# Copyright 2018 - The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. r"""Create args. Defines the create arg parser that holds create specific args. """ import argparse import os from acloud import errors from acloud.create import create_common from acloud.internal import constants from acloud.internal.lib import utils _DEFAULT_GPU = "default" CMD_CREATE = "create" # TODO: Add this into main create args once create_cf/gf is deprecated. def AddCommonCreateArgs(parser): """Adds arguments common to create parsers. Args: parser: ArgumentParser object, used to parse flags. """ parser.add_argument( "--num", type=int, dest="num", required=False, default=1, help="Number of instances to create.") parser.add_argument( "--serial-log-file", type=str, dest="serial_log_file", required=False, help="Path to a *tar.gz file where serial logs will be saved " "when a device fails on boot.") parser.add_argument( "--autoconnect", type=str, nargs="?", const=constants.INS_KEY_VNC, dest="autoconnect", required=False, choices=[constants.INS_KEY_VNC, constants.INS_KEY_ADB, constants.INS_KEY_WEBRTC], help="Determines to establish a tunnel forwarding adb/vnc and " "launch VNC/webrtc. Establish a tunnel forwarding adb and vnc " "then launch vnc if --autoconnect vnc is provided. Establish a " "tunnel forwarding adb if --autoconnect adb is provided. " "Establish a tunnel forwarding adb and auto-launch on the browser " "if --autoconnect webrtc is provided. For local goldfish " "instance, create a window.") parser.add_argument( "--no-autoconnect", action="store_false", dest="autoconnect", required=False, help="Will not automatically create ssh tunnels forwarding adb & vnc " "when instance created.") parser.set_defaults(autoconnect=constants.INS_KEY_VNC) parser.add_argument( "--unlock", action="store_true", dest="unlock_screen", required=False, default=False, help="This can unlock screen after invoke vnc client.") parser.add_argument( "--report-internal-ip", action="store_true", dest="report_internal_ip", required=False, help="Report internal ip of the created instance instead of external " "ip. Using the internal ip is used when connecting from another " "GCE instance.") parser.add_argument( "--network", type=str, dest="network", required=False, help="Set the network the GCE instance will utilize.") parser.add_argument( "--skip-pre-run-check", action="store_true", dest="skip_pre_run_check", required=False, help="Skip the pre-run check.") parser.add_argument( "--boot-timeout", dest="boot_timeout_secs", type=int, required=False, help="The maximum time in seconds used to wait for the AVD to boot.") parser.add_argument( "--wait-for-ins-stable", dest="ins_timeout_secs", type=int, required=False, help="The maximum time in seconds used to wait for the instance boot " "up. The default value to wait for instance up time is 300 secs.") parser.add_argument( "--build-target", type=str, dest="build_target", help="Android build target, e.g. aosp_cf_x86_phone-userdebug, " "or short names: phone, tablet, or tablet_mobile.") parser.add_argument( "--branch", type=str, dest="branch", help="Android branch, e.g. mnc-dev or git_mnc-dev") parser.add_argument( "--build-id", type=str, dest="build_id", help="Android build id, e.g. 2145099, P2804227") parser.add_argument( "--kernel-build-id", type=str, dest="kernel_build_id", required=False, help="Android kernel build id, e.g. 4586590. This is to test a new" " kernel build with a particular Android build (--build-id). If neither" " kernel-branch nor kernel-build-id are specified, the kernel that's" " bundled with the Android build would be used.") parser.add_argument( "--kernel-branch", type=str, dest="kernel_branch", required=False, help="Android kernel build branch name, e.g." " kernel-common-android-4.14. This is to test a new kernel build with a" " particular Android build (--build-id). If specified without" " specifying kernel-build-id, the last green build in the branch will" " be used. If neither kernel-branch nor kernel-build-id are specified," " the kernel that's bundled with the Android build would be used.") parser.add_argument( "--kernel-build-target", type=str, dest="kernel_build_target", default="kernel", help="Kernel build target, specify if different from 'kernel'") parser.add_argument( "--system-branch", type=str, dest="system_branch", help="'cuttlefish only' Branch to consume the system image (system.img) " "from, will default to what is defined by --branch. " "That feature allows to (automatically) test various combinations " "of vendor.img (CF, e.g.) and system images (GSI, e.g.). ", required=False) parser.add_argument( "--system-build-id", type=str, dest="system_build_id", help="'cuttlefish only' System image build id, e.g. 2145099, P2804227", required=False) parser.add_argument( "--system-build-target", type=str, dest="system_build_target", help="'cuttlefish only' System image build target, specify if different " "from --build-target", required=False) # TODO(146314062): Remove --multi-stage-launch after infra don't use this # args. parser.add_argument( "--multi-stage-launch", dest="multi_stage_launch", action="store_true", required=False, default=True, help="Enable the multi-stage cuttlefish launch.") parser.add_argument( "--no-multi-stage-launch", dest="multi_stage_launch", action="store_false", required=False, default=None, help="Disable the multi-stage cuttlefish launch.") parser.add_argument( "--no-pull-log", dest="no_pull_log", action="store_true", required=False, default=None, help="Disable auto download logs when AVD booting up failed.") # TODO(147335651): Add gpu in user config. # TODO(147335651): Support "--gpu" without giving any value. parser.add_argument( "--gpu", type=str, const=_DEFAULT_GPU, nargs="?", dest="gpu", required=False, default=None, help="GPU accelerator to use if any. e.g. nvidia-tesla-k80. For local " "instances, this arg without assigning any value is to enable " "local gpu support.") # Hide following args for users, it is only used in infra. parser.add_argument( "--num-avds-per-instance", type=int, dest="num_avds_per_instance", required=False, default=1, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( "--zone", type=str, dest="zone", required=False, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # TODO(b/118439885): Old arg formats to support transition, delete when # transistion is done. parser.add_argument( "--serial_log_file", type=str, dest="serial_log_file", required=False, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( "--build_id", type=str, dest="build_id", required=False, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( "--build_target", type=str, dest="build_target", required=False, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( "--system_branch", type=str, dest="system_branch", required=False, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( "--system_build_id", type=str, dest="system_build_id", required=False, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( "--system_build_target", type=str, dest="system_build_target", required=False, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( "--kernel_build_id", type=str, dest="kernel_build_id", required=False, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( "--kernel_branch", type=str, dest="kernel_branch", required=False, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( "--kernel_build_target", type=str, dest="kernel_build_target", default="kernel", help=argparse.SUPPRESS) def GetCreateArgParser(subparser): """Return the create arg parser. Args: subparser: argparse.ArgumentParser that is attached to main acloud cmd. Returns: argparse.ArgumentParser with create options defined. """ create_parser = subparser.add_parser(CMD_CREATE) create_parser.required = False create_parser.set_defaults(which=CMD_CREATE) # Use default=0 to distinguish remote instance or local. The instance type # will be remote if arg --local-instance is not provided. create_parser.add_argument( "--local-instance", type=int, const=1, nargs="?", dest="local_instance", required=False, help="Create a local AVD instance with the option to specify the local " "instance ID (primarily for infra usage).") create_parser.add_argument( "--adb-port", "-p", type=int, default=None, dest="adb_port", required=False, help="Specify port for adb forwarding.") create_parser.add_argument( "--avd-type", type=str, dest="avd_type", default=constants.TYPE_CF, choices=[constants.TYPE_GCE, constants.TYPE_CF, constants.TYPE_GF, constants.TYPE_CHEEPS, constants.TYPE_FVP], help="Android Virtual Device type (default %s)." % constants.TYPE_CF) create_parser.add_argument( "--flavor", type=str, dest="flavor", help="The device flavor of the AVD (default %s)." % constants.FLAVOR_PHONE) create_parser.add_argument( "--local-image", type=str, dest="local_image", nargs="?", default="", required=False, help="Use the locally built image for the AVD. Look for the image " "artifact in $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT if no args value is provided." "e.g --local-image or --local-image /path/to/dir or --local-image " "/path/to/file") create_parser.add_argument( "--local-system-image", type=str, dest="local_system_image", nargs="?", default="", required=False, help="Use the locally built system images for the AVD. Look for the " "images in $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT if no args value is provided. " "e.g., --local-system-image or --local-system-image /path/to/dir") create_parser.add_argument( "--local-tool", type=str, dest="local_tool", action="append", default=[], required=False, help="Use the tools in the specified directory to create local " "instances. The directory structure follows $ANDROID_HOST_OUT or " "$ANDROID_EMULATOR_PREBUILTS.") create_parser.add_argument( "--image-download-dir", type=str, dest="image_download_dir", required=False, help="Define remote image download directory, e.g. /usr/local/dl.") create_parser.add_argument( "--yes", "-y", action="store_true", dest="no_prompt", required=False, help=("Automatic yes to prompts. Assume 'yes' as answer to all prompts " "and run non-interactively.")) create_parser.add_argument( "--reuse-gce", type=str, const=constants.SELECT_ONE_GCE_INSTANCE, nargs="?", dest="reuse_gce", required=False, help="'cuttlefish only' This can help users use their own instance. " "Reusing specific gce instance if --reuse-gce [instance_name] is " "provided. Select one gce instance to reuse if --reuse-gce is " "provided.") create_parser.add_argument( "--host", type=str, dest="remote_host", default=None, help="'cuttlefish only' Provide host name to clean up the remote host. " "For example: '--host'") create_parser.add_argument( "--host-user", type=str, dest="host_user", default=constants.GCE_USER, help="'remote host only' Provide host user for logging in to the host. " "The default value is vsoc-01. For example: '--host --host-user " "vsoc-02'") create_parser.add_argument( "--host-ssh-private-key-path", type=str, dest="host_ssh_private_key_path", default=None, help="'remote host only' Provide host key for login on on this host.") # User should not specify --spec and --hw_property at the same time. hw_spec_group = create_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() hw_spec_group.add_argument( "--hw-property", type=str, dest="hw_property", required=False, help="Supported HW properties and example values: %s" % constants.HW_PROPERTIES_CMD_EXAMPLE) hw_spec_group.add_argument( "--spec", type=str, dest="spec", required=False, choices=constants.SPEC_NAMES, help="The name of a pre-configured device spec that we are " "going to use.") # Arguments for goldfish type. # TODO(b/118439885): Verify args that are used in wrong avd_type. # e.g. $acloud create --avd-type cuttlefish --emulator-build-id create_parser.add_argument( "--emulator-build-id", type=int, dest="emulator_build_id", required=False, help="'goldfish only' Emulator build used to run the images. " "e.g. 4669466.") # Arguments for cheeps type. create_parser.add_argument( "--stable-cheeps-host-image-name", type=str, dest="stable_cheeps_host_image_name", required=False, default=None, help=("'cheeps only' The Cheeps host image from which instances are " "launched. If specified here, the value set in Acloud config " "file will be overridden.")) create_parser.add_argument( "--stable-cheeps-host-image-project", type=str, dest="stable_cheeps_host_image_project", required=False, default=None, help=("'cheeps only' The project hosting the specified Cheeps host " "image. If specified here, the value set in Acloud config file " "will be overridden.")) create_parser.add_argument( "--user", type=str, dest="username", required=False, default=None, help="'cheeps only' username to log in to Chrome OS as.") create_parser.add_argument( "--password", type=str, dest="password", required=False, default=None, help="'cheeps only' password to log in to Chrome OS with.") create_parser.add_argument( "--betty-image", type=str, dest="cheeps_betty_image", required=False, default=None, help=("'cheeps only' The L1 betty version to use. Only makes sense " "when launching a controller image with " "stable-cheeps-host-image")) AddCommonCreateArgs(create_parser) return create_parser def _VerifyLocalArgs(args): """Verify args starting with --local. Args: args: Namespace object from argparse.parse_args. Raises: errors.CheckPathError: Image path doesn't exist. errors.UnsupportedCreateArgs: The specified avd type does not support --local-system-image. errors.UnsupportedLocalInstanceId: Local instance ID is invalid. """ if args.local_image and not os.path.exists(args.local_image): raise errors.CheckPathError( "Specified path doesn't exist: %s" % args.local_image) # TODO(b/133211308): Support TYPE_CF. if args.local_system_image != "" and args.avd_type != constants.TYPE_GF: raise errors.UnsupportedCreateArgs("%s instance does not support " "--local-system-image" % args.avd_type) if (args.local_system_image and not os.path.exists(args.local_system_image)): raise errors.CheckPathError( "Specified path doesn't exist: %s" % args.local_system_image) if args.local_instance is not None and args.local_instance < 1: raise errors.UnsupportedLocalInstanceId("Local instance id can not be " "less than 1. Actually passed:%d" % args.local_instance) for tool_dir in args.local_tool: if not os.path.exists(tool_dir): raise errors.CheckPathError( "Specified path doesn't exist: %s" % tool_dir) if args.autoconnect == constants.INS_KEY_WEBRTC: if args.avd_type != constants.TYPE_CF: raise errors.UnsupportedCreateArgs( "'--autoconnect webrtc' only support cuttlefish.") def _VerifyHostArgs(args): """Verify args starting with --host. Args: args: Namespace object from argparse.parse_args. Raises: errors.UnsupportedCreateArgs: When a create arg is specified but unsupported for remote host mode. """ if args.remote_host and args.local_instance is not None: raise errors.UnsupportedCreateArgs( "--host is not supported for local instance.") if args.remote_host and args.num > 1: raise errors.UnsupportedCreateArgs( "--num is not supported for remote host.") if args.host_user != constants.GCE_USER and args.remote_host is None: raise errors.UnsupportedCreateArgs( "--host-user only support for remote host.") if args.host_ssh_private_key_path and args.remote_host is None: raise errors.UnsupportedCreateArgs( "--host-ssh-private-key-path only support for remote host.") def VerifyArgs(args): """Verify args. Args: args: Namespace object from argparse.parse_args. Raises: errors.UnsupportedFlavor: Flavor doesn't support. errors.UnsupportedMultiAdbPort: multi adb port doesn't support. errors.UnsupportedCreateArgs: When a create arg is specified but unsupported for a particular avd type. (e.g. --system-build-id for gf) """ # Verify that user specified flavor name is in support list. # We don't use argparse's builtin validation because we need to be able to # tell when a user doesn't specify a flavor. if args.flavor and args.flavor not in constants.ALL_FLAVORS: raise errors.UnsupportedFlavor( "Flavor[%s] isn't in support list: %s" % (args.flavor, constants.ALL_FLAVORS)) if args.avd_type != constants.TYPE_CF: if args.system_branch or args.system_build_id or args.system_build_target: raise errors.UnsupportedCreateArgs( "--system-* args are not supported for AVD type: %s" % args.avd_type) if args.num > 1 and args.adb_port: raise errors.UnsupportedMultiAdbPort( "--adb-port is not supported for multi-devices.") if args.num > 1 and args.local_instance is not None: raise errors.UnsupportedCreateArgs( "--num is not supported for local instance.") if args.local_instance is None and args.gpu == _DEFAULT_GPU: raise errors.UnsupportedCreateArgs( "Please assign one gpu model for GCE instance. Reference: " "https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/gpus") if args.adb_port: utils.CheckPortFree(args.adb_port) hw_properties = create_common.ParseHWPropertyArgs(args.hw_property) for key in hw_properties: if key not in constants.HW_PROPERTIES: raise errors.InvalidHWPropertyError( "[%s] is an invalid hw property, supported values are:%s. " % (key, constants.HW_PROPERTIES)) cheeps_only_flags = [args.stable_cheeps_host_image_name, args.stable_cheeps_host_image_project, args.username, args.password, args.cheeps_betty_image] if args.avd_type != constants.TYPE_CHEEPS and any(cheeps_only_flags): raise errors.UnsupportedCreateArgs( "--stable-cheeps-*, --betty-image, --username and --password are " "only valid with avd_type == %s" % constants.TYPE_CHEEPS) if (args.username or args.password) and not (args.username and args.password): raise ValueError("--username and --password must both be set") if not args.autoconnect and args.unlock_screen: raise ValueError("--no-autoconnect and --unlock couldn't be " "passed in together.") _VerifyLocalArgs(args) _VerifyHostArgs(args)