#pragma once /* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "common/libs/fs/shared_fd.h" #include "common/libs/threads/thread_annotations.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/libs/tcp_socket/tcp_socket.h" #include "host/frontend/vnc_server/blackboard.h" #include "host/frontend/vnc_server/virtual_inputs.h" #include "host/frontend/vnc_server/vnc_utils.h" namespace cuttlefish { namespace vnc { class VncClientConnection { public: VncClientConnection(ClientSocket client, std::shared_ptr virtual_inputs, BlackBoard* bb, bool aggressive); VncClientConnection(const VncClientConnection&) = delete; VncClientConnection& operator=(const VncClientConnection&) = delete; ~VncClientConnection(); void StartSession(); private: struct PixelFormat { std::uint8_t bits_per_pixel; std::uint8_t depth; std::uint8_t big_endian; std::uint8_t true_color; std::uint16_t red_max; std::uint16_t green_max; std::uint16_t blue_max; std::uint8_t red_shift; std::uint8_t green_shift; std::uint8_t blue_shift; }; struct FrameBufferUpdateRequest { bool incremental; std::uint16_t x_pos; std::uint16_t y_pos; std::uint16_t width; std::uint16_t height; }; friend bool operator==(const FrameBufferUpdateRequest&, const FrameBufferUpdateRequest&); friend bool operator!=(const FrameBufferUpdateRequest&, const FrameBufferUpdateRequest&); bool closed(); void SetupProtocol(); void SetupSecurityType(); void GetClientInit(); void SendServerInit() EXCLUDES(m_); static Message MakeFrameBufferUpdateHeader(std::uint16_t num_stripes); static void AppendRawStripeHeader(Message* frame_buffer_update, const Stripe& stripe); void AppendRawStripe(Message* frame_buffer_update, const Stripe& stripe) const REQUIRES(m_); Message MakeRawFrameBufferUpdate(const StripePtrVec& stripes) const REQUIRES(m_); static void AppendJpegSize(Message* frame_buffer_update, size_t jpeg_size); static void AppendJpegStripeHeader(Message* frame_buffer_update, const Stripe& stripe); static void AppendJpegStripe(Message* frame_buffer_update, const Stripe& stripe); static Message MakeJpegFrameBufferUpdate(const StripePtrVec& stripes); Message MakeFrameBufferUpdate(const StripePtrVec& frame) REQUIRES(m_); void FrameBufferUpdateRequestHandler(bool aggressive) EXCLUDES(m_); void SendDesktopSizeUpdate() REQUIRES(m_); bool IsUrgent(const FrameBufferUpdateRequest& update_request) const; static StripeSeqNumber MostRecentStripeSeqNumber(const StripePtrVec& stripes); void HandleFramebufferUpdateRequest() EXCLUDES(m_); void HandleSetEncodings(); void HandleSetPixelFormat(); void HandlePointerEvent() EXCLUDES(m_); void UpdateAccelerometer(float x, float y, float z); struct Coordinates { float x; float y; float z; }; Coordinates CoordinatesForOrientation(ScreenOrientation orientation) const; int ScreenWidth() const REQUIRES(m_); int ScreenHeight() const REQUIRES(m_); void SetScreenOrientation(ScreenOrientation orientation) EXCLUDES(m_); // Returns true if key is special and the screen was rotated. bool RotateIfIsRotationCommand(std::uint32_t key); void HandleKeyEvent(); void HandleClientCutText(); void NormalSession(); mutable std::mutex m_; ClientSocket client_; bool control_key_down_ = false; bool meta_key_down_ = false; std::shared_ptr virtual_inputs_{}; FrameBufferUpdateRequest previous_update_request_{}; BlackBoard* bb_; bool use_jpeg_compression_ GUARDED_BY(m_) = false; std::thread frame_buffer_request_handler_tid_; bool closed_ GUARDED_BY(m_){}; PixelFormat pixel_format_ GUARDED_BY(m_) = { std::uint8_t{32}, // bits per pixel std::uint8_t{24}, // depth std::uint8_t{0}, // big_endian std::uint8_t{1}, // true_color std::uint16_t{0xff}, // red_max, (maxes not used when true color flag is 0) std::uint16_t{0xff}, // green_max std::uint16_t{0xff}, // blue_max std::uint8_t{0}, // red_shift (shifts not used when true color flag is 0) std::uint8_t{8}, // green_shift std::uint8_t{16}, // blue_shift }; bool supports_desktop_size_encoding_ = false; ScreenOrientation current_orientation_ GUARDED_BY(m_) = ScreenOrientation::Portrait; bool client_is_old_ = false; }; } // namespace vnc } // namespace cuttlefish