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Assuming no device connected. %s: Attempting to reflash the firmware. Boot status = 0x%02X %s: device is not in bootloader mode! %s: power enable %s: Heatmap probe failed %s: request_irq = %d %s: Unable to request threaded irq %s: msm_drm_register_client failed. ret = 0x%08X sec%s: done %s: failed(%d) sec,tsp-icid_gpio%s: TSP_ICID : %d sec_ts_parse_dtsec,icid_match_value%s: Failed to get icid match value %s: Do not match TSP_ICID %s: Failed to get tsp-icid gpio sec,tsp_vsync_gpio%s: vsync %s disableenablesec,irq_gpiosec,tsp_int%s: Unable to request tsp_int [%d] %s: Failed to get irq gpio sec,irq_type%s: Failed to get irq_type property sec,i2c-burstmax%s: Failed to get i2c_burstmax property %s: i2c_burstmax is larger than i2c_read_buf and/or i2c_write_buf. sec,max_coords%s: Failed to get max_coords property sec,pat_function%s: Failed to get pat_function property sec,afe_base%s: Failed to get afe_base property sec,tsp-id_gpio%s: TSP_ID : %d %s: Failed to get tsp-id gpio sec,switch_gpiosec,touch_i2c_switch%s: Failed to request gpio %d %s: Failed to set gpio %d direction %s: Failed to get switch_gpio sec,reset_gpiosec,touch_reset_gpio%s: Failed to request gpio %d, ret %d %s: Failed to get reset_gpio sec,firmware_namesec,project_name%s: skipped to get project_name property %s: skipped to get model_name property %s: lcdtype 0x%08X sec,regulator_dvdd%s: Failed to get regulator_dvdd name property sec,regulator_avdd%s: Failed to get regulator_avdd name property sec,always_lpmodesec,bringupsec,mis_cal_checksec,regulator_boot_onsec,support_sidegesturesupport_dex_mode%s: i2c buffer limit: %d, lcd_id:%06X, bringup:%d, FW:%s(%d), id:%d,%d, pat_function:%d mis_cal:%d dex:%d, gesture:%d %s: fac_nv:%02X, cal_count:%02X sec_ts_read_info_work%s: tune_fix_ver [%04X] %s: left: %d, center: %d, right: %d %s: %02X %02X %02X %02X sec_ts_suspend_work%s: already suspended. %s: failed to write Sense_off. %s: toggling i2c switch to %s sec_set_switch_gpioAPSLPI%s: Failed to toggle switch_gpio, err = %d sec_ts_resume_work%s: already resumed. %s: reset failed! ret %d %s: Failed to send touch function command.%s: set dex mode. %s: failed to set dex mode %x. %s: set brush mode. %s: failed to set brush mode. %s: set 16:9 mode. %s: failed to set 16:9 mode. %s: failed to write Sense_on. &x->wait%s: Beginning firmware update after probe. sec_ts_fw_update_work%s: firmware update was unsuccessful. %s: fail to sec_ts_fw_init 0x%x %s: fail to read custom library command sec_ts_read_from_customlib%s: Failed to get %s regulator. sec_ts_power%s: Failed to enable avdd: %d %s: Failed to enable vdd: %d %s: %s: avdd:%s, dvdd:%s onoff%s: failed to read device ID(%d) sec_ts_fw_init%s: TOUCH DEVICE ID : %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X %s: failed to integrity check (%d) %s: invalid integrity result (0x%x) %s: failed to touch status(%d) %s: TOUCH STATUS : %02X || %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X %s: fail to read information 0x%x %s: Failed to send touch func_mode command%s: fail to write Sense_on 0x%x sec_touchpadsec_touchscreen%s: Unable to register %s input device 0x%x %s/input1sec_ts_input_opensec_ts_input_close%s: i2c read failed, sec_ts_i2c_read returned %i read_heatmap_rawUnexpected heatmap size: %i x %iInvalid x or y: (%i, %i), value=%i, ending loop %s: Skipping stray interrupt since bus is suspended(power_status: %d) sec_ts_irq_thread%s: LPM: pm resume is not handled sec_ts_read_event%s: LPM: -ERESTARTSYS if interrupted, %d %s: run LPM interrupt handler, %d %s: i2c read one event failed ONE: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %s: event buffer is empty %s: event buffer overflow ALL: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %s: STATUS %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %s: IC Event Queue is full %s: ESD detected. run reset %s: water wet mode %d %s: PRESSURE[%d] %s: device is closed %s: fail to read max_pressure data %s: do not support coordinate action(%d) %s: do not support coordinate type(%d) %s: tid(%d) is out of range %s: fail to read custom library data %s: Custom Library, %x, %x, %x %s: aod: %d %s: SPAY: %d %s: unknown event %x %x %x %x %x %x %s[P] tID:%d x:%d y:%d z:%d major:%d minor:%d tc:%d type:%X %s[R] tID:%d mc:%d tc:%d lx:%d ly:%d f:%d v:%02X%02X cal:%02X(%02X) id(%d,%d) p:%d P%02XT%04X %s : charger=0x%x, Cover=0x%x, Power mode=0x%x sec_ts_reinit%s: Failed to send command(0x%x)%s: Failed to write offset %s: Failed to send notify %s: enter. sec_ts_screen_state_chg_callback%s: Bad screen state change notifier call. %s: MSM_DRM_BLANK_POWERDOWN. %s: MSM_DRM_BLANK_UNBLANK. sec_ts_remove%s: irq disabled sec_ts_shutdown%s %s[sec_input]%s: invalid gpio %d sec_ts_hw_reset%s: write fail, sw_reset sec_ts_sw_reset%s: time out %s: sw_reset %s: write fail, Sense_on sec_ts_system_reset%s: sw_reset time out! %s: sw_reset done %s: reset gpio is unavailable! %s: sw_reset failed or time out, try hw_reset to recover! %s: hw_reset failed %s: hw_reset time out %s: hw_reset done %stsp_sec/s6smc41_blupdate_img_REL.bin%s: initial bl update %s sec_ts_firmware_update_bl%s: bt is not available %s: request bt done! size = %d ޭ%s: bl update command send fail! sec_ts_bl_update%s: read bl update status fail! %s: write passwd fail! %s: bl update completed! %s: bl updated but bl version not matching, ver=%02X %s: bringup. do not update sec_ts_firmware_update_on_probe%s: initial firmware update %s, cal:%X %s: firmware is not available %s: request firmware done! size = %d %s: run forced f/w update and excute autotune %s: skip - fw update & nv read %s: cal_count [%02X] %s: initialize nv as default value & excute autotune %s: tune_fix_ver [%04X] afe_base [%04X] %s: Not support command[%d] sec_ts_firmware_update_on_hidden_menu%s: firmware mode failed sec_ts_firmware_update%s: bootloader is up to date %s: firmware update retry :%d %s: firmware header error = %08X %s: num_chunk : %d %s: [%d] 0x%08X, 0x%08X, 0x%08X, 0x%08X %s: firmware chunk error = %08X %s: firmware chunk write failed, addr=%08X, size = %d %s: cal_count(0x%02X) pat_function dt(%d) restore_cal(%d) magic_cal(%d) %s: RUN OFFSET CALIBRATION(0x%02X) %s: fail to write OFFSET CAL SEC! %s: fail to write PRESSURE CAL! %s: nvm write failed. ret: %d %s: cal_count = [%02X] %s: Image version read error %s: tune_fix_ver [%02X %02X] %s: DO NOT CALIBRATION(0x%02X) %s: read fail, read_boot_status = 0x%x %s: fw update sequence done, BUT read_boot_status = 0x%x %s: fw update Success! read_boot_status = 0x%x %s: read device id fail after bl fw download %s: bl fw download success - device id = %02X %s: bl fw id does not match - device id = %02X %s: write fail, enter_fw_mode sec_ts_enter_fw_mode%s: write ok, enter_fw_mode - 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x %s: read fail, read_boot_status %s: enter fail! read_boot_status = 0x%x %s: Success! read_boot_status = 0x%x %s: read id fail %s: read_boot_id = %02X%02X%02X %s: fw write failed sec_ts_chunk_update%s: vzalloc failed %s: fw verify fail %s: verify done(%d) %s: fw erase failed, mem_addr= %08X, pagenum = %d sec_ts_flashwrite%s: fw write failed, page_idx = %u %s: failed, ret:%d sec_ts_limited_flashpagewrite%s: failed to alloc. %s: failed to kmalloc sec_ts_memoryread%s: fw read fail mem_addr=%08X,unit_size=%d %s: mem size over 64K sec_ts_memoryblockread%s: send command failed, %02X %s: memory read failed %s: fail to read BootStatus sec_ts_check_firmware_version%s: ReadBootStatus = 0x%x, Firmware download Start! %s: fail to read ic version %s: do not matched version info %s: img_ver of bin = %x.%x.%x.%x sec_ts_save_version_of_bin%s: core_ver of bin = %x.%x.%x.%x %s: config_ver of bin = %x.%x.%x.%x sec_ts_save_version_of_ic%s: IC Image version info : %x.%x.%x.%x %s: core version read error %s: IC Core version info : %x.%x.%x.%x, %s: config version read error %s: IC config version info : %x.%x.%x.%x tsp_sec/sec_hero.fw%s: initial firmware update %s sec_ts_load_fw_from_bin/sdcard/Firmware/TSP/lsi.bin%s: failed to open %s. sec_ts_load_fw_from_ums%s: start, file path %s, size %ld Bytes %s: failed to read firmware file, nread %ld Bytes %s: firmware version %08X %s: parameter version %08X %s: failed update firmware ffu_tsp.bin%s: Load firmware : %s sec_ts_load_fw_from_ffu%s %s[sec_input]%s sec_ts_fix_tmodesec_ts_release_tmode%s: [ERROR] Touch is stopped sec_ts_read_raw_data%s: %d, %s ALL%s: failed to fix tmode %s: failed to read frame OK %d %dNG %d %d %3d, OK %d %d NG %d %d %3d,%3d%s: failed to release tmode FAILset_tsp_nvm_data_clear%s: nvm write failed. ret: %d %s: fail to write Sense_off get_tsp_nvm_data%s: SENSE OFF sec_touch/buildbot/src/partner-android/q-dev-msm-pixel-4.9-qt-qpr3/private/msm-google/drivers/input/touchscreen/sec_ts/sec_ts_fn.c%s: i2c write clear event failed %s: CLEAR EVENT STACK %s: nvm send command failed. ret: %d %s: offset:%u data:%02X %s: fail to write Sense_on %s: SENSE ON %s: offset:%u, length:%d, size:%d get_tsp_nvm_data_by_sizeset_pat_magic_number%s: %02X %s: P2P test start! execute_p2ptest%s: Send P2Ptest Mode cmd failed! %s: Send P2Ptest cmd failed! %s: P2Ptest execution time out! %s: P2P test done! %s: Self test start! execute_selftest%s: Send selftest cmd failed! %s: Selftest execution time out! %s: Self test done! c c%s sec_ts : cSIGcVERcSIZcCRCcREScCOUcPAScFAIcCHAcAMBcRXScTXScRXOcTXOcRXGcTXGcRXRcTXTcRXTcTXRc %2X, %2X, %2X, %2X %s: %d sec_ts_execute_force_calibration%s: Write Cal commend failed! %s: flag: %02X (clr,lan,nor,edg,han) set_grip_data_to_ic%s: 0x%02X %02X,%02X,%02X,%02X %s: 0x%02X %02X,%02X %s: 0x%02X %02X %s: Failed to sec_cmd_init sec_ts_fn_init%s: FTS Failed to create sysfs attributes input%s: Failed to create input symbolic link sec_ts_fn_remove%s: start (wet:%d)## sec_ts_run_rawdata_all%s: mutual %d : error ## ret:%d %s: mutual %d : Max/Min %d,%d ## %s: self %d : error ## ret:%d %s: self %d : Max/Min %d,%d ## %s: pressure cal data - Left: %d, Center: %d, Right: %d %s: failed to fix tmode. %s: ito : %02X %02X %02X %02X %s: done (wet:%d)## sec_ts_read_channel%s: Set rawdata type failed %s: set rawdata type failed! %s: read rawdata failed! %s: type : %d, specover = %d TX %02d +------ | RX %5dsec_ts_read_frame%s: Set powermode failed %s: type = %d, specover = %d sec_ts_print_frame TX %02d ----Rx%02d | %3dfw_updateget_fw_ver_binget_fw_ver_icget_config_verget_pat_informationset_external_factoryget_thresholdmodule_off_mastermodule_on_masterget_chip_vendorget_chip_nameset_mis_cal_specget_mis_cal_infoget_wet_modeget_x_numget_y_numget_x_cross_routingget_y_cross_routingget_checksum_datarun_reference_readrun_reference_read_allget_referencerun_rawcap_readrun_rawcap_read_allget_rawcaprun_rawcap_gap_read_allrun_delta_readrun_delta_read_allget_deltarun_rawdata_stdev_readrun_rawdata_p2p_read_allrun_rawdata_read_allrun_self_reference_readrun_self_reference_read_allrun_self_rawcap_readrun_self_rawcap_read_allrun_self_rawcap_gap_read_allrun_self_delta_readrun_self_delta_read_allrun_force_calibrationget_force_calibrationrun_force_pressure_calibrationset_pressure_test_moderun_pressure_filtered_strength_read_allrun_pressure_strength_read_allrun_pressure_rawdata_read_allrun_pressure_offset_read_allset_pressure_strengthset_pressure_rawdataset_pressure_data_indexget_pressure_strengthget_pressure_rawdataget_pressure_data_indexset_pressure_strength_clearget_pressure_thresholdset_pressure_user_levelget_pressure_user_levelrun_fs_cal_pre_pressrun_fs_cal_get_datarun_fs_cal_post_pressenable_fs_cal_tableenable_coordinate_reportenable_gain_limitrun_trx_short_testset_tsp_test_resultget_tsp_test_resultincrease_disassemble_countget_disassemble_countglove_modeclear_cover_modedead_zone_enabledrawing_test_enableset_lowpower_modeset_wirelesscharger_modespay_enableset_aod_rectget_aod_rectaod_enableset_grip_datadex_enablebrush_enableforce_touch_activeset_touchable_areaset_log_leveldebugnot_support_cmd%sTSP turned offNA%s: failed [%d] OK%s: success [%d] SE-V%02X.%02X.%02X%s: %s %s: firmware version read error NG%s_SE_%02X%02XP%02XT%04X%s: threshold write type failed. ret: %d %s: read threshold fail! 0x%02X, 0x%02X %dSECMC44A552Y661Y761N/A%s: [ERROR] not support, %d %s: tx gap=%d, rx gap=%d, peak=%d %s: i2c fail!, %d %s: miss cal data : %d %s: miss cal spec : %d,%d,%d %d,%d,%d,%dG935N93013,14%s: send get_checksum_cmd fail! SendCMDfail%s: read get_checksum result fail! ReadCSUMfail%s: checksum = %02X %02X%s: parameter error: %u, %u sec_ts_check_index%s: node = %d sec_ts_cm_spec_over_checkgapX TX gapY RX %s: Gap NG for %d node(s) gapXgapYsec_ts_read_frame_stdev%s: FrameAvg x 1000 %6d%s: FrameStd x 1000 %4d,sec_ts_read_frame_p2p%s: P2P test failed NG OK %s: already checking now %s: IC is power off OK NG %6d,%6d, sec_ts_cs_spec_over_check%s: Touch is stopped! NG_FINGER_ON%s: fail to write PRESSURE CAL! %s: mis_cal_check error[1] ret: %d %s: mis_cal_check error[2] ret: %d %s: try mis Cal. check %s: mis_cal_check error[3] ret: %d %s: mis_cal_check error[4] ret: %d %s: write to nvm cal_count(%2X) %s: Image version read error %s: write tune_ver to nvm (%2X %2X) %s: cal_count [%2X] tune_fix_ver [%04X] %s: count:%d WRITE FAILED%d,%d,%d%s: cmd write failed. ret: %d %s: [%d] : %d, %d, %d %s: parameter error: %u %s: nvm read failed. ret: %d %s: clear calibration result %s failed to allocate memory. ret: %d %s: set user level: %d %s: HIGH THD: %d %s: LOW THD: %d %s: initial sequence for fs cal %s: fail to disable gain limit %s: fail to fix tmode %s: fail to disable baselineAdapt %s: fail to disable df %s: fail to disable touch engine %s: ready to press %s: fs cal with stim pad %s: Parameter Error %s : FS mean = %d NG %d %d %d %s: fail to alloc diffTable, postcal mean = %d sec_ts_get_gain_table%s: node[%d,%d] == 0 %s: Gain Table sec_ts_write_gain_table%s: left = %d, cur = %d, size = %d %s: table write failed %s: fail to enable touch engine %s: fail to enable df %s: fail to enable baselineAdapt %s: fail to enable gain limit %s: fail to release tmode %s: fs cal table %s disableenable%s: cmd write failed %s: coordinate report %s %s: gain limit %s TSP_truned off%s: %d, %d, %d, %d, 0x%X %s: command (1)%X, (2)%X: %X %s: [0x%X][0x%X] M:%d, M:%d, A:%d, A:%d M:%s, M:%d, A:%s, A:%dNONEPASS%s: disassemble count is #1 %d %s: check disassemble count: %d %s: read disassemble count: %d %s: failed, retval = %d %s: start clear_cover_mode %s %s: failed to set deadzone %s: fail to enable w-charger status, POWER_STATUS=OFF %s: Failed to send command 74 %s: %s, status =%x wireless enablewireless disable%s: w:%d, h:%d, x:%d, y:%d %s: Failed to write offset %s: Failed to send notify %s: Failed to read rect %s: not support DeX mode %s: not support param %s: set DeX touch_pad mode%s & Iris mode[DeXI][DeX]%s: set touch mode %s: failed to set dex %smode iris %s: set brush mode %s %s: failed to set brush mode %s: set 16:9 mode %s %s: failed to set 16:9 mode %s: para out of range Para out of range%s: Read Event type enable status fail Read Stat Fail%s: STATUS_EVENT enable = 0x%02X, 0x%02X %s: Write Event type enable status fail Write Stat Fail%s: Write Vendor Event Level fail %s: ERROR : %d, INFO : %d, USER_INPUT : %d, INFO_CUSTOMLIB : %d, VENDOR_INFO : %d, VENDOR_EVENT_LEVEL : %d scrub_pos%s: scrub_id: %d, X:%d, Y:%d scrub_position_show%d %d %dito_check%s: %02X%02X%02X%02X read_ito_check_show%02X%02X%02X%02Xraw_check%d multi_countread_multi_count_show%s: clear clear_multi_count_storewet_mode%s: %d, %d read_wet_mode_showclear_wet_mode_storecomm_err_countread_comm_err_count_showclear_comm_err_count_storechecksumread_checksum_showclear_checksum_storeholding_time%s: %ld read_holding_time_show%ldclear_holding_time_storeall_touch_count%s: touch:%d, force:%d, aod:%d, spay:%d read_all_touch_count_show"TTCN":"%d","TFCN":"%d","TACN":"%d","TSCN":"%d"clear_all_touch_count_storez_value%s: max:%d, min:%d, avg:%d read_z_value_show"TMXZ":"%d","TMNZ":"%d","TAVZ":"%d""TMXZ":"%d","TMNZ":"%d"clear_z_value_storemodule_idread_module_id_showSE%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02XvendorLSI_%spressure_enableget_lp_dumpNG, Failed to read rectFailed to Custom Library LP log %d NG, Failed to Custom Library LP log, current_index=%d%s: DEBUG current_index = %d NG, Failed to read rect, addr=%d%d: %04x%04x%04x%04x force_recal_countget_force_recal_count%s: Failed to read fw_versionSE-V%02X.%02X.%02X status%s: failed to read boot status(%d) status_showBOOT STATUS: 0x%02X %s: failed to touch status(%d) TOUCH STATUS: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X %s: failed to read touch functions(%d) Functions: 0x%02X, 0x%02X %s: type change to %02X read_pressure_data%s: Left: %d, Center: %d, Rignt: %d sec_ts_read_gain_table%s: gain table is %s On.Off.sec_ts%s %s[sec_input]%s: fail - device_create sec_ts_raw_device_init%s: fail - sysfs_create_group %s: fail sec_ts_reg%s: Power off state sec_ts_reg_store%s: 0x%x, 0x%x, size %d sec_ts_regreadsizesec_ts_enter_recovery%s: failed to read:%d sec_ts_enter_recovery_store%s: gpio free sec,tsp_int%s: gpio request one %s: Unable to request tsp_int [%d]: %d %s: Failed to get irq gpio %s: Unable to request tsp_int [%d] %s: fail to write AFE_CAL sec_ts_regreadsec_ts_regread_show%s: i2c read %x command, remain =%d %s: lv1_readsize = %d sec_ts_gesture_status%s: GESTURE STATUS %x %x %x %x %x %x sec_ts_gesture_status_showdescription=Samsung factory commandlicense=GPLauthor=Hyobae, Ahndescription=Samsung Electronics TouchScreen driverlicense=GPLvermagic=4.9.210-g28c696160049-ab6386370 SMP preempt mod_unload modversions aarch64intree=Ydepends=heatmapget_tsp_statussec_ts_set_chargersec_ts_glove_mode_enablessec_ts_set_cover_typesec_ts_firmware_update_on_hidden_menu   A@A3_module_layoutflush_worko<disable_irqӅ3-system_wqO<0\i2c_master_sendvSkmalloc_caches地__kmallocmsleep[Aof_property_read_string_helperJtbn_request_bus1ztbn_release_bus4strchr`Ϙstrlen57C__alloc_workqueue_key!'disable_irq_nosync<i2c_del_driverJregulator_disableBpinctrl_select_stateG?'i2c_transferLvnpm_qos_add_requestmdevm_pinctrl_geth2pm_qos_remove_requestV!input_mt_destroy_slotsgpio_to_desckdelayed_work_timer_fn~cancel_work_sync|ktime_get&ԱD__dynamic_pr_debug0>device_destroyfilp_close)?@gpio_request_one__const_udelay" ^init_timer_keyGgdcancel_delayed_work_sync\l~mutex_unlockvfreeʚpinctrl_lookup_stateGVrmsysfs_remove_groupinput_set_abs_params8Mcomplete_all@(irq_set_irq_wakeinput_event@__init_waitqueue_headcstrlcat vfs_read֢kstrtoulldmemsetdev_err@+.strncat:__mutex_initXUprintkeheatmap_probeӠ$sysfs_create_groupBof_find_property8ǣof_property_read_stringfstrncpyZstrncmp[input_set_capability/ mutex_lock 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