/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "CameraConfiguration.h" #define LOG_TAG "CameraConfiguration" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace cuttlefish { namespace { ////////////////////// Device Personality keys ////////////////////// // // **** Camera **** // // Example segment (transcribed to constants): // // kCameraDefinitionsKey: [ // { // kCameraDefinitionOrientationKey: "front", // kCameraDefinitionHalVersionKey: "1", // kCameraDefinitionResolutionsKey: [ // { // kCameraDefinitionResolutionWidthKey: "1600", // kCameraDefinitionResolutionHeightKey: "1200", // }, // { // kCameraDefinitionResolutionWidthKey: "1280", // kCameraDefinitionResolutionHeightKey: "800", // } // ] // }, // { // kCameraDefinitionOrientationKey: "back", // kCameraDefinitionHalVersionKey: "1", // kCameraDefinitionResolutionsKey: [ // { // kCameraDefinitionResolutionWidthKey: "1024", // kCameraDefinitionResolutionHeightKey: "768", // }, // { // kCameraDefinitionResolutionWidthKey: "800", // kCameraDefinitionResolutionHeightKey: "600", // } // ] // } // ] // // Location of the camera configuration files. const char* const kConfigurationFileLocation = "/vendor/etc/config/camera.json"; // // Array of camera definitions for all cameras available on the device (array). // Top Level Key. const char* const kCameraDefinitionsKey = "camera_definitions"; // Camera orientation of currently defined camera (string). // Currently supported values: // - "back", // - "front". const char* const kCameraDefinitionOrientationKey = "orientation"; // Camera HAL version of currently defined camera (int). // Currently supported values: // - 1 (Camera HALv1) // - 2 (Camera HALv2) // - 3 (Camera HALv3) const char* const kCameraDefinitionHalVersionKey = "hal_version"; // Array of resolutions supported by camera (array). const char* const kCameraDefinitionResolutionsKey = "resolutions"; // Width of currently defined resolution (int). // Must be divisible by 8. const char* const kCameraDefinitionResolutionWidthKey = "width"; // Height of currently defined resolution (int). // Must be divisible by 8. const char* const kCameraDefinitionResolutionHeightKey = "height"; // Convert string value to camera orientation. bool ValueToCameraOrientation(const std::string& value, CameraDefinition::Orientation* orientation) { if (value == "back") { *orientation = CameraDefinition::kBack; return true; } else if (value == "front") { *orientation = CameraDefinition::kFront; return true; } ALOGE("%s: Invalid camera orientation: %s.", __FUNCTION__, value.c_str()); return false; } // Convert string value to camera HAL version. bool ValueToCameraHalVersion(const std::string& value, CameraDefinition::HalVersion* hal_version) { int temp; char* endptr; temp = strtol(value.c_str(), &endptr, 10); if (endptr != value.c_str() + value.size()) { ALOGE("%s: Invalid camera HAL version. Expected number, got %s.", __FUNCTION__, value.c_str()); return false; } switch (temp) { case 1: *hal_version = CameraDefinition::kHalV1; break; case 2: *hal_version = CameraDefinition::kHalV2; break; case 3: *hal_version = CameraDefinition::kHalV3; break; default: ALOGE("%s: Invalid camera HAL version. Version %d not supported.", __FUNCTION__, temp); return false; } return true; } bool ValueToCameraResolution(const std::string& width, const std::string& height, CameraDefinition::Resolution* resolution) { char* endptr; resolution->width = strtol(width.c_str(), &endptr, 10); if (endptr != width.c_str() + width.size()) { ALOGE("%s: Invalid camera resolution width. Expected number, got %s.", __FUNCTION__, width.c_str()); return false; } resolution->height = strtol(height.c_str(), &endptr, 10); if (endptr != height.c_str() + height.size()) { ALOGE("%s: Invalid camera resolution height. Expected number, got %s.", __FUNCTION__, height.c_str()); return false; } // Validate width and height parameters are sane. if (resolution->width <= 0 || resolution->height <= 0) { ALOGE("%s: Invalid camera resolution: %dx%d", __FUNCTION__, resolution->width, resolution->height); return false; } // Validate width and height divisible by 8. if ((resolution->width & 7) != 0 || (resolution->height & 7) != 0) { ALOGE( "%s: Invalid camera resolution: width and height must be " "divisible by 8, got %dx%d (%dx%d).", __FUNCTION__, resolution->width, resolution->height, resolution->width & 7, resolution->height & 7); return false; } return true; } // Process camera definitions. // Returns true, if definitions were sane. bool ConfigureCameras(const Json::Value& value, std::vector* cameras) { if (!value.isObject()) { ALOGE("%s: Configuration root is not an object", __FUNCTION__); return false; } if (!value.isMember(kCameraDefinitionsKey)) return true; for (Json::ValueConstIterator iter = value[kCameraDefinitionsKey].begin(); iter != value[kCameraDefinitionsKey].end(); ++iter) { cameras->push_back(CameraDefinition()); CameraDefinition& camera = cameras->back(); if (!iter->isObject()) { ALOGE("%s: Camera definition is not an object", __FUNCTION__); continue; } // Camera without orientation -> invalid setting. if (!iter->isMember(kCameraDefinitionOrientationKey)) { ALOGE("%s: Invalid camera definition: key %s is missing.", __FUNCTION__, kCameraDefinitionOrientationKey); return false; } if (!ValueToCameraOrientation( (*iter)[kCameraDefinitionOrientationKey].asString(), &camera.orientation)) return false; // Camera without HAL version -> invalid setting. if (!(*iter).isMember(kCameraDefinitionHalVersionKey)) { ALOGE("%s: Invalid camera definition: key %s is missing.", __FUNCTION__, kCameraDefinitionHalVersionKey); return false; } if (!ValueToCameraHalVersion( (*iter)[kCameraDefinitionHalVersionKey].asString(), &camera.hal_version)) return false; // Camera without resolutions -> invalid setting. if (!iter->isMember(kCameraDefinitionResolutionsKey)) { ALOGE("%s: Invalid camera definition: key %s is missing.", __FUNCTION__, kCameraDefinitionResolutionsKey); return false; } const Json::Value& json_resolutions = (*iter)[kCameraDefinitionResolutionsKey]; // Resolutions not an array, or an empty array -> invalid setting. if (!json_resolutions.isArray() || json_resolutions.empty()) { ALOGE("%s: Invalid camera definition: %s is not an array or is empty.", __FUNCTION__, kCameraDefinitionResolutionsKey); return false; } // Process all resolutions. for (Json::ValueConstIterator json_res_iter = json_resolutions.begin(); json_res_iter != json_resolutions.end(); ++json_res_iter) { // Check presence of width and height keys. if (!json_res_iter->isObject()) { ALOGE("%s: Camera resolution item is not an object", __FUNCTION__); continue; } if (!json_res_iter->isMember(kCameraDefinitionResolutionWidthKey) || !json_res_iter->isMember(kCameraDefinitionResolutionHeightKey)) { ALOGE( "%s: Invalid camera resolution: keys %s and %s are both required.", __FUNCTION__, kCameraDefinitionResolutionWidthKey, kCameraDefinitionResolutionHeightKey); return false; } camera.resolutions.push_back(CameraDefinition::Resolution()); CameraDefinition::Resolution& resolution = camera.resolutions.back(); if (!ValueToCameraResolution( (*json_res_iter)[kCameraDefinitionResolutionWidthKey].asString(), (*json_res_iter)[kCameraDefinitionResolutionHeightKey].asString(), &resolution)) return false; } } return true; } } // namespace bool CameraConfiguration::Init() { cameras_.clear(); std::string config; if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(kConfigurationFileLocation, &config)) { ALOGE("%s: Could not open configuration file: %s", __FUNCTION__, kConfigurationFileLocation); return false; } Json::Reader config_reader; Json::Value root; if (!config_reader.parse(config, root)) { ALOGE("Could not parse configuration file: %s", config_reader.getFormattedErrorMessages().c_str()); return false; } return ConfigureCameras(root, &cameras_); } } // namespace cuttlefish