %s:session id %d: send EOS 0x%8x amrwb_in_ioctl_shared/buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/codecs/audio_alac.c3%s: copy_to_user for GET_ALAC_CONFIG_32 failed msm_ape%s: channels passed: %d 3%s: Audio Start procedure failed rc=%d /buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/codecs/evrc_in.cqcelp_in_open%s:opcode = %x token = 0x%x %s token: 0x[%x], filled_buf->token: 0x[%x]audio_aio_open3%s: audio process event failed, rc = %ld%s[%pK]:GET STREAM CFG %d %d 3%s: msm audio ion alloc failed %s[%pK]:add region paddr %pK vaddr %pK, len %lu kvaddr %pK audio_aio_outport_flushaudio_aio_ioctl3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_BUF_CONFIG failed audio_in_buf_alloc3%s:session id %d: flush cmd failed rc=%d AUDIO_GET_AAC_CONFIG3%s:session id %d: unsupported AAC format %d 3%s:session id %d: cmd amrwb media format block failed msm_g711_%04x%s: g711dec success mode[%d]session[%d] 3%s: Failed in audio_aio_compat_ioctl: %d cmd=%d 3%s: AUDIO_SET_G711_DEC_CONFIG failed 3%s[%pK]:Failed to close the session rc=%d %s: read buf_size: %d, num_buf: %d, sample_rate: %d, channel: %d msm_wma_%04x3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_WMAPRO_CONFIG_V2 failed /buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/codecs/g711mlaw_in.cmsm_qcelp_in3%s:session id %d: cmd qcelp media format block failed audio_in_get_dsp_framesopened %d %s[%pK]:AUDIO_OUTPORT_FLUSH 3%s[%pK]: audio enable failed 3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_GET_BUF CONFIG failed 3%s:session id %d: Buffer Alloc failed Rerun the session audio_in_read3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_AAC_ENC_CONFIG failed 3%s: ERROR in setting bitrate = %d %s:AUDIO_STOP amrwb_in_compat_ioctl3%s: copy_from_user for SET_ALAC_CONFIG_32 failed &audio_amrwb_ws_mgr.ws_lock%s: PBE_MODULE 3%s:AUDIO_SET_AAC_CONFIG: Invalid dual_mono mode =%d msm_wmapro3%s:AUDIO_START failed: bitspersample = %d AUDIO_START success enable[%d] &audio->read_lock3%s:session id %d: NT mode Open failed rc=%d 3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_QCELP_ENC_CONFIG failed%s:session id %d: AUDIO_START success enable[%d] %s[%pK]:i/p: msw_ts %d lsw_ts %d nflags 0x%8x enabled %d %s[%pK]: list is empty, reached EOS in Tunnel audio_aio_async_in_flush3%s[%pK]:audio re-enable failed %s[%pK]:fsync in progress &audio->get_event_lockaudio_aio_async_write%s[%pK]:AUDIO_PM_AWAKE %s:session id %d: Written %zd Avail Buf[%d]amrnb_in_ioctl_shared3%s:session id %d: invalid band mode 3%s:Invalid dual_mono mode =%d &audio_amrnb_ws_mgr.ws_lock3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_AMRWBPLUS_CONFIG_V2_32 failed 3%s[%pK]: AUDIO_START session_id[%d] /buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/codecs/audio_g711alaw.c3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_G711_DEC_CONFIG failed 3%s: write wait_event_timeout failed 3%s: read wait_event_timeout failed audio_effects_open%s: Unhandled Event 0x%x token = 0x%x %s: dec buf size: %d, num_buf: %d, enc buf size: %d, num_buf: %d 3%s: audio client null to init pp 3%s: read wait_event_timeout /buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/codecs/audio_mp3.cmsm_qcelp_%04x6%s:dec success mode[%d]session[%d] audio_ioctl_shared3%s:session id %d: invalid max bitrate %s:Unhandled event = 0x%8x %s[%pK]:insert_eos_buf 3%s[%pK]:expected=%x ret=%x %s[%pK]: Propagate READ_DONE during flush audio_aio_release%s[%pK]: phy_address = 0x%pK audio_aio_compat_ioctlaudio_aio_async_read3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_STREAM_CONFIG failed 3%s:session id %d: Flush Fail rc=%d 3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_AAC_ENC_CONFIG failed 3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_AMRWB_ENC_CONFIG_32 failed 6%s:aacdec success mode[%d]session[%d] msm_alacmsm_alac_%04xaudio_effects_set_pp_paramAUDIO_SET_AAC_MIX_CONFIG3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_WMAPRO_CONFIG_V2_32 failed 3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_WMAPRO_CONFG_V2_32 failed audio_ioctl3%s:AUDIO_SET_EVRC_ENC_CONFIG failed. rc= %d &audio->write_wait3%s:session id %d: Unexpected mode qcelp_in_ioctl_shared%s: invalid buf len %d feedback %d audio_aio_unmap_ion_region3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_BUF_CFG_32 failed %s[%pK]:Send EOS cmd at i/p %s[%pK]: Send read buff %pK phy %pK len %d 3%s[%pK]:multiple hits for vaddr %pK, len %ld %s[%pK]:AUDIO_PAUSE %ld %s:session id %d: AUDIO_SET_STREAM_CONFIG %d %d 3Buffer Alloc failed rc=%d %s:session id %d: driver in stop state or flush,No more buf to read3%s:session id %d: cmd media format block failed 3%s: wb+ config v2 invalid parameters g711_channel_map3%s: effect is NULL %s: REVERB_MODULE 6%s:mp3dec success mode[%d]session[%d] 3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_g711_ENC_CONFIG failed3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_GET_G711_ENC_CONFIG failedqcelp_in_ioctlaudio_aio_async_read_ack3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_DEREGISTER_ION_32 failed %s[%pK]:info fd %d vaddr %pK 3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_CONFIG failed 3%s:session id %d: Failed to close the session rc=%d %s:session id %d: in_samples %d audio_in_compat_ioctl6%s: session id %d 3%s:AUDIO_SET_AAC_CONFIG failed. rc=%d amrnb_in_compat_ioctlamrwb_in_ioctl3%s: AUDIO_GET_G711_DEC_CONFIG failed /buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/codecs/audio_hwacc_effects.c3Could not allocate memory for audio client 3pcm output block config failed g711_in_compat_ioctlaudio_aio_pause3%s[%pK]: suspend cmd failed rc=%d 3%s[%pK]: not sending suspend since pause failed %s[%pK]: EOS %s[%pK]:node %pK dir %x buf_addr %pK buf_len %d data_len %d 3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_DEREGISTER_ION failed msm_amrwb_in3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_AMRWB_ENC_CONFIG failed alac_channel_mapmsm_amrwb_%04x3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_AMRWBPLUS_CONFIG_V2 failed 3%s: copy_to_user for GET_APE_CONFIG_32 failed %s: compatibleVersion %d compressionLevel %d formatFlags %d blocksPerFrame %d finalFrameBlocks %d totalFrames %d bitsPerSample %d numChannels %d sampleRate %d seekTablePresent %d 3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_G711_DEC_CONFIG_32 failed &audio->event_wait3%s: ERROR.unsupported num_ch = %u 3%s: Send SoftVolume Param failed ret=%d debugfs_create_file failed 3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_WMAPRO_CONFIG failed msm_g711alaw_in&audio->lock3%s: copy_to_user failed audio_aio_ion_fixup3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_SESSION_ID failed %s:session id %d: read - %zd 3%s:session id %d: NT Open failed rc=%d 3%s:open read failed msm_amrnb_in3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_AMRNB_ENC_CONFIG_V2_32 failed 3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_AMRWB_ENC_CONFIG failed %s:session id %d: band_mode = 0x%x dtx_enable=0x%x &audio_aac_ws_mgr.ws_lock&effects->lockASM_SESSION_CMD_RUN_V2 3%s: Read buffer Allocation failed rc = %d /buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/codecs/audio_multi_aac.c3%s: copy_to_user for GET_WMA_CONFIG_V2_32 failed 3%s:session id %d: TX Overflow registration failed rc=%d 3%s:session id %d: Audio Stop procedure failed rc=%d Error while getting timestamp 3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_CONFIG_32 failed %s[%pK]:remove region fd %d vaddr %pK 3%s[%pK]: memory map failed audio_aio_process_event_req_common%s:session id %d: inbytes[%d] insamples[%d] /buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/codecs/audio_aac.cmsm_amrwbplus_%04xaudio_effects_release%s: open session success %s: write buf_size: %d, num_buf: %d, sample_rate: %d, channels: %d 6%s:AAC 5.1 Decoder OPEN success mode[%d]session[%d] 3sbr-ps enable failed &audio_wma_ws_mgr.ws_lock3%s:AUDIO_START failed: channels = %d evrc_in_openevrc_in_ioctl_sharedAUDIO_SET_EVRC_ENC_CONFIG%s[%pK]:in_bytes %d %s[%pK]: EOS cmd sent to DSP 3%s: copy_from_user failed 3%s:session id %d: cmd amrnb media format block failed 3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_AMRWB_ENC_CONFIG_32 failed 3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_AAC_CONFIG_32 failed config_debug_fsmsm_ape_%04x3%s: copy from user failed for pp params %s: EQ_MODULE Calling utils ioctl 3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_EVRC_ENC_CONFIG failed 3%s: NULL config pointer %s:session id %d: index=%d nr frames=%d offset[%d] audio_aio_async_write_ack%s[%pK]:consumed buffer %s[%pK]: Propagate WRITE_DONE during flush %s[%pK]: flags = 0x%x 3 %s[%pK]:%pK, %ld --> %pK %s[%pK]:posted AUDIO_EVENT_WRITE_DONE to user 3%s[%pK}: output port flush cmd failed rc=%d %s[%pK]: AUDIO_STOP session_id[%d] %s[%pK] Waking up the audio_aio_fsync 3%s: session id %d: Buffer Alloc failed rc=%d %s:session id %d: continuous buffer 6%s:session id %d: eos %d at input aac_in_ioctlaac_in_ioctl_sharedAUDIO_SET_AMRNB_ENC_CONFIG_V2msm_amrwbplus3%s: copy_from_user for SET_APE_CONFIG_32 failed 3%s:copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_APE_CONFIG failed 3%s:copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_APE_CONFIG failed 3%s: NT mode Open failed rc=%d %s: close session success Buffer overflow detected (%d < %lu)! %s: AUDIO_SET_EFFECTS_CONFIG %s: write buf_size: %d, num_buf: %d, sample_rate: %d, channel: %d 3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_AAC_CONFIG_32 failed %s:format=%x aot=%d ch=%d sr=%d %s[%pK]: Calling utils ioctl 3cmd media format block failed 3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_EVRC_ENC_CONFIG_32 failed /buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/codecs/g711alaw_in.c3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_G711_ENC_CONFIG_32 failed 3%s: Could not allocate memory for audio client %s:session id %d: Ignore opcode[0x%x] audio_aio_cb3%s: Received opcode:0x%x %s[%pK]: %s[%pK]:set to aio interface &audio->cmd_wait%s[%pK]:found region %pK ref_cnt %d %s:session id %d: AUDIO_SET_CONFIG %d %d audio_in_flush%s: starting in non_tunnel mode3%s:open read write failed amrnb_in_open3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_AMRNB_ENC_CONFIG_V2 failed amrwb_in_open%s: modify dual_mono mode =%d audio_effects_event_handler%s: unhandled ioctl %s: dec: sample_rate: %d, num_channels: %d, bit_width: %d 3%s: copy from user for pp params failed msm_mp3&audio_multiaac_ws_mgr.ws_lock3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_AAC_MIX_CONFIG failed %s: AUDIO_START sessionid[%d]enable[%d] 6%s:wmapro decoder open success, session_id = %d 3%s[%pK]: Driver not enabled %s[%pK]: Audio Flushed or Stopped,this is not EOS %s[%pK]:AUDIO_GET_EVENT %s[%pK]:AUDIO_SET_CONFIG %s[%pK]:Send flush command to release read buffers held up in DSP 3%s: copy_frm_user for AUDIO_GET_STATS failed 3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_AMRNB_ENC_CONFIG_V2 failed 3%s:AUDIO_SET_AAC_ENC_CONFIG failed. rc=%d msm_aac%s: frame_length %d compatible_version %d bit_depth %d pb %d mb %d kb %d num_channels %d max_run %d max_frame_bytes %d avg_bit_rate %d sample_rate %d channel_layout_tag %d 3%s:copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_ALAC_CONFIG failed %s:AUDIO_START sessionid[%d]enable[%d] %s: APR_BASIC_RSP_RESULT Cmd[0x%x] Status[0x%x] %s: BASS_BOOST_MODULE 3%s: cmd 0x%x failed 3%s:AUDIO_GET_G711_ENC_CONFIG failed. Rc= %d %s:session id %d: sample_rate= 0x%x3%s:session id %d: media format block failed %s[%pK]:nr of frames 0x%8x len=%d %s[%pK} audio_aio_buf_add_compat3%s[%pK]:failed audio_in_write%s:session id %d: No buf available 3%s:AUDIO_SET_AMRNB_ENC_CONFIG_V2 failed rc= %d %s[%pK]: Calling compat ioctl 3wb+ T mode Open failed rc=%d msm_evrcmsm_evrc_%04x3%s: Invalid effects config module %s: VIRTUALIZER_MODULE 3%s:copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_WMA_CONFIG_V2 failed 3T mode Open failed rc=%d %s:session id %d: timemsw=%d lsw=%d inqueue empty %d audio_aio_flush%s[%pK]Wait for write done from DSP 3%s[%pK]: wait event for eos_rsp failed, rc = %d 3%s[%pK]:SIO interface not supported %s[%pK]:SET STREAM CONFIG %s[%pK]:session id %d: Get-buf-cfg: meta[%d] framesperbuf[%d] 3%s[%pK]:Unexpected path 3%s: Unknown ioctl cmd=%d %s: channels passed: %d msm_amrnb_%04x/buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/codecs/audio_amrnb.c3%s: NULL config pointer for %s msm_g711mlaw_in%s:session id %d: AUDIO_START enable[%d] 3%s[%pK]: flush cmd failed rc=%d 3%s[%pK]: wait event for list_empty failed, rc = %d register the read buffer %s:session id %d: AUDIO_PAUSE %s: session id %d: stop or flush %s:session id %d: Set-aac-cfg: stream=%d 3%s: Unknown ioctl cmd = %d 3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_AMRNB_ENC_CONFIG_V2_32 failed/buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/codecs/audio_g711mlaw.c3%s: audio client null to deinit pp %s: write buf len: %d, read buf len: %d 3%s: pcm stopped in_count 0 %s: AUDIO_SET_AAC_CONFIG: modify dual_mono mode =%d g711_in_ioctl_shared3%s:session id %d: invalid sample rate 3%s:session id %d: T mode Open failed rc=%d 3%s: Invalid index %d %s[%pK]:ASM_DATA_EVENT_READ_DONE token = 0x%x 3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_STATS_32 failed %s: unknown audio event type = %d rc = %ld3%s NULL pointer audio=[0x%pK], buf_node=[0x%pK] %s[%pK]: Send write buff %pK phy %pK len %d meta_enable = %d 3%s[%pK]:lookup (%pK, %ld) failed msm_aac_in%s:session id %d: Rxed AUDIO_STOP %s:session id %d: Get-aac-cfg: format=%d sr=%d bitrate=%d 3audio_amrwbplus Not supported mode &audio_evrc_ws_mgr.ws_lock/buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/codecs/audio_evrc.c3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_G711_DEC_CONFIG_32 failed 3%s: %d mode is not supported 3%s:AUDIO_SET_AAC_CONFIG failed. Rc= %d 3%s: Invalid param for %s g711_in_open%s[%pK]:ASM_DATA_EVENT_WRITE_DONE token = 0x%x 4%s: ignore unexpected event from dsp %s[%pK]: AUDIO_FLUSH sessionid[%d] audio_aio_buf_addaudio_in_pause3%s: NULL config pointer %s 3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_GET_AAC_ENC_CONFIG_32 failed msm_hweffects3Audio Start procedure failed rc=%d evrc_in_ioctl3%s:session id %d: buffer allocation failed %s:session id %d: uflags=0x%8x uid=0x%8x %s[%pK]:ASM_DATA_CMDRSP_EOS %s[%pK]: send eos on o/p buffer during flush %s[%pK]: inbytes[%d] insamples[%d] 3%s[%pK]:Audio Stop procedure failed rc=%d 3%s[%pK]:AUDIO_FLUSH interrupted 3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_STREAM_CONFIG failed 3%s: Copy to user failed 3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_AMRWBPLUS_CONFIG_V2_32 failed %s: AUDIO_START success enable[%d] 6%s: AUDIO_START sessionid[%d]enable[%d] audio_open3%s:AUDIO_SET_G711_ENC_CONFIG failed. rc= %d /buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/codecs/q6audio_v2_aio.caudio_aio_fsync3In SSR, post ENETRESET err 3%s:session id %d: pause cmd failed rc=%d aac_in_openAUDIO_SET_AAC_ENC_CONFIG/buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/codecs/aac_in.c/buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/codecs/amrwb_in.c3%s: Invalid config pointer 3%s: wb+ config invalid parameters msm_g711mlaw3%s: Failed in audio_aio_ioctl: %d cmd=%d %s: Payload = [0x%x] stat[0x%x] %s: enc: sample_rate: %d, num_channels: %d %s: Calling shared ioctl /buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/codecs/audio_qcelp.c%s[%pK]: AUDIO_START session_id[%d] 3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_EVRC_ENC_CONFIG_32 failed 3%s:AUDIO_SET_QCELP_ENC_CONFIG failed. Rc= %d %s:session id %d: AUDIO_STOP 3%s[%pK]: pause FAILED rc=%d 3%s:session id %d: Not sufficient permission to change the record mode %s:session id %d: offset=%d nr of frames= %d %s:sbr_ps_flag = %d, sbr_flag = %d 3%s: ERROR: invalid sample rate = %u6%s: AMRWB dec success mode[%d]session[%d] /buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/codecs/audio_ape.c%s: debugfs_create_file failed 3%s: setting channel map failed %d audio_effects_shared_ioctl3%s: pcm write format block config failed 3%s: AUDIO_EFFECTS_WRITE: Buffer dropped %s, AUDIO_SET_AAC_MIX_CONFIG /buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/codecs/audio_wma.cmsm_wmapro_%04x3%s:session id %d: media format block failed rc=%d 3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_G711_ENC_CONFIG_32 failed 6%s:session id %d: NT mode encoder success 3%s:session id %d: Audio Start procedure failed rc=%d 3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_QCELP_ENC_CONFIG_32 failed 3%s:session id %d: ASM_SESSION_EVENT_TX_OVERFLOW /buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/codecs/audio_utils_aio.caudio_aio_async_out_flushaudio_aio_disable3%s[%pK]: q6asm_cmd failed, rc = %daudio_aio_process_event_req_compat%s[%pK]:AUDIO_REGISTER_ION audio_aio_ion_remove3%s[%pK]:region (vaddr %pK len %ld) clashes with registered region (vaddr %pK paddr %pK len %ld) audio_aio_buf_add_sharedaudio_aio_shared_ioctl%s:session id %d: Set-buf-cfg: meta[%d] framesperbuf[%d] 3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_BUG_CFG_32 failed%s: AUDIO_SET_AAC_CONFIG %s, AUDIO_SET_AAC_MIX_CONFIG3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_AAC_CONFIG failed 3%s: Unknown ioctl cmd = %d/buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/codecs/qcelp_in.cextract_meta_out_info3%s[%pK]: pause cmd failed rc=%d 3%s[%pK]: invalid ws_mgr or miscdevice3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_CONFIG failed 6%s:session id %d: eos %d at output AUDIO_SET_AAC_CONFIG3%s: ERROR in setting samplerate = %d 3%s:AUDIO_SET_AAC_ENC_CONFIG_32 failed. rc=%d amrnb_in_ioctl3%s[%pK]:Failed in utils_ioctl: %d 3amrwbplus NT mode Open failed rc=%d 3q6asm_media_format_block_amrwb+ failed... 3%s: invalid data to handle events, payload: %pK, priv: %pK 3%s: copy to user for AUDIO_EFFECTS_GET_NUM_BUF_AVAIL failed 3%s: pcm read block config failed msm_multi_aac6%s:wmadec success mode[%d]session[%d] 3%s:copy_to_user for AUDIO_SET_WMA_CONFIG_V2 failed &audio_wmapro_ws_mgr.ws_lock3%s:AUDIO_START failed: sample_rate = %d 3%s:session id %d: buffer allocation failed rc=%d qcelp_in_compat_ioctl%s:session id %d: opcode[0x%x] %s[%pK]: ASM_DATA_EVENT_SR_CM_CHANGE_NOTIFY, sr(prev) = %d, chl(prev) = %d,%s 3%s: audio_aio_ion_check failed audio_aio_process_event_req%s:session id %d: in_bytes %d 3%s: copy_from_user for AUDIO_SET_STREAM_CONFIG_32 failed %s:session id %d: read: %zd bytes audio_effects_ioctl&audio_qcelp_ws_mgr.ws_lock3Failed in utils_ioctl: %d &audio->write_lock6%s:session id %d: T mode encoder success %s:session id %d: default buf alloc[%d] 3%s:session id %d: invalid min bitrate native_dlkm3%s:AUDIO_SET_QCELP_ENC_CONFIG failed. rc= %d %s:received RESET EVENTS 4%s unexpected ack from dsp %s[%pK]:o/p: msw_ts %d lsw_ts %d nflags 0x%8x, num_frames = %d rflush %d 3%s[%pK}: pause cmd failed rc=%d 3%s: copy_to_user for AUDIO_GET_STREAM_CONFIG_32 failed audio_aio_ion_lookup_vaddr%s[%pK]:posted AUDIO_EVENT_READ_DONE to user %s[%pK]:AUDIO_PM_RELAX %s:session id %d: enabled[%d] /buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/codecs/audio_utils.c3%s:session id %d: short read data[%pK] bytesavail[%d]bytesrequest[%zd] 3%s:audio[%pK]: Could not allocate memory for audio client 6%s:amrnb decoder open success, session_id = %d /buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-floral-4.14-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/techpack/audio/dsp/codecs/audio_amrwb.c3%s: wb+ Get config v2 invalid parameters %s:apedec success mode[%d]session[%d] &effects->read_wait3%s: pcm stopped out_count 0 %s: SA PLUS VOLUME_MODULE 3%s:AUDIO_SET_AAC_CONFIG failed. rc= %d 3%s: audio_aio_open rc=%d 3NT mode Open failed rc=%d 3Not supported mode evrc_in_compat_ioctl%s:session id %d: min_bit_rate= 0x%x max_bit_rate=0x%x @9qCT_ ^WO{@9** 7(R(rk,TR(rkTR(rkT(R(rkT2a2R(rkTR(rkTHR(rkT*-hR@@!2h:`@9(7`2`22hiJi9`"22@9(7{COBWAD^__hR@@*hR@@*^WO{**@9*(7@97@9(7@97"q T*ahR@&@@@*hR@C)@hR@"@*@@hR@@@"qT&@iN5a(@(@&@a"(LO)[ k(T2h`22{BOAWè^__h؍ahm TXhhT҈$ȇhV T҈$ȇhVT4覧(D@TϏHzHAT( ȓBT_֨hm(THaȓH_m ThaȓH_@T(җҨ Z T[haT{q҈ȺHZ T1(=((`Tb҈ַT~҈`Hȯ, T؍ahm Th3(rȮTYhh TҨT( ȓcT{ȼhm( Th0 Thq҈ȺHZ TЁҨ(i T-(~҈`Hȯ T(̢h T( ȓ]T?( ȓ T6/( ȓT(!( ȓiT( ȓ T?TA_^WO{@9**H7貁R(rkTHRrh qT2(!Ț)҉ TRMRrh  qTR(rkaT**{BOAWè^__@96***C^O{ )@겁R*r* kThR(rkLT{R(rkTR(rk T)R)r* k T R)r k T)R)r kT )@9 7*R(rk TR(rkT@97@97@C2h& @yi"C^]C])/CaIR)r k TR(rk! 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n.descriptor.427audio_open.descriptor.471audio_open.descriptor.516audio_open.descriptor.549audio_open.descriptor.600audio_open.descriptor.714audio_open.descriptor.748audio_open.descriptor.805audio_open.descriptor.837audio_open.descriptor.882audio_qcelp_debug_fopsaudio_qcelp_fopsaudio_qcelp_init.__keyaudio_qcelp_miscaudio_qcelp_ws_mgraudio_wma_debug_fopsaudio_wma_fopsaudio_wma_init.__keyaudio_wma_miscaudio_wma_ws_mgraudio_wmapro_debug_fopsaudio_wmapro_fopsaudio_wmapro_init.__keyaudio_wmapro_miscaudio_wmapro_ws_mgrconfig_debug_fs.descriptorevrc_in_compat_ioctlevrc_in_compat_ioctl.cfievrc_in_ioctlevrc_in_ioctl.cfievrc_in_ioctl_sharedevrc_in_ioctl_shared.descriptorevrc_in_ioctl_shared.descriptor.30evrc_in_ioctl_shared.descriptor.33evrc_in_ioctl_shared.descriptor.35evrc_in_ioctl_shared.descriptor.42evrc_in_openevrc_in_open.__keyevrc_in_open.__key.2evrc_in_open.__key.4evrc_in_open.__key.6evrc_in_open.__key.8evrc_in_open.cfiextract_meta_out_info.descriptorextract_meta_out_info.descriptor.21extract_meta_out_info.descriptor.23g711_channel_map.descriptorg711_channel_map.descriptor.611g711_in_compat_ioctlg711_in_compat_ioctl.1019g711_in_compat_ioctl.1019.cfig711_in_compat_ioctl.cfig711_in_ioctlg711_in_ioctl.1020g711_in_ioctl.1020.cfig711_in_ioctl.cfig711_in_ioctl_sharedg711_in_ioctl_shared.1022g711_in_ioctl_shared.descriptorg711_in_ioctl_shared.descriptor.1028g711_in_ioctl_shared.descriptor.24g711_in_ioctl_shared.descriptor.24.1032g711_in_ioctl_shared.descriptor.28g711_in_ioctl_shared.descriptor.28.1036g711_in_ioctl_shared.descriptor.31g711_in_ioctl_shared.descriptor.31.1039g711_in_ioctl_shared.descriptor.33g711_in_ioctl_shared.descriptor.33.1041g711_in_ioctl_shared.descriptor.38g711_in_ioctl_shared.descriptor.38.1046g711_in_openg711_in_open.1003g711_in_open.1003.cfig711_in_open.__keyg711_in_open.__key.1005g711_in_open.__key.2g711_in_open.__key.2.1007g711_in_open.__key.4g711_in_open.__key.4.1009g711_in_open.__key.6g711_in_open.__key.6.1011g711_in_open.__key.8g711_in_open.__key.8.1013g711_in_open.cfiinsert_eos_buf.descriptorq6_audio_cb.descriptorq6_audio_cb.descriptor.4q6asm_in_cb.descriptorq6asm_in_cb.descriptor.5q6asm_in_cb.descriptor.7qcelp_in_compat_ioctlqcelp_in_compat_ioctl.cfiqcelp_in_ioctlqcelp_in_ioctl.cfiqcelp_in_ioctl_sharedqcelp_in_ioctl_shared.descriptorqcelp_in_ioctl_shared.descriptor.30qcelp_in_ioctl_shared.descriptor.33qcelp_in_ioctl_shared.descriptor.35qcelp_in_ioctl_shared.descriptor.41qcelp_in_openqcelp_in_open.__keyqcelp_in_open.__key.2qcelp_in_open.__key.4qcelp_in_open.__key.6qcelp_in_open.__key.8qcelp_in_open.cfiq6asm_in_cb__dynamic_pr_debug_raw_spin_lock_irqsaveaudio_in_get_dsp_frames__wake_upprintkq6asm_get_buf_index_from_token_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore__cfi_check_fail__cfi_checkq6_audio_cbaudio_aio_cbaudio_aio_async_write_ackaudio_aio_async_read_ackaudio_aio_post_eventmemsetextract_meta_out_infomemcpyinsert_eos_bufkfree__list_del_entry_validaudio_aio_debug_openaudio_aio_debug_readmutex_lockscnprintfmutex_unlocksimple_read_from_bufferaudio_aio_async_out_flushaudio_aio_async_in_flushaudio_aio_enableq6asm_runaudio_aio_disableq6asm_cmd___ratelimitaudio_aio_reset_ion_regionmsm_audio_ion_freeaudio_aio_reset_event_queueunregister_volume_listenerenable_volume_rampaudio_aio_releasepm_relax__cfi_slowpathq6asm_audio_client_freedebugfs_removeaudio_aio_fsyncinit_wait_entryprepare_to_wait_eventschedulefinish_waitaudio_aio_ioport_resetaudio_aio_openq6asm_set_io_mode__mutex_init__init_waitqueue_headq6asm_memory_unmapkmem_cache_alloc_trace__list_add_validq6asm_get_session_timemutex_trylockpm_stay_awake__arch_copy_to_userschedule_timeout__msecs_to_jiffiesq6asm_async_writeq6asm_async_read__arch_copy_from_usermsm_audio_ion_importq6asm_memory_mapkmalloc_cachesaudio_in_enableaudio_in_disableaudio_in_buf_allocq6asm_audio_client_buf_allocaudio_in_set_configaudio_in_ioctlaudio_in_compat_ioctlaudio_in_readq6asm_is_cpu_buf_availq6asm_readaudio_in_writeq6asm_writeaudio_in_release__check_object_sizeinit_modulecleanup_moduleaac_in_initamrnb_in_initamrwb_in_initaudio_aac_initaudio_alac_initaudio_amrnb_initaudio_amrwb_initaudio_amrwbplus_initaudio_ape_initaudio_evrc_initaudio_g711alaw_initaudio_g711mlaw_initaudio_effects_initaudio_mp3_initaudio_multiaac_initaudio_qcelp_initaudio_wma_initaudio_wmapro_initevrc_in_initg711alaw_in_initg711mlaw_in_initqcelp_in_initaac_in_exitamrnb_in_exitamrwb_in_exitaudio_aac_exitaudio_alac_exitaudio_amrnb_exitaudio_amrwb_exitaudio_amrwbplus_exitaudio_ape_exitaudio_evrc_exitaudio_g711alaw_exitaudio_g711mlaw_exitaudio_effects_exitaudio_mp3_exitaudio_multiaac_exitaudio_qcelp_exitaudio_wma_exitaudio_wmapro_exitevrc_in_exitg711alaw_in_exitg711mlaw_in_exitqcelp_in_exitmisc_registermisc_deregisterq6asm_audio_client_allocq6asm_open_read_writeq6asm_open_readq6asm_reg_tx_overflowq6asm_enc_cfg_blk_aacq6asm_media_format_block_pcmaudio_aac_in_misc__this_moduleq6asm_enc_cfg_blk_amrnbaudio_amrnb_in_miscq6asm_enc_cfg_blk_amrwbaudio_amrwb_in_miscdevice_init_wakeupq6asm_enc_cfg_blk_pcmq6asm_enable_sbrpsq6asm_med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