"America" "Europe" "Africa" "Asia" "Australia" "Pacific" "All" "15 seconds" "30 seconds" "1 minute" "2 minutes" "5 minutes" "10 minutes" "30 minutes" "Never" "15 seconds" "30 seconds" "1 minute" "2 minutes" "5 minutes" "10 minutes" "30 minutes" "Immediately" "5 seconds" "15 seconds" "30 seconds" "1 minute" "2 minutes" "5 minutes" "10 minutes" "30 minutes" "Small" "Default" "Large" "Largest" "Scanning…" "Connecting…" "Authenticating…" "Obtaining IP address…" "Connected" "Suspended" "Disconnecting…" "Disconnected" "Unsuccessful" "Blocked" "Temporarily avoiding poor connection" "Scanning…" "Connecting to %1$s…" "Authenticating with %1$s…" "Obtaining IP address from %1$s…" "Connected to %1$s" "Suspended" "Disconnecting from %1$s…" "Disconnected" "Unsuccessful" "Blocked" "Temporarily avoiding poor connection" "Push button" "PIN from peer device" "PIN from this device" "Connected" "Invited" "Unsuccessful" "Available" "Out of range" "2 minutes" "5 minutes" "1 hour" "Never time out" "Use system default: %1$d" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "Poor" "Poor" "Fair" "Good" "Excellent" "Last 30 days" "Set usage cycle..." "Usage time" "Last time used" "App name" "PEAP" "TLS" "TTLS" "PWD" "None" "MSCHAPV2" "GTC" "None" "MSCHAPV2" "GTC" "SIM" "AKA" "AKA\'" "None" "PAP" "MSCHAP" "MSCHAPV2" "GTC" "DHCP" "Static" "None" "Manual" "Proxy Auto-Config" "None" "PAP" "CHAP" "PAP or CHAP" "IPv4" "IPv6" "IPv4/IPv6" "Unspecified" "LTE" "HSPAP" "HSPA" "HSUPA" "HSDPA" "UMTS" "EDGE" "GPRS" "eHRPD" "EVDO_B" "EVDO_A" "EVDO_0" "1xRTT" "IS95B" "IS95A" "None" "SPN" "IMSI" "GID" "Internal device storage" "Removable SD card" "Let the system decide" "Location" "Personal" "Messaging" "Media" "Device" "coarse location" "fine location" "GPS" "vibrate" "read contacts" "modify contacts" "read call log" "modify call log" "read calendar" "modify calendar" "Wi-Fi scan" "notification" "cell scan" "call phone" "read SMS" "write SMS" "receive SMS" "receive emergency SMS" "receive MMS" "receive WAP push" "send SMS" "read ICC SMS" "write ICC SMS" "modify settings" "draw on top" "access notifications" "camera" "record audio" "play audio" "read clipboard" "modify clipboard" "media buttons" "audio focus" "master volume" "voice volume" "ring volume" "media volume" "alarm volume" "notification volume" "Bluetooth volume" "keep awake" "monitor location" "monitor high power location" "get usage stats" "mute/unmute microphone" "show toast" "project media" "activate VPN" "write wallpaper" "assist structure" "assist screenshot" "read phone state" "add voicemail" "use sip" "process outgoing call" "fingerprint" "body sensors" "read mobile broadcasts" "mock location" "read storage" "write storage" "turn on screen" "get accounts" "run in background" "accessibility volume" "Location" "Location" "Location" "Vibrate" "Read contacts" "Modify contacts" "Read call log" "Modify call log" "Read calendar" "Modify calendar" "Location" "Post notification" "Location" "Call phone" "Read SMS/MMS" "Write SMS/MMS" "Receive SMS/MMS" "Receive SMS/MMS" "Receive SMS/MMS" "Receive SMS/MMS" "Send SMS/MMS" "Read SMS/MMS" "Write SMS/MMS" "Modify settings" "Draw on top" "Access notifications" "Camera" "Record audio" "Play audio" "Read clipboard" "Modify clipboard" "Media buttons" "Audio focus" "Master volume" "Voice volume" "Ring volume" "Media volume" "Alarm volume" "Notification volume" "Bluetooth volume" "Keep awake" "Location" "Location" "Get usage stats" "Mute/unmute microphone" "Show toast" "Project media" "Activate VPN" "Write wallpaper" "Assist structure" "Assist screenshot" "Read phone state" "Add voicemail" "Use sip" "Process outgoing call" "Fingerprint" "Body sensors" "Read mobile broadcasts" "Mock location" "Read storage" "Write storage" "Turn on screen" "Get accounts" "Run in background" "Accessibility volume" "Short" "Medium" "Long" "Default" "Sans-serif" "Sans-serif condensed" "Sans-serif monospace" "Serif" "Serif monospace" "Casual" "Cursive" "Small capitals" "Very small" "Small" "Normal" "Large" "Very large" "Default" "None" "Outline" "Drop shadow" "Raised" "Depressed" "25%" "50%" "75%" "100%" "Use app defaults" "White on black" "Black on white" "Yellow on black" "Yellow on blue" "Customise" "PPTP VPN" "L2TP/IPSec VPN with preshared keys" "L2TP/IPSec VPN with certificates" "IPSec VPN with preshared keys and Xauth authentication" "IPSec VPN with certificates and Xauth authentication" "IPSec VPN with certificates and hybrid authentication" "Disconnected" "Initialising..." "Connecting…" "Connected" "Timeout" "Unsuccessful" "Ask" "Never allow" "Always allow" "Normal" "Moderate" "Low" "Critical" "?" "Normal" "Moderate" "Low" "Critical" "Persistent" "Top activity" "Important (foreground)" "Important (background)" "Backup" "Heavy weight" "Service (running)" "Service (restarting)" "Receiver" "Home" "Last activity" "Cached (activity)" "Cached (activity client)" "Cached (empty)" "Teal" "Blue" "Indigo" "Purple" "Pink" "Red" "Over 30 days old" "Over 60 days old" "Over 90 days old" "1" "0" "Detect automatically" "Treat as metered" "Treat as unmetered" "Use randomised MAC (default)" "Use device MAC" "No" "Yes" "Dark" "Light" "Off" "Debug" "Verbose" "Home only" "Automatic" "GSM/WCDMA preferred" "GSM only" "WCDMA only" "GSM/WCDMA auto" "CDMA/EvDo auto" "CDMA w/o EvDo" "EvDo only" "CDMA/EvDo/GSM/WCDMA" "CDMA + LTE/EvDo" "GSM/WCDMA/LTE" "Global" "LTE" "LTE/WCDMA" "TDSCDMA only" "TDSCDMA/WCDMA" "LTE/TDSCDMA" "TDSCDMA/GSM" "LTE/TDSCDMA/GSM" "TDSCDMA/GSM/WCDMA" "LTE/TDSCDMA/WCDMA" "LTE/TDSCDMA/GSM/WCDMA" "TDSCDMA/CDMA/EVDO/GSM/WCDMA" "LTE/TDSCDMA/CDMA/EVDO/GSM/WCDMA" "RUIM/SIM" "NV" "Global" "LTE/CDMA" "LTE/GSM/UMTS"