/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ANDROID_HARDWARE_AUDIO_EFFECT_DOWNMIXEFFECT_H #define ANDROID_HARDWARE_AUDIO_EFFECT_DOWNMIXEFFECT_H #include PATH(android/hardware/audio/effect/FILE_VERSION/IDownmixEffect.h) #include "Effect.h" #include #include #include "VersionUtils.h" namespace android { namespace hardware { namespace audio { namespace effect { namespace CPP_VERSION { namespace implementation { using ::android::sp; using ::android::hardware::hidl_string; using ::android::hardware::hidl_vec; using ::android::hardware::Return; using ::android::hardware::Void; using ::android::hardware::audio::effect::CPP_VERSION::IDownmixEffect; using ::android::hardware::audio::effect::CPP_VERSION::Result; struct DownmixEffect : public IDownmixEffect { explicit DownmixEffect(effect_handle_t handle); // Methods from ::android::hardware::audio::effect::CPP_VERSION::IEffect follow. Return init() override; Return setConfig( const EffectConfig& config, const sp& inputBufferProvider, const sp& outputBufferProvider) override; Return reset() override; Return enable() override; Return disable() override; Return setDevice(AudioDeviceBitfield device) override; Return setAndGetVolume(const hidl_vec& volumes, setAndGetVolume_cb _hidl_cb) override; Return volumeChangeNotification(const hidl_vec& volumes) override; Return setAudioMode(AudioMode mode) override; Return setConfigReverse( const EffectConfig& config, const sp& inputBufferProvider, const sp& outputBufferProvider) override; Return setInputDevice(AudioDeviceBitfield device) override; Return getConfig(getConfig_cb _hidl_cb) override; Return getConfigReverse(getConfigReverse_cb _hidl_cb) override; Return getSupportedAuxChannelsConfigs( uint32_t maxConfigs, getSupportedAuxChannelsConfigs_cb _hidl_cb) override; Return getAuxChannelsConfig(getAuxChannelsConfig_cb _hidl_cb) override; Return setAuxChannelsConfig(const EffectAuxChannelsConfig& config) override; Return setAudioSource(AudioSource source) override; Return offload(const EffectOffloadParameter& param) override; Return getDescriptor(getDescriptor_cb _hidl_cb) override; Return prepareForProcessing(prepareForProcessing_cb _hidl_cb) override; Return setProcessBuffers(const AudioBuffer& inBuffer, const AudioBuffer& outBuffer) override; Return command(uint32_t commandId, const hidl_vec& data, uint32_t resultMaxSize, command_cb _hidl_cb) override; Return setParameter(const hidl_vec& parameter, const hidl_vec& value) override; Return getParameter(const hidl_vec& parameter, uint32_t valueMaxSize, getParameter_cb _hidl_cb) override; Return getSupportedConfigsForFeature(uint32_t featureId, uint32_t maxConfigs, uint32_t configSize, getSupportedConfigsForFeature_cb _hidl_cb) override; Return getCurrentConfigForFeature(uint32_t featureId, uint32_t configSize, getCurrentConfigForFeature_cb _hidl_cb) override; Return setCurrentConfigForFeature(uint32_t featureId, const hidl_vec& configData) override; Return close() override; Return debug(const hidl_handle& fd, const hidl_vec& options) override; // Methods from ::android::hardware::audio::effect::CPP_VERSION::IDownmixEffect follow. Return setType(IDownmixEffect::Type preset) override; Return getType(getType_cb _hidl_cb) override; private: sp mEffect; virtual ~DownmixEffect(); }; } // namespace implementation } // namespace CPP_VERSION } // namespace effect } // namespace audio } // namespace hardware } // namespace android #endif // ANDROID_HARDWARE_AUDIO_EFFECT_DOWNMIXEFFECT_H