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-L@@@8<<00@,8@OSFreePagesOSUnRegisterMemOSUnReservePhysOSBaseAllocContigMemoryPVROSFuncInitDoMapToUserPVRMMapOSMemHandleToMMapDataPVRMMapReleaseMMapDataPVRMMapPVRMMapRegisterAreaPVRMMapRemoveRegisteredAreaLinuxMMapPerProcessHandleOptionsPVRMMapCleanupPVRMMapInitPVRSRVReleasegPVRDebugLevelpvrPVRSRV_BridgeDispatchKMAllocFlagsToPGProtNewVMallocLinuxMemAreaNewAllocPagesLinuxMemAreaLinuxMemAreaOffsetToPageLinuxMemAreaDeepFreeLinuxMemAreaToCpuPAddrLinuxMemAreaPhysIsContigLinuxMMInitOSPerProcessPrivateDataInitOSPerProcessPrivateDataDeInitPVRSRVMapDmaBufKM\gdglgDummyBWPVRSRVMapDmaBufBW_SetDispatchTableEntryBridgedDispatchKMSysLocateDevicesDmaBufImportAndAcquirePhysAddrPVRLinuxFenceDeInitPVRSyncPatchTransferSyncInfosPVRSyncIOCTLDebugpvr_fence_context_createPVRSyncOpenpvr_fence_createpvr_fence_create_from_fencePVRSyncIOCTLCreatePVRSyncIOCTLAllocPVRSyncIOCTLCreateSwFenceExpandAndDeDuplicateFenceSyncsPVRSyncInitServicesPVRSyncDeviceInitSyncSWTimelineFenceCreateKMgpuSGXAddSharedPBDescBWSGXDoKickBW'(T/l22^H`b,p|uTШ<4H-OSRegisterMem : invalid flags 0x%x OSAllocPages: invalid flags 0x%x OSFreePages(ui32AllocFlags=0x%08X, ui32Bytes=%zu, pvCpuVAddr=%p, hOSMemHandle=%p) FAILED!%s: invalid flags 0x%x OSInstallDeviceLISR: An ISR has already been installed: IRQ %d cookie %pOSInstallDeviceLISR: Couldn't install device LISR on IRQ %dOSUninstallDeviceLISR: No LISR has been installedOSInstallSystemLISR: An LISR has already been installed: IRQ %d cookie %ppvrsrvkmOSInstallSystemLISR: Couldn't install system LISR on IRQ %dOSUninstallSystemLISR: No LISR has been installedOSInstallMISR: An MISR has already been installed%spvr_workqueueOSInstallMISR: create_singlethreaded_workqueue failedOSUninstallMISR: No MISR has been installedOSUnlockResource: Resource %p is not locked with expected value.OSUnlockResource: Resource %p is not lockedOSMapPhysToLin should only be used with PVRSRV_HAP_KERNEL_ONLY (Use OSReservePhys otherwise)OSUnMapPhysToLin should only be used with PVRSRV_HAP_KERNEL_ONLY (Use OSUnReservePhys otherwise)%s(%p, %zu, 0x%08X, %p) FAILED!OSUnRegisterMem : invalid flags 0x%xOSMapPhysToLin : invalid flags 0x%x OSUnMapPhysToLin : invalid flags 0x%x%s: Not availableOSPCISetDev: Couldn't enable device (%d)OSPCISetDev: Couldn't allocate PVR PCI structureOSPCIAcquireDev: Couldn't acquire deviceOSPCIAddrRangeFunc: Index out of rangeOSPCIAddrRangeFunc: pci_request_region_failed (%d)OSPCISuspendDev: pci_save_state_failed (%d)OSPCISuspendDev: can't enter requested power stateOSPCISuspendDev: pci_set_power_state failed (%d)OSPCIResumeDev: can't enter requested power stateOSPCIResumeDev: pci_set_power_state failed (%d)OSPCIResumeDev: Couldn't enable device (%d)OSPCIResumeDev: pci_request_region_failed (region %d, error %d)OSAddTimer: passed invalid callbackOSAddTimer: all timers are in usePVRSRV_EVENTOBJECT_%dOSEventObjectCreateKM: psEventObject is not a valid pointerOSEventObjectDestroyKM: hOSEventKM is not a valid pointerOSEventObjectDestroyKM: psEventObject is not a valid pointerOSEventObjectWaitKM: hOSEventKM is not a valid handleLinuxEventObjectAdd: failedLinuxEventObjectDelete: failedOSEventObjectSignalKM: hOSEventKM is not a valid handleOSReleasePhysPageAddr: Unknown wrap type (%d)OSAcquirePhysPageAddr: Invalid address range (start %08lX, length %zx)OSAcquirePhysPageAddr: Couldn't allocate information structureOSAcquirePhysPageAddr: Couldn't allocate page arrayOSAcquirePhysPageAddr: Page frame number out of range (%x)OSAcquirePhysPageAddr: Couldn't find memory region containing start address %08lXOSAcquirePhysPageAddr: Start address %08lX is outside of the region returned by find_vmaOSAcquirePhysPageAddr: End address %08lX is outside of the region returned by find_vmaOSAcquirePhysPageAddr: Memory region does not represent memory mapped I/O (VMA flags: 0x%lx)OSAcquirePhysPageAddr: No read/write access to memory region (VMA flags: 0x%lx)OSAcquirePhysPageAddr: Invalid CPU virtual addressOSAcquirePhysPageAddr: Region is VM_MIXEDMAP, but isn't marked as suchOSAcquirePhysPageAddr: Region is VM_PFNMAP, but isn't marked as suchOSAcquirePhysPageAddr: Region contains pages which can't be locked down (no page structures)pvr_timer%s: couldn't create timer workqueue%s: Error - vm_insert_mixed failed (%d)%s: Error - VM_INSERT_PAGE failed (%d)%s: Lookup of handle %p failedPVRMMapRegisterArea: Couldn't alloc another mapping record from cache%s: Attempt to release mmap data with zero reference count for offset struct 0x%p, memory area %p%s: Mapping data not found for handle %p (memory area %p)%s: Attempted to mmap unregistered area at vm_pgoff 0x%lx%s: Cannot mmap non-shareable writable areas%s: unknown cache type%s: psLinuxMemArea 0x%p is already registered%s: psOffsetStruct 0x%p for memory area 0x0x%p is still mapped; psOffsetStruct->ui32Mapped %u%s: failed to set handle limit (%d)%s: Memory areas are still registered with MMap%s: PVRMMapRemoveRegisteredArea failed (%d)img-mmap%s: failed to allocate kmem_cache%s: Failed to look up export handle%s: FreeMemCallBackCommon failedPVRCore_Init: unable to register platform driver (%d)pvrsrvkmPVRCore_Init: unable to get major numberpvrPVRCore_Init: unable to create class (%ld)PVRCore_Init: unable to create device (%ld)CreateProcEntryInDirSeq: cannot make proc entry /proc/%s/%s: no parentCreateProcEntryInDirSeq: cannot make proc entry /proc/%s/%s: no memoryCreateProcEntryInDirSeq: cannot make proc entry /proc/%s/%s: proc_create_data failed3DdisplaybufferRegistered nodes Addr Type Class Index Ref pvDev Size Res ?%x%p %-8s %-8s %4d %2u %p %3u %p NoneVersion %s (%s) %s SGX_DDK_Android sgxddk 1.17@4948957releaseomap_androidUM Services Version: %s System Version String: %s CreatePerProcessProcEntrySeq: /proc/%s doesn't existCreatePerProcessProcEntrySeq: no per process data%uCreatePerProcessProcEntries: couldn't generate per process proc directory name "%u"CreatePerProcessProcEntries: couldn't create per process proc directory /proc/%s/%uCreateProcEntries: cannot make /proc/%s directoryversionnodesCreateProcEntries: couldn't make /proc/%s filesCreatePerProcessProcEntries: can't remove proc entry, no per process data%s: Received invalid pointer to function arguments%s: Invalid kernel services handle (%d)%s: Process %d tried to access data belonging to process %dPVRSRV_BridgeDispatchKM: Couldn't create per-process data area%s: Can only export one MemInfo per file descriptor%s: File descriptor has no associated MemInfo handle%s: Import/Export handle tried to use privileged service%s: Failed to look up export handlePVR_K: 6PVR_K:(Message Truncated): %s 6%s PVR_K:(Fatal): PVR_K:(Error): PVR_K:(Warning): PVR_K:(Message): PVR_K:(Verbose): PVR_K:(Unknown message level): /usr/local/google/buildbot/src/partner-android/omap-beagle-x15-android-4.14/omap/modules/eurasia_km/eurasiacon/binary2_omap_android_release/target_armv7-a/kbuild/services4/srvkm/env/linux/mm.c%s: Unknown mapping flags=0x%08x%s: failed!IORemapWrapper: unknown mapping flags%s: failed%s: Unsupported request for struct page from LinuxMemArea with type=%s%s: Unknown are type (%d) %s: Unknown LinuxMemArea type (%d) img-mm%s: failed to allocate mem area kmem_cacheimg-mm-pool%s: failed to allocate page pool kmem_cacheLINUX_MEM_AREA_IOREMAPLINUX_MEM_AREA_EXTERNAL_KVLINUX_MEM_AREA_IOLINUX_MEM_AREA_VMALLOCLINUX_MEM_AREA_ALLOC_PAGESLINUX_MEM_AREA_SUB_ALLOCpsPVRSRVMutexLinuxEventObjectCreate: failed to allocate memory for event listLinuxEventObjectListDestroy: Event List is not emptyLinuxEventObjectAdd: Couldn't find per-process dataLinuxEventObjectAdd: failed to allocate memory &psLinuxEventObject->sWait%s: OSAllocMem failed (%d)%s: OSFreeMem failed (%d)BM_DestroyContext_AnyCb: RA_TestDelete failedBM_DestroyContext: backing store type unsupportedZeroBuf: OSMapPhysToLin for contiguous buffer failedZeroBuf: OSMapPhysToLin while zeroing non-contiguous memory FAILEDCan't! Flags don't match! (I had 0x%08x, you gave 0x%08x)Can't! Size doesn't match!Can't! Page Size doesn't match!XPROC workaround in bad state! About to allocate memory from non-alloc state! (%d)XProcWorkaroundAllocShareable: RA_Alloc(0x%x) FAILEDXProcWorkaroundAllocShareable: OSReservePhys failedXProcWorkaroundAllocShareable: OSAllocPages(0x%x) failedDevMemoryAlloc ERROR MMU_AllocIllegal value %d for pMapping->eCpuMemoryOriginBM_DestroyContext: Invalid handleBM_DestroyContext: List_BM_HEAP_PVRSRV_ERROR_Any failedBM_DestroyContext: ResManFreeResByPtr failed %dBM_CreateContext: Alloc failedBM_CreateContext: HASH_Create failedBM_CreateContext: MMUInitialise failedBM_CreateContext: psDevMemoryInfo->pBMKernelContext invalidBM_CreateContext: ResManRegisterRes failedBM_CreateHeap: BM_CONTEXT nullBM_CreateHeap: Alloc failedBM_CreateHeap: MMUCreate failedBM_CreateHeap: RA_Create failedBM_CreateHeap: LocalDevMemArena nullBM_DestroyHeap: backing store type unsupportedBM_DestroyHeap: invalid heap handleBM_HandleToCpuVaddr: invalid parameterBM_HandleToDevVaddr: invalid parameterBM_HandleToSysPaddr: invalid parameterBM_HandleToOSMemHandle: invalid parameterNo, it's already set!huh? how can it be bad??gXProcWorkaroundShareIndex == 0x%08x != 0x%08x == ui32Indexran out of shared buffersbad handleBM_FreeMemory: invalid parameterBM_FreeMemory: Invalid backing store typeFreeBuf: combination of DevVAddr management and RAM backing mode unsupportedBM_Wrap: BM_Buf alloc FAILEDWrapMemory: OSAllocMem(0x%zx) FAILEDWrapMemory: OSRegisterMem Phys=0x%08X, Size=%zu) failedWrapMemory: OSRegisterDiscontigMem Size=0x%zu) failedWrapMemory: OSReservePhys Phys=0x%08X, Size=%zu) failedWrapMemory: OSReserveDiscontigPhys Size=%zu) failedWrapMemory: DevMemoryAlloc(0x%zx) failedWrapMemory: OSGetSubMemHandle failedBM_Wrap: HASH_Insert FAILEDBM_Wrap: WrapMemory FAILEDBM_Free: invalid parameterBM_ImportMemory: invalid parameterBM_ImportMemory: failed BM_MAPPING allocCannot use this memory sharing workaround with allocations that might be suballocatedBM_ImportMemory: XProcWorkaroundAllocShareable(0x%zx) failedBM_ImportMemory: OSAllocPages(0x%zx) failedBM_ImportMemory: RA_Alloc(0x%zx) FAILEDBM_ImportMemory: OSReservePhys failedBM_ImportMemory: Invalid backing store typeBM_ImportMemory: DevMemoryAlloc(0x%zx) failedCannot use this memory sharing workaround with this type of backing storeBM_Alloc: invalid parameterBM_Alloc: BM_Buf alloc FAILEDAllocMemory: combination of DevVAddr management and RAM backing mode unsupportedAllocMemory: backing store type doesn't match heapAllocMemory: BM_ImportMemory failedAllocMemory: Failed to allocate memory for sparse allocationAllocMemory: Failed to allocate device memoryAllocMemory: RA_Alloc(0x%zx) FAILEDAllocMemory: OSGetSubMemHandle FAILEDAllocMemory: invalid parameter - psDevVAddrAllocMemory: MMUAlloc failedAllocMemory: OSAllocMem(0x%zx) FAILEDBM_Alloc: AllocMemory FAILEDAllocDeviceMem: Failed to alloc memory for blockAllocDeviceMem: BM_Alloc Failed SyncInfo %d: Write ops (0x%08x): P/C = %d/%d (0x%08x/0x%08x) Read ops (0x%08x): P/C = %d/%d (0x%08x/0x%08x) Read ops 2 (0x%08x): P/C = %d/%d (0x%08x/0x%08x)PVRSRVGetDeviceMemHeapsKM: hDevCookie invalidPVRSRVCreateDeviceMemContextKM: hDevCookie invalidPVRSRVCreateDeviceMemContextKM: Failed BM_CreateContextPVRSRVGetDeviceMemHeapInfoKM: hDevCookie invalidPVRSRVAllocSyncInfoKM: Failed to alloc memoryPVRSRVAllocSyncInfoKM: Failed to allocate atomicFreeMemCallBackCommon: can't find exported meminfo in the global handle listFreeMemCallBackCommon: PVRSRVReleaseHandle failed for exported meminfoFreeMemCallBackCommon: Unknown memTypeUnmapDeviceMemoryCallBack: Failed to free DST meminfo%s: Invalid params%s: Failed to alloc memory for block%s: Failed to get dma-buf phys addr%s: Failed to wrap dma-bufPVRSRVWrapExtMemoryKM: invalid parameterPVRSRVWrapExtMemoryKM: Failed to alloc memory for blockPVRSRVWrapExtMemoryKM: invalid parameter, physical address passing is not supportedPVRSRVWrapExtMemoryKM: invalid parameter, no address specifiedPVRSRVWrapExtMemoryKM: unable to find mapping heapPVRSRVWrapExtMemoryKM: BM_Wrap FailedPVRSRVMapDeviceMemoryKM: invalid parametersPVRSRVMapDeviceMemoryKM: Failed to alloc memory for blockPVRSRVMapDeviceMemoryKM: Failed to alloc resman map dataPVRSRVMapDeviceMemoryKM: BM_Wrap FailedActive syncsAll syncsReallocHandleArray: Couldn't allocate new handle array (%d)ReallocHandleArray: Couldn't free handle structures (%d)ReallocHandleArray: Couldn't allocate handle structures (%d)ReallocHandleArray: Couldn't free old handle array (%d)ReallocHandleArray: Couldn't free new handle array (%d)IncreaseHandleArraySize: Maximum handle limit reached (%d)IncreaseHandleArraySize: ReallocHandleArray failed (%d)EnsureFreeHandles: Couldn't allocate %u handles to ensure %u free handles (IncreaseHandleArraySize failed with error %d)AllocHandle: EnsureFreeHandles failed (%d)AllocHandle: Couldn't add handle to hash tableFreeHandle: Error whilst freeing subhandles (%d)PVRSRVHandleBatchCommitOrRelease: There is no handle batchPVRSRVHandleBatchCommitOrRelease: Attempting to commit batch with handle allocation failures.PVRSRVHandleBatchCommitOrRelease: Error freeing handle (%d)FreeAllHandles: FreeHandle failed (%d)FreeHandleBase: Couldn't free handles (%d)FreeHandleBase: Couldn't free handle array (%d)FreeHandleBase: Couldn't free handle base (%d)GetHandleStructure: Handle index out of range (%u >= %u)GetHandleStructure: Handle not allocated (index: %u)GetHandleStructure: Handle type mismatch (%d != %d)PVRSRVAllocHandle: Lookup of existing handle failedPVRSRVAllocSubHandle: Lookup of existing handle failedPVRSRVLookupHandleAnyType: Error looking up handle (%d)PVRSRVLookupHandle: Error looking up handle (%d)PVRSRVLookupSubHandle: Error looking up subhandle (%d)PVRSRVLookupSubHandle: Subhandle doesn't belong to given ancestorPVRSRVGetParentHandle: Error looking up subhandle (%d)PVRSRVLookupAndReleaseHandle: Error looking up handle (%d)PVRSRVReleaseHandle: Error looking up handle (%d)PVRSRVNewHandleBatch: There is a handle batch already in use (size %u)PVRSRVNewHandleBatch: Invalid batch size (%u)PVRSRVNewHandleBatch: EnsureFreeHandles failed (error %d)PVRSRVSetMaxHandle: Limit cannot be set whilst in batch modePVRSRVSetMaxHandle: Limit must be between %u and %u, inclusivePVRSRVSetMaxHandle: Limit cannot be set because handles have already been allocatedPVRSRVEnableHandlePurging: Handles have already been allocatedPVRSRVPurgeHandles: Purging not enabled for this handle basePVRSRVPurgeHandles: Purging not allowed whilst in batch modePVRSRVFreeHandleBase: FreeHandleBase failed (%d)PVRSRVAllocHandleBase: Couldn't allocate handle base (%d)PVRSRVAllocHandleBase: Couldn't create data pointer hash table PVRSRVHandleInit: PVRSRVAllocHandleBase failed (%d)PVRSRVHandleInit: PVRSRVEnableHandlePurging failed (%d)PVRSRVHandleDeInit: FreeHandleBase failed (%d)_ChainInsert: invalid parameter_Rehash: call to _ChainInsert failedHASH_Delete: leak detected in hash table!Likely Cause: client drivers not freeing allocations before destroying devmemcontextHASH_Insert_Extended: invalid parameterHASH_Remove_Extended: Null hash tableHASH_Retrieve_Extended: Null hash tablePVRSRVAllocSharedSysMemoryKM: Failed to alloc memory for meminfoPVRSRVAllocSharedSysMemoryKM: Failed to alloc memory for blockPVRSRVDissociateMemFromResmanKM: ResManDissociateRes failedFreePerProcessData: invalid parameterFreePerProcessData: Couldn't find process in per-process data hash tableFreePerProcessData: Couldn't free handle base for process (%d)FreePerProcessData: Couldn't release per-process data handle (%d)FreePerProcessData: OSPerProcessPrivateDataDeInit failed (%d)FreePerProcessData: Couldn't free per-process data (%d)PVRSRVPerProcessDataConnect: Couldn't allocate per-process data (%d)PVRSRVPerProcessDataConnect: Couldn't insert per-process data into hash tablePVRSRVPerProcessDataConnect: OSPerProcessPrivateDataInit failed (%d)PVRSRVPerProcessDataConnect: Couldn't allocate handle for per-process data (%d)PVRSRVPerProcessDataConnect: Couldn't allocate handle base for process (%d)PVRSRVPerProcessDataConnect: Couldn't set handle options (%d)PVRSRVPerProcessDataConnect: Couldn't register with the resource managerPVRSRVPerProcessDataDealloc: Couldn't locate per-process data for PID %uPVRSRVPerProcessDataDisconnect: Error freeing per-process dataPVRSRVPerProcessDataDisconnect: Purge of global handle pool failed (%d)PVRSRVPerProcessDataInit: Couldn't create per-process data hash tablePVRSRVSetInitServerState : Unknown state %xPVRSRVGetInitServerState : Unknown state %xPVRSRVSetDevicePowerStateKM : Transition to %d FAILED 0x%xPVRSRVSystemPrePowerStateKM: Transition from %d to %d FAILED 0x%xPVRSRVSetPowerStateKM: Transition from %d to %d FAILED 0x%xPVRSRVRegisterPowerDevice: Failed to alloc PVRSRV_POWER_DEVPVRSRVDevicePreClockSpeedChange : failed to acquire lock, error:0x%xPVRSRVDevicePreClockSpeedChange : Device %u failed, error:0x%xPVRSRVDevicePostClockSpeedChange : Device %u failed, error:0x%xPVRSRVFinaliseSystem: Failed PVRSRVDevInitCompatCheck call (device index: %d) Application Context (hDevMemContext) %p: Device Type %d: Kernel Context: PVRSRVFinaliseSystem: Failed PVRSRVPowerLock call (device index: %d)PVRSRVFinaliseSystem: Failed PVRSRVSetDevicePowerStateKM call (device index: %d)AllocateDeviceID: No free and valid device IDs available!FreeDeviceID: no matching dev ID that is in use!(FAIL) UM-KM DDK Mismatch UM-(%d) KM-(%d).UM DDK-(%d) and KM DDK-(%d) match. [ OK ]PVRSRVEnumerateDevicesKM: Invalid paramsPVRSRVDeInit: PVRSRVHandleDeInit failed - invalid paramPVRSRVDeInit: PVRSRVHandleDeInit failedPVRSRVDeInit: PVRSRVPerProcessDataDeInit failedPVRSRV_GLOBAL_EVENTOBJECTPVRSRVRegisterDevice : Failed to alloc memory for psDeviceNodePVRSRVRegisterDevice : Failed to register devicePVRSRVInitialiseDevice: requested device is not presentPVRSRVInitialiseDevice: Failed PVRSRVResManConnect callPVRSRVInitialiseDevice: Failed InitDevice callPVRSRVFinaliseSystem: SysFinalise failed (%d)PVRSRVAcquireDeviceDataKM: requested device is not presentPVRSRVDeinitialiseDevice: requested device %d is not presentPVRSRVDeinitialiseDevice: Failed PVRSRVPowerLock callPVRSRVDeinitialiseDevice: Failed PVRSRVSetDevicePowerStateKM callPVRSRVDeinitialiseDevice: Failed ResManFreeResByCriteria callPVRSRVDeinitialiseDevice: Failed DeInitDevice callPollForValueKM: Timeout. Expected 0x%x but found 0x%x (mask 0x%x).PVRSRVGetMiscInfoKM: invalid parametersPVRSRVGetMiscInfoKM: invalid state request flags Local Backing Store: %u.PVRSRVGetMiscInfoKM: Can't find kernel meminfoPVRSRVDeviceLISR: Invalid params PVRSRVSystemLISR: Invalid params PVRSRVMISR: Invalid params PVRSRVSaveRestoreLiveSegments: Failed to map local memory to hostPVRSRVSaveRestoreLiveSegments: Segment size errorNo ErrorsPVRSRV_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY - Unable to allocate required memoryPVRSRV_ERROR_TOO_FEW_BUFFERSPVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMSPVRSRV_ERROR_INIT_FAILUREPVRSRV_ERROR_CANT_REGISTER_CALLBACKPVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_DEVICEPVRSRV_ERROR_NOT_OWNERPVRSRV_ERROR_BAD_MAPPINGPVRSRV_ERROR_TIMEOUTPVRSRV_ERROR_FLIP_CHAIN_EXISTSPVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_SWAPINTERVALPVRSRV_ERROR_SCENE_INVALIDPVRSRV_ERROR_STREAM_ERRORPVRSRV_ERROR_FAILED_DEPENDENCIESPVRSRV_ERROR_CMD_NOT_PROCESSEDPVRSRV_ERROR_CMD_TOO_BIGPVRSRV_ERROR_DEVICE_REGISTER_FAILEDPVRSRV_ERROR_TOOMANYBUFFERSPVRSRV_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED - fixPVRSRV_ERROR_PROCESSING_BLOCKEDPVRSRV_ERROR_CANNOT_FLUSH_QUEUEPVRSRV_ERROR_CANNOT_GET_QUEUE_SPACEPVRSRV_ERROR_CANNOT_GET_RENDERDETAILSPVRSRV_ERROR_RETRYPVRSRV_ERROR_DDK_VERSION_MISMATCHPVRSRV_ERROR_BUILD_MISMATCHPVRSRV_ERROR_CORE_REVISION_MISMATCHPVRSRV_ERROR_UPLOAD_TOO_BIGPVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_FLAGSPVRSRV_ERROR_FAILED_TO_REGISTER_PROCESSPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_LIBRARYPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_GET_FUNC_ADDRPVRSRV_ERROR_UNLOAD_LIBRARY_FAILEDPVRSRV_ERROR_BRIDGE_CALL_FAILEDPVRSRV_ERROR_IOCTL_CALL_FAILEDPVRSRV_ERROR_MMU_CONTEXT_NOT_FOUNDPVRSRV_ERROR_BUFFER_DEVICE_NOT_FOUNDPVRSRV_ERROR_BUFFER_DEVICE_ALREADY_PRESENTPVRSRV_ERROR_PCI_DEVICE_NOT_FOUNDPVRSRV_ERROR_PCI_CALL_FAILEDPVRSRV_ERROR_PCI_REGION_TOO_SMALLPVRSRV_ERROR_PCI_REGION_UNAVAILABLEPVRSRV_ERROR_BAD_REGION_SIZE_MISMATCHPVRSRV_ERROR_REGISTER_BASE_NOT_SETPVRSRV_ERROR_BM_BAD_SHAREMEM_HANDLEPVRSRV_ERROR_FAILED_TO_ALLOC_USER_MEMPVRSRV_ERROR_FAILED_TO_ALLOC_VP_MEMORYPVRSRV_ERROR_FAILED_TO_MAP_SHARED_PBDESCPVRSRV_ERROR_FAILED_TO_GET_PHYS_ADDRPVRSRV_ERROR_FAILED_TO_ALLOC_VIRT_MEMORYPVRSRV_ERROR_FAILED_TO_COPY_VIRT_MEMORYPVRSRV_ERROR_FAILED_TO_ALLOC_PAGESPVRSRV_ERROR_FAILED_TO_FREE_PAGESPVRSRV_ERROR_FAILED_TO_COPY_PAGESPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_LOCK_PAGESPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_UNLOCK_PAGESPVRSRV_ERROR_STILL_MAPPEDPVRSRV_ERROR_MAPPING_NOT_FOUNDPVRSRV_ERROR_PHYS_ADDRESS_EXCEEDS_32BITPVRSRV_ERROR_FAILED_TO_MAP_PAGE_TABLEPVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_SEGMENT_BLOCKPVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_SGXDEVDATAPVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_DEVINFOPVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_MEMINFOPVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_MISCINFOPVRSRV_ERROR_UNKNOWN_IOCTLPVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_CONTEXTPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_DESTROY_CONTEXTPVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_HEAPPVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_KERNELINFOPVRSRV_ERROR_UNKNOWN_POWER_STATEPVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE_TYPEPVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_WRAP_TYPEPVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PHYS_ADDRPVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_CPU_ADDRPVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_HEAPINFOPVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PERPROCPVRSRV_ERROR_FAILED_TO_RETRIEVE_HEAPINFOPVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_MAP_REQUESTPVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_UNMAP_REQUESTPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_FIND_MAPPING_HEAPPVRSRV_ERROR_MAPPING_STILL_IN_USEPVRSRV_ERROR_EXCEEDED_HW_LIMITSPVRSRV_ERROR_NO_STAGING_BUFFER_ALLOCATEDPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_PERPROC_AREAPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_EVENTPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_ENABLE_EVENTPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_REGISTER_EVENTPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_DESTROY_EVENTPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_THREADPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_CLOSE_THREADPVRSRV_ERROR_THREAD_READ_ERRORPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_REGISTER_ISR_HANDLERPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_INSTALL_ISRPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_UNINSTALL_ISRPVRSRV_ERROR_ISR_ALREADY_INSTALLEDPVRSRV_ERROR_ISR_NOT_INSTALLEDPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_INITIALISE_INTERRUPTPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_RETRIEVE_INFOPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_DO_BACKWARDS_BLITPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_CLOSE_SERVICESPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_REGISTER_CONTEXTPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_REGISTER_RESOURCEPVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_CCB_COMMANDPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_LOCK_RESOURCEPVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_LOCK_IDPVRSRV_ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_LOCKEDPVRSRV_ERROR_FLIP_FAILEDPVRSRV_ERROR_UNBLANK_DISPLAY_FAILEDPVRSRV_ERROR_TIMEOUT_POLLING_FOR_VALUEPVRSRV_ERROR_CREATE_RENDER_CONTEXT_FAILEDPVRSRV_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRIMARY_FRAGPVRSRV_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_SECONDARY_FRAGPVRSRV_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_PRIMARY_FRAGPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_INSERT_FENCE_IDPVRSRV_ERROR_BLIT_SETUP_FAILEDPVRSRV_ERROR_PDUMP_NOT_AVAILABLEPVRSRV_ERROR_PDUMP_BUFFER_FULLPVRSRV_ERROR_PDUMP_BUF_OVERFLOWPVRSRV_ERROR_PDUMP_NOT_ACTIVEPVRSRV_ERROR_INCOMPLETE_LINE_OVERLAPS_PAGESPVRSRV_ERROR_MUTEX_DESTROY_FAILEDPVRSRV_ERROR_MUTEX_INTERRUPTIBLE_ERRORPVRSRV_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_SCRIPT_SPACEPVRSRV_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE_FOR_COMMANDPVRSRV_ERROR_PROCESS_NOT_INITIALISEDPVRSRV_ERROR_PROCESS_NOT_FOUNDPVRSRV_ERROR_SRV_CONNECT_FAILEDPVRSRV_ERROR_SRV_DISCONNECT_FAILEDPVRSRV_ERROR_DEINT_PHASE_FAILEDPVRSRV_ERROR_INIT2_PHASE_FAILEDPVRSRV_ERROR_NO_DC_DEVICES_FOUNDPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_DC_DEVICEPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_REMOVE_DEVICEPVRSRV_ERROR_NO_DEVICEDATA_FOUNDPVRSRV_ERROR_NO_DEVICENODE_FOUNDPVRSRV_ERROR_NO_CLIENTNODE_FOUNDPVRSRV_ERROR_FAILED_TO_PROCESS_QUEUEPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_INIT_TASKPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_SCHEDULE_TASKPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_KILL_TASKPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_ENABLE_TIMERPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_DISABLE_TIMERPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_REMOVE_TIMERPVRSRV_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PIXEL_FORMATPVRSRV_ERROR_UNKNOWN_SCRIPT_OPERATIONPVRSRV_ERROR_HANDLE_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGEPVRSRV_ERROR_HANDLE_NOT_ALLOCATEDPVRSRV_ERROR_HANDLE_TYPE_MISMATCHPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_ADD_HANDLEPVRSRV_ERROR_HANDLE_NOT_SHAREABLEPVRSRV_ERROR_HANDLE_NOT_FOUNDPVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_SUBHANDLEPVRSRV_ERROR_HANDLE_BATCH_IN_USEPVRSRV_ERROR_HANDLE_BATCH_COMMIT_FAILUREPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_HASH_TABLEPVRSRV_ERROR_INSERT_HASH_TABLE_DATA_FAILEDPVRSRV_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_BACKING_STOREPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_DESTROY_BM_HEAPPVRSRV_ERROR_UNKNOWN_INIT_SERVER_STATEPVRSRV_ERROR_NO_FREE_DEVICEIDS_AVALIABLEPVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_DEVICEIDPVRSRV_ERROR_DEVICEID_NOT_FOUNDPVRSRV_ERROR_MEMORY_TEST_FAILEDPVRSRV_ERROR_CPUPADDR_TEST_FAILEDPVRSRV_ERROR_COPY_TEST_FAILEDPVRSRV_ERROR_SEMAPHORE_NOT_INITIALISEDPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_RELEASE_CLOCKPVRSRV_ERROR_CLOCK_REQUEST_FAILEDPVRSRV_ERROR_DISABLE_CLOCK_FAILUREPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_SET_CLOCK_RATEPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_ROUND_CLOCK_RATEPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_ENABLE_CLOCKPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_GET_CLOCKPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_GET_PARENT_CLOCKPVRSRV_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_GET_SYSTEM_CLOCKPVRSRV_ERROR_UNKNOWN_SGL_ERRORPVRSRV_ERROR_BAD_SYNC_STATEPVRSRV_ERROR_CACHE_INVALIDATE_FAILEDPVRSRV_ERROR_FORCE_I32Unknown PVRSRV error number_FreeBT: invalid parameter_SegmentSplit: invalid parameter - pArena_AttemptAllocAligned: invalid parameter - pArena_AttemptAllocAligned: Front split failed_AttemptAllocAligned: Back split failed_SegmentListInsertAfter: invalid parameters_InsertResource: invalid parameter - pArena_InsertResource: call to _SegmentListInsert failedRA_Delete: invalid parameter - pArenaRA_Delete: allocations still exist in the arena that is being destroyedLikely Cause: client drivers not freeing allocations before destroying devmemcontextRA_Delete: base = 0x%08lX size=0x%zxRA_TestDelete: detected resource leak!RA_TestDelete: base = 0x%08lX size=0x%zxRA_Add: invalid parameter - pArenaRA_Alloc: invalid parameter - pArenaRA_Free: invalid parameter - pArenajunk Arena '%s': allocCB=%p freeCB=%p handle=%p quantum=%zu span count %zu live segment count %zu free segment count %zu free resource count %zu (0x%zx) total allocs %zu total frees %zu import count %zu export count %zu segment Chain: error: head boundary tag has invalid pPrevSegment error: tail boundary tag has invalid pNextSegment base=0x%p size=0x%zx type=%s ref=%p Bytes free: Arena %-30s: %zu (0x%zx) spanfreeliveFreeResourceByPtr: invalid parameterFreeResourceByPtr: ERROR calling FreeResource functionISR cannot take RESMAN mutex PVRSRVResManConnect: ERROR allocating new RESMAN context structResManRegisterRes: invalid parameter - psResManContextResManRegisterRes: ERROR allocating new resource itemResManDissociateRes: invalid parameter - psResItemResManDissociateRes: failed to free resource by pointerResManFindResourceByPtr: invalid parameter%s: BRIDGE ERROR: BridgeID %u mapped to Dummy Wrapper (probably not what you want!)PVRSRVFreeSyncInfoBW: PVRSRVLookupHandle failedPVRSRVFreeSyncInfoBW: PVRSRVReleaseHandle failedPVRSRVFreeSyncInfoBW: ResManFreeResByPtr failedPVRSRVDestroySyncInfoModObjBW: PVRSRVLookupHandle failedPVRSRVDestroySyncInfoModObjBW: PVRSRVReleaseHandle failedPVRSRVDestroySyncInfoModObjBW: ResManFreeResByPtr failedPVRSRVModifyPendingSyncOpsBW: PVRSRVLookupHandle failedPVRSRVGetMiscInfoBW Error copy to userPVRSRVUnmapDeviceMemoryBW: internal error, should expect FreeDeviceMem to failPVRSRVMapDeviceMemoryBW(): failed to recycle shared bufferPVRSRVMapDeviceMemoryBW: Failed to create allocation for cross-process memory mapPVRSRVAllocDeviceMemBW: more physical chunks then virtual spacePVRSRVAllocDeviceMemBW: Called in sparse mapping mode but without MapChunk arrayPVRSRVAllocDeviceMemBW: Access check failed for pvPrivDataPVRSRVAllocDeviceMemBW: Access check failed for pabMapChunkPVRSRVAllocDeviceMemBW: PVRSRVAllocDeviceMemKM failed with eError = %dPVRSRVSyncOpsFlushToDeltaBW: PVRSRVLookupHandle failedPVRSRVSyncOpsFlushToModObjBW: PVRSRVLookupHandle failedPVRSRVSyncOpsTakeTokenBW: PVRSRVLookupHandle failedPVRSRVModifyCompleteSyncOpsBW: PVRSRVLookupHandle failedPVRSRVModifyCompleteSyncOpsBW: DoModifyCompleteSyncOps failed%s: Failed to lookup device node handle%s: Failed to lookup memory context handle%s: Failed to map dma-buf handlePVRSRVExportDeviceMemBW: can't find devcookiePVRSRVExportDeviceMemBW: can't find kernel meminfoPVRSRVExportDeviceMemBW: failed to allocate handle from global handle listModifyCompleteSyncOpsCallBack: invalid parameterModifyCompleteSyncOpsCallBack: timeout whilst waiting for current Ops to flush. Write ops pending snapshot = %d, write ops complete = %d Read ops pending snapshot = %d, read ops complete = %d Read ops pending snapshot = %d, read ops2 complete = %dPVRSRVSyncOpsFlushToTokenBW: PVRSRVLookupHandle failedPVRSRVSyncOpsFlushToTokenBW: DoQuerySyncOpsSatisfied failed%s: BUG!: Adding dispatch table entry for %s clobbers an existing entry (index=%u)NOTE: Enabling DEBUG_BRIDGE_KM_DISPATCH_TABLE may help debug this issue.PVRSRV_BRIDGE_ENUM_DEVICESPVRSRVEnumerateDevicesBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_ACQUIRE_DEVICEINFOPVRSRVAcquireDeviceDataBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_RELEASE_DEVICEINFODummyBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_CREATE_DEVMEMCONTEXTPVRSRVCreateDeviceMemContextBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_DESTROY_DEVMEMCONTEXTPVRSRVDestroyDeviceMemContextBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_GET_DEVMEM_HEAPINFOPVRSRVGetDeviceMemHeapInfoBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_ALLOC_DEVICEMEMPVRSRVAllocDeviceMemBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_FREE_DEVICEMEMPVRSRVFreeDeviceMemBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_GETFREE_DEVICEMEMPVRSRVGetFreeDeviceMemBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_CREATE_COMMANDQUEUEPVRSRV_BRIDGE_DESTROY_COMMANDQUEUEPVRSRV_BRIDGE_MHANDLE_TO_MMAP_DATAPVRMMapOSMemHandleToMMapDataBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_CONNECT_SERVICESPVRSRVConnectBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_DISCONNECT_SERVICESPVRSRVDisconnectBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_WRAP_DEVICE_MEMPVRSRV_BRIDGE_GET_DEVICEMEMINFOPVRSRV_BRIDGE_RESERVE_DEV_VIRTMEMPVRSRV_BRIDGE_FREE_DEV_VIRTMEMPVRSRV_BRIDGE_MAP_EXT_MEMORYPVRSRV_BRIDGE_UNMAP_EXT_MEMORYPVRSRV_BRIDGE_MAP_DEV_MEMORYPVRSRVMapDeviceMemoryBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_UNMAP_DEV_MEMORYPVRSRVUnmapDeviceMemoryBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_MAP_MEM_INFO_TO_USERPVRSRV_BRIDGE_UNMAP_MEM_INFO_FROM_USERPVRSRV_BRIDGE_EXPORT_DEVICEMEMPVRSRVExportDeviceMemBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_RELEASE_MMAP_DATAPVRMMapReleaseMMapDataBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_CHG_DEV_MEM_ATTRIBSPVRSRVChangeDeviceMemoryAttributesBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_MAP_DEV_MEMORY_2PVRSRV_BRIDGE_EXPORT_DEVICEMEM_2PVRSRV_BRIDGE_MAP_DMABUFPVRSRVMapDmaBufBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_UNMAP_DMABUFPVRSRVUnmapDmaBufBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_PROCESS_SIMISR_EVENTPVRSRV_BRIDGE_REGISTER_SIM_PROCESSPVRSRV_BRIDGE_UNREGISTER_SIM_PROCESSPVRSRV_BRIDGE_MAPPHYSTOUSERSPACEPVRSRV_BRIDGE_UNMAPPHYSTOUSERSPACEPVRSRV_BRIDGE_GETPHYSTOUSERSPACEMAPPVRSRV_BRIDGE_GET_FB_STATSPVRSRV_BRIDGE_GET_MISC_INFOPVRSRVGetMiscInfoBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_RELEASE_MISC_INFOPVRSRV_BRIDGE_GET_OEMJTABLEPVRSRV_BRIDGE_MAP_DEVICECLASS_MEMORYPVRSRV_BRIDGE_UNMAP_DEVICECLASS_MEMORYPVRSRV_BRIDGE_ENUM_CLASSPVRSRV_BRIDGE_OPEN_DISPCLASS_DEVICEPVRSRV_BRIDGE_CLOSE_DISPCLASS_DEVICEPVRSRV_BRIDGE_ENUM_DISPCLASS_FORMATSPVRSRV_BRIDGE_ENUM_DISPCLASS_DIMSPVRSRV_BRIDGE_GET_DISPCLASS_SYSBUFFERPVRSRV_BRIDGE_GET_DISPCLASS_INFOPVRSRV_BRIDGE_CREATE_DISPCLASS_SWAPCHAINPVRSRV_BRIDGE_DESTROY_DISPCLASS_SWAPCHAINPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SET_DISPCLASS_DSTRECTPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SET_DISPCLASS_SRCRECTPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SET_DISPCLASS_DSTCOLOURKEYPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SET_DISPCLASS_SRCCOLOURKEYPVRSRV_BRIDGE_GET_DISPCLASS_BUFFERSPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SWAP_DISPCLASS_TO_BUFFERPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SWAP_DISPCLASS_TO_BUFFER2PVRSRV_BRIDGE_SWAP_DISPCLASS_TO_SYSTEMPVRSRV_BRIDGE_OPEN_BUFFERCLASS_DEVICEPVRSRV_BRIDGE_CLOSE_BUFFERCLASS_DEVICEPVRSRV_BRIDGE_GET_BUFFERCLASS_INFOPVRSRV_BRIDGE_GET_BUFFERCLASS_BUFFERPVRSRV_BRIDGE_WRAP_EXT_MEMORYPVRSRVWrapExtMemoryBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_UNWRAP_EXT_MEMORYPVRSRVUnwrapExtMemoryBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_ALLOC_SHARED_SYS_MEMPVRSRVAllocSharedSysMemoryBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_FREE_SHARED_SYS_MEMPVRSRVFreeSharedSysMemoryBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_MAP_MEMINFO_MEMPVRSRVMapMemInfoMemBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_INITSRV_CONNECT&PVRSRVInitSrvConnectBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_INITSRV_DISCONNECT&PVRSRVInitSrvDisconnectBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_EVENT_OBJECT_WAIT&PVRSRVEventObjectWaitBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_EVENT_OBJECT_OPEN&PVRSRVEventObjectOpenBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_EVENT_OBJECT_CLOSE&PVRSRVEventObjectCloseBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_CREATE_SYNC_INFO_MOD_OBJPVRSRVCreateSyncInfoModObjBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_DESTROY_SYNC_INFO_MOD_OBJPVRSRVDestroySyncInfoModObjBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_MODIFY_PENDING_SYNC_OPSPVRSRVModifyPendingSyncOpsBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_MODIFY_COMPLETE_SYNC_OPSPVRSRVModifyCompleteSyncOpsBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SYNC_OPS_TAKE_TOKENPVRSRVSyncOpsTakeTokenBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SYNC_OPS_FLUSH_TO_TOKENPVRSRVSyncOpsFlushToTokenBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SYNC_OPS_FLUSH_TO_MOD_OBJPVRSRVSyncOpsFlushToModObjBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SYNC_OPS_FLUSH_TO_DELTAPVRSRVSyncOpsFlushToDeltaBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_ALLOC_SYNC_INFOPVRSRVAllocSyncInfoBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_FREE_SYNC_INFOPVRSRVFreeSyncInfoBW%s: Initialisation failed. Driver unusable.%s: Initialisation is in progress%s: Driver initialisation not completed yet.%s: Invalid pvParamIn pointer%s: ui32BridgeID = %d is out if range!SysFinalise: Failed to install MISRSGX ISRSysFinalise: Failed to install ISRSGX revision = %uSysFinalise: Failed to create a system version stringSysDeinitialise: OSUninstallDeviceLISR failedSysDeinitialise: OSUninstallMISR failedSysDeinitialise: failed to de-init the deviceSysDeinitialise: Failed to de-init DVFSSysDeinitialise: Failed to unregister with OSPM!SysDeinitialise: failed to de-init env structureSysInitialise: Failed to setup env structureSysInitialise: Failed in SysInitialiseCommon%s: platform_get_resource failed%s: platform_get_irq failed (%d)SysLocateDevices: Failed to map SGX registersSysInitialise: Failed to register with OSPM!SysInitialise: Failed to initialize DVFSSysInitialise: Failed to register device!SysInitialise: Failed to find SGX device node!SysInitialise: Failed to initialise device!SysInitialise: Failed to Enable system clocks (%d)SysInitialise: Failed to locate devicesSysGetDeviceMemoryMap: unsupported device typeSysSystemPrePowerState: OSUninstallDeviceLISR failed (%d)SysSystemPostPowerState: OSInstallDeviceLISR failed to install ISR (%d)SysSystemPostPowerState: EnableSystemClocksWrap failed (%d)EnableSGXClocks: pm_runtime_get_sync failed (%d)DisableSGXClocks: pm_runtime_put_sync failed (%d)&psSysSpecData->sPowerLock%s: Out of memory%s: Couldn't get device%s: dma_buf_get failed: %ld%s: Bad size and/or offset for FD%s: dma_buf_attach failed: %ld%s: dma_buf_map_attachment failed: %ld%s: OSAllocMem failed: %spvrPVR&pvr_fence_context->mutex4%s: %u fences leaked %sPVR Linux Fence%s: Invalid number of syncs (%d), clamping to 1%s: Failed to get PVR_SYNC_DATA from supplied fdpvrsrvkmunknown/usr/local/google/buildbot/src/partner-android/omap-beagle-x15-android-4.14/omap/modules/eurasia_km/eurasiacon/binary2_omap_android_release/target_armv7-a/kbuild/services4/srvkm/env/linux/pvr_fence.c%s: Failed to get fence from fd(foreign)List is not empty in pvr_fence_context_destroy_kreff %llu: WOCVA=0x%.8X WriteOps P %d C %d ReadOps P %d C %d ReadOps2 P %d C %d, %s %s %spvr_fence_sync_workqueue%s: failed to create fence workqueue pvr_fence: %s: pvr_fence_context_create failed %s: Failed to allocate PVR_SYNC_KERNEL_SYNC_INFO%s: Failed to allocate timeline syncinfo%s: Failed to allocate PVR_SYNC_DATA%s: Failed to allocate syncinfo%s: Failed to find unused fd (%d)%s: Requested to create a fence from an invalid alloc'd fd (%d)pvr_fence: %s: Failed to open supplied file fd (%d) %s: Alloc'd sync info is null - possibly already CREATEd?pvr_fence: %s: Failed to create new pvr_fence : %s: Failed to create sync_file %s: Failed to allocate PVR_ALLOC_SYNC_DATA%s: Failed to alloc syncinfo (%d)pvr_fence_alloc%s: Failed to create anon inodepvr_fence: %s: Failed to find unused fd (%d)pvr_fence: %s: Failed copy from userpvr_fence: %s: Failed to create a sync point (%d)pvr_fence: %s: Failed copy to user%s: Failed to get fence from fd=%dforeign%s: PVRSRVProcessConnect failed%s: PVRSRVFindPerProcessData failed%s: PVRSRVAcquireDeviceDataKM failed%s: hDevCookie is NULL%s: PVRSRVCreateDeviceMemContextKM failed%s: hDevMemContext is NULL%s: Failed to initialise servicesforeign_syncpvr_fence: %s: Failed to create foreign sync context pvr_sync_workqueue%s: Failed to create pvr_sync workqueue%s: Failed to register pvr_sync misc device (err=%d)pvr_sync%s: unrecognised timelinepvr_sw_sync/usr/local/google/buildbot/src/partner-android/omap-beagle-x15-android-4.14/omap/modules/eurasia_km/eurasiacon/binary2_omap_android_release/target_armv7-a/kbuild/services4/srvkm/env/linux/pvr_counting_timeline.c/usr/local/google/buildbot/src/partner-android/omap-beagle-x15-android-4.14/omap/modules/eurasia_km/eurasiacon/binary2_omap_android_release/target_armv7-a/kbuild/services4/srvkm/env/linux/pvr_sw_fence.c(null)gpu_name=%s ts=%llu.%06lu next_ctx_id=%lu next_prio=%ld next_job_id=%lu ctx_id=%lu job_id=%lu type=%s __data_loc char[]gpu_nameu64timestampu32next_ctx_ids32next_prionext_job_idctx_idjob_idtypepvrgpu_tracing_onTASystrace: Dropping current HW packet!3D%s: PVRSRV_BRIDGE_SGX_ADDSHAREDPBDESC: Invalid phKernelMemInfos pointer%s: SGXDoKickBW: Invalid pasDstSyncHandles pointerSGXDevInitPart2BW: Failed to look up HWPerf meminfo (possibly due to SUPPORT_SGX_HWPERF option mismatch)SGXDevInitPart2BW: A handle lookup failedSGXDevInitPart2BW: A handle release failedSGXDevInitPart2BW: A dissociate failedPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SGX_GETCLIENTINFOSGXGetClientInfoBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SGX_RELEASECLIENTINFOSGXReleaseClientInfoBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SGX_GETINTERNALDEVINFOSGXGetInternalDevInfoBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SGX_DOKICKSGXDoKickBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SGX_GETPHYSPAGEADDRDummyBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SGX_READREGISTRYDWORDPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SGX_2DQUERYBLTSCOMPLETESGX2DQueryBlitsCompleteBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SGX_SUBMITTRANSFERSGXSubmitTransferBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SGX_GETMISCINFOSGXGetMiscInfoBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SGXINFO_FOR_SRVINITSGXGetInfoForSrvinitBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SGX_DEVINITPART2SGXDevInitPart2BWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SGX_FINDSHAREDPBDESCSGXFindSharedPBDescBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SGX_UNREFSHAREDPBDESCSGXUnrefSharedPBDescBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SGX_ADDSHAREDPBDESCSGXAddSharedPBDescBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SGX_REGISTER_HW_RENDER_CONTEXTSGXRegisterHWRenderContextBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SGX_FLUSH_HW_RENDER_TARGETSGXFlushHWRenderTargetBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SGX_UNREGISTER_HW_RENDER_CONTEXTSGXUnregisterHWRenderContextBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SGX_SUBMIT2DSGXSubmit2DBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SGX_REGISTER_HW_2D_CONTEXTSGXRegisterHW2DContextBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SGX_UNREGISTER_HW_2D_CONTEXTSGXUnregisterHW2DContextBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SGX_REGISTER_HW_TRANSFER_CONTEXTSGXRegisterHWTransferContextBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SGX_UNREGISTER_HW_TRANSFER_CONTEXTSGXUnregisterHWTransferContextBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SGX_SCHEDULE_PROCESS_QUEUESSGXScheduleProcessQueuesBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SGX_READ_HWPERF_CBSGXReadHWPerfCBBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SGX_SET_RENDER_CONTEXT_PRIORITYSGXSetRenderContextPriorityBWPVRSRV_BRIDGE_SGX_SET_TRANSFER_CONTEXT_PRIORITYSGXSetTransferContextPriorityBW (SGXREG) 0x%08X : 0x%08XSGXRunScript: PC %d: Illegal command: %d(P%u) %s%08XDevInitSGXPart1 : Failed to alloc memory for DevInfoDevInitSGXPart1: Failed BM_CreateContextDevInitSGX : Failed to alloc memory for BIF resetSGXGetMiscInfoUkernel: Invalid address.SGXGetMiscInfoUkernel: SGXScheduleCCBCommandKM failed.SGXGetMiscInfoUkernel: Timeout occurred waiting for misc info.(FAIL) SGXInit: Device not of type SGX(FAIL) SGXInit: Mismatch in client-side and KM driver build options.Extra options present in client-side driver: (0x%x). Please check sgx_options.hExtra options present in KM: (0x%x). Please check sgx_options.h(FAIL) SGXInit: Unable to validate hardware core revisionSGXInit: HW core rev (%x) check skipped.SGXInit: HW core rev (%x), SW core rev (%x) check skipped.(FAIL) SGXInit: Incompatible HW core rev (%x) and SW core rev (%x).SGXDevInitCompatCheck: Size check failed for SGXMKIF_%s (client) = %d bytes, (ukernel) = %d bytes HOST_CTLCOMMAND2DCMD2DCMD_SHAREDCMDTACMDTA_SHAREDTRANSFERCMDTRANSFERCMD_SHARED3DREGISTERSHWPBDESCHWRENDERCONTEXTHWRENDERDETAILSHWRTDATAHWRTDATASETHWTRANSFERCONTEXT(FAIL) SGXInit: Mismatch in SGXMKIF structure sizes.(FAIL) SGXInit: Mismatch in driver and microkernel build options; extra options present in driver: (0x%x). Please check sgx_options.h(FAIL) SGXInit: Mismatch in driver and microkernel build options; extra options present in microkernel: (0x%x). Please check sgx_options.hSGX_ISRHandler: Invalid params DevDeInitSGX: Null DevInfoDevDeInitSGX: Failed to remove timerDevDeInitSGX : Failed to destroy kernel contextDevDeInitSGX: Failed to get device memory map!SGXDeinitialise: SGXRunScript failed (%d)SGXGetInfoForSrvinit: PVRSRVGetDeviceMemHeapsKM failed (%d)InitDevInfo: Failed to alloc memoryDevInitSGXPart2KM: Failed to get device memory map!DevInitSGXPart2KM: Failed to map in regs DevInitSGXPart2KM: failed to register device with power managerDevInitSGXPart2KM: Failed to load EDM program(HYD)RunSGXREGDebugScripts: SGXREGDebugCommandsMaster SGXRunScript failed (%d)(P%u)SGXRunScriptOnCore: PC %d: Illegal command: %dRunSGXREGDebugScripts: SGXREGDebugCommandsSlave SGXRunScript failed (%d)SGX debug (%s)SGX_DDK_Android sgxddk 1.17@4948957 Host Ctl flags= %08xSGX Register Base Address (Linear): 0x%pSGX Register Base Address (Physical): 0x%08XRunning SGXREG Debug Scripts:SGX Register Dump:EUR_CR_CORE_ID: EUR_CR_CORE_REVISION: EUR_CR_EVENT_STATUS: EUR_CR_EVENT_STATUS2: EUR_CR_BIF_CTRL: EUR_CR_BIF_BANK0: EUR_CR_BIF_INT_STAT: EUR_CR_BIF_FAULT: EUR_CR_BIF_MEM_REQ_STAT: EUR_CR_CLKGATECTL: Checking EDM memory context (index = %d, PD = 0x%08x)Checking TA memory context (index = %d, PD = 0x%08x)Checking 3D memory context (index = %d, PD = 0x%08x)Checking PTLA memory context (index = %d, PD = 0x%08x)SGX Microkernel assert fail: 0x%08XSGX Host control: (HC-%zX) 0x%08X 0x%08X 0x%08X 0x%08XSGX TA/3D control:SGX Kernel CCB WO:0x%X RO:0x%X (T3C-%zX) 0x%08X 0x%08X 0x%08X 0x%08XSGXInitialise: SGXRunScript (part 1) failed (%d)SGXInitialise: SGXRunScript (part 2) failed (%d)SGXInitialise: Wait for uKernel initialisation failedHWRecoveryResetSGX: SGX Hardware Recovery triggeredHWRecoveryResetSGX: SGXInitialise failed (%d)SGXOSTimer() detected SGX lockup (0x%x tasks)SGXRegisterDevice : Failed to alloc memory for DEVICE_MEMORY_HEAP_INFOGeneralGeneral BSTA DataTA Data BSKernel CodeKernel Code BSKernelDataKernelData BSPixelShaderUSSEPixelShaderUSSE BSVertexShaderUSSEVertexShaderUSSE BSPDSPixelCodeDataPDSPixelCodeData BSPDSVertexCodeDataPDSVertexCodeData BSCacheCoherentCacheCoherent BSShared 3DParametersShared 3DParameters BSPercontext 3DParametersPercontext 3DParameters BS2D2D BSSGX panicAn error occurred in SGXGetMiscInfoUkernel: %d User requested SGX debug infoInsufficient privileges to dump SGX debug info with registersSGXSystraceHandler: Failed to allocate systrace dataSGXPollForClockGating: %s failed.SGXAddTimer : Failed to register timer callback functionSGXUpdateTimingInfo: Failed to remove timerSGXPostPowerState: SGXUpdateTimingInfo failedSGXPostPowerState: SGXInitialise failedSGXPostPowerState failed to schedule CCB command: %uSGXStartTimer : Failed to enable host timerSGXPrePowerState: Failed to disable timerSGXPrePowerState: Failed to submit power down commandSGXPrePowerState: Wait for SGX ukernel power transition failed.SGXPrePowerState: Wait for pending interrupts failed.Wait for SGX clock gatingWait for SGX master clock gatingWait for SGX master clock gating (2)SGXPrePowerState: SGXDeinitialise failed: %uSGXScheduleCCBCommand: Wait for CCB space timed outSGXScheduleCCBCommand: Unknown command type: %dSGXScheduleCCBCommandKM failed to acquire lock - ui32CallerID:%d eError:%uSGXScheduleCCBCommandKM failed to power up device - ui32CallerID:%d eError:%uSGXScheduleProcessQueuesKM failed to schedule CCB command: %uSGXTestActivePowerEvent failed to acquire lock - ui32CallerID:%d eError:%uSGXTestActivePowerEvent error:%uSGXCleanupRequest: Failed to submit clean-up commandSGXCleanupRequest: Wait for uKernel to clean up (%u) failedSGXRegisterHWRenderContextKM: Couldn't allocate memory for SGX_HW_RENDER_CONTEXT_CLEANUP structureSGXRegisterHWRenderContextKM: Couldn't allocate device memory for HW Render ContextSGXRegisterHWRenderContextKM: Offset of page directory device physical address is invalidSGXRegisterHWRenderContextKM: Couldn't copy user-mode copy of HWContext into device memorySGXRegisterHWRenderContextKM: Can't lookup DevMem ContextSGXRegisterHWRenderContextKM: ResManRegisterRes failedSGXUnregisterHWRenderContextKM: invalid parameterSGXRegisterHWTransferContextKM: Couldn't allocate memory for SGX_HW_TRANSFER_CONTEXT_CLEANUP structureSGXRegisterHWTransferContextKM: Couldn't allocate device memory for HW Render ContextSGXRegisterHWTransferContextKM: Offset of page directory device physical address is invalidSGXRegisterHWTransferContextKM: Couldn't copy user-mode copy of HWContext into device memorySGXRegisterHWTransferContextKM: Can't lookup DevMem ContextSGXRegisterHWTransferContextKM: ResManRegisterRes failedSGXUnregisterHWTransferContextKM: invalid parameterSGXSetTransferContextPriorityKM: invalid context prioirty offsetSGXSetContextPriorityKM: invalid HWRenderContext prioirty offsetSGXRegisterHW2DContextKM: Couldn't allocate memory for SGX_HW_2D_CONTEXT_CLEANUP structureSGXRegisterHW2DContextKM: Couldn't allocate device memory for HW Render ContextSGXRegisterHW2DContextKM: Couldn't copy user-mode copy of HWContext into device memorySGXRegisterHW2DContextKM: Can't lookup DevMem ContextSGXRegisterHW2DContextKM: ResManRegisterRes failedSGX2DQueryBlitsCompleteKM: Timed out. Ops pending.SGXDoKickKM: Invalid CCB offsetSGXDoKickKM: PVRSyncPatchCCBKickSyncInfos failed.SGXDoKickKM: SGXScheduleCCBCommandKM failed.SGXSubmitTransferKM: Invalid CCB offsetSGXSubmitTransferKM: PVRSyncPatchTransferKickSyncInfos failed.SGXSubmitTransferKM: SGXScheduleCCBCommandKM failed.SGXSubmit2DKM: Invalid CCB offsetMMU_MapPage: Page is already valid for alloc at VAddr:0x%08X PDIdx:%u PTIdx:%uMMU_MapPage: Page table entry value: 0x%08XMMU_MapPage: Physical page to map: 0x%08X%08X %08X %08X %08X %08X %08X %08X %08X_DeferredFreePagetable: ERROR invalid heap typeMMU_IsHeapShared: ERROR invalid heap typeMMU_Initialise: ERROR call to OSAllocMem failedMMU_Initialise: ERROR call to OSAllocPages failedMMU_Initialise: ERROR call to RA_Alloc failedMMU_Initialise: ERROR failed to map page tablesMMU_Initialise: pvPDCpuVAddr invalidMMU_Create: invalid parameterMMU_Create: ERROR call to OSAllocMem failedMMU_Create: invalid data page sizeMMU_Create: ERROR call to RA_Create failedMMU_Alloc: RA_Alloc of VMArena failedMMU_Alloc: Alloc of DevVAddr failed from heap %s ID%d, pid: %d, task: %s_DeferredAllocPagetables: ERROR call to OSAllocMem failed_AllocPageTableMemory: ERROR call to OSAllocPages failed_AllocPageTableMemory: ERROR call to RA_Alloc failed_AllocPageTableMemory: ERROR failed to map page tables_DeferredAllocPagetables: ERROR invalid heap type_DeferredAllocPagetables: ERROR call to _AllocPageTableMemory failedMMU_Alloc: _DeferredAllocPagetables failedMMU_Alloc: Failed to alloc pagetable(s) for DevVAddr 0x%8.8x from heap %s ID%dMMU_Free: invalid parameterMMU_Free: Couldn't free DevVAddr %08X from heap %s ID%d (not in range of heap))MMU_UnmapPages: ERROR Invalid PT for alloc at VAddr:0x%08X (VaddrIni:0x%08X AllocPage:%u) PDIdx:%u PTIdx:%uMMU_UnmapPages: Page is already invalid for alloc at VAddr:0x%08X (VAddrIni:0x%08X AllocPage:%u) PDIdx:%u PTIdx:%uMMU_UnmapPages: Page table entry value: 0x%08XMMU_GetPhysPageAddr: Not mapped in at 0x%08xMMU_BIFResetPDAlloc: ERROR call to OSAllocPages failedMMU_BIFResetPDAlloc: ERROR call to RA_Alloc failedMMU_BIFResetPDAlloc: ERROR failed to map page tablesvalidInvalidPDE valid: PTE = 0x%08x (PhysAddr = 0x%08x, %s)Found PT info but no CPU addressNo PDE foundFound MMU context for page fault 0x%08xGPU memory context is for PID=%d (%s)SGXFindSharedPBDescKM: OSAllocMem failedSGXFindSharedPBDescKM: ResManRegisterRes failedSGXAddSharedPBDescKM: Failed to register existing shared PBDesc with the resource managerSGXAddSharedPBDescKM: Failed to alloc StubPBDescSGXAddSharedPBDescKM: Failed to alloc StubPBDesc->ppsSubKernelMemInfosSGXAddSharedPBDescKM: Failed to dissociate shared PBDesc from processSGXAddSharedPBDescKM: Failed to register shared PBDesc with the resource managerparm=gPVRDebugLevel:Sets the level of debug output (default 0x7)parmtype=gPVRDebugLevel:uintlicense=Dual MIT/GPLauthor=Imagination Technologies Ltd. srcversion=533BB7E5866E52F63B9ACCBalias=of:N*T*Cti,dra7-sgx544C*alias=of:N*T*Cti,dra7-sgx544depends=name=pvrsrvkmvermagic=4.14.91-487167-g787751264d17 SMP preempt mod_unload modversions ARMv7 p2v8 gpu_job_enqueuegpu_sched_switch\module_layoutk__unregister_chrdevHrflush_workӅ3-system_wqA@refcount_incDhikmem_cache_destroysync_file_create`Gkmalloc_caches[__kmallocmsleep__pm_runtime_idleDxm$sync_file_get_fenceup_readDFtrace_handle_return pci_release_regionFj__raw_spin_unlock"debugfs_create_dir/mem_map"k{__pm_runtime_disable_<>ioremap_wc[%strlenreservation_ww_class#dma_fence_release~ _raw_write_lock_irqsave57C__alloc_workqueue_keyjseq_opensautoremove_wake_function`arm_dma_opsrefcount_dec_and_test"Rdma_buf_detachvg~pci_disable_devicew_raw_read_lock$__aeabi_uidivmodʇ-seq_printf0Hdevice_destroy?>5__get_user_4o\q__register_chrdev'sg_next|__pv_phys_pfn_offsetZCget_unused_fd_flags" ^init_timer_key%(arm_copy_from_userO;mutex_unlock__pm_runtime_resumeDtrace_event_buffer_reservevfreeSqsprintfWdebugfs_remove_recursiveseq_readme!a__alloc_pages_nodemaskU__platform_driver_register|Qpfn_validl:lRjiffies;Tarm_copy_to_user#mutex_trylock down_read_raw_write_unlock_irqrestoreM_proc_removebreservation_object_add_shared_fenceJޓ__init_waitqueue_headddma_fence_default_waits__stack_chk_failQscheduleݍschedule_timeout1}high_memory`-kdump_stack&:sched_clock.aJtrace_event_buffer_commits$jiffies_to_usecsUget_user_pages_remoteGE?put_unused_fdpkmem_cache_alloc_trace _raw_spin_lock(޻reservation_object_add_excl_fenceBY_raw_spin_lock_irqsave+dma_buf_attachH-kmem_cache_createvsnprintfwQdma_fence_add_callback)B__wake_upZBevent_triggers_call Gpci_set_power_state16proc_create_data2vm_insert_mixed7!arm_heavy_mb?PpVseq_lseek u__vmalloc zkfreevunmapcfmemcpy7trace_event_raw_init遄fd_installVoprepare_to_waitNJpci_disable_msi+register_shrinkerS9iounmap~?ww_mutex_unlock5DOpci_save_statestrcpyX  (0 LL(ti,dra7-sgx544HHPPp"ctx_id=%lu job_id=%lu type=%s", (unsigned long)REC->ctx_id, (unsigned long)REC->job_id, __get_str(type)"gpu_name=%s ts=%llu.%06lu next_ctx_id=%lu next_prio=%ld next_job_id=%lu", __get_str(gpu_name), (unsigned long long)({ u64 t = REC->timestamp + (1000L / 2); ({ uint32_t __base = (1000000000L); uint32_t __rem; (void)(((typeof((t)) *)0) == ((uint64_t *)0)); if (__builtin_constant_p(__base) && is_power_of_2(__base)) { __rem = (t) & (__base - 1); (t) >>= ( __builtin_constant_p(__base) ? ( (__base) < 2 ? 0 : (__base) & (1ULL << 63) ? 63 : (__base) & (1ULL << 62) ? 62 : (__base) & (1ULL << 61) ? 61 : (__base) & (1ULL << 60) ? 60 : (__base) & (1ULL << 59) ? 59 : (__base) & (1ULL << 58) ? 58 : (__base) & (1ULL << 57) ? 57 : (__base) & (1ULL << 56) ? 56 : (__base) & (1ULL << 55) ? 55 : (__base) & (1ULL << 54) ? 54 : (__base) & (1ULL << 53) ? 53 : (__base) & (1ULL << 52) ? 52 : (__base) & (1ULL << 51) ? 51 : (__base) & (1ULL << 50) ? 50 : (__base) & (1ULL << 49) ? 49 : (__base) & (1ULL << 48) ? 48 : (__base) & (1ULL << 47) ? 47 : (__base) & (1ULL << 46) ? 46 : (__base) & (1ULL << 45) ? 45 : (__base) & (1ULL << 44) ? 44 : (__base) & (1ULL << 43) ? 43 : (__base) & (1ULL << 42) ? 42 : (__base) & (1ULL << 41) ? 41 : (__base) & (1ULL << 40) ? 40 : (__base) & (1ULL << 39) ? 39 : (__base) & (1ULL << 38) ? 38 : (__base) & (1ULL << 37) ? 37 : (__base) & (1ULL << 36) ? 36 : (__base) & (1ULL << 35) ? 35 : (__base) & (1ULL << 34) ? 34 : (__base) & (1ULL << 33) ? 33 : (__base) & (1ULL << 32) ? 32 : (__base) & (1ULL << 31) ? 31 : (__base) & (1ULL << 30) ? 30 : (__base) & (1ULL << 29) ? 29 : (__base) & (1ULL << 28) ? 28 : (__base) & (1ULL << 27) ? 27 : (__base) & (1ULL << 26) ? 26 : (__base) & (1ULL << 25) ? 25 : (__base) & (1ULL << 24) ? 24 : (__base) & (1ULL << 23) ? 23 : (__base) & (1ULL << 22) ? 22 : (__base) & (1ULL << 21) ? 21 : (__base) & (1ULL << 20) ? 20 : (__base) & (1ULL << 19) ? 19 : (__base) & (1ULL << 18) ? 18 : (__base) & (1ULL << 17) ? 17 : (__base) & (1ULL << 16) ? 16 : (__base) & (1ULL << 15) ? 15 : (__base) & (1ULL << 14) ? 14 : (__base) & (1ULL << 13) ? 13 : (__base) & (1ULL << 12) ? 12 : (__base) & (1ULL << 11) ? 11 : (__base) & (1ULL << 10) ? 10 : (__base) & (1ULL << 9) ? 9 : (__base) & (1ULL << 8) ? 8 : (__base) & (1ULL << 7) ? 7 : (__base) & (1ULL << 6) ? 6 : (__base) & (1ULL << 5) ? 5 : (__base) & (1ULL << 4) ? 4 : (__base) & (1ULL << 3) ? 3 : (__base) & (1ULL << 2) ? 2 : 1 ) : (sizeof(__base) <= 4) ? __ilog2_u32(__base) : __ilog2_u64(__base) ); } else if ((4 >= 4) && __builtin_constant_p(__base) && __base != 0) { uint32_t __res_lo, __n_lo = (t); (t) = ({ uint64_t ___res, ___x, ___t, ___m, ___n = (t); uint32_t ___p, ___bias; ___p = 1 << ( __builtin_constant_p(__base) ? ( (__base) < 2 ? 0 : (__base) & (1ULL << 63) ? 63 : (__base) & (1ULL << 62) ? 62 : (__base) & (1ULL << 61) ? 61 : (__base) & (1ULL << 60) ? 60 : (__base) & (1ULL << 59) ? 59 : (__base) & (1ULL << 58) ? 58 : (__base) & (1ULL << 57) ? 57 : (__base) & (1ULL << 56) ? 56 : (__base) & (1ULL << 55) ? 55 : (__base) & (1ULL << 54) ? 54 : (__base) & (1ULL << 53) ? 53 : (__base) & (1ULL << 52) ? 52 : (__base) & (1ULL << 51) ? 51 : (__base) & (1ULL << 50) ? 50 : (__base) & (1ULL << 49) ? 49 : (__base) & (1ULL << 48) ? 48 : (__base) & (1ULL << 47) ? 47 : (__base) & (1ULL << 46) ? 46 : (__base) & (1ULL << 45) ? 45 : (__base) & (1ULL << 44) ? 44 : (__base) & (1ULL << 43) ? 43 : (__base) & (1ULL << 42) ? 42 : (__base) & (1ULL << 41) ? 41 : (__base) & (1ULL << 40) ? 40 : (__base) & (1ULL << 39) ? 39 : (__base) & (1ULL << 38) ? 38 : (__base) & (1ULL << 37) ? 37 : (__base) & (1ULL << 36) ? 36 : (__base) & (1ULL << 35) ? 35 : (__base) & (1ULL << 34) ? 34 : (__base) & (1ULL << 33) ? 33 : (__base) & (1ULL << 32) ? 32 : (__base) & (1ULL << 31) ? 31 : (__base) & (1ULL << 30) ? 30 : (__base) & (1ULL << 29) ? 29 : (__base) & (1ULL << 28) ? 28 : (__base) & (1ULL << 27) ? 27 : (__base) & (1ULL << 26) ? 26 : (__base) & (1ULL << 25) ? 25 : (__base) & (1ULL << 24) ? 24 : (__base) & (1ULL << 23) ? 23 : (__base) & (1ULL << 22) ? 22 : (__base) & (1ULL << 21) ? 21 : (__base) & (1ULL << 20) ? 20 : (__base) & (1ULL << 19) ? 19 : (__base) & (1ULL << 18) ? 18 : (__base) & (1ULL << 17) ? 17 : (__base) & (1ULL << 16) ? 16 : (__base) & (1ULL << 15) ? 15 : (__base) & (1ULL << 14) ? 14 : (__base) & (1ULL << 13) ? 13 : (__base) & (1ULL << 12) ? 12 : (__base) & (1ULL << 11) ? 11 : (__base) & (1ULL << 10) ? 10 : (__base) & (1ULL << 9) ? 9 : (__base) & (1ULL << 8) ? 8 : (__base) & (1ULL << 7) ? 7 : (__base) & (1ULL << 6) ? 6 : (__base) & (1ULL << 5) ? 5 : (__base) & (1ULL << 4) ? 4 : (__base) & (1ULL << 3) ? 3 : (__base) & (1ULL << 2) ? 2 : 1 ) : (sizeof(__base) <= 4) ? __ilog2_u32(__base) : __ilog2_u64(__base) ); ___m = (~0ULL / __base) * ___p; ___m += (((~0ULL % __base + 1) * ___p) + __base - 1) / __base; ___x = ~0ULL / __base * __base - 1; ___res = ((___m & 0xffffffff) * (___x & 0xffffffff)) >> 32; ___t = ___res += (___m & 0xffffffff) * (___x >> 32); ___res += (___x & 0xffffffff) * (___m >> 32); ___t = (___res < ___t) ? (1ULL << 32) : 0; ___res = (___res >> 32) + ___t; ___res += (___m >> 32) * (___x >> 32); ___res /= ___p; if (~0ULL % (__base / (__base & -__base)) == 0) { ___n /= (__base & -__base); ___m = ~0ULL / (__base / (__base & -__base)); ___p = 1; ___bias = 1; } else if (___res != ___x / __base) { ___bias = 1; ___m = (~0ULL / __base) * ___p; ___m += ((~0ULL % __base + 1) * ___p) / __base; } else { uint32_t ___bits = -(___m & -___m); ___bits |= ___m >> 32; ___bits = (~___bits) << 1; if (!___bits) { ___p /= (___m & -___m); ___m /= (___m & -___m); } else { ___p >>= ( __builtin_constant_p(___bits) ? ( (___bits) < 2 ? 0 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 63) ? 63 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 62) ? 62 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 61) ? 61 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 60) ? 60 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 59) ? 59 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 58) ? 58 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 57) ? 57 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 56) ? 56 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 55) ? 55 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 54) ? 54 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 53) ? 53 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 52) ? 52 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 51) ? 51 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 50) ? 50 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 49) ? 49 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 48) ? 48 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 47) ? 47 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 46) ? 46 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 45) ? 45 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 44) ? 44 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 43) ? 43 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 42) ? 42 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 41) ? 41 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 40) ? 40 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 39) ? 39 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 38) ? 38 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 37) ? 37 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 36) ? 36 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 35) ? 35 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 34) ? 34 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 33) ? 33 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 32) ? 32 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 31) ? 31 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 30) ? 30 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 29) ? 29 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 28) ? 28 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 27) ? 27 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 26) ? 26 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 25) ? 25 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 24) ? 24 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 23) ? 23 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 22) ? 22 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 21) ? 21 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 20) ? 20 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 19) ? 19 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 18) ? 18 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 17) ? 17 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 16) ? 16 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 15) ? 15 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 14) ? 14 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 13) ? 13 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 12) ? 12 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 11) ? 11 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 10) ? 10 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 9) ? 9 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 8) ? 8 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 7) ? 7 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 6) ? 6 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 5) ? 5 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 4) ? 4 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 3) ? 3 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 2) ? 2 : 1 ) : (sizeof(___bits) <= 4) ? __ilog2_u32(___bits) : __ilog2_u64(___bits) ); ___m >>= ( __builtin_constant_p(___bits) ? ( (___bits) < 2 ? 0 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 63) ? 63 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 62) ? 62 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 61) ? 61 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 60) ? 60 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 59) ? 59 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 58) ? 58 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 57) ? 57 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 56) ? 56 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 55) ? 55 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 54) ? 54 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 53) ? 53 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 52) ? 52 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 51) ? 51 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 50) ? 50 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 49) ? 49 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 48) ? 48 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 47) ? 47 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 46) ? 46 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 45) ? 45 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 44) ? 44 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 43) ? 43 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 42) ? 42 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 41) ? 41 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 40) ? 40 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 39) ? 39 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 38) ? 38 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 37) ? 37 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 36) ? 36 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 35) ? 35 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 34) ? 34 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 33) ? 33 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 32) ? 32 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 31) ? 31 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 30) ? 30 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 29) ? 29 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 28) ? 28 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 27) ? 27 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 26) ? 26 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 25) ? 25 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 24) ? 24 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 23) ? 23 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 22) ? 22 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 21) ? 21 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 20) ? 20 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 19) ? 19 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 18) ? 18 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 17) ? 17 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 16) ? 16 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 15) ? 15 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 14) ? 14 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 13) ? 13 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 12) ? 12 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 11) ? 11 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 10) ? 10 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 9) ? 9 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 8) ? 8 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 7) ? 7 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 6) ? 6 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 5) ? 5 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 4) ? 4 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 3) ? 3 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 2) ? 2 : 1 ) : (sizeof(___bits) <= 4) ? __ilog2_u32(___bits) : __ilog2_u64(___bits) ); } ___bias = 0; } ___res = __arch_xprod_64(___m, ___n, ___bias); ___res /= ___p; }); __res_lo = (t); __rem = __n_lo - __res_lo * __base; } else if (__builtin_expect(!!(((t) >> 32) == 0), 1)) { __rem = (uint32_t)(t) % __base; (t) = (uint32_t)(t) / __base; } else __rem = __div64_32(&(t), __base); __rem; }); t; }), (unsigned long)({ u64 t = REC->timestamp + (1000L / 2) ; u32 rem; ({ uint32_t __base = (1000L); uint32_t __rem; (void)(((typeof((t)) *)0) == ((uint64_t *)0)); if (__builtin_constant_p(__base) && is_power_of_2(__base)) { __rem = (t) & (__base - 1); (t) >>= ( __builtin_constant_p(__base) ? ( (__base) < 2 ? 0 : (__base) & (1ULL << 63) ? 63 : (__base) & (1ULL << 62) ? 62 : (__base) & (1ULL << 61) ? 61 : (__base) & (1ULL << 60) ? 60 : (__base) & (1ULL << 59) ? 59 : (__base) & (1ULL << 58) ? 58 : (__base) & (1ULL << 57) ? 57 : (__base) & (1ULL << 56) ? 56 : (__base) & (1ULL << 55) ? 55 : (__base) & (1ULL << 54) ? 54 : (__base) & (1ULL << 53) ? 53 : (__base) & (1ULL << 52) ? 52 : (__base) & (1ULL << 51) ? 51 : (__base) & (1ULL << 50) ? 50 : (__base) & (1ULL << 49) ? 49 : (__base) & (1ULL << 48) ? 48 : (__base) & (1ULL << 47) ? 47 : (__base) & (1ULL << 46) ? 46 : (__base) & (1ULL << 45) ? 45 : (__base) & (1ULL << 44) ? 44 : (__base) & (1ULL << 43) ? 43 : (__base) & (1ULL << 42) ? 42 : (__base) & (1ULL << 41) ? 41 : (__base) & (1ULL << 40) ? 40 : (__base) & (1ULL << 39) ? 39 : (__base) & (1ULL << 38) ? 38 : (__base) & (1ULL << 37) ? 37 : (__base) & (1ULL << 36) ? 36 : (__base) & (1ULL << 35) ? 35 : (__base) & (1ULL << 34) ? 34 : (__base) & (1ULL << 33) ? 33 : (__base) & (1ULL << 32) ? 32 : (__base) & (1ULL << 31) ? 31 : (__base) & (1ULL << 30) ? 30 : (__base) & (1ULL << 29) ? 29 : (__base) & (1ULL << 28) ? 28 : (__base) & (1ULL << 27) ? 27 : (__base) & (1ULL << 26) ? 26 : (__base) & (1ULL << 25) ? 25 : (__base) & (1ULL << 24) ? 24 : (__base) & (1ULL << 23) ? 23 : (__base) & (1ULL << 22) ? 22 : (__base) & (1ULL << 21) ? 21 : (__base) & (1ULL << 20) ? 20 : (__base) & (1ULL << 19) ? 19 : (__base) & (1ULL << 18) ? 18 : (__base) & (1ULL << 17) ? 17 : (__base) & (1ULL << 16) ? 16 : (__base) & (1ULL << 15) ? 15 : (__base) & (1ULL << 14) ? 14 : (__base) & (1ULL << 13) ? 13 : (__base) & (1ULL << 12) ? 12 : (__base) & (1ULL << 11) ? 11 : (__base) & (1ULL << 10) ? 10 : (__base) & (1ULL << 9) ? 9 : (__base) & (1ULL << 8) ? 8 : (__base) & (1ULL << 7) ? 7 : (__base) & (1ULL << 6) ? 6 : (__base) & (1ULL << 5) ? 5 : (__base) & (1ULL << 4) ? 4 : (__base) & (1ULL << 3) ? 3 : (__base) & (1ULL << 2) ? 2 : 1 ) : (sizeof(__base) <= 4) ? __ilog2_u32(__base) : __ilog2_u64(__base) ); } else if ((4 >= 4) && __builtin_constant_p(__base) && __base != 0) { uint32_t __res_lo, __n_lo = (t); (t) = ({ uint64_t ___res, ___x, ___t, ___m, ___n = (t); uint32_t ___p, ___bias; ___p = 1 << ( __builtin_constant_p(__base) ? ( (__base) < 2 ? 0 : (__base) & (1ULL << 63) ? 63 : (__base) & (1ULL << 62) ? 62 : (__base) & (1ULL << 61) ? 61 : (__base) & (1ULL << 60) ? 60 : (__base) & (1ULL << 59) ? 59 : (__base) & (1ULL << 58) ? 58 : (__base) & (1ULL << 57) ? 57 : (__base) & (1ULL << 56) ? 56 : (__base) & (1ULL << 55) ? 55 : (__base) & (1ULL << 54) ? 54 : (__base) & (1ULL << 53) ? 53 : (__base) & (1ULL << 52) ? 52 : (__base) & (1ULL << 51) ? 51 : (__base) & (1ULL << 50) ? 50 : (__base) & (1ULL << 49) ? 49 : (__base) & (1ULL << 48) ? 48 : (__base) & (1ULL << 47) ? 47 : (__base) & (1ULL << 46) ? 46 : (__base) & (1ULL << 45) ? 45 : (__base) & (1ULL << 44) ? 44 : (__base) & (1ULL << 43) ? 43 : (__base) & (1ULL << 42) ? 42 : (__base) & (1ULL << 41) ? 41 : (__base) & (1ULL << 40) ? 40 : (__base) & (1ULL << 39) ? 39 : (__base) & (1ULL << 38) ? 38 : (__base) & (1ULL << 37) ? 37 : (__base) & (1ULL << 36) ? 36 : (__base) & (1ULL << 35) ? 35 : (__base) & (1ULL << 34) ? 34 : (__base) & (1ULL << 33) ? 33 : (__base) & (1ULL << 32) ? 32 : (__base) & (1ULL << 31) ? 31 : (__base) & (1ULL << 30) ? 30 : (__base) & (1ULL << 29) ? 29 : (__base) & (1ULL << 28) ? 28 : (__base) & (1ULL << 27) ? 27 : (__base) & (1ULL << 26) ? 26 : (__base) & (1ULL << 25) ? 25 : (__base) & (1ULL << 24) ? 24 : (__base) & (1ULL << 23) ? 23 : (__base) & (1ULL << 22) ? 22 : (__base) & (1ULL << 21) ? 21 : (__base) & (1ULL << 20) ? 20 : (__base) & (1ULL << 19) ? 19 : (__base) & (1ULL << 18) ? 18 : (__base) & (1ULL << 17) ? 17 : (__base) & (1ULL << 16) ? 16 : (__base) & (1ULL << 15) ? 15 : (__base) & (1ULL << 14) ? 14 : (__base) & (1ULL << 13) ? 13 : (__base) & (1ULL << 12) ? 12 : (__base) & (1ULL << 11) ? 11 : (__base) & (1ULL << 10) ? 10 : (__base) & (1ULL << 9) ? 9 : (__base) & (1ULL << 8) ? 8 : (__base) & (1ULL << 7) ? 7 : (__base) & (1ULL << 6) ? 6 : (__base) & (1ULL << 5) ? 5 : (__base) & (1ULL << 4) ? 4 : (__base) & (1ULL << 3) ? 3 : (__base) & (1ULL << 2) ? 2 : 1 ) : (sizeof(__base) <= 4) ? __ilog2_u32(__base) : __ilog2_u64(__base) ); ___m = (~0ULL / __base) * ___p; ___m += (((~0ULL % __base + 1) * ___p) + __base - 1) / __base; ___x = ~0ULL / __base * __base - 1; ___res = ((___m & 0xffffffff) * (___x & 0xffffffff)) >> 32; ___t = ___res += (___m & 0xffffffff) * (___x >> 32); ___res += (___x & 0xffffffff) * (___m >> 32); ___t = (___res < ___t) ? (1ULL << 32) : 0; ___res = (___res >> 32) + ___t; ___res += (___m >> 32) * (___x >> 32); ___res /= ___p; if (~0ULL % (__base / (__base & -__base)) == 0) { ___n /= (__base & -__base); ___m = ~0ULL / (__base / (__base & -__base)); ___p = 1; ___bias = 1; } else if (___res != ___x / __base) { ___bias = 1; ___m = (~0ULL / __base) * ___p; ___m += ((~0ULL % __base + 1) * ___p) / __base; } else { uint32_t ___bits = -(___m & -___m); ___bits |= ___m >> 32; ___bits = (~___bits) << 1; if (!___bits) { ___p /= (___m & -___m); ___m /= (___m & -___m); } else { ___p >>= ( __builtin_constant_p(___bits) ? ( (___bits) < 2 ? 0 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 63) ? 63 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 62) ? 62 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 61) ? 61 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 60) ? 60 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 59) ? 59 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 58) ? 58 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 57) ? 57 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 56) ? 56 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 55) ? 55 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 54) ? 54 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 53) ? 53 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 52) ? 52 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 51) ? 51 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 50) ? 50 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 49) ? 49 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 48) ? 48 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 47) ? 47 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 46) ? 46 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 45) ? 45 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 44) ? 44 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 43) ? 43 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 42) ? 42 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 41) ? 41 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 40) ? 40 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 39) ? 39 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 38) ? 38 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 37) ? 37 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 36) ? 36 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 35) ? 35 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 34) ? 34 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 33) ? 33 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 32) ? 32 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 31) ? 31 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 30) ? 30 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 29) ? 29 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 28) ? 28 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 27) ? 27 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 26) ? 26 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 25) ? 25 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 24) ? 24 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 23) ? 23 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 22) ? 22 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 21) ? 21 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 20) ? 20 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 19) ? 19 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 18) ? 18 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 17) ? 17 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 16) ? 16 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 15) ? 15 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 14) ? 14 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 13) ? 13 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 12) ? 12 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 11) ? 11 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 10) ? 10 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 9) ? 9 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 8) ? 8 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 7) ? 7 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 6) ? 6 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 5) ? 5 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 4) ? 4 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 3) ? 3 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 2) ? 2 : 1 ) : (sizeof(___bits) <= 4) ? __ilog2_u32(___bits) : __ilog2_u64(___bits) ); ___m >>= ( __builtin_constant_p(___bits) ? ( (___bits) < 2 ? 0 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 63) ? 63 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 62) ? 62 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 61) ? 61 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 60) ? 60 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 59) ? 59 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 58) ? 58 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 57) ? 57 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 56) ? 56 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 55) ? 55 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 54) ? 54 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 53) ? 53 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 52) ? 52 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 51) ? 51 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 50) ? 50 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 49) ? 49 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 48) ? 48 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 47) ? 47 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 46) ? 46 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 45) ? 45 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 44) ? 44 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 43) ? 43 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 42) ? 42 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 41) ? 41 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 40) ? 40 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 39) ? 39 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 38) ? 38 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 37) ? 37 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 36) ? 36 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 35) ? 35 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 34) ? 34 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 33) ? 33 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 32) ? 32 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 31) ? 31 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 30) ? 30 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 29) ? 29 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 28) ? 28 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 27) ? 27 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 26) ? 26 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 25) ? 25 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 24) ? 24 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 23) ? 23 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 22) ? 22 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 21) ? 21 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 20) ? 20 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 19) ? 19 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 18) ? 18 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 17) ? 17 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 16) ? 16 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 15) ? 15 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 14) ? 14 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 13) ? 13 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 12) ? 12 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 11) ? 11 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 10) ? 10 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 9) ? 9 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 8) ? 8 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 7) ? 7 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 6) ? 6 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 5) ? 5 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 4) ? 4 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 3) ? 3 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 2) ? 2 : 1 ) : (sizeof(___bits) <= 4) ? __ilog2_u32(___bits) : __ilog2_u64(___bits) ); } ___bias = 0; } ___res = __arch_xprod_64(___m, ___n, ___bias); ___res /= ___p; }); __res_lo = (t); __rem = __n_lo - __res_lo * __base; } else if (__builtin_expect(!!(((t) >> 32) == 0), 1)) { __rem = (uint32_t)(t) % __base; (t) = (uint32_t)(t) / __base; } else __rem = __div64_32(&(t), __base); __rem; }); rem = ({ uint32_t __base = (1000000L); uint32_t __rem; (void)(((typeof((t)) *)0) == ((uint64_t *)0)); if (__builtin_constant_p(__base) && is_power_of_2(__base)) { __rem = (t) & (__base - 1); (t) >>= ( __builtin_constant_p(__base) ? ( (__base) < 2 ? 0 : (__base) & (1ULL << 63) ? 63 : (__base) & (1ULL << 62) ? 62 : (__base) & (1ULL << 61) ? 61 : (__base) & (1ULL << 60) ? 60 : (__base) & (1ULL << 59) ? 59 : (__base) & (1ULL << 58) ? 58 : (__base) & (1ULL << 57) ? 57 : (__base) & (1ULL << 56) ? 56 : (__base) & (1ULL << 55) ? 55 : (__base) & (1ULL << 54) ? 54 : (__base) & (1ULL << 53) ? 53 : (__base) & (1ULL << 52) ? 52 : (__base) & (1ULL << 51) ? 51 : (__base) & (1ULL << 50) ? 50 : (__base) & (1ULL << 49) ? 49 : (__base) & (1ULL << 48) ? 48 : (__base) & (1ULL << 47) ? 47 : (__base) & (1ULL << 46) ? 46 : (__base) & (1ULL << 45) ? 45 : (__base) & (1ULL << 44) ? 44 : (__base) & (1ULL << 43) ? 43 : (__base) & (1ULL << 42) ? 42 : (__base) & (1ULL << 41) ? 41 : (__base) & (1ULL << 40) ? 40 : (__base) & (1ULL << 39) ? 39 : (__base) & (1ULL << 38) ? 38 : (__base) & (1ULL << 37) ? 37 : (__base) & (1ULL << 36) ? 36 : (__base) & (1ULL << 35) ? 35 : (__base) & (1ULL << 34) ? 34 : (__base) & (1ULL << 33) ? 33 : (__base) & (1ULL << 32) ? 32 : (__base) & (1ULL << 31) ? 31 : (__base) & (1ULL << 30) ? 30 : (__base) & (1ULL << 29) ? 29 : (__base) & (1ULL << 28) ? 28 : (__base) & (1ULL << 27) ? 27 : (__base) & (1ULL << 26) ? 26 : (__base) & (1ULL << 25) ? 25 : (__base) & (1ULL << 24) ? 24 : (__base) & (1ULL << 23) ? 23 : (__base) & (1ULL << 22) ? 22 : (__base) & (1ULL << 21) ? 21 : (__base) & (1ULL << 20) ? 20 : (__base) & (1ULL << 19) ? 19 : (__base) & (1ULL << 18) ? 18 : (__base) & (1ULL << 17) ? 17 : (__base) & (1ULL << 16) ? 16 : (__base) & (1ULL << 15) ? 15 : (__base) & (1ULL << 14) ? 14 : (__base) & (1ULL << 13) ? 13 : (__base) & (1ULL << 12) ? 12 : (__base) & (1ULL << 11) ? 11 : (__base) & (1ULL << 10) ? 10 : (__base) & (1ULL << 9) ? 9 : (__base) & (1ULL << 8) ? 8 : (__base) & (1ULL << 7) ? 7 : (__base) & (1ULL << 6) ? 6 : (__base) & (1ULL << 5) ? 5 : (__base) & (1ULL << 4) ? 4 : (__base) & (1ULL << 3) ? 3 : (__base) & (1ULL << 2) ? 2 : 1 ) : (sizeof(__base) <= 4) ? __ilog2_u32(__base) : __ilog2_u64(__base) ); } else if ((4 >= 4) && __builtin_constant_p(__base) && __base != 0) { uint32_t __res_lo, __n_lo = (t); (t) = ({ uint64_t ___res, ___x, ___t, ___m, ___n = (t); uint32_t ___p, ___bias; ___p = 1 << ( __builtin_constant_p(__base) ? ( (__base) < 2 ? 0 : (__base) & (1ULL << 63) ? 63 : (__base) & (1ULL << 62) ? 62 : (__base) & (1ULL << 61) ? 61 : (__base) & (1ULL << 60) ? 60 : (__base) & (1ULL << 59) ? 59 : (__base) & (1ULL << 58) ? 58 : (__base) & (1ULL << 57) ? 57 : (__base) & (1ULL << 56) ? 56 : (__base) & (1ULL << 55) ? 55 : (__base) & (1ULL << 54) ? 54 : (__base) & (1ULL << 53) ? 53 : (__base) & (1ULL << 52) ? 52 : (__base) & (1ULL << 51) ? 51 : (__base) & (1ULL << 50) ? 50 : (__base) & (1ULL << 49) ? 49 : (__base) & (1ULL << 48) ? 48 : (__base) & (1ULL << 47) ? 47 : (__base) & (1ULL << 46) ? 46 : (__base) & (1ULL << 45) ? 45 : (__base) & (1ULL << 44) ? 44 : (__base) & (1ULL << 43) ? 43 : (__base) & (1ULL << 42) ? 42 : (__base) & (1ULL << 41) ? 41 : (__base) & (1ULL << 40) ? 40 : (__base) & (1ULL << 39) ? 39 : (__base) & (1ULL << 38) ? 38 : (__base) & (1ULL << 37) ? 37 : (__base) & (1ULL << 36) ? 36 : (__base) & (1ULL << 35) ? 35 : (__base) & (1ULL << 34) ? 34 : (__base) & (1ULL << 33) ? 33 : (__base) & (1ULL << 32) ? 32 : (__base) & (1ULL << 31) ? 31 : (__base) & (1ULL << 30) ? 30 : (__base) & (1ULL << 29) ? 29 : (__base) & (1ULL << 28) ? 28 : (__base) & (1ULL << 27) ? 27 : (__base) & (1ULL << 26) ? 26 : (__base) & (1ULL << 25) ? 25 : (__base) & (1ULL << 24) ? 24 : (__base) & (1ULL << 23) ? 23 : (__base) & (1ULL << 22) ? 22 : (__base) & (1ULL << 21) ? 21 : (__base) & (1ULL << 20) ? 20 : (__base) & (1ULL << 19) ? 19 : (__base) & (1ULL << 18) ? 18 : (__base) & (1ULL << 17) ? 17 : (__base) & (1ULL << 16) ? 16 : (__base) & (1ULL << 15) ? 15 : (__base) & (1ULL << 14) ? 14 : (__base) & (1ULL << 13) ? 13 : (__base) & (1ULL << 12) ? 12 : (__base) & (1ULL << 11) ? 11 : (__base) & (1ULL << 10) ? 10 : (__base) & (1ULL << 9) ? 9 : (__base) & (1ULL << 8) ? 8 : (__base) & (1ULL << 7) ? 7 : (__base) & (1ULL << 6) ? 6 : (__base) & (1ULL << 5) ? 5 : (__base) & (1ULL << 4) ? 4 : (__base) & (1ULL << 3) ? 3 : (__base) & (1ULL << 2) ? 2 : 1 ) : (sizeof(__base) <= 4) ? __ilog2_u32(__base) : __ilog2_u64(__base) ); ___m = (~0ULL / __base) * ___p; ___m += (((~0ULL % __base + 1) * ___p) + __base - 1) / __base; ___x = ~0ULL / __base * __base - 1; ___res = ((___m & 0xffffffff) * (___x & 0xffffffff)) >> 32; ___t = ___res += (___m & 0xffffffff) * (___x >> 32); ___res += (___x & 0xffffffff) * (___m >> 32); ___t = (___res < ___t) ? (1ULL << 32) : 0; ___res = (___res >> 32) + ___t; ___res += (___m >> 32) * (___x >> 32); ___res /= ___p; if (~0ULL % (__base / (__base & -__base)) == 0) { ___n /= (__base & -__base); ___m = ~0ULL / (__base / (__base & -__base)); ___p = 1; ___bias = 1; } else if (___res != ___x / __base) { ___bias = 1; ___m = (~0ULL / __base) * ___p; ___m += ((~0ULL % __base + 1) * ___p) / __base; } else { uint32_t ___bits = -(___m & -___m); ___bits |= ___m >> 32; ___bits = (~___bits) << 1; if (!___bits) { ___p /= (___m & -___m); ___m /= (___m & -___m); } else { ___p >>= ( __builtin_constant_p(___bits) ? ( (___bits) < 2 ? 0 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 63) ? 63 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 62) ? 62 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 61) ? 61 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 60) ? 60 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 59) ? 59 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 58) ? 58 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 57) ? 57 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 56) ? 56 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 55) ? 55 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 54) ? 54 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 53) ? 53 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 52) ? 52 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 51) ? 51 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 50) ? 50 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 49) ? 49 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 48) ? 48 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 47) ? 47 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 46) ? 46 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 45) ? 45 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 44) ? 44 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 43) ? 43 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 42) ? 42 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 41) ? 41 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 40) ? 40 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 39) ? 39 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 38) ? 38 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 37) ? 37 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 36) ? 36 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 35) ? 35 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 34) ? 34 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 33) ? 33 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 32) ? 32 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 31) ? 31 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 30) ? 30 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 29) ? 29 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 28) ? 28 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 27) ? 27 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 26) ? 26 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 25) ? 25 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 24) ? 24 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 23) ? 23 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 22) ? 22 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 21) ? 21 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 20) ? 20 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 19) ? 19 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 18) ? 18 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 17) ? 17 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 16) ? 16 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 15) ? 15 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 14) ? 14 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 13) ? 13 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 12) ? 12 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 11) ? 11 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 10) ? 10 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 9) ? 9 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 8) ? 8 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 7) ? 7 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 6) ? 6 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 5) ? 5 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 4) ? 4 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 3) ? 3 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 2) ? 2 : 1 ) : (sizeof(___bits) <= 4) ? __ilog2_u32(___bits) : __ilog2_u64(___bits) ); ___m >>= ( __builtin_constant_p(___bits) ? ( (___bits) < 2 ? 0 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 63) ? 63 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 62) ? 62 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 61) ? 61 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 60) ? 60 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 59) ? 59 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 58) ? 58 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 57) ? 57 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 56) ? 56 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 55) ? 55 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 54) ? 54 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 53) ? 53 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 52) ? 52 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 51) ? 51 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 50) ? 50 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 49) ? 49 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 48) ? 48 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 47) ? 47 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 46) ? 46 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 45) ? 45 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 44) ? 44 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 43) ? 43 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 42) ? 42 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 41) ? 41 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 40) ? 40 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 39) ? 39 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 38) ? 38 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 37) ? 37 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 36) ? 36 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 35) ? 35 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 34) ? 34 : (___bits) & (1ULL << 33) ? 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__ilog2_u32(___bits) : __ilog2_u64(___bits) ); } ___bias = 0; } ___res = __arch_xprod_64(___m, ___n, ___bias); ___res /= ___p; }); __res_lo = (t); __rem = __n_lo - __res_lo * __base; } else if (__builtin_expect(!!(((t) >> 32) == 0), 1)) { __rem = (uint32_t)(t) % __base; (t) = (uint32_t)(t) / __base; } else __rem = __div64_32(&(t), __base); __rem; }); }), (unsigned long)REC->next_ctx_id, (long)REC->next_prio, (unsigned long)REC->next_job_id|yT$y<<yypvrsrvkmGCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease)A0aeabi&7-A A "*  !#$%&  d4PDD0Tt0i u(#,(L ,TH7(<FKLPUtHf kHp|uz@D|x   4`D$ lD H 0\ $L*06@@F" "LdR|`$ d$X^d4jlpv |   X     \ p       <  $ ( ,   05 45  ,(D#;#L#T#h \5q l5xl5@#56<T 7@  096Kh F < <f4P = =ukpp@ @A A$B CHD LD4E 8EETT `!*= Ph0rL ## EEl#<487\$GGt\H `H`HH HHhPI TITI4IH 6TKFPfkp  "t2(CV qAA^s>TT\x4# #,#)0#;8#O<#[<#f$  InI0 J@`J(JPJ J( K@`KT Kx<@#60L7PK(M ,M!,MP<|MpfDuF8P<kL\N dNPdN4Ph0c0rxL@#@]@#D #P #\#`# S<h#V W(F4,KkpP7`pf844(h# Xp#7Z ZZ Z<8[ \kLf8P$FKp`] ]]8p#p##$#1#@ ]E]#\^<<0 4 e^8 < Da HaCHaXpa@ D tb6LD7HKle eFxPj jf$k (kl lkl ll ll lpm mpn nn opo oo oH L p pu4ht<qLL`x  )  << <M P] X #i # # # # #  q8#8 #  Tr TrdHL7P,#FKP T H #  v HL7hx x + > <HQ  \xb \x< x$ xH y8 >>X>,?:# #'  |`#t?x?7?K?F @PP@f@pAk@uPAt?#:#N#^#o HxHH<L\$# L`AAsL7A KBF$B P8BfBkBpCuDCpCC#(DDCXDDtDDXE EEE4FElFFF$GGG G$GGhGG0H*]EtZLDaSZZVa@[hP Ln QuHY| SLPNK_ U[hXQ|IJDJhJ<`UHUlUW KK KODRR(RR_<_d_ \ONN$J%Y,`3L]:HVADWHVOW$KVX]XdXkLSrL^y^TN L^@IRHXI,^xSS^0TM0Nb ZDQQSA# $-$-8-\-(tbxb1H27b&838KbP cFb;p7fHcN<8lpcktccDdducddeckkVfDuf0gP`l lll,mTk`<#lmHoo(4otmPpmmqmlrTnn\sstht u"v6vXnnny yHyX|$#Q$#]$# B$#k$#w$# @7L@@  4`@ X0p(O$7f$`<$#6@ԽhK\F` *HRfPkqd  up8 ċ`D H   d l \ t@\h،Dȍ8( <   Ď$0H0*t @R^8XLďF |` .xCRapx~Pp($#$# $# $#& $#? 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