/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.deskclock; import android.app.Activity; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.provider.AlarmClock; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.text.format.DateFormat; import com.android.deskclock.alarms.AlarmStateManager; import com.android.deskclock.controller.Controller; import com.android.deskclock.data.DataModel; import com.android.deskclock.data.Timer; import com.android.deskclock.data.Weekdays; import com.android.deskclock.events.Events; import com.android.deskclock.provider.Alarm; import com.android.deskclock.provider.AlarmInstance; import com.android.deskclock.timer.TimerFragment; import com.android.deskclock.timer.TimerService; import com.android.deskclock.uidata.UiDataModel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import static android.text.format.DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS; import static com.android.deskclock.AlarmSelectionActivity.ACTION_DISMISS; import static com.android.deskclock.AlarmSelectionActivity.EXTRA_ACTION; import static com.android.deskclock.AlarmSelectionActivity.EXTRA_ALARMS; import static com.android.deskclock.provider.AlarmInstance.FIRED_STATE; import static com.android.deskclock.provider.AlarmInstance.SNOOZE_STATE; import static com.android.deskclock.uidata.UiDataModel.Tab.ALARMS; import static com.android.deskclock.uidata.UiDataModel.Tab.TIMERS; /** * This activity is never visible. It processes all public intents defined by {@link AlarmClock} * that apply to alarms and timers. Its definition in AndroidManifest.xml requires callers to hold * the com.android.alarm.permission.SET_ALARM permission to complete the requested action. */ public class HandleApiCalls extends Activity { private static final LogUtils.Logger LOGGER = new LogUtils.Logger("HandleApiCalls"); private Context mAppContext; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { super.onCreate(icicle); mAppContext = getApplicationContext(); try { final Intent intent = getIntent(); final String action = intent == null ? null : intent.getAction(); if (action == null) { return; } LOGGER.i("onCreate: " + intent); switch (action) { case AlarmClock.ACTION_SET_ALARM: handleSetAlarm(intent); break; case AlarmClock.ACTION_SHOW_ALARMS: handleShowAlarms(); break; case AlarmClock.ACTION_SET_TIMER: handleSetTimer(intent); break; case AlarmClock.ACTION_SHOW_TIMERS: handleShowTimers(intent); break; case AlarmClock.ACTION_DISMISS_ALARM: handleDismissAlarm(intent); break; case AlarmClock.ACTION_SNOOZE_ALARM: handleSnoozeAlarm(intent); break; case AlarmClock.ACTION_DISMISS_TIMER: handleDismissTimer(intent); break; } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.wtf(e); } finally { finish(); } } private void handleDismissAlarm(Intent intent) { // Change to the alarms tab. UiDataModel.getUiDataModel().setSelectedTab(ALARMS); // Open DeskClock which is now positioned on the alarms tab. startActivity(new Intent(mAppContext, DeskClock.class)); new DismissAlarmAsync(mAppContext, intent, this).execute(); } public static void dismissAlarm(Alarm alarm, Activity activity) { final Context context = activity.getApplicationContext(); final AlarmInstance instance = AlarmInstance.getNextUpcomingInstanceByAlarmId( context.getContentResolver(), alarm.id); if (instance == null) { final String reason = context.getString(R.string.no_alarm_scheduled_for_this_time); Controller.getController().notifyVoiceFailure(activity, reason); LOGGER.i("No alarm instance to dismiss"); return; } dismissAlarmInstance(instance, activity); } public static void dismissAlarmInstance(AlarmInstance instance, Activity activity) { Utils.enforceNotMainLooper(); final Context context = activity.getApplicationContext(); final Date alarmTime = instance.getAlarmTime().getTime(); final String time = DateFormat.getTimeFormat(context).format(alarmTime); if (instance.mAlarmState == FIRED_STATE || instance.mAlarmState == SNOOZE_STATE) { // Always dismiss alarms that are fired or snoozed. AlarmStateManager.deleteInstanceAndUpdateParent(context, instance); } else if (Utils.isAlarmWithin24Hours(instance)) { // Upcoming alarms are always predismissed. AlarmStateManager.setPreDismissState(context, instance); } else { // Otherwise the alarm cannot be dismissed at this time. final String reason = context.getString( R.string.alarm_cant_be_dismissed_still_more_than_24_hours_away, time); Controller.getController().notifyVoiceFailure(activity, reason); LOGGER.i("Can't dismiss alarm more than 24 hours in advance"); } // Log the successful dismissal. final String reason = context.getString(R.string.alarm_is_dismissed, time); Controller.getController().notifyVoiceSuccess(activity, reason); LOGGER.i("Alarm dismissed: " + instance); Events.sendAlarmEvent(R.string.action_dismiss, R.string.label_intent); } private static class DismissAlarmAsync extends AsyncTask { private final Context mContext; private final Intent mIntent; private final Activity mActivity; public DismissAlarmAsync(Context context, Intent intent, Activity activity) { mContext = context; mIntent = intent; mActivity = activity; } @Override protected Void doInBackground(Void... parameters) { final ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver(); final List alarms = getEnabledAlarms(mContext); if (alarms.isEmpty()) { final String reason = mContext.getString(R.string.no_scheduled_alarms); Controller.getController().notifyVoiceFailure(mActivity, reason); LOGGER.i("No scheduled alarms"); return null; } // remove Alarms in MISSED, DISMISSED, and PREDISMISSED states for (Iterator i = alarms.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final AlarmInstance instance = AlarmInstance.getNextUpcomingInstanceByAlarmId( cr, i.next().id); if (instance == null || instance.mAlarmState > FIRED_STATE) { i.remove(); } } final String searchMode = mIntent.getStringExtra(AlarmClock.EXTRA_ALARM_SEARCH_MODE); if (searchMode == null && alarms.size() > 1) { // shows the UI where user picks which alarm they want to DISMISS final Intent pickSelectionIntent = new Intent(mContext, AlarmSelectionActivity.class) .setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) .putExtra(EXTRA_ACTION, ACTION_DISMISS) .putExtra(EXTRA_ALARMS, alarms.toArray(new Parcelable[alarms.size()])); mContext.startActivity(pickSelectionIntent); final String voiceMessage = mContext.getString(R.string.pick_alarm_to_dismiss); Controller.getController().notifyVoiceSuccess(mActivity, voiceMessage); return null; } // fetch the alarms that are specified by the intent final FetchMatchingAlarmsAction fmaa = new FetchMatchingAlarmsAction(mContext, alarms, mIntent, mActivity); fmaa.run(); final List matchingAlarms = fmaa.getMatchingAlarms(); // If there are multiple matching alarms and it wasn't expected // disambiguate what the user meant if (!AlarmClock.ALARM_SEARCH_MODE_ALL.equals(searchMode) && matchingAlarms.size() > 1) { final Intent pickSelectionIntent = new Intent(mContext, AlarmSelectionActivity.class) .setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) .putExtra(EXTRA_ACTION, ACTION_DISMISS) .putExtra(EXTRA_ALARMS, matchingAlarms.toArray(new Parcelable[matchingAlarms.size()])); mContext.startActivity(pickSelectionIntent); final String voiceMessage = mContext.getString(R.string.pick_alarm_to_dismiss); Controller.getController().notifyVoiceSuccess(mActivity, voiceMessage); return null; } // Apply the action to the matching alarms for (Alarm alarm : matchingAlarms) { dismissAlarm(alarm, mActivity); LOGGER.i("Alarm dismissed: " + alarm); } return null; } private static List getEnabledAlarms(Context context) { final String selection = String.format("%s=?", Alarm.ENABLED); final String[] args = { "1" }; return Alarm.getAlarms(context.getContentResolver(), selection, args); } } private void handleSnoozeAlarm(Intent intent) { new SnoozeAlarmAsync(intent, this).execute(); } private static class SnoozeAlarmAsync extends AsyncTask { private final Context mContext; private final Intent mIntent; private final Activity mActivity; public SnoozeAlarmAsync(Intent intent, Activity activity) { mContext = activity.getApplicationContext(); mIntent = intent; mActivity = activity; } @Override protected Void doInBackground(Void... parameters) { final ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver(); final List alarmInstances = AlarmInstance.getInstancesByState( cr, FIRED_STATE); if (alarmInstances.isEmpty()) { final String reason = mContext.getString(R.string.no_firing_alarms); Controller.getController().notifyVoiceFailure(mActivity, reason); LOGGER.i("No firing alarms"); return null; } for (AlarmInstance firingAlarmInstance : alarmInstances) { snoozeAlarm(firingAlarmInstance, mContext, mActivity); } return null; } } static void snoozeAlarm(AlarmInstance alarmInstance, Context context, Activity activity) { Utils.enforceNotMainLooper(); final String time = DateFormat.getTimeFormat(context).format( alarmInstance.getAlarmTime().getTime()); final String reason = context.getString(R.string.alarm_is_snoozed, time); AlarmStateManager.setSnoozeState(context, alarmInstance, true); Controller.getController().notifyVoiceSuccess(activity, reason); LOGGER.i("Alarm snoozed: " + alarmInstance); Events.sendAlarmEvent(R.string.action_snooze, R.string.label_intent); } /*** * Processes the SET_ALARM intent * @param intent Intent passed to the app */ private void handleSetAlarm(Intent intent) { // Validate the hour, if one was given. int hour = -1; if (intent.hasExtra(AlarmClock.EXTRA_HOUR)) { hour = intent.getIntExtra(AlarmClock.EXTRA_HOUR, hour); if (hour < 0 || hour > 23) { final int mins = intent.getIntExtra(AlarmClock.EXTRA_MINUTES, 0); final String voiceMessage = getString(R.string.invalid_time, hour, mins, " "); Controller.getController().notifyVoiceFailure(this, voiceMessage); LOGGER.i("Illegal hour: " + hour); return; } } // Validate the minute, if one was given. final int minutes = intent.getIntExtra(AlarmClock.EXTRA_MINUTES, 0); if (minutes < 0 || minutes > 59) { final String voiceMessage = getString(R.string.invalid_time, hour, minutes, " "); Controller.getController().notifyVoiceFailure(this, voiceMessage); LOGGER.i("Illegal minute: " + minutes); return; } final boolean skipUi = intent.getBooleanExtra(AlarmClock.EXTRA_SKIP_UI, false); final ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver(); // If time information was not provided an existing alarm cannot be located and a new one // cannot be created so show the UI for creating the alarm from scratch per spec. if (hour == -1) { // Change to the alarms tab. UiDataModel.getUiDataModel().setSelectedTab(ALARMS); // Intent has no time or an invalid time, open the alarm creation UI. final Intent createAlarm = Alarm.createIntent(this, DeskClock.class, Alarm.INVALID_ID) .addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) .putExtra(AlarmClockFragment.ALARM_CREATE_NEW_INTENT_EXTRA, true); // Open DeskClock which is now positioned on the alarms tab. startActivity(createAlarm); final String voiceMessage = getString(R.string.invalid_time, hour, minutes, " "); Controller.getController().notifyVoiceFailure(this, voiceMessage); LOGGER.i("Missing alarm time; opening UI"); return; } final StringBuilder selection = new StringBuilder(); final List argsList = new ArrayList<>(); setSelectionFromIntent(intent, hour, minutes, selection, argsList); // Try to locate an existing alarm using the intent data. final String[] args = argsList.toArray(new String[argsList.size()]); final List alarms = Alarm.getAlarms(cr, selection.toString(), args); final Alarm alarm; if (!alarms.isEmpty()) { // Enable the first matching alarm. alarm = alarms.get(0); alarm.enabled = true; Alarm.updateAlarm(cr, alarm); // Delete all old instances. AlarmStateManager.deleteAllInstances(this, alarm.id); Events.sendAlarmEvent(R.string.action_update, R.string.label_intent); LOGGER.i("Updated alarm: " + alarm); } else { // No existing alarm could be located; create one using the intent data. alarm = new Alarm(); updateAlarmFromIntent(alarm, intent); alarm.deleteAfterUse = !alarm.daysOfWeek.isRepeating() && skipUi; // Save the new alarm. Alarm.addAlarm(cr, alarm); Events.sendAlarmEvent(R.string.action_create, R.string.label_intent); LOGGER.i("Created new alarm: " + alarm); } // Schedule the next instance. final Calendar now = DataModel.getDataModel().getCalendar(); final AlarmInstance alarmInstance = alarm.createInstanceAfter(now); setupInstance(alarmInstance, skipUi); final String time = DateFormat.getTimeFormat(this) .format(alarmInstance.getAlarmTime().getTime()); Controller.getController().notifyVoiceSuccess(this, getString(R.string.alarm_is_set, time)); } private void handleDismissTimer(Intent intent) { final Uri dataUri = intent.getData(); if (dataUri != null) { final Timer selectedTimer = getSelectedTimer(dataUri); if (selectedTimer != null) { DataModel.getDataModel().resetOrDeleteTimer(selectedTimer, R.string.label_intent); Controller.getController().notifyVoiceSuccess(this, getResources().getQuantityString(R.plurals.expired_timers_dismissed, 1)); LOGGER.i("Timer dismissed: " + selectedTimer); } else { Controller.getController().notifyVoiceFailure(this, getString(R.string.invalid_timer)); LOGGER.e("Could not dismiss timer: invalid URI"); } } else { final List expiredTimers = DataModel.getDataModel().getExpiredTimers(); if (!expiredTimers.isEmpty()) { for (Timer timer : expiredTimers) { DataModel.getDataModel().resetOrDeleteTimer(timer, R.string.label_intent); } final int numberOfTimers = expiredTimers.size(); final String timersDismissedMessage = getResources().getQuantityString( R.plurals.expired_timers_dismissed, numberOfTimers, numberOfTimers); Controller.getController().notifyVoiceSuccess(this, timersDismissedMessage); LOGGER.i(timersDismissedMessage); } else { Controller.getController().notifyVoiceFailure(this, getString(R.string.no_expired_timers)); LOGGER.e("Could not dismiss timer: no expired timers"); } } } private Timer getSelectedTimer(Uri dataUri) { try { final int timerId = (int) ContentUris.parseId(dataUri); return DataModel.getDataModel().getTimer(timerId); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } } private void handleShowAlarms() { Events.sendAlarmEvent(R.string.action_show, R.string.label_intent); // Open DeskClock positioned on the alarms tab. UiDataModel.getUiDataModel().setSelectedTab(ALARMS); startActivity(new Intent(this, DeskClock.class)); } private void handleShowTimers(Intent intent) { Events.sendTimerEvent(R.string.action_show, R.string.label_intent); final Intent showTimersIntent = new Intent(this, DeskClock.class); final List timers = DataModel.getDataModel().getTimers(); if (!timers.isEmpty()) { final Timer newestTimer = timers.get(timers.size() - 1); showTimersIntent.putExtra(TimerService.EXTRA_TIMER_ID, newestTimer.getId()); } // Open DeskClock positioned on the timers tab. UiDataModel.getUiDataModel().setSelectedTab(TIMERS); startActivity(showTimersIntent); } private void handleSetTimer(Intent intent) { // If no length is supplied, show the timer setup view. if (!intent.hasExtra(AlarmClock.EXTRA_LENGTH)) { // Change to the timers tab. UiDataModel.getUiDataModel().setSelectedTab(TIMERS); // Open DeskClock which is now positioned on the timers tab and show the timer setup. startActivity(TimerFragment.createTimerSetupIntent(this)); LOGGER.i("Showing timer setup"); return; } // Verify that the timer length is between one second and one day. final long lengthMillis = SECOND_IN_MILLIS * intent.getIntExtra(AlarmClock.EXTRA_LENGTH, 0); if (lengthMillis < Timer.MIN_LENGTH) { final String voiceMessage = getString(R.string.invalid_timer_length); Controller.getController().notifyVoiceFailure(this, voiceMessage); LOGGER.i("Invalid timer length requested: " + lengthMillis); return; } final String label = getLabelFromIntent(intent, ""); final boolean skipUi = intent.getBooleanExtra(AlarmClock.EXTRA_SKIP_UI, false); // Attempt to reuse an existing timer that is Reset with the same length and label. Timer timer = null; for (Timer t : DataModel.getDataModel().getTimers()) { if (!t.isReset()) { continue; } if (t.getLength() != lengthMillis) { continue; } if (!TextUtils.equals(label, t.getLabel())) { continue; } timer = t; break; } // Create a new timer if one could not be reused. if (timer == null) { timer = DataModel.getDataModel().addTimer(lengthMillis, label, skipUi); Events.sendTimerEvent(R.string.action_create, R.string.label_intent); } // Start the selected timer. DataModel.getDataModel().startTimer(timer); Events.sendTimerEvent(R.string.action_start, R.string.label_intent); Controller.getController().notifyVoiceSuccess(this, getString(R.string.timer_created)); // If not instructed to skip the UI, display the running timer. if (!skipUi) { // Change to the timers tab. UiDataModel.getUiDataModel().setSelectedTab(TIMERS); // Open DeskClock which is now positioned on the timers tab. startActivity(new Intent(this, DeskClock.class) .putExtra(TimerService.EXTRA_TIMER_ID, timer.getId())); } } private void setupInstance(AlarmInstance instance, boolean skipUi) { instance = AlarmInstance.addInstance(this.getContentResolver(), instance); AlarmStateManager.registerInstance(this, instance, true); AlarmUtils.popAlarmSetToast(this, instance.getAlarmTime().getTimeInMillis()); if (!skipUi) { // Change to the alarms tab. UiDataModel.getUiDataModel().setSelectedTab(ALARMS); // Open DeskClock which is now positioned on the alarms tab. final Intent showAlarm = Alarm.createIntent(this, DeskClock.class, instance.mAlarmId) .putExtra(AlarmClockFragment.SCROLL_TO_ALARM_INTENT_EXTRA, instance.mAlarmId) .addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); startActivity(showAlarm); } } /** * @param alarm the alarm to be updated * @param intent the intent containing new alarm field values to merge into the {@code alarm} */ private static void updateAlarmFromIntent(Alarm alarm, Intent intent) { alarm.enabled = true; alarm.hour = intent.getIntExtra(AlarmClock.EXTRA_HOUR, alarm.hour); alarm.minutes = intent.getIntExtra(AlarmClock.EXTRA_MINUTES, alarm.minutes); alarm.vibrate = intent.getBooleanExtra(AlarmClock.EXTRA_VIBRATE, alarm.vibrate); alarm.alert = getAlertFromIntent(intent, alarm.alert); alarm.label = getLabelFromIntent(intent, alarm.label); alarm.daysOfWeek = getDaysFromIntent(intent, alarm.daysOfWeek); } private static String getLabelFromIntent(Intent intent, String defaultLabel) { final String message = intent.getExtras().getString(AlarmClock.EXTRA_MESSAGE, defaultLabel); return message == null ? "" : message; } private static Weekdays getDaysFromIntent(Intent intent, Weekdays defaultWeekdays) { if (!intent.hasExtra(AlarmClock.EXTRA_DAYS)) { return defaultWeekdays; } final List days = intent.getIntegerArrayListExtra(AlarmClock.EXTRA_DAYS); if (days != null) { final int[] daysArray = new int[days.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < days.size(); i++) { daysArray[i] = days.get(i); } return Weekdays.fromCalendarDays(daysArray); } else { // API says to use an ArrayList but we allow the user to use a int[] too. final int[] daysArray = intent.getIntArrayExtra(AlarmClock.EXTRA_DAYS); if (daysArray != null) { return Weekdays.fromCalendarDays(daysArray); } } return defaultWeekdays; } private static Uri getAlertFromIntent(Intent intent, Uri defaultUri) { final String alert = intent.getStringExtra(AlarmClock.EXTRA_RINGTONE); if (alert == null) { return defaultUri; } else if (AlarmClock.VALUE_RINGTONE_SILENT.equals(alert) || alert.isEmpty()) { return Alarm.NO_RINGTONE_URI; } return Uri.parse(alert); } /** * Assemble a database where clause to search for an alarm matching the given {@code hour} and * {@code minutes} as well as all of the optional information within the {@code intent} * including: * *
  • alarm message
  • *
  • repeat days
  • *
  • vibration setting
  • *
  • ringtone uri
  • *
* * @param intent contains details of the alarm to be located * @param hour the hour of the day of the alarm * @param minutes the minute of the hour of the alarm * @param selection an out parameter containing a SQL where clause * @param args an out parameter containing the values to substitute into the {@code selection} */ private void setSelectionFromIntent( Intent intent, int hour, int minutes, StringBuilder selection, List args) { selection.append(Alarm.HOUR).append("=?"); args.add(String.valueOf(hour)); selection.append(" AND ").append(Alarm.MINUTES).append("=?"); args.add(String.valueOf(minutes)); if (intent.hasExtra(AlarmClock.EXTRA_MESSAGE)) { selection.append(" AND ").append(Alarm.LABEL).append("=?"); args.add(getLabelFromIntent(intent, "")); } // Days is treated differently than other fields because if days is not specified, it // explicitly means "not recurring". selection.append(" AND ").append(Alarm.DAYS_OF_WEEK).append("=?"); args.add(String.valueOf(getDaysFromIntent(intent, Weekdays.NONE).getBits())); if (intent.hasExtra(AlarmClock.EXTRA_VIBRATE)) { selection.append(" AND ").append(Alarm.VIBRATE).append("=?"); args.add(intent.getBooleanExtra(AlarmClock.EXTRA_VIBRATE, false) ? "1" : "0"); } if (intent.hasExtra(AlarmClock.EXTRA_RINGTONE)) { selection.append(" AND ").append(Alarm.RINGTONE).append("=?"); // If the intent explicitly specified a NULL ringtone, treat it as the default ringtone. final Uri defaultRingtone = DataModel.getDataModel().getDefaultAlarmRingtoneUri(); final Uri ringtone = getAlertFromIntent(intent, defaultRingtone); args.add(ringtone.toString()); } } }