/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "thread_tree.h" #include #include #include #include #include "perf_event.h" #include "record.h" namespace simpleperf { void ThreadTree::SetThreadName(int pid, int tid, const std::string& comm) { ThreadEntry* thread = FindThreadOrNew(pid, tid); if (comm != thread->comm) { thread_comm_storage_.push_back( std::unique_ptr(new std::string(comm))); thread->comm = thread_comm_storage_.back()->c_str(); } } void ThreadTree::ForkThread(int pid, int tid, int ppid, int ptid) { ThreadEntry* parent = FindThreadOrNew(ppid, ptid); ThreadEntry* child = FindThreadOrNew(pid, tid); child->comm = parent->comm; if (pid != ppid) { // Copy maps from parent process. if (child->maps->maps.empty()) { *child->maps = *parent->maps; } else { CHECK_NE(child->maps, parent->maps); for (auto& pair : parent->maps->maps) { InsertMap(*child->maps, *pair.second); } } } } ThreadEntry* ThreadTree::FindThread(int tid) { if (auto it = thread_tree_.find(tid); it != thread_tree_.end()) { return it->second.get(); } return nullptr; } ThreadEntry* ThreadTree::FindThreadOrNew(int pid, int tid) { auto it = thread_tree_.find(tid); if (it != thread_tree_.end() && pid == it->second.get()->pid) { return it->second.get(); } if (it != thread_tree_.end()) { ExitThread(it->second.get()->pid, tid); } return CreateThread(pid, tid); } ThreadEntry* ThreadTree::CreateThread(int pid, int tid) { const char* comm; std::shared_ptr maps; if (pid == tid) { comm = "unknown"; maps.reset(new MapSet); } else { // Share maps among threads in the same thread group. ThreadEntry* process = FindThreadOrNew(pid, pid); comm = process->comm; maps = process->maps; } ThreadEntry* thread = new ThreadEntry{ pid, tid, comm, maps, }; auto pair = thread_tree_.insert(std::make_pair(tid, std::unique_ptr(thread))); CHECK(pair.second); return thread; } void ThreadTree::ExitThread(int pid, int tid) { auto it = thread_tree_.find(tid); if (it != thread_tree_.end() && pid == it->second.get()->pid) { thread_tree_.erase(it); } } void ThreadTree::AddKernelMap(uint64_t start_addr, uint64_t len, uint64_t pgoff, const std::string& filename) { // kernel map len can be 0 when record command is not run in supervisor mode. if (len == 0) { return; } Dso* dso = FindKernelDsoOrNew(filename); InsertMap(kernel_maps_, MapEntry(start_addr, len, pgoff, dso, true)); } Dso* ThreadTree::FindKernelDsoOrNew(const std::string& filename) { if (filename == DEFAULT_KERNEL_MMAP_NAME || filename == DEFAULT_KERNEL_MMAP_NAME_PERF) { return kernel_dso_.get(); } auto it = module_dso_tree_.find(filename); if (it == module_dso_tree_.end()) { module_dso_tree_[filename] = Dso::CreateDso(DSO_KERNEL_MODULE, filename); it = module_dso_tree_.find(filename); } return it->second.get(); } void ThreadTree::AddThreadMap(int pid, int tid, uint64_t start_addr, uint64_t len, uint64_t pgoff, const std::string& filename, uint32_t flags) { ThreadEntry* thread = FindThreadOrNew(pid, tid); Dso* dso = FindUserDsoOrNew(filename, start_addr); InsertMap(*thread->maps, MapEntry(start_addr, len, pgoff, dso, false, flags)); } Dso* ThreadTree::FindUserDsoOrNew(const std::string& filename, uint64_t start_addr, DsoType dso_type) { auto it = user_dso_tree_.find(filename); if (it == user_dso_tree_.end()) { bool force_64bit = start_addr > UINT_MAX; std::unique_ptr dso = Dso::CreateDso(dso_type, filename, force_64bit); auto pair = user_dso_tree_.insert(std::make_pair(filename, std::move(dso))); CHECK(pair.second); it = pair.first; } return it->second.get(); } const MapEntry* ThreadTree::AllocateMap(const MapEntry& entry) { map_storage_.emplace_back(new MapEntry(entry)); return map_storage_.back().get(); } static MapEntry RemoveFirstPartOfMapEntry(const MapEntry* entry, uint64_t new_start_addr) { MapEntry result = *entry; result.start_addr = new_start_addr; result.len -= result.start_addr - entry->start_addr; result.pgoff += result.start_addr - entry->start_addr; return result; } static MapEntry RemoveSecondPartOfMapEntry(const MapEntry* entry, uint64_t new_len) { MapEntry result = *entry; result.len = new_len; return result; } // Insert a new map entry in a MapSet. If some existing map entries overlap the new map entry, // then remove the overlapped parts. void ThreadTree::InsertMap(MapSet& maps, const MapEntry& entry) { std::map& map = maps.maps; auto it = map.lower_bound(entry.start_addr); // Remove overlapped entry with start_addr < entry.start_addr. if (it != map.begin()) { auto it2 = it; --it2; if (it2->second->get_end_addr() > entry.get_end_addr()) { map.emplace(entry.get_end_addr(), AllocateMap(RemoveFirstPartOfMapEntry(it2->second, entry.get_end_addr()))); } if (it2->second->get_end_addr() > entry.start_addr) { it2->second = AllocateMap(RemoveSecondPartOfMapEntry(it2->second, entry.start_addr - it2->first)); } } // Remove overlapped entries with start_addr >= entry.start_addr. while (it != map.end() && it->second->get_end_addr() <= entry.get_end_addr()) { it = map.erase(it); } if (it != map.end() && it->second->start_addr < entry.get_end_addr()) { map.emplace(entry.get_end_addr(), AllocateMap(RemoveFirstPartOfMapEntry(it->second, entry.get_end_addr()))); map.erase(it); } // Insert the new entry. map.emplace(entry.start_addr, AllocateMap(entry)); maps.version++; } const MapEntry* MapSet::FindMapByAddr(uint64_t addr) const { auto it = maps.upper_bound(addr); if (it != maps.begin()) { --it; if (it->second->get_end_addr() > addr) { return it->second; } } return nullptr; } const MapEntry* ThreadTree::FindMap(const ThreadEntry* thread, uint64_t ip, bool in_kernel) { const MapEntry* result = nullptr; if (!in_kernel) { result = thread->maps->FindMapByAddr(ip); } else { result = kernel_maps_.FindMapByAddr(ip); } return result != nullptr ? result : &unknown_map_; } const MapEntry* ThreadTree::FindMap(const ThreadEntry* thread, uint64_t ip) { const MapEntry* result = thread->maps->FindMapByAddr(ip); if (result != nullptr) { return result; } result = kernel_maps_.FindMapByAddr(ip); return result != nullptr ? result : &unknown_map_; } const Symbol* ThreadTree::FindSymbol(const MapEntry* map, uint64_t ip, uint64_t* pvaddr_in_file, Dso** pdso) { uint64_t vaddr_in_file = 0; const Symbol* symbol = nullptr; Dso* dso = map->dso; if (map->flags & map_flags::PROT_JIT_SYMFILE_MAP) { vaddr_in_file = ip; } else { vaddr_in_file = dso->IpToVaddrInFile(ip, map->start_addr, map->pgoff); } symbol = dso->FindSymbol(vaddr_in_file); if (symbol == nullptr && dso->type() == DSO_KERNEL_MODULE) { // If the ip address hits the vmlinux, or hits a kernel module, but we can't find its symbol // in the kernel module file, then find its symbol in /proc/kallsyms or vmlinux. vaddr_in_file = ip; dso = kernel_dso_.get(); symbol = dso->FindSymbol(vaddr_in_file); } if (symbol == nullptr) { if (show_ip_for_unknown_symbol_) { std::string name = android::base::StringPrintf( "%s%s[+%" PRIx64 "]", (show_mark_for_unknown_symbol_ ? "*" : ""), dso->FileName().c_str(), vaddr_in_file); dso->AddUnknownSymbol(vaddr_in_file, name); symbol = dso->FindSymbol(vaddr_in_file); CHECK(symbol != nullptr); } else { symbol = &unknown_symbol_; } } if (pvaddr_in_file != nullptr) { *pvaddr_in_file = vaddr_in_file; } if (pdso != nullptr) { *pdso = dso; } return symbol; } const Symbol* ThreadTree::FindKernelSymbol(uint64_t ip) { const MapEntry* map = FindMap(nullptr, ip, true); return FindSymbol(map, ip, nullptr); } void ThreadTree::ClearThreadAndMap() { thread_tree_.clear(); thread_comm_storage_.clear(); kernel_maps_.maps.clear(); map_storage_.clear(); } void ThreadTree::AddDsoInfo(const std::string& file_path, uint32_t file_type, uint64_t min_vaddr, uint64_t file_offset_of_min_vaddr, std::vector* symbols, const std::vector& dex_file_offsets) { DsoType dso_type = static_cast(file_type); Dso* dso = nullptr; if (dso_type == DSO_KERNEL || dso_type == DSO_KERNEL_MODULE) { dso = FindKernelDsoOrNew(file_path); } else { dso = FindUserDsoOrNew(file_path, 0, dso_type); } dso->SetMinExecutableVaddr(min_vaddr, file_offset_of_min_vaddr); dso->SetSymbols(symbols); for (uint64_t offset : dex_file_offsets) { dso->AddDexFileOffset(offset); } } void ThreadTree::AddDexFileOffset(const std::string& file_path, uint64_t dex_file_offset) { Dso* dso = FindUserDsoOrNew(file_path, 0, DSO_DEX_FILE); dso->AddDexFileOffset(dex_file_offset); } void ThreadTree::Update(const Record& record) { if (record.type() == PERF_RECORD_MMAP) { const MmapRecord& r = *static_cast(&record); if (r.InKernel()) { AddKernelMap(r.data->addr, r.data->len, r.data->pgoff, r.filename); } else { AddThreadMap(r.data->pid, r.data->tid, r.data->addr, r.data->len, r.data->pgoff, r.filename); } } else if (record.type() == PERF_RECORD_MMAP2) { const Mmap2Record& r = *static_cast(&record); if (r.InKernel()) { AddKernelMap(r.data->addr, r.data->len, r.data->pgoff, r.filename); } else { std::string filename = (r.filename == DEFAULT_EXECNAME_FOR_THREAD_MMAP) ? "[unknown]" : r.filename; AddThreadMap(r.data->pid, r.data->tid, r.data->addr, r.data->len, r.data->pgoff, filename, r.data->prot); } } else if (record.type() == PERF_RECORD_COMM) { const CommRecord& r = *static_cast(&record); SetThreadName(r.data->pid, r.data->tid, r.comm); } else if (record.type() == PERF_RECORD_FORK) { const ForkRecord& r = *static_cast(&record); ForkThread(r.data->pid, r.data->tid, r.data->ppid, r.data->ptid); } else if (record.type() == PERF_RECORD_EXIT) { const ExitRecord& r = *static_cast(&record); ExitThread(r.data->pid, r.data->tid); } else if (record.type() == SIMPLE_PERF_RECORD_KERNEL_SYMBOL) { const auto& r = *static_cast(&record); Dso::SetKallsyms(std::move(r.kallsyms)); } } std::vector ThreadTree::GetAllDsos() const { std::vector result; result.push_back(kernel_dso_.get()); for (auto& p : module_dso_tree_) { result.push_back(p.second.get()); } for (auto& p : user_dso_tree_) { result.push_back(p.second.get()); } result.push_back(unknown_dso_.get()); return result; } } // namespace simpleperf