# wpa_supplicant configuration file.

# Whether to allow wpa_supplicant to update (overwrite) configuration
# This option can be used to allow wpa_supplicant to overwrite configuration
# file whenever configuration is changed (e.g., new network block is added with
# wpa_cli or wpa_gui, or a password is changed). This is required for
# wpa_cli/wpa_gui to be able to store the configuration changes permanently.
# Please note that overwriting configuration file will remove the comments from
# it.

# global configuration (shared by all network blocks)
# Parameters for the control interface. If this is specified, wpa_supplicant
# will open a control interface that is available for external programs to
# manage wpa_supplicant. The meaning of this string depends on which control
# interface mechanism is used. For all cases, the existence of this parameter
# in configuration is used to determine whether the control interface is
# enabled.
# For UNIX domain sockets (default on Linux and BSD): This is a directory that
# will be created for UNIX domain sockets for listening to requests from
# external programs (CLI/GUI, etc.) for status information and configuration.
# The socket file will be named based on the interface name, so multiple
# wpa_supplicant processes can be run at the same time if more than one
# interface is used.
# /var/run/wpa_supplicant is the recommended directory for sockets and by
# default, wpa_cli will use it when trying to connect with wpa_supplicant.
# Access control for the control interface can be configured by setting the
# directory to allow only members of a group to use sockets. This way, it is
# possible to run wpa_supplicant as root (since it needs to change network
# configuration and open raw sockets) and still allow GUI/CLI components to be
# run as non-root users. However, since the control interface can be used to
# change the network configuration, this access needs to be protected in many
# cases. By default, wpa_supplicant is configured to use gid 0 (root). If you
# want to allow non-root users to use the control interface, add a new group
# and change this value to match with that group. Add users that should have
# control interface access to this group. If this variable is commented out or
# not included in the configuration file, group will not be changed from the
# value it got by default when the directory or socket was created.
# When configuring both the directory and group, use following format:
# DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=wheel
# DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=0
# (group can be either group name or gid)
# For UDP connections (default on Windows): The value will be ignored. This
# variable is just used to select that the control interface is to be created.
# The value can be set to, e.g., udp (ctrl_interface=udp)
# For Windows Named Pipe: This value can be used to set the security descriptor
# for controlling access to the control interface. Security descriptor can be
# set using Security Descriptor String Format (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/
# library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/secauthz/security/
# security_descriptor_string_format.asp). The descriptor string needs to be
# prefixed with SDDL=. For example, ctrl_interface=SDDL=D: would set an empty
# DACL (which will reject all connections). See README-Windows.txt for more
# information about SDDL string format.

# IEEE 802.1X/EAPOL version
# wpa_supplicant is implemented based on IEEE Std 802.1X-2004 which defines
# EAPOL version 2. However, there are many APs that do not handle the new
# version number correctly (they seem to drop the frames completely). In order
# to make wpa_supplicant interoperate with these APs, the version number is set
# to 1 by default. This configuration value can be used to set it to the new
# version (2).

# AP scanning/selection
# By default, wpa_supplicant requests driver to perform AP scanning and then
# uses the scan results to select a suitable AP. Another alternative is to
# allow the driver to take care of AP scanning and selection and use
# wpa_supplicant just to process EAPOL frames based on IEEE 802.11 association
# information from the driver.
# 1: wpa_supplicant initiates scanning and AP selection; if no APs matching to
#    the currently enabled networks are found, a new network (IBSS or AP mode
#    operation) may be initialized (if configured) (default)
# 0: driver takes care of scanning, AP selection, and IEEE 802.11 association
#    parameters (e.g., WPA IE generation); this mode can also be used with
#    non-WPA drivers when using IEEE 802.1X mode; do not try to associate with
#    APs (i.e., external program needs to control association). This mode must
#    also be used when using wired Ethernet drivers.
# 2: like 0, but associate with APs using security policy and SSID (but not
#    BSSID); this can be used, e.g., with ndiswrapper and NDIS drivers to
#    enable operation with hidden SSIDs and optimized roaming; in this mode,
#    the network blocks in the configuration file are tried one by one until
#    the driver reports successful association; each network block should have
#    explicit security policy (i.e., only one option in the lists) for
#    key_mgmt, pairwise, group, proto variables
# When using IBSS or AP mode, ap_scan=2 mode can force the new network to be
# created immediately regardless of scan results. ap_scan=1 mode will first try
# to scan for existing networks and only if no matches with the enabled
# networks are found, a new IBSS or AP mode network is created.

# EAP fast re-authentication
# By default, fast re-authentication is enabled for all EAP methods that
# support it. This variable can be used to disable fast re-authentication.
# Normally, there is no need to disable this.