/* * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "logging_splitters.h" #include #include #include #include namespace android { namespace base { void TestNewlineSplitter(const std::string& input, const std::vector& expected_output) { std::vector output; auto logger_function = [&](const char* msg, int length) { if (length == -1) { output.push_back(msg); } else { output.push_back(std::string(msg, length)); } }; SplitByLines(input.c_str(), logger_function); EXPECT_EQ(expected_output, output); } TEST(logging_splitters, NewlineSplitter_EmptyString) { TestNewlineSplitter("", std::vector{""}); } TEST(logging_splitters, NewlineSplitter_BasicString) { TestNewlineSplitter("normal string", std::vector{"normal string"}); } TEST(logging_splitters, NewlineSplitter_ormalBasicStringTrailingNewline) { TestNewlineSplitter("normal string\n", std::vector{"normal string", ""}); } TEST(logging_splitters, NewlineSplitter_MultilineTrailing) { TestNewlineSplitter("normal string\nsecond string\nthirdstring", std::vector{"normal string", "second string", "thirdstring"}); } TEST(logging_splitters, NewlineSplitter_MultilineTrailingNewline) { TestNewlineSplitter( "normal string\nsecond string\nthirdstring\n", std::vector{"normal string", "second string", "thirdstring", ""}); } TEST(logging_splitters, NewlineSplitter_MultilineEmbeddedNewlines) { TestNewlineSplitter( "normal string\n\n\nsecond string\n\nthirdstring\n", std::vector{"normal string", "", "", "second string", "", "thirdstring", ""}); } void TestLogdChunkSplitter(const std::string& tag, const std::string& file, const std::string& input, const std::vector& expected_output) { std::vector output; auto logger_function = [&](LogId, LogSeverity, const char*, const char* msg) { output.push_back(msg); }; SplitByLogdChunks(MAIN, FATAL, tag.c_str(), file.empty() ? nullptr : file.c_str(), 1000, input.c_str(), logger_function); auto return_lengths = [&] { std::string sizes; sizes += "expected_output sizes:"; for (const auto& string : expected_output) { sizes += " " + std::to_string(string.size()); } sizes += "\noutput sizes:"; for (const auto& string : output) { sizes += " " + std::to_string(string.size()); } return sizes; }; EXPECT_EQ(expected_output, output) << return_lengths(); } TEST(logging_splitters, LogdChunkSplitter_EmptyString) { TestLogdChunkSplitter("tag", "", "", std::vector{""}); } TEST(logging_splitters, LogdChunkSplitter_BasicString) { TestLogdChunkSplitter("tag", "", "normal string", std::vector{"normal string"}); } TEST(logging_splitters, LogdChunkSplitter_NormalBasicStringTrailingNewline) { TestLogdChunkSplitter("tag", "", "normal string\n", std::vector{"normal string\n"}); } TEST(logging_splitters, LogdChunkSplitter_MultilineTrailing) { TestLogdChunkSplitter("tag", "", "normal string\nsecond string\nthirdstring", std::vector{"normal string\nsecond string\nthirdstring"}); } TEST(logging_splitters, LogdChunkSplitter_MultilineTrailingNewline) { TestLogdChunkSplitter("tag", "", "normal string\nsecond string\nthirdstring\n", std::vector{"normal string\nsecond string\nthirdstring\n"}); } TEST(logging_splitters, LogdChunkSplitter_MultilineEmbeddedNewlines) { TestLogdChunkSplitter( "tag", "", "normal string\n\n\nsecond string\n\nthirdstring\n", std::vector{"normal string\n\n\nsecond string\n\nthirdstring\n"}); } // This test should return the same string, the logd logger itself will truncate down to size. // This has historically been the behavior both in libbase and liblog. TEST(logging_splitters, LogdChunkSplitter_HugeLineNoNewline) { auto long_string = std::string(LOGGER_ENTRY_MAX_PAYLOAD, 'x'); ASSERT_EQ(LOGGER_ENTRY_MAX_PAYLOAD, static_cast(long_string.size())); TestLogdChunkSplitter("tag", "", long_string, std::vector{long_string}); } std::string ReduceToMaxSize(const std::string& tag, const std::string& string) { return string.substr(0, LOGGER_ENTRY_MAX_PAYLOAD - tag.size() - 35); } TEST(logging_splitters, LogdChunkSplitter_MultipleHugeLineNoNewline) { auto long_string_x = std::string(LOGGER_ENTRY_MAX_PAYLOAD, 'x'); auto long_string_y = std::string(LOGGER_ENTRY_MAX_PAYLOAD, 'y'); auto long_string_z = std::string(LOGGER_ENTRY_MAX_PAYLOAD, 'z'); auto long_strings = long_string_x + '\n' + long_string_y + '\n' + long_string_z; std::string tag = "tag"; std::vector expected = {ReduceToMaxSize(tag, long_string_x), ReduceToMaxSize(tag, long_string_y), long_string_z}; TestLogdChunkSplitter(tag, "", long_strings, expected); } // With a ~4k buffer, we should print 2 long strings per logger call. TEST(logging_splitters, LogdChunkSplitter_Multiple2kLines) { std::vector expected = { std::string(2000, 'a') + '\n' + std::string(2000, 'b'), std::string(2000, 'c') + '\n' + std::string(2000, 'd'), std::string(2000, 'e') + '\n' + std::string(2000, 'f'), }; auto long_strings = Join(expected, '\n'); TestLogdChunkSplitter("tag", "", long_strings, expected); } TEST(logging_splitters, LogdChunkSplitter_ExactSizedLines) { const char* tag = "tag"; ptrdiff_t max_size = LOGGER_ENTRY_MAX_PAYLOAD - strlen(tag) - 35; auto long_string_a = std::string(max_size, 'a'); auto long_string_b = std::string(max_size, 'b'); auto long_string_c = std::string(max_size, 'c'); auto long_strings = long_string_a + '\n' + long_string_b + '\n' + long_string_c; TestLogdChunkSplitter(tag, "", long_strings, std::vector{long_string_a, long_string_b, long_string_c}); } TEST(logging_splitters, LogdChunkSplitter_UnderEqualOver) { std::string tag = "tag"; ptrdiff_t max_size = LOGGER_ENTRY_MAX_PAYLOAD - tag.size() - 35; auto first_string_size = 1000; auto first_string = std::string(first_string_size, 'a'); auto second_string_size = max_size - first_string_size - 1; auto second_string = std::string(second_string_size, 'b'); auto exact_string = std::string(max_size, 'c'); auto large_string = std::string(max_size + 50, 'd'); auto final_string = std::string("final string!\n\nfinal \n \n final \n"); std::vector expected = {first_string + '\n' + second_string, exact_string, ReduceToMaxSize(tag, large_string), final_string}; std::vector input_strings = {first_string + '\n' + second_string, exact_string, large_string, final_string}; auto long_strings = Join(input_strings, '\n'); TestLogdChunkSplitter(tag, "", long_strings, expected); } TEST(logging_splitters, LogdChunkSplitter_WithFile) { std::string tag = "tag"; std::string file = "/path/to/myfile.cpp"; int line = 1000; auto file_header = StringPrintf("%s:%d] ", file.c_str(), line); ptrdiff_t max_size = LOGGER_ENTRY_MAX_PAYLOAD - tag.size() - 35; auto first_string_size = 1000; auto first_string = std::string(first_string_size, 'a'); auto second_string_size = max_size - first_string_size - 1 - 2 * file_header.size(); auto second_string = std::string(second_string_size, 'b'); auto exact_string = std::string(max_size - file_header.size(), 'c'); auto large_string = std::string(max_size + 50, 'd'); auto final_string = std::string("final string!"); std::vector expected = { file_header + first_string + '\n' + file_header + second_string, file_header + exact_string, file_header + ReduceToMaxSize(file_header + tag, large_string), file_header + final_string}; std::vector input_strings = {first_string + '\n' + second_string, exact_string, large_string, final_string}; auto long_strings = Join(input_strings, '\n'); TestLogdChunkSplitter(tag, file, long_strings, expected); } // We set max_size based off of tag, so if it's too large, the buffer will be sized wrong. // We could recover from this, but it's certainly an error for someone to attempt to use a tag this // large, so we abort instead. TEST(logging_splitters, LogdChunkSplitter_TooLongTag) { auto long_tag = std::string(5000, 'x'); auto logger_function = [](LogId, LogSeverity, const char*, const char*) {}; ASSERT_DEATH( SplitByLogdChunks(MAIN, ERROR, long_tag.c_str(), nullptr, 0, "message", logger_function), ""); } // We do handle excessively large file names correctly however. TEST(logging_splitters, LogdChunkSplitter_TooLongFile) { auto long_file = std::string(5000, 'x'); std::string tag = "tag"; std::vector expected = {ReduceToMaxSize(tag, long_file), ReduceToMaxSize(tag, long_file)}; TestLogdChunkSplitter(tag, long_file, "can't see me\nor me", expected); } void TestStderrOutputGenerator(const char* tag, const char* file, int line, const char* message, const std::string& expected) { // All log messages will show "01-01 00:00:00" struct tm now = { .tm_sec = 0, .tm_min = 0, .tm_hour = 0, .tm_mday = 1, .tm_mon = 0, .tm_year = 1970, }; int pid = 1234; // All log messages will have 1234 for their PID. uint64_t tid = 4321; // All log messages will have 4321 for their TID. auto result = StderrOutputGenerator(now, pid, tid, ERROR, tag, file, line, message); EXPECT_EQ(expected, result); } TEST(logging_splitters, StderrOutputGenerator_Basic) { TestStderrOutputGenerator(nullptr, nullptr, 0, "simple message", "nullptr E 01-01 00:00:00 1234 4321 simple message\n"); TestStderrOutputGenerator("tag", nullptr, 0, "simple message", "tag E 01-01 00:00:00 1234 4321 simple message\n"); TestStderrOutputGenerator( "tag", "/path/to/some/file", 0, "simple message", "tag E 01-01 00:00:00 1234 4321 /path/to/some/file:0] simple message\n"); } TEST(logging_splitters, StderrOutputGenerator_NewlineTagAndFile) { TestStderrOutputGenerator("tag\n\n", nullptr, 0, "simple message", "tag\n\n E 01-01 00:00:00 1234 4321 simple message\n"); TestStderrOutputGenerator( "tag", "/path/to/some/file\n\n", 0, "simple message", "tag E 01-01 00:00:00 1234 4321 /path/to/some/file\n\n:0] simple message\n"); } TEST(logging_splitters, StderrOutputGenerator_TrailingNewLine) { TestStderrOutputGenerator( "tag", nullptr, 0, "simple message\n", "tag E 01-01 00:00:00 1234 4321 simple message\ntag E 01-01 00:00:00 1234 4321 \n"); } TEST(logging_splitters, StderrOutputGenerator_MultiLine) { const char* expected_result = "tag E 01-01 00:00:00 1234 4321 simple message\n" "tag E 01-01 00:00:00 1234 4321 \n" "tag E 01-01 00:00:00 1234 4321 \n" "tag E 01-01 00:00:00 1234 4321 another message \n" "tag E 01-01 00:00:00 1234 4321 \n" "tag E 01-01 00:00:00 1234 4321 final message \n" "tag E 01-01 00:00:00 1234 4321 \n" "tag E 01-01 00:00:00 1234 4321 \n" "tag E 01-01 00:00:00 1234 4321 \n"; TestStderrOutputGenerator("tag", nullptr, 0, "simple message\n\n\nanother message \n\n final message \n\n\n", expected_result); } TEST(logging_splitters, StderrOutputGenerator_MultiLineLong) { auto long_string_a = std::string(4000, 'a'); auto long_string_b = std::string(4000, 'b'); auto message = long_string_a + '\n' + long_string_b; auto expected_result = "tag E 01-01 00:00:00 1234 4321 " + long_string_a + '\n' + "tag E 01-01 00:00:00 1234 4321 " + long_string_b + '\n'; TestStderrOutputGenerator("tag", nullptr, 0, message.c_str(), expected_result); } } // namespace base } // namespace android