#!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # launcher script for vts-tradefed harness # can be used from an Android build environment, or a standalone vts zip checkFile() { if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then echo "Unable to locate $1" exit fi; } checkPath() { if ! type -P $1 &> /dev/null; then echo "Unable to find $1 in path." exit fi; } # readlink does not work on MacOS so rely on our own realpath realpath() { [[ $1 = /* ]] && echo "$1" || echo "$PWD/${1#./}" } checkPath aapt checkPath adb checkPath java # check java version JAVA_VERSION=$(java -version 2>&1 | grep 'version [ "]\(1\.8\|9\|11\).*[ "]' | head -n 1) if [ "${JAVA_VERSION}" == "" ]; then echo "Wrong java version. 1.8, 9, or 11 is required." exit fi # check debug flag and set up remote debugging if [ -n "${TF_DEBUG}" ]; then if [ -z "${TF_DEBUG_PORT}" ]; then TF_DEBUG_PORT=10088 fi RDBG_FLAG=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=${TF_DEBUG_PORT} fi # get OS HOST=`uname` if [ "$HOST" == "Linux" ]; then OS="linux-x86" elif [ "$HOST" == "Darwin" ]; then OS="darwin-x86" else echo "Unrecognized OS" exit fi # check if in Android build env if [ ! -z "${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}" ]; then if [ ! -z "${ANDROID_HOST_OUT}" ]; then VTS_ROOT=${ANDROID_HOST_OUT}/vts else VTS_ROOT=${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/${OUT_DIR:-out}/host/${OS}/vts fi if [ ! -d ${VTS_ROOT} ]; then echo "Could not find $VTS_ROOT in Android build environment. Try 'make vts'" exit fi; fi; if [ -z ${VTS_ROOT} ]; then # assume we're in an extracted vts install VTS_ROOT="$(dirname $(realpath $0))/../.." fi; JAR_DIR=${VTS_ROOT}/android-vts/tools JARS="tradefed loganalysis hosttestlib compatibility-host-util compatibility-host-util-tests vts-tradefed vts-tradefed-tests compatibility-common-util-tests compatibility-tradefed-tests" for JAR in $JARS; do checkFile ${JAR_DIR}/${JAR}.jar JAR_PATH=${JAR_PATH}:${JAR_DIR}/${JAR}.jar done JAR_PATH=${JAR_PATH:1} # Strip off leading ':' OPTIONAL_JARS=" google-tradefed google-tradefed-tests google-tf-prod-tests" STANDALONE_JAR_DIR=${ANDROID_HOST_OUT}/framework for JAR in $OPTIONAL_JARS; do if [ -f "${JAR_DIR}/${JAR}.jar" ]; then JAR_PATH=${JAR_PATH}:${JAR_DIR}/${JAR}.jar elif [ -f "${STANDALONE_JAR_DIR}/${JAR}.jar" ]; then JAR_PATH=${JAR_PATH}:${STANDALONE_JAR_DIR}/${JAR}.jar fi; done # load any shared libraries for host-side executables LIB_DIR=${VTS_ROOT}/android-vts/lib if [ "$HOST" == "Linux" ]; then LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIB_DIR}:${LIB_DIR}64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} export LD_LIBRARY_PATH elif [ "$HOST" == "Darwin" ]; then DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIB_DIR}:${LIB_DIR}64:${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH} export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH fi # include any host-side test jars for j in $(find ${VTS_ROOT}/android-vts/testcases -type f -name '*.jar'); do JAR_PATH=${JAR_PATH}:$j done VTS_TESTCASES=${VTS_ROOT}/android-vts/testcases/ VTS_TESTCASES=${VTS_TESTCASES} java $RDBG_FLAG -Xmx4096m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -cp ${JAR_PATH} -DVTS_ROOT=${VTS_ROOT} com.android.compatibility.common.tradefed.command.CompatibilityConsole "$@"