/* * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "test.pb.h" using ::android::jsonpb::internal::FormatJson; using ::testing::ElementsAre; using ::testing::HasSubstr; namespace android { namespace jsonpb { // Unit tests for libjsonpbverify. class LibJsonpbVerifyTest : public ::testing::Test {}; class JsonKeyTest : public LibJsonpbVerifyTest { public: template std::string GetFieldJsonName(const std::string& field_name) { return T{}.GetDescriptor()->FindFieldByName(field_name)->json_name(); } template void TestParseOkWithUnknownKey(const std::string& field_name, const std::string& json_key) { std::string json = "{\"" + json_key + "\": \"test\"}"; auto object = JsonStringToMessage(json); ASSERT_TRUE(object.ok()) << object.error(); EXPECT_EQ( "test", object->GetReflection()->GetString( *object, object->GetDescriptor()->FindFieldByName(field_name))); std::string error; ASSERT_FALSE(AllFieldsAreKnown(*object, json, &error)) << "AllFieldsAreKnown should return false"; EXPECT_THAT(error, HasSubstr("unknown keys")); EXPECT_THAT(error, HasSubstr(json_key)); } }; TEST_F(JsonKeyTest, WithJsonNameOk) { std::string json = "{\n" " \"FOOBAR\": \"foo_bar\",\n" " \"BarBaz\": \"barBaz\",\n" " \"baz_qux\": \"BazQux\",\n" " \"quxQuux\": \"QUX_QUUX\"\n" "\n}"; auto object = JsonStringToMessage(json); ASSERT_TRUE(object.ok()) << object.error(); EXPECT_EQ("foo_bar", object->foo_bar()); EXPECT_EQ("barBaz", object->barbaz()); EXPECT_EQ("BazQux", object->bazqux()); EXPECT_EQ("QUX_QUUX", object->qux_quux()); std::string error; EXPECT_TRUE(AllFieldsAreKnown(*object, json, &error)) << error; } // If Prototype field name as keys while json_name is present, AllFieldsAreKnown // should return false. TEST_F(JsonKeyTest, WithJsonNameFooBar) { TestParseOkWithUnknownKey("foo_bar", "foo_bar"); } TEST_F(JsonKeyTest, WithJsonNameBarBaz) { TestParseOkWithUnknownKey("barBaz", "barBaz"); } TEST_F(JsonKeyTest, WithJsonNameBazQux) { TestParseOkWithUnknownKey("BazQux", "BazQux"); } TEST_F(JsonKeyTest, WithJsonNameQuxQuux) { TestParseOkWithUnknownKey("QUX_QUUX", "QUX_QUUX"); } // JSON field name matches Proto field name TEST_F(JsonKeyTest, NoJsonNameOk) { std::string json = "{\n" " \"foo_bar\": \"foo_bar\",\n" " \"barBaz\": \"barBaz\",\n" " \"BazQux\": \"BazQux\",\n" " \"QUX_QUUX\": \"QUX_QUUX\"\n" "\n}"; auto object = JsonStringToMessage(json); ASSERT_TRUE(object.ok()) << object.error(); EXPECT_EQ("foo_bar", object->foo_bar()); EXPECT_EQ("barBaz", object->barbaz()); EXPECT_EQ("BazQux", object->bazqux()); EXPECT_EQ("QUX_QUUX", object->qux_quux()); std::string error; EXPECT_TRUE(AllFieldsAreKnown(*object, json, &error)) << error; } // JSON field name is lower/UpperCamelCase of Proto field name; // AllFieldsAreKnown should return false. Although the lower/UpperCamelCase name // is a valid key accepted by Protobuf's JSON parser, we explicitly disallow the // behavior. TEST_F(JsonKeyTest, NoJsonNameFooBar) { EXPECT_EQ("fooBar", GetFieldJsonName("foo_bar")); TestParseOkWithUnknownKey("foo_bar", "fooBar"); } TEST_F(JsonKeyTest, NoJsonNameBarBaz) { EXPECT_EQ("barBaz", GetFieldJsonName("barBaz")); // No test for barBaz because its JSON name is the same as field_name } TEST_F(JsonKeyTest, NoJsonNameBazQux) { EXPECT_EQ("BazQux", GetFieldJsonName("BazQux")); // No test for BazQux because its JSON name is the same as field_name } TEST_F(JsonKeyTest, NoJsonNameQuxQuux) { EXPECT_EQ("QUXQUUX", GetFieldJsonName("QUX_QUUX")); TestParseOkWithUnknownKey("QUX_QUUX", "QUXQUUX"); } class EmbeddedJsonKeyTest : public LibJsonpbVerifyTest { public: ErrorOr TestEmbeddedError(const std::string& json, const std::string& unknown_key) { auto object = JsonStringToMessage(json); if (!object.ok()) return object; std::string error; EXPECT_FALSE(AllFieldsAreKnown(*object, json, &error)) << "AllFieldsAreKnown should return false"; EXPECT_THAT(error, HasSubstr("unknown keys")); EXPECT_THAT(error, HasSubstr(unknown_key)); return object; } }; TEST_F(EmbeddedJsonKeyTest, Ok) { std::string json = "{" " \"with_json_name\": {\"FOOBAR\": \"foo_bar\"},\n" " \"repeated_with_json_name\": [{\"BarBaz\": \"barBaz\"}],\n" " \"no_json_name\": {\"BazQux\": \"BazQux\"},\n" " \"repeated_no_json_name\": [{\"QUX_QUUX\": \"QUX_QUUX\"}]\n" "}"; auto object = JsonStringToMessage(json); ASSERT_TRUE(object.ok()) << object.error(); EXPECT_EQ("foo_bar", object->with_json_name().foo_bar()); ASSERT_EQ(1u, object->repeated_with_json_name().size()); EXPECT_EQ("barBaz", object->repeated_with_json_name().begin()->barbaz()); EXPECT_EQ("BazQux", object->no_json_name().bazqux()); ASSERT_EQ(1u, object->repeated_no_json_name().size()); EXPECT_EQ("QUX_QUUX", object->repeated_no_json_name().begin()->qux_quux()); std::string error; EXPECT_TRUE(AllFieldsAreKnown(*object, json, &error)) << error; } TEST_F(EmbeddedJsonKeyTest, FooBar) { auto object = TestEmbeddedError( "{\"with_json_name\": {\"foo_bar\": \"test\"}}", "foo_bar"); ASSERT_TRUE(object.ok()) << object.error(); EXPECT_EQ("test", object->with_json_name().foo_bar()); } TEST_F(EmbeddedJsonKeyTest, BarBaz) { auto object = TestEmbeddedError( "{\"repeated_with_json_name\": [{\"barBaz\": \"test\"}]}", "barBaz"); ASSERT_TRUE(object.ok()) << object.error(); ASSERT_EQ(1u, object->repeated_with_json_name().size()); EXPECT_EQ("test", object->repeated_with_json_name().begin()->barbaz()); } TEST_F(EmbeddedJsonKeyTest, NoJsonName) { auto object = TestEmbeddedError( "{\"no_json_name\": {\"QUXQUUX\": \"test\"}}", "QUXQUUX"); ASSERT_TRUE(object.ok()) << object.error(); EXPECT_EQ("test", object->no_json_name().qux_quux()); } TEST_F(EmbeddedJsonKeyTest, QuxQuux) { auto object = TestEmbeddedError( "{\"repeated_no_json_name\": [{\"QUXQUUX\": \"test\"}]}", "QUXQUUX"); ASSERT_TRUE(object.ok()) << object.error(); ASSERT_EQ(1u, object->repeated_no_json_name().size()); EXPECT_EQ("test", object->repeated_no_json_name().begin()->qux_quux()); } class ScalarTest : public LibJsonpbVerifyTest { public: ::testing::AssertionResult IsJsonEq(const std::string& l, const std::string& r) { Json::Reader reader; Json::Value lvalue; if (!reader.parse(l, lvalue)) return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << reader.getFormattedErrorMessages(); Json::Value rvalue; if (!reader.parse(r, rvalue)) return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << reader.getFormattedErrorMessages(); Json::StyledWriter writer; return lvalue == rvalue ? (::testing::AssertionSuccess() << "Both are \n" << writer.write(lvalue)) : (::testing::AssertionFailure() << writer.write(lvalue) << "\n does not equal \n" << writer.write(rvalue)); } bool EqReformattedJson(const std::string& json, std::string* error) { return android::jsonpb::EqReformattedJson(json, &scalar_, error); } Scalar scalar_; std::string error_; }; TEST_F(ScalarTest, Ok) { std::string json = "{\n" " \"i32\": 1,\n" " \"si32\": 1,\n" " \"i64\": \"1\",\n" " \"si64\": \"1\",\n" " \"f\": 1.5,\n" " \"d\": 1.5,\n" " \"e\": \"FOO\"\n" "}"; auto formatted = FormatJson(json, &scalar_); ASSERT_TRUE(formatted.ok()) << formatted.error(); EXPECT_TRUE(IsJsonEq(json, *formatted)); EXPECT_TRUE(EqReformattedJson(json, &error_)) << error_; } using ScalarTestErrorParam = std::tuple; class ScalarTestError : public ScalarTest, public ::testing::WithParamInterface {}; TEST_P(ScalarTestError, Test) { std::string json; std::string message; std::tie(json, message) = GetParam(); auto formatted = FormatJson(json, &scalar_); ASSERT_TRUE(formatted.ok()) << formatted.error(); EXPECT_FALSE(IsJsonEq(json, *formatted)) << message; EXPECT_FALSE(EqReformattedJson(json, &error_)) << "EqReformattedJson should return false"; } static const std::vector gScalarTestErrorParams = { {"{\"i32\": \"1\"}", "Should not allow int32 values to be quoted"}, {"{\"si32\": \"1\"}", "Should not allow sint32 values to be quoted"}, {"{\"i64\": 1}", "Should require int64 values to be quoted"}, {"{\"si64\": 1}", "Should require sint64 values to be quoted"}, {"{\"f\": \"1.5\"}", "Should not allow float values to be quoted"}, {"{\"d\": \"1.5\"}", "Should not allow double values to be quoted"}, {"{\"e\": 1}", "Should not allow integers for enums"}, }; INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Jsonpb, ScalarTestError, ::testing::ValuesIn(gScalarTestErrorParams)); int main(int argc, char** argv) { using ::testing::AddGlobalTestEnvironment; using ::testing::InitGoogleTest; InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); } } // namespace jsonpb } // namespace android