/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "libpixelpowerstats" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "RailDataProvider.h" namespace android { namespace hardware { namespace google { namespace pixel { namespace powerstats { #define MAX_FILE_PATH_LEN 128 #define MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LEN 64 #define MAX_QUEUE_SIZE 8192 constexpr char kIioDirRoot[] = "/sys/bus/iio/devices/"; constexpr char kDeviceName[] = "microchip,pac1934"; constexpr char kDeviceType[] = "iio:device"; constexpr uint32_t MAX_SAMPLING_RATE = 10; constexpr uint64_t WRITE_TIMEOUT_NS = 1000000000; void RailDataProvider::findIioPowerMonitorNodes() { struct dirent *ent; int fd; char devName[MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LEN]; char filePath[MAX_FILE_PATH_LEN]; DIR *iioDir = opendir(kIioDirRoot); if (!iioDir) { ALOGE("Error opening directory: %s, error: %d", kIioDirRoot, errno); return; } while (ent = readdir(iioDir), ent) { if (strcmp(ent->d_name, ".") != 0 && strcmp(ent->d_name, "..") != 0 && strlen(ent->d_name) > strlen(kDeviceType) && strncmp(ent->d_name, kDeviceType, strlen(kDeviceType)) == 0) { snprintf(filePath, MAX_FILE_PATH_LEN, "%s/%s", ent->d_name, "name"); fd = openat(dirfd(iioDir), filePath, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { ALOGW("Failed to open directory: %s, error: %d", filePath, errno); continue; } if (read(fd, devName, MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LEN) < 0) { ALOGW("Failed to read device name from file: %s(%d)", filePath, fd); close(fd); continue; } if (strncmp(devName, kDeviceName, strlen(kDeviceName)) == 0) { snprintf(filePath, MAX_FILE_PATH_LEN, "%s/%s", kIioDirRoot, ent->d_name); mOdpm.devicePaths.push_back(filePath); } close(fd); } } closedir(iioDir); return; } size_t RailDataProvider::parsePowerRails() { std::string data; std::string railFileName; std::string spsFileName; uint32_t index = 0; uint32_t samplingRate; for (const auto &path : mOdpm.devicePaths) { railFileName = path + "/enabled_rails"; spsFileName = path + "/sampling_rate"; if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(spsFileName, &data)) { ALOGW("Error reading file: %s", spsFileName.c_str()); continue; } samplingRate = strtoul(data.c_str(), NULL, 10); if (!samplingRate || samplingRate == ULONG_MAX) { ALOGE("Error parsing: %s", spsFileName.c_str()); break; } if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(railFileName, &data)) { ALOGW("Error reading file: %s", railFileName.c_str()); continue; } std::istringstream railNames(data); std::string line; while (std::getline(railNames, line)) { std::vector words = android::base::Split(line, ":"); if (words.size() == 2) { mOdpm.railsInfo.emplace(words[0], RailData { .devicePath = path, .index = index, .subsysName = words[1], .samplingRate = samplingRate }); index++; } else { ALOGW("Unexpected format in file: %s", railFileName.c_str()); } } } return index; } int RailDataProvider::parseIioEnergyNode(std::string devName) { int ret = 0; std::string data; std::string fileName = devName + "/energy_value"; if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(fileName, &data)) { ALOGE("Error reading file: %s", fileName.c_str()); return -1; } std::istringstream energyData(data); std::string line; uint64_t timestamp = 0; bool timestampRead = false; while (std::getline(energyData, line)) { std::vector words = android::base::Split(line, ","); if (timestampRead == false) { if (words.size() == 1) { timestamp = strtoull(words[0].c_str(), NULL, 10); if (timestamp == 0 || timestamp == ULLONG_MAX) { ALOGW("Potentially wrong timestamp: %" PRIu64, timestamp); } timestampRead = true; } } else if (words.size() == 2) { std::string railName = words[0]; if (mOdpm.railsInfo.count(railName) != 0) { size_t index = mOdpm.railsInfo[railName].index; mOdpm.reading[index].index = index; mOdpm.reading[index].timestamp = timestamp; mOdpm.reading[index].energy = strtoull(words[1].c_str(), NULL, 10); if (mOdpm.reading[index].energy == ULLONG_MAX) { ALOGW("Potentially wrong energy value: %" PRIu64, mOdpm.reading[index].energy); } } } else { ALOGW("Unexpected format in file: %s", fileName.c_str()); ret = -1; break; } } return ret; } Status RailDataProvider::parseIioEnergyNodes() { Status ret = Status::SUCCESS; if (mOdpm.hwEnabled == false) { return Status::NOT_SUPPORTED; } for (const auto &devicePath : mOdpm.devicePaths) { if(parseIioEnergyNode(devicePath) < 0) { ALOGE("Error in parsing power stats"); ret = Status::FILESYSTEM_ERROR; break; } } return ret; } RailDataProvider::RailDataProvider() { findIioPowerMonitorNodes(); size_t numRails = parsePowerRails(); if (mOdpm.devicePaths.empty() || numRails == 0) { mOdpm.hwEnabled = false; } else { mOdpm.hwEnabled = true; mOdpm.reading.resize(numRails); } } Return RailDataProvider::getRailInfo(IPowerStats::getRailInfo_cb _hidl_cb) { hidl_vec rInfo; Status ret = Status::SUCCESS; size_t index; std::lock_guard _lock(mOdpm.mLock); if (mOdpm.hwEnabled == false) { ALOGI("getRailInfo not supported"); _hidl_cb(rInfo, Status::NOT_SUPPORTED); return Void(); } rInfo.resize(mOdpm.railsInfo.size()); for (const auto& railData : mOdpm.railsInfo) { index = railData.second.index; rInfo[index].railName = railData.first; rInfo[index].subsysName = railData.second.subsysName; rInfo[index].index = index; rInfo[index].samplingRate = railData.second.samplingRate; } _hidl_cb(rInfo, ret); return Void(); } Return RailDataProvider::getEnergyData(const hidl_vec& railIndices, IPowerStats::getEnergyData_cb _hidl_cb) { hidl_vec eVal; std::lock_guard _lock(mOdpm.mLock); Status ret = parseIioEnergyNodes(); if (ret != Status::SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to getEnergyData"); _hidl_cb(eVal, ret); return Void(); } if (railIndices.size() == 0) { eVal.resize(mOdpm.railsInfo.size()); memcpy(&eVal[0], &mOdpm.reading[0], mOdpm.reading.size() * sizeof(EnergyData)); } else { eVal.resize(railIndices.size()); int i = 0; for (const auto &railIndex : railIndices) { if (railIndex >= mOdpm.reading.size()) { ret = Status::INVALID_INPUT; eVal.resize(0); break; } memcpy(&eVal[i], &mOdpm.reading[railIndex], sizeof(EnergyData)); i++; } } _hidl_cb(eVal, ret); return Void(); } Return RailDataProvider::streamEnergyData(uint32_t timeMs, uint32_t samplingRate, IPowerStats::streamEnergyData_cb _hidl_cb) { std::lock_guard _lock(mOdpm.mLock); if (mOdpm.fmqSynchronized != nullptr) { _hidl_cb(MessageQueueSync::Descriptor(), 0, 0, Status::INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES); return Void(); } uint32_t sps = std::min(samplingRate, MAX_SAMPLING_RATE); uint32_t numSamples = timeMs * sps / 1000; mOdpm.fmqSynchronized.reset(new (std::nothrow) MessageQueueSync(MAX_QUEUE_SIZE, true)); if (mOdpm.fmqSynchronized == nullptr || mOdpm.fmqSynchronized->isValid() == false) { mOdpm.fmqSynchronized = nullptr; _hidl_cb(MessageQueueSync::Descriptor(), 0, 0, Status::INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES); return Void(); } std::thread pollThread = std::thread([this, sps, numSamples]() { uint64_t sleepTimeUs = 1000000/sps; uint32_t currSamples = 0; while (currSamples < numSamples) { mOdpm.mLock.lock(); if (parseIioEnergyNodes() == Status::SUCCESS) { mOdpm.fmqSynchronized->writeBlocking(&mOdpm.reading[0], mOdpm.reading.size(), WRITE_TIMEOUT_NS); mOdpm.mLock.unlock(); currSamples++; if (usleep(sleepTimeUs) < 0) { ALOGW("Sleep interrupted"); break; } } else { mOdpm.mLock.unlock(); break; } } mOdpm.mLock.lock(); mOdpm.fmqSynchronized = nullptr; mOdpm.mLock.unlock(); return; }); pollThread.detach(); _hidl_cb(*(mOdpm.fmqSynchronized)->getDesc(), numSamples, mOdpm.reading.size(), Status::SUCCESS); return Void(); } } // namespace powerstats } // namespace pixel } // namespace google } // namespace hardware } // namespace android