Phone To complete your call, first connect your phone to your car via Bluetooth. Bluetooth is not available. To make or receive calls, turn Bluetooth on. To make or receive calls, pair your phone with the car. Connect to Bluetooth Emergency Emergency call This contact might have been deleted. Can\'t dial this number. Check it and try again. Phone call is not available. Please try again later. Decline Answer Call back Car speakers Phone speaker Phone Dial a number Favorites Recents Contacts Dialpad Today Yesterday Older No recents No contacts Available after syncing. Make sure you have allowed sharing contacts on your phone. No favorites You haven\'t added any favorites yet Add a favorite @android:string/cancel @android:string/ok 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 * # ABC DEF GHI JKL MNO PQRS TUV WXYZ + Search contacts Search contacts Multiple Choose a phone number Just once Always %1$s ", default" "Favorite - " %1$s "Local favorite - " %1$s Favorites Local favorites No phone numbers Incoming call notification Incoming call Missed call notification Missed call Missed calls(%1$d) On Hold Settings Start screen set_start_page Contact order contact_order given_name family_name First name Last name Output call audio to: