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Fа&ѕIع IPHJ0 J``p H@u IxD J KyDhzD{D h N~DV hn#"[z1H𵃰F!FFFа&їIع IPHFJ0 J>`0`T H@3w IxD J KyDhzD{D h M}Dub hdŒw!/00HpFH%xDh0h`Ux#F F( h!Bk FG%hp hoh FG!hh! iD FoG%1h(Fpfr^+pb `J@J A +pGFIHHPJ( F@ʼpG-AFIFFyD h!hhhO1GFp`0FO1*FT8 "hQnpFH FO1xDh0h hh FGahkFJ zDEF((  1hp|jF F)F.([0S!HpG԰ F IyD h!h M}DQF"!hL됊$-AVh#:hO ObFRS6@EDE%DTB:,"FѾЮES2O< S>`EFE h.#F.EFEX+D?FDW_OFD.>OOd,, д/L|D&%)L%|D.L%|DF " "r3)S=8 (bt>2-m`^%){2%2*;-9*!t90W+f9+<<W;C?4Ѐ8</ / / /4О</ / / /El D`GE | D`GF0, D`GEl D`GO||D`GȀ  h4P P@C&О0 H Դ<?t ܺtH (`p$x, X L\dlXp (8    H h l0,  hhp D \8l TA@H  LJ`Hl  [OmxState] ERROR:Loaded --> Executing [OmxState] Executing --> Idle_Pending [OmxState] ERROR: Executing -->%d Not Handled [OmxState] ERROR: Pause --> WaitForResources call channel_port_enable return failed! [EP] output flush failed, param1 %ld %s, %d[OmxState] Idle_Pending --> Idle set_parameter_IndexParamPortDefinition%s L%d ERROR: unsupport format%d set_parameter_IndexParamVideoMpeg2[OmxState] Disable_Pending --> Disable OMX.google.android.index.enableAndroidNativeBuffers/dev/hi_omxvdecs0s30d5d8omxvdec_init_user_vfmw[MP] ERROR: report image size change, but the WxH:%ld&%ld is not change [OmxState] ERROR: WaitForResources --> WaitForResources [OmxState] ERROR: WaitForResources --> Executing [CmdFlush] channel_flush_port failed media.ctsSet android_test TRUE! get_statecomp stride(%ld) != gpu stride(%d) [AB] Error: alloc omx buffer pomx_buf failed [ETB] ERROR: input port disabled. channel_unbind_bufferTunnel: AVPLAY ChnOpen failed! ret: %d, avplay handle: %ld Tunnel: avplay Set tunnel Mode failed, call avplay chanclose! avplay handle: %ld s6s12s18pop_entry[%s]pcom_priv->m_cb.EventHandler == NULL component_deinitcomponent_init() ERROR: failed to create event thread service.media.omx.notrender[OmxState] Pause_Pending --> Pause [EP] OMX_GENERATE_STOP_DONE failed, param1 %ld set_callbackssend_command failed: cmd %d, cmd_data %p video_decoder.mpeg2cts.videoperf[UNB] Error: alloc omx buffer pvdec_buf failed [AB] Error: alloc_contigous_buffer failed %s failed param null %s failed Y line %d: fwrite fail! s29%s,%d, init Vfmw Failed, return 0x%x >> Save one Frame(%dx%d) in %s [OmxState] ERROR: channel_port_enable failed [OmxState] ERROR: Pause --> Loaded Output Port Enabled --> Disable_Pending [FBD] success: useraddr: %-15p phy: 0x%-10x data_len: %-5ld timestamp: %-15lld gap time: %ld [EP] OMX_GENERATE_RESUME_DONE failed, param1 %ld video_decoder.vc1video.ctsout[FTB] ERROR: buffers[%p] match failed channel_start%s,%d, bPortEnable = %d %s open %s failed Tunnel: Create win failed! unwind_phase2r2r11s26d11d25component_initdlsym error:%s ro.config.build.name[MP] ERROR: no buffers found for address[%p][OmxState] Pause --> Executing_Pending [OmxState] ERROR: WaitForResources --> Pause video_decoder.vp9color-format %x is not flexiblecomponent_role_enumchannel_release_frame_interTunnel:: avplay flush Chn Error, avplay stop failed! avplay handle: %ld, omx handle: %d Tunnel: avplay set VID Stream BUF failed!, StreamBufSize: %d, avplay handle: %ld getFloatRegisters24s25d3service.media.omx.logcat[EP] DynamicResourcesUnavailable ERROR [MP] ERROR: msg 0x%08x not process %s malloc Chroml(%d) failed [OmxState] ERROR: Idle --> %d Not Handled [OmxState] ERROR: channel_resume failed! [FBD] FillBufferDone callback NULL! flush_input_done_proxy[%s]pcomp_priv == NULL OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat: Bad Port Index, %d set_parameter: Set output format %d unsupport %s: should be queries on Input port only (%ld) cts.mediaset_parameter: pFastOutputMode == TURE [%s]cRole == NULL Tunnel: omx_callback, not HI_UNF_AVPLAY_EVENT_FRAME_DISPLAY_INFO event! _Unwind_VRS_Get_InternalsetFloatRegister%sindex inlined table detected but pr function requires extra wordsr0r5r6s4s10s19d13[EP] ID not match, id %ld, pop_id %ld [MP] ERROR: resp input buffer invalid [OmxState] ERROR: %d --> %d(NotHandled) fill_this_buffer_proxy[%s]callbacks->FillBufferDone == NULL [UNB] Error: alloc omx buffer pomx_buf failed use_buffer_internal[ETB] ERROR: Invalid State [FTB] ERROR: invalid port [%s]pindex_type == NULL channel_releaseTunnel: avplay set attr success! avplay handle: %ld, omx handle: %d unsupported arm registers1s21d6d16omx_report_eventread more than 1 byte Loaded_Pending record occupied info failed fill_buffer_doneget_parameter_IndexParamVideoInit%s L%d ERROR: invalid port%lu %s L%d ERROR: unsupport Profile%d [UB] Error: vdec bind user buf failed allocate_buffer[FB] Error: Invalid Port %d [ETB] receive the EOS, nFlags:%x [FTB] ERROR: output port disabled! OMX.HISI.index.SetCallerName%s invalid param call HIAVPLAYER_VO_AttachWindow failed. s22component_init(): normal compname %s not match %s: event thread has been create. [%s]comp_name == NULL set_parameter: setted buf cnt %ld exceed range(%ld, %ld)! %s: max width * max height: %ld*%ld, buffer size: %ld, update_crop: %d [%s]state == NULL Error: Tunnel mode Not Implemented, phandle %p, port %ld, peerComponent %p, peerPort %ld, tunnelSetup %p [AB] ERROR: Invalid State [AB] ERROR: Allocate Buf failed [AB] Error: alloc omx buffer pvdec_buf failed %s ioctl failed %s failedomx_tunnel_init: Bad port index %ud omx_tunnel_init: Not found valid g_ComponentCallbackHandle libunwind: %s %s:%d - %s r8 ERROR: %s::Command Queue emptyOMX.hisi.video.decoderVFMW_US_Init[OmxState] ERROR: channel create failed! [OmxState] ERROR: Component start failed [OmxState] Execute_Pending --> Executing %s: unknown param 0x%08x set_parameter: update_picture_info failed! %s: ProfileIndex(%ld) exceed! get_config[%s]p_private_handle->ion_metadata_phy_addr == 0 OMX.google.android.index.describeColorFormatTunnel: Enable avplay failed, Destroy win! avplay handle: %ld, win handle: %d, omx handle: %d Tunnel: call HI_UNF_VO_Init failed! lrs13s16d7release_channel_safelibhi_vfmw.soset_parameter_IndexParamVideoH263Tunnel: call HI_UNF_VO_CreateWindow failed! during phase1 personality function said it would stop here, but now in phase2 it did not stop hered0d10d30d31%s:: dlsym failed for module %p %s open %s file failed [OmxState] Pause --> Idle [OmxState] ERROR: Paused -->%d Not Handled get_component_version[%s]spec_version == NULL [%s]param_data == NULL set_parameter: Bad port index %d exoplayer.gtsset_parameter_IndexParamVideoVC1set_parameter_IndexParamVideoRvset_parameter_IndexParamVideoVp6[UB] Invalid State %d call channel_port_enable return failed! ret = %d [%s]p_private_handle->ion_phy_addr == 0 || p_private_handle->ion_phy_addr == (OMX_U32)-1 %s HI_MMZ_GetPhyaddr error! get_extension_index: %s not implemented! alloc buffer failed setRegisterr3ERROR: release channel failed VFMW_US_Deinit[OmxState] ERROR: Loaded --> Pause post message failed,id = %d [ETB] ERROR: invalid user buffer! %s:%d [OmxState] Idle_Pending --> Idle OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition: Bad Port Index %d video_decoder.mpeg1use_android_native_buffer_internal[FTB] bufhdr: %-15p bufhdr->pBuffer: %-15p phy: 0x%-15x gap time: %ld U line %d: fwrite fail! r1r9d29OMX not in Loaded state! cur state %d component_init() ERROR: pthread_mutex_init component_init() ERROR: failed to create async pipe Tunnel: Report image size changed: old_w: %ld, old_h:%ld, new_w:%ld, new_h:%ld [OmxState] Idle --> Loaded [OmxState] Idle --> Executing_Pending [OmxState] ERROR: Pause --> Pause flush_output_done_proxyvideo_decoder.vp8get_supported_profile_levelget vpss bypass info = %d (w = %d,h = %d) set_config[AB] Error: map buffer failed channel_submit_streamgetInfoFromEHABISections2s20d20HISI_OMXVDECcomponent_init() ERROR: pipe create failed component_init() ERROR: drv ctx init failed [OmxState] Loaded --> Idle_Pending wunknown genereate event 0x%ld [FP] OMX_GENERATE_FBD failed [%s]callbacks->EmptyBufferDone == NULL video_decoder.avs2video_decoder.hevcPrepare for adaptive playback supported only on output port [UNB]ERROR: use_buffer_internal failed [AB] Error: Invalid Port %d [AB] Error: buf size invalid, bytes = %ld, buf_size = %ld fill_this_bufferget_extension_indexOMX.google.android.index.configureVideoTunnelModechannel_pauseTunnel:: avplay flush Chn Error, avplay start failed! avplay handle: %ld, omx handle: %d call HIAVPLAYER_VO_SetWindowEnable failed. _Unwind_VRS_Popd9[%s]phandle == NULL true[OmxState] ERROR: channel_pause failed! [OmxState] ERROR: Executing --> Loaded [OmxState] ERROR: Executing --> Executing [EP] empty_buffer_done failed empty_buffer_doneset_parameter: fmt %d not support video_decoder.avsvideo_decoder.vp6[UNB] Error: no Free buffer heads found [UNB] Error: vdec bind user buf failed [UNB] Use %s buffer %d failed OMX.Hisi.Param.Index.ChannelAttributesV line %d: fwrite fail! _Unwind_VRS_Setpcpush_entry[%s]pcom_priv == NULL [FB] No buffers found for address[%p], port=%ld [%s]pcom_priv == NULL || (id >= OMX_GENERATE_UNUSED) [OmxState] ERROR: Loaded --> Loaded [OmxState] Loaded --> WaitForResources video_decoder.wmvvideo_decoder.mvcdescribeColorFormat: invalid paramsOMX_IndexConfigCommonRotate: parameter invalid OMX.google.android.index.useAndroidNativeBuffer2channel_resumeexternal/libunwind_llvm/src/Registers.hppr12s9s23s31%s: omx_flush_port failed! [FB] unbind buffer failed event_processimage size changed: old_w: %ld, old_h:%ld, old stride:%ld new_w:%ld, new_h:%ld new_stide:%ld [CmdFlush] Error: Invalid Port %d Output Port Disabled --> Enabled_Pending [EBD] EmptyBufferDone callback NULL! [FTB] ERROR: submit frame failed xts.mediaCaller Name: %s [UB]ERROR: use_buffer_internal failed channel_port_enablechannel_save_yuvs11d14d19%s:%d channel_release handle(%d) return error %s :: dlopen %s failed because %s send_command_proxy[ETB] ERROR: port flushing or reconfig set output_view = %d free_bufferOMX.HISI.android.index.VideoPostProcessBypassInfochannel_get_msgchannel_release_bufferrelease buffer failed external/libunwind_llvm/src/Unwind-EHABI.cppr7r10d23%s: Invalid port index omx_flush_port%s Error: Invalid Command(%d) [MP] ERROR: buffers[%p] not found[OmxState] Idle --> Loaded_Pending [%s]buffer == NULL [FTB] ERROR: invalid user buf exceed max suport resolution: (%ldx%ld) > (%dx%d) r.playbacktestsset_parameter_IndexParamVideoWmv[UNB] Error: buf size invalid, bytes = %ld, buf_size = %ld %s() get user vir addr failed! [AB] Alloc %s buffer %d failed empty_this_buffer%s() malloc failed %s param invalid! drv_ctx(%p), msginfo(%p)vdec_init_drv_contextd4d17vendor.app.compatibility.enhance%s save this frame failed! Input Port Disable --> Enable_Pending! empty_this_buffer_proxy[ETB] ERROR: submit stream failed [%s]comp_version == NULL video_decoder.divx3video_decoder.rvset_parameter: format %s not support media.gts[UB] Error: alloc omx buffer pomx_buf failed [UB] Use %s buffer %d failed [ETB] ERROR: no buffers found for address[%p], %ld >= max_count(%ld)[FTB] ERROR: Invalid State [%s]param_name == NULL OMX.google.android.index.getAndroidNativeBufferUsagechannel_record_occupied_info_Unwind_Resume() can't return[OmxState] Loaded --> Idle [FP] fill_buffer_done failed [%s]callbacks == NULL set_parameter: omx_tunnel_enable failed! update_port_definitions[AB] Error: no Free buffer heads found OMX.google.android.index.allocateNativeHandleTunnel: omx_callback, can't find g_ComponentCallbackHandle! s7d22Init OMX component %s %s, %d, id = %ldERROR [OmxState] Executing --> Pause_Pending [%s]callbacks->EventHandler == NULL [%s]pcomp == NULL [UB] Error: no Free buffer heads found [AB] Error: Bind buffer failed [ETB] ERROR: invalid port %s chan_handle(%d) invalid!Tunnel: avplay Get VID Stream Mode attr failed!, avplay handle: %ld _Unwind_Resumed2d12Init vfmw user device err! [EP] input flush failed, param1 %ld [%s]componentUUID == NULL Bad conditions: nPortIndex=%ld, m_use_native_buf=%d use_bufferOMX.Hisi.Param.Index.FastOutputModechannel_flush_portchannel_stop_msgchannel_submit_framechannel_getVpssBypassInfo[OmxState] ERROR: failed to create msg thread [OmxState] ERROR: Loaded --> %d Not Handled) [OmxState] ERROR: Executing --> WaitForResources [OmxState] WaitForResources --> Loaded command_done_proxy%s ERROR: bad parameter, param1 %ld, param2 %ld [%s]config_data == NULL [UNB] stride invalid, p_private_handle->stride = %d, OMX stride = %ld free_buffer_internal port[%ld] omx_bufhdr is NULL %s: picture w/h(%ldx%ld) exceed! thred: width(%d), height(%d) [EP] OMX_GENERATE_PAUSE_DONE failed, param1 %ld No enough memory for out port! send_command Plane[%ld] : offset=%d / xStep=%d / yStep = %d[%s]port > OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX [OmxState] Enable_Pending --> Enable channel_createTunnel: HIAVPLAYER_RegisterEvent64 failed, client_player = %u, nAudioHwSync = %u external/libunwind_llvm/src/UnwindCursor.hppspomxvdec_deinit_user_vfmw[EP] default process for msg %ld Input Port Disabled --> Enabled_Pending [%s]bufferHdr == NULL [FB] ERROR: Invalid State [FB] Invalid State %d [OmxState] Loaded_Pending --> Loaded vdec_deinit_drv_context%s failed! w= %d,h= %d Tunnel: open player failed! Tunnel: Enable avplay failed, disable avplay, destory win!, avplay handle: %ld, win handle: %d, omx handle: %d s28save_this_frameupdate_picture_infoLoaded_Pending record occupied info. %s: no profile & level found for %ld(%s) set_parameter_IndexParamVideoAvcset_parameter_IndexParamVideoVp8in[ETB] pbuffer: %-15p phy: 0x%-15x data_len: %-5lu timestamp: %-15lld gap time: %ld OMX.google.android.index.prepareForAdaptivePlaybacks3s8d18d21d24%s: channel_flush_port failed [OmxState] ERROR: component_stop failed! [EP] OMX_GENERATE_START_DONE failed Moving to Executing stop_done_proxyvideo_decoder.avcvideo_decoder.mpeg4set_parameter: pFastOutputMode:%d get_config: unknown index 0x%08x OMX_IndexConfigCommonMirror: UNSUPPORT mirror type %d [UB] Error: alloc omx buffer pvdec_buf failed [%s]omx_bufhdr == NULL channel_stopchannel_bind_bufferchannel_setVpssBypassInfoTunnel: avplay set attr fail! avplay handle: %ld, omx handle: %d s14s15d15d28%s: component_stop failed! [EBD] success <<< useraddr: %-15p phy: 0x%-15x gap time: %ld [%s]portDefn->nPortIndex > OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX video_decoder.sorensonset_parameter_IndexParamVideoMpeg4set_parameterchannel_alloc_buffer%s: INVALID PARAM! unsupported register classunknown personality routines27d26d27 ERROR: %s::Command Queue Full[MP] ERROR: resp output buffer invalid [OmxState] ERROR: Idle --> Idle [OmxState] Idle --> Pause video_decoder.h263OMX_IndexConfigCommonMirror: Bad Port Index %d %s param invalid omx_tunnel_init: Bad Handle %ld Tunnel: Start avplay failed, avplay handle: %d getRegisters17d1unknown registercomponent_init(): malloc failed setprop logcat:%d test:%d render:%d [EP] HARDWARE ERROR [OmxState] ERROR: Idle --> WaitForResources [EP] OMX_GENERATE_EBD failed [EP] channel_pause failed, param1 %ld No enough memory for in port! get_parameter[UB] Error: buf size invalid, bytes = %ld, buf_size = %ld [AB] Invalid State %d [FB] ERROR: free Buf internal failed %s invalid param.Unknown ARM float registerr4s5@ @ @ @ @ @  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@@  (($&'#.;ait?emu|hmz (07l#<M]x   & 6 F a`fHesD t[Ctqt nPV'1UEItjoJ%oPT hPE1V!@yaruoPX;s.dVy\UXchI_]]Vt7yam9s,S r4hd)ZciLX-gPm<lZ5]Y)_>[kt1t{tArOrGfL qqM RWuYWxat s6-`fSvA[U1T&}g|D3q4uqdYl` p0c >i c F p"`D ( @@@@* P   @@HFKMSV[_adlnry{~_df_ݥP^^![k<xb!%4^P<x;}4>}"xK?xRW"B~Jtit}z>$k}_2dPU,82`8JZ*_;ON67bR~r*8>I82oo'NZtK=I0C~0]`\(UlBdS50CV<67 i$p(I,x0^4A8@<@qDQHJL}PYTwXU\k`EdDhC-TƏʌ<Əʌ0Əʌ$ƏʌƏʌ ƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌ|ƏʌpƏʌdƏʌXƏʌLƏʌ@Əʌ4Əʌ(ƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌtƏʌhƏʌ\ƏʌPƏʌDƏʌ8Əʌ,Əʌ ƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌxƏʌlƏʌ`ƏʌTƏʌHƏʌ<Əʌ0Əʌ$ƏʌƏʌ ƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌ|ƏʌpƏʌdƏʌXƏʌLƏʌ@Əʌ4Əʌ(ƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌtƏʌhƏʌ\ƏʌPƏʌDƏʌ8Əʌ,Əʌ ƏʌƏʌƏʌƏʌAndroidGNUPT}bV"9@ACCADD%E}EHH-I aII AKaK eK K LAL{LL LM UMmMMM NN NO OO!P9P `oPP!AQaQoo+o`ooo=o r s o XxͫQttttuuuQvvwwwwQxxx '4AV`hpyo``oT  \ oodoo@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@A-aeabi# A   "&.fini_array.ARM.exidx.text.got.note.android.ident.got.plt.rel.plt.bss.ARM.attributes.dynstr.gnu.version_r.data.rel.ro.rel.dyn.gnu.version.dynsym.gnu.hash.note.gnu.build-id.dynamic.ARM.extab.shstrtab.rodata.gnu_debugdata.data7zXZִF!t/G ]?Eh;ަ”$pqz_ (aX (&qv#v㣒"d4f( z8Vt0^[ABN@c^e%6r[L gf>Ԍ5KfH:v{?m@pǦHaJƌeW|= .ޘLz_i'J6f-LS*mm l)>+:%Б'{lJN¥._۱5)C>6nh QgM?e<{wE Rc"s>f&2 se-׈`4Atߢ5=;.M1Vn-D&B=:h0j_<'4Q7ei3ÉݾA!$2R87r袣|y .;N?wal_dy?#?a uۆ}PӠ8|MU*nBc1Oһr1â=Jؑ f* 5 :%+ [n zV U!u@>LUn/Hieu6i0[sw~WdK (;3zu+Vz\; 9x$ xʱ>'&!\N2-b͑4|V±t]_BnƱ56iZu;|\%u(TҷsӛI>nT'!) vs efwÅLJu`=}0Êgds)Б B*׆Y)U+oV0`0L w;7AxLN$?g '=L_w.tsMk>c|; ߽m_0( }RuX9[&Nq B=63+=<dXJ9`@DmJvZ>G-"!3l B֪[̺$sn7QOldddY;^԰j }=H qÚyLz1Nd(dq6,{f3[U߳^aʬy^閫$@Lr:1W` .=Q/o&V3nG gmksK/ne',`gM0pvRQ\B<sҩz5&x*QՉz>+3Q\fGJy3vӮ+º[Xc^o ܊IK!&RiL믙\fHhX>3 ^ͱ1mH`i_Czx&.k8;ttE;;ž6'O-Y6T1U%$(\Y `Jp=~7@%7Xh6P FOY^K M)1;q72 JuEi~@j컚2wpGm/z5.)q J8+#`;VV[>Jyݨm6>W9H4w}G(.:^Y0?X|xдmFל|ŧLBX4n zyi[)z(YevW*~*|.ja[s$}DƗɖ$b%!֯6d-+*uѸ}0N ,~8 yޱ+Xs6hq`va&{)$t@eo'~p'@g~*G+pcɓbP)2nU=M,%q2b`;&'0XNubV0PjWU}T`9$@fۛpG5$hrd@VKݞ'uQʩ sw8LSfA#kӖXb tF;f}Mfւo?aFrhȥiWzl>> .EIF[ȮeS%,-29m]rYo%RInjVیQܘRU]+Sy{)^(k=DN M($Jjm ɴJV%/m&m|oPYDDV4U͘bՋn4Qwڈ9LnCfcSY>0q}&+7T¦ 8eL-[]kj3 Ȯ;{XgYZ88P p2? pp$  oddfoP o^\ `@ D@@@# Hulpp pp(7IlNpl.